school says granddaughter too fat



  • sluedu09
    sluedu09 Posts: 107 Member
    These screenings are done once a year and not at every grade level. So it's not like schools are keeping constant track of weight either. I'm not sure how they decide at what age to weight them and do the other screenings, but this isn't constant. I don't think a lot of people know how this works and are blowing it way out of proportion. It's not presented in a way to where it is causing children to develop eating disorders, it's not done every month, it's not even done every year. Schools are not singling out children and attacking them.
  • joselo2
    joselo2 Posts: 461
    i hate that schools weigh children!!!!! for one thing i think it is not the schools place to tell parents how tocare for there kids and also, it is cruel to the children, who probably worry a lot about being weighed. They just strted to bring this in during my later school years, i paid my brother to go for me, or just plain refused, but i younger child couldnt probably easily do that. If I have kids, I will tell the school i am NOT having my child weighed and will even make sure they arent in school that day if need be. I just so strongly disagree eith it. You should just manage your childs health in the best way you can,in the family and with a dr, as you always have done, and ignore the schools attempt to butt in. I hope your poor daughter is OK xxxx

    This is why there is such a problem with obeseity nowadays.

    Managing someone's health the 'best way you can' doesn't always equate to the 'best way'. If a family thinks that processed, high sugar, low nutrient food is good because it has low calories, that doesn't mean it is best.
    Doctors don't always pick up on such issues.

    This is where I disgree,i think it is the parents responsibility and also RIGHT to manage their health, it is the schools simply to educate them, and schools have gone too far into other area in my opinion. Obviously different if the child is being abused or whatever but weight is not the schools concern. i hate the idea that profressionals and the state know better than the own parents! I think people are wrong saying the kids dont know... even as young as 4 they can. I used to spend so so much time like all year worrying about being weighed, it was horrible, I'd never put my child through that. And no amount of letters home calling me obese would help anyways. Parents already know if their child has health problems, including weight, it is not for the school to say. I am so against it. Does anyone know if parents have a right to opt their child out of it? Can the child themselves make that choice also? I would definitely opt outnd I think anyone else worried about it should do the same.
  • lsapphire
    lsapphire Posts: 297 Member
    ask her doctor for his opinion. If he agrees with you take a note from him to the school and tell to stick it where the sun don't shine!
  • mkzara
    mkzara Posts: 73 Member
    I just don't get it, why is everyone so much more obsessed with a number on the scale and a chart.. than a balanced diet and active lifestyle?

    Does is matter about the number? Really? I understand from a schooling perspective, if that's the policy so be it and it's nice to have a reference when discussing 'issues' with parents of children in their care, rather than calling a kid 'fat' and risking the backlash from upset parents.. but is it really a good idea to weigh children regularly.. it sounds like it may spur obsessive behaviours and encourage eating disorders and self-esteem issues.. which can lead to polar opposite consequences, neither being healthy.

    And does anyone here know enough about child dev to make such judgemental statements.. other than a chart they saw online?

    I'm not saying obesity isn't an issue and I totally get on board with getting on top of weight issues before they spiral out of control, especially for the child's sake. but really.. is an outside body keeping tabs on weight really going to help matters when it's at the sole discretion of the family what they feed their child and the activities they pursue?

    Just throw out the scales, buy some fresh food, turn off the TV and get outside!

    Isn't there a theory that the simple act of observing something in action, changes that action.

    So maybe seeing those numbers would change something for some people. Maybe not all, but it might for some. I know I changed my behavior when I saw a certain number on the scale. Maybe it holds the same for other people.

    So maybe seeing that number will cause some people to buy fresh food and make some effort to feed their kids right, even if it doesn't entirely succeed.
  • Athijade
    Athijade Posts: 3,280 Member
    Why are they weighing the kids at school? That alone seems odd. Ultimately, take her to her doctor and let the school know that you have it handled. In the future I would decline any such medical examinations of this nature and deal directly with your own doctor.

    I got weighed every year by my school, just like at the end of each year we had to pass a physical fitness test in PE, and I think not being able to do chin ups or touch your toes or climb a rope in front of everyone is alot more humiliating than being weighed where only the gym teacher and you can see.
    All the schools in my parish do this(southern Louisiana).

