How many sexual partners are considered too many?



  • Captainobvvious
    Captainobvvious Posts: 272 Member
    Who, once past the age of 19, keeps count?

    You're just bitter because you're not a Senator anymore.
  • scottbrown78
    scottbrown78 Posts: 142 Member
    Who, once past the age of 19, keeps count?

    You're just bitter because you're not a Senator anymore.

    lmao! It's ok, I still get the benefits/retirement even after only ONE term. Suckers.....
  • zombilishious
    zombilishious Posts: 1,250 Member
    3 is fine more then that is to much like ew ever thought about your not ONLY sleeping with that person your sleeping with everybody else they slept with and the people that the other people banged ya its like a chain so id say 3 is enough
    3?? I slept with 3 people while making this post!

    LOLOLOLOL A woman after my own heart! :flowerforyou:

    If you're clean, they're clean, and condoms are in place, what's the big deal? You see posts on hear all the time about ignoring the scale numbers. Is there really any difference here? Do what makes you feel good.
  • Captainobvvious
    Captainobvvious Posts: 272 Member
    3 is fine more then that is to much like ew ever thought about your not ONLY sleeping with that person your sleeping with everybody else they slept with and the people that the other people banged ya its like a chain so id say 3 is enough
    3?? I slept with 3 people while making this post!

    LOLOLOLOL A woman after my own heart! :flowerforyou:

    If you're clean, they're clean, and condoms are in place, what's the big deal? You see posts on hear all the time about ignoring the scale numbers. Is there really any difference here? Do what makes you feel good.

    Ok, I'm writing down my address... :tongue:
  • Tracy2750
    Hmmmm.... I figure I'll weigh in for fun and since I'm older than most of the posters. I'm struggling a bit to not sound preachy, and not veer into TMI, so if I come off that way it's not my intent. I think it's all very personal. If you feel or view things differently than your peers or family that doesn't make either view wrong, just different. You have to be comfortable in your own skin. If you're out there playing casually and being honest and having fun with it, go for it! If you're having casual sex and feeling bad about it, stop. If whatever you're into - one-on-one, multiples, same sex, costumes, toys, gymnastics - is consensual, I think it's fine. Personally, I know my sister and I talk and our approaches are different and she's pretty shocked at my antics (she's a 5 minutes in the dark with the hubby and I'm fine in the bright sunshine with my guy, a tarp, and bottle of baby oil) but we've learned to just laugh about the differences. Personally, for me, it's always been more about the chemistry and the partner's views and likes than love or committment.

    I say go for it. Do what makes you happy. Life is short and amazing and to be enjoyed.
  • Tracy2750
    PS - I have got to remember to get a photo on here!!!
  • Kat5343
    Kat5343 Posts: 451 Member
    3 is fine more then that is to much like ew ever thought about your not ONLY sleeping with that person your sleeping with everybody else they slept with and the people that the other people banged ya its like a chain so id say 3 is enough
    3?? I slept with 3 people while making this post!

    Awesome!!!! :laugh:
  • toomuchbootyindapants
    I know my opinion won't be popular...but I respect my body (and although I enjoy sharing photos of it on occasion, that's a different story). While, true, I *am* married and therefore not sleeping with any other man but him....even if I wasn't - I'd be *ultra picky* about who I chose to share myself with. I'm old school in that idea, I guess. Sure sex is fun and I like it just as much as the next girl - but, it's such a personal thing. And having sex often times creates connections beyond the physical when emotions come into play and attachment becomes an issue (not to mention spiritual attachments, if you are into that). And quite frankly - I don't care how safe one is - the idea of picking up an STD is such a turn-off. WIth my libido as ravenous as it is - it would definitely SUCK to be single right now. I like to joke and say I'd sow my wild oats if I were single...but when it comes down to it, I wouldn't. And I'm *not* a prude...just love myself too much to let anyone in who may not be worthy. hahah ;)
  • PittShkr
    PittShkr Posts: 1,000 Member
    One person is too many... I prefer to be asexual!
  • Kelley528
    Kelley528 Posts: 319 Member
    it depends on how old you are...for example, some teenager who has already ran out of fingers to count their partners---too many. Some 80 yr old....not so bad.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    wwoooaaahhhh just because someone messages you, it doesnt mean they want to bang you! dont assume and dont be so judgemental!

    Says she not knowing the content of the message I receive, you fool LOL :laugh:

    Offers of webcam sex, meeting up for one night, offers of shagging peoples girl friends whilst they watch are fairly clear cut. But no, you think I'm bragging. Even when I tell women I'm taking I'm told "well if she doesn't find out, it won't hurt her".

    I think I know what i'm on about.

    How much do they want you to pay them?
  • Matt_Wild
    Matt_Wild Posts: 2,673 Member
    How much do they want you to pay them?


    What is with the personal attacks here please? I answer the thread with an honest reply and get this BS? Why?
  • rmhand
    rmhand Posts: 1,067 Member
    Too many at one time???
  • oregonzoo
    oregonzoo Posts: 4,251 Member
    I'm not into sexual shaming. So there's no real number. Be safe, don't become more diseased than the outbreak monkey. Don't cheat.
    Other than that hump away.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    How much do they want you to pay them?


    What is with the personal attacks here please? I answer the thread with an honest reply and get this BS? Why?

    What you described sound like the spam e-mails I get from who knows who, but they sound like "professional" come-ons.
  • 75in2013
    75in2013 Posts: 361 Member
    bout tree fiddy
  • runboostie
    runboostie Posts: 51 Member
    I am an extremely charming, hairless skinny pig. I know my looks are not spectacular, but I have a beautiful soul.

    My considered opinion is that people (and pigs) are looking for far too much breadth and not enough depth in their sexual lives. So I urge all guinea pigs everywhere, hairless and furry alike, to consider having ONE sexual partner, but to really engage with that partner fully and not just a bitty bit.

    Yours sincerely,

    The pig who loves the human race

    Boo Thomas Braniac
  • Cranktastic
    Cranktastic Posts: 1,517 Member
    How much do they want you to pay them?


    What is with the personal attacks here please? I answer the thread with an honest reply and get this BS? Why?

    seriously...ignore button is useful kind sir.
  • runboostie
    runboostie Posts: 51 Member
    Oh dear, I did not realize that sexual pleasure was only for the pretty.

    My bad.
  • runboostie
    runboostie Posts: 51 Member
    It's about quality not quantity. If your baggin 100 chicks and they're hideous in the face, it doesn't count.
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