    I don't remember if we were weighed (I'm 30 now so I don't remember lol), but I do remember they had those little pincher things to measure our fat. We also were measured. Then we had to do the physical fitness test. It didn't kill us when we were kids so I don't understand why it is such a horrible thing now. Are kids just so sensitive and coddled that we have to hide things from them?
  • arlenem1974
    arlenem1974 Posts: 437 Member
    singling out a 4 year old. 44 LBS at 3 feet I don't consider that obese. I see kids everyday who weigh twice that.
  • joselo2
    joselo2 Posts: 461
    Why are they weighing the kids at school? That alone seems odd. Ultimately, take her to her doctor and let the school know that you have it handled. In the future I would decline any such medical examinations of this nature and deal directly with your own doctor.

    I got weighed every year by my school, just like at the end of each year we had to pass a physical fitness test in PE, and I think not being able to do chin ups or touch your toes or climb a rope in front of everyone is alot more humiliating than being weighed where only the gym teacher and you can see.
    All the schools in my parish do this(southern Louisiana).

    I don't remember if we were weighed (I'm 30 now so I don't remember lol), but I do remember they had those little pincher things to measure our fat. We also were measured. Then we had to do the physical fitness test. It didn't kill us when we were kids so I don't understand why it is such a horrible thing now. Are kids just so sensitive and coddled that we have to hide things from them?
    its not about being coddled. i am an adult now but even when i was a kid i hated it. It might have been ok for you but others, maybe who was natural worriers or have experienced fat being presented as a morally terrible thing in their family etc, miht find the whole thing much more difficult. There was probably kids in your class who hated it. It just doesnt seem worth it for what is atually no benefit that i can see to the children.
  • jamielovesjbs
    jamielovesjbs Posts: 154 Member
    the school said my 8 yr old is overweight and the kid has a six pack! don't listen, i didn't! :)
  • MemphisKitten
    MemphisKitten Posts: 878 Member
    My daughter is 3 feet tall and 40 lbs. She is NOT overweight by any means. Why exactly does the school think this is their business anyway? I would file a complaint if anyone from my child's school weighed her!!! Call the nurse and ask her how much SHE weighs. If she says, "None of your business" then I would say, "Just like my child's weight is none of yours."
  • redheaddee
    redheaddee Posts: 2,005 Member
    I don't understand how a 4 year old girl could get that muscular though?

    It is called being physically active. My 4 year old son weighs 48 pounds, is 3'10",can push 50 pound sacks of dog food around the house, runs instead of walks, can move my furniture by himself (including the leather couch, which is HEAVY). He plays and runs with the dogs, and is very, very physcially advanced for his age. He is in pre-K but is the size of 3rd graders. And can keep up physically with 6th graders. Because we don't have cable, we don't have XBox or Wii, and encourage our children to read and play. His favorite snacks are bananas, apples, grapes, and occassionally bread. His doctor says he is the most physically fit & healthy 4 year old he has ever seen. That is how.
  • supermodelchic
    supermodelchic Posts: 550 Member
    Not the schools issue , no wayI would let that nurse come to my home, as long as she is eating healthy foods ect she will be fine she just a little kid her body is still growing and changing. I have a 11 year old son that is 5'4" weighs 140 and yes he has a little fat but he is a very solid boy still growing up...:smile:
  • wswilliams67
    wswilliams67 Posts: 938 Member
    "Weight" means nothing at 4 years old.. please. Get her body fat % tested and her BMI. #1 her Pediatrician will most likely laugh at the request, but still it will rule out 'obesity' or not. But at least a doctor will make the determination. Kids are just little people. Yes there are some physiological and systemic differences but they can be extremely muscular if they choose to be.

    Google images for 'Richard Sandrak'. This kid's parents took crap for years about their young son's physique (the kid was completely shredded at like 5).

    Let the doctor make the determination.

    Oh and no screening should take place without consent....
  • Jennaissance
    I agree with the others that you don't need to make a decision based on the letter you got but at the same time, maybe looking into it a little more is a blessing in disguise. Just the fact that you've posted about it makes me think you'll sleep better at night noing for sure.

    On the flip side, I'm a 31 year old with at least 25 pounds to lose and I wish someone would have called it out to me before it got this bad. Sure, it would have been a major bummer, but I'd rather be unsulted and trying to lose just 10 pounds than where I was when I started this journey needing to lose 40.
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    I'm on board with those encouraging you to seek the counsel of the child's pediatrician. My 4yo is 3'3" and 30 lbs (lean, mean, crazy-monkey machine). Everyone's built differently.
  • shantipenn
    I don't understand how a 4 year old girl could get that muscular though?

    have you seen an active 4yr old play in the adventure playground? theres no way they cud NOT get muscle. they carry their own body weight on monkey bars etc. in adults its only people who work hard at keeping fit that can do this. children do it without even realising.
  • Doodlewhopper
    Doodlewhopper Posts: 1,018 Member
    My 4 year old granddaughter came home from school with a letter from the school nurse saying she was" obese". She wanted a home visit to discuss proper nutriction and calorie control.

    This child weighs 44 pounds is 3 foot tall. She has no protruding stomach, her butt is normal looking. She has normal looking arms, no excess chub, her face is thin and her neck is thin. She wears normal size childrens clothing sizes with ease. She looks like a normal size little girl with no weight issue. (believe me we watch closely for the kids to not go down our road). But this little girl is solid, she doesn't look it but pick her up and you feel it.

    The school is basing their opinion on the scale and not the body. What do you think of this?

    What an outrage. Why a home visit? Why not send you nutritional info on a CD? It would be a lot more cost efficient than sending a nurse for a home visit. You realize that the school district cant afford this, so who is paying for it?

    The real purpose here is called snooping and I suspect it has roots in obamacare. Have you visited your doctor lately? I have and the nurse came in with a laptop and tells me that they are required to ask lots of questions such as the use of seatbelts, exercise, eating habits, supplements, etc. ) This info is going into a central database and just may be used to our disadvantage such as future healthcare exclusions for preexisting conditions.

    You can expect that the school nurse is required to document her visit and will fill out a bureaucratic form wanting certain information. Where is this info going? Do you think this info on your gdaughter will be disposed of when she graduates from school?

    Tell this person that you appreciate their concern and tell them you will be taking your gdaughter for a physical and check into her weight; and if you want good advice, never let a person serving in this capacity to enter your home.
  • schondell
    schondell Posts: 556 Member
    singling out a 4 year old. 44 LBS at 3 feet I don't consider that obese. I see kids everyday who weigh twice that.

    I HIGHLY doubt you've seen a 88 lb, 3ft 4 year old and didn't think they weren't morbidly obese
  • FlaxMilk
    FlaxMilk Posts: 3,452 Member

    Personally I think asking for a home visit is intrusive and not needed at all. If anything, the nurse should have requested a conference and offered a home visit if the grandma/parent couldn't attend, or even a phone call. Why do they have to come visit the home? It almost sounds like intimidation or a fishing expedition.

    Home visits are being offered more and more by a variety of professions that work with children. Especially depending on the area, there are parents that struggle to get to appointments, and people are more likely to keep their appointments when the professional comes to them. A nurse coming to someone's home will sit in the room you invite her into, not ask to go through your house or try to find evidence of child abuse or neglect. It sounds like an offer, not a demand or intimidation.

    Edit: These visits were implemented more frequently long before Obama came to office. What is not cost efficient is waiting for parents to show up that don't when the nurse could have been seeing someone else. Home visits cut this risk way down.
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    singling out a 4 year old. 44 LBS at 3 feet I don't consider that obese. I see kids everyday who weigh twice that.

    I HIGHLY doubt you've seen a 88 lb, 3ft 4 year old and didn't think they weren't morbidly obese

    I was almost 100 lbs at 5 y/o, but did not look at all obese. Just tall with good bone.
  • redheadmommy
    redheadmommy Posts: 908 Member
    Home visits are being offered more and more by a variety of professions that work with children. Especially depending on the area, there are parents that struggle to get to appointments, and people are more likely to keep their appointments when the professional comes to them. A nurse coming to someone's home will sit in the room you invite her into, not ask to go through your house or try to find evidence of child abuse or neglect. It sounds like an offer, not a demand or intimidation.
    Yep, exactly ! I am as a parent welcome any home visit offer related my child. Home visits come on my term, my time availability, rather than i have to haul my kids through the city, finding the place spend half of my day to do the appointment.

    My son had /has some development delays and we had dozens of visit from social workers, occupation therapist, speech therapist and physical therapist 2 yrs ago , when he was at the stage of making a diagnosis.
    None of these people went through my home checking for anything. It was super convenient for me to tell them when to come , where to sit, and how long they can or can not say. They brought all kinds of information, plus kids are more comfortable at home, so it is easier to observe them in a relaxed environment.