Are you still together/married now...?



  • _Katastrophic
    No one meets my qualifications, so they don't last long.
  • Nikachelle
    Nikachelle Posts: 66 Member
    We knew before we had even met IRL. We met through a video game message board that we both posted on and got married four months after we met in real life. And yes, we're still happily married!

  • brittanyholocker
    brittanyholocker Posts: 53 Member
    I met my husband in high school. I was starting my senior year in 2007, he had just transferred in from another school, and we were in gym class together. I actually met him while wearing my gym uniform and jogging-pretty picture huh lol I knew he was the one when he went on a hunger strike to get me to go out with him. Even after that he still kept doing big things to make sure I knew that I had his attention. We got engaged about 3 and a half months later and then a month after that found out I was pregnant with our first child. I graduated in 2008 5 months pregnant. We have since gotten married and had our second child. We have been together 5 years and married for almost 4 of them :)
  • RedEdge08
    RedEdge08 Posts: 1 Member
    He was my cousin's best friend in high school. Sat behind him in 10 grade Social St class. Never dated in high school but would run into each other over the years and always talked like we were old best friends. Ran into him one night at a bar after breaking up with a long time boyfriend. We talked all night and gave him my number. First date was 5 weeks after that. Dated 3 years, married the following year (married 19 years). This Sunday we are going out to dinner to celebrate our first date which was 23 years ago. Still going strong...he's still a cutie :)
  • etynda6116
    Never met a guy I wanted to be with.

    So I have nothing to contribute to this thread.

    I'm really just here to tag the thread so I can read all the gushy romantic stories and then hate my life a little bit more because romance has not been in my past and probably won't be in my future.

    haha same here I have dated a few guys but havent found the right one yet. Maybe one day :-)
  • BroiledNotFried
    BroiledNotFried Posts: 446 Member
    In first met him, I was 19 and he was 17. Met later on, I was 21 and he was 19. In 3 months, I knew it was going to be a long relatinoship. Engaged 3 years later, and married at 25 (he 23). Been married many, many, many happy years with hardly a quarrel between us. This will be our 20 year anniversary. I'm 44 and he's 42. But, I look younger than him. LOL.
  • Skratchie
    Skratchie Posts: 131 Member
    I met my husband six months before we ever got together. He scared me ... he is a big guy and he's not friendly at first. He's suspicious of everyone, and it shows. And when we finally got together, it was supposed to be a one night stand. One night turned into a weekend. A weekend turned into a week, and then a month ... He told me that first weekend that he was a "no relationship, no commitment" kind of guy, and I was fine with that - he is, after all, 12 years younger than me. I wasn't interested in "younger" and I wasn't interested in someone without kids - at that point, my kids were 12 & 13 years old, and I didn't want more ... couldn't have more even if I wanted them.

    Our "one night stand" started on November 1, 2007. He moved in with me the first week of January 2008, and we were married on April 24, 2009. He's my best friend and without him, I'd be a little lost. I could find my way without him, but it would be a lonely life. I am amazed every time I think about it, how a one night stand turned into the love of my life. I still don't know exactly how we went from "no relationship, no commitment" to this incredible love.
  • n2thenight24
    n2thenight24 Posts: 1,651 Member
    Immediately!! Before I ever even actually spoke to him, Just seen him from a distance. We've been married 7 years and have two kids.
  • BrunetteRunner87
    BrunetteRunner87 Posts: 591 Member
    2 years after we met. And that happened 8 months ago.
  • MarieAnneN
    Never met a guy I wanted to be with.

    So I have nothing to contribute to this thread.

    I'm really just here to tag the thread so I can read all the gushy romantic stories and then hate my life a little bit more because romance has not been in my past and probably won't be in my future.


    Don,t be bitter and enjoy the ride! You are still really young to be engaged for life. You can meet the ONE at 18 or at 45, does not do much difference. OR be happy single all your life.

    Met May 1994, moved in Dec 1998, Married 09/2001 (yep...), daughter 03/03
    Divorced 10/2006

    But met lovely people until I met the guy that currently shares my life.

    Together we share 3 daughters, 1 cat and recently moved all these people together last summer after 2.5 years of dating.

    Take your time, you never know what life is bringing you next and whatever it is, enjoy the full side of it!
  • petstorekitty
    petstorekitty Posts: 592 Member
    It was love at first tweet. Yeah we met online. I followed him. He followed me back. He's such a nerd I HAD to have him.

    I'm a little more practical than that. After a few weeks of talking I confirmed to myself that I was gonna marry that guy.
    I found out that he had felt the same. We LOLed.

    Having been a serial monogamist, I had a literal Pros & Cons list that guys had to meet the requirements of. It hung on the fridge of my apartment until I moved out and moved in with Twitter Guy about a month ago.
    Happily ever after. I've been in love lots of times but nothing like this.

    The important part of this story is the Pros & Cons list.
    Love is great but if there are things you can't stand, love gets bruised and it never heals the same.

    We both know what we can and cannot accept from a partner; what we need and do not need, and we just happen to fit the bill.

  • momofthreesons
    momofthreesons Posts: 162 Member
    Dated 8 months, married 4 1/2 years now, still together.
  • MissAnjy
    MissAnjy Posts: 2,480 Member
    I'm divorced. Enough said.
  • Run4UrHealth
    Run4UrHealth Posts: 348 Member
    Engaged after 6 months...married 2 months later...still together after 13 years! :)
  • saustin201
    saustin201 Posts: 270 Member
    I knew by 2 months that he was my future. We've been married for 13 years this month, but together for 20 years now. We both had college and grad school to get through before getting married and that took several years since I met him my first year of college.
  • lewcompton
    lewcompton Posts: 881 Member
    The day after I met her, I told her that I had a question for her but it probably wasn't a good time yet... She asked me, "What month were you thinking?" I said June it was October and she asked if that was going to be soon enough... Got married 6/7/2008...
  • Ta2dchic20
    Ta2dchic20 Posts: 376 Member
    Together over 2 years. Knew right away, as soon as we got over our commitment phobias. Moved in together after 6 months. Sadly I expected to at least have a ring by now, but yeah, that's not going to happen.
  • DrPepperLeigh74
    DrPepperLeigh74 Posts: 236 Member
    My husband and I met in High school, we rode the same bus :) We have been together for 21 years and married for 17 years and have two kiddos that are 10 and 6.
  • tomomatic
    tomomatic Posts: 1,794 Member
    Cory and Topanga...
    Still together.
  • briannadunn
    briannadunn Posts: 841 Member
    I have been married for 11 yrs and I have 5 kids with my hubby and I don't want to kill him most days now. I met him 18 yrs ago when I was 12 and I didn't like him but he was my friends uncle and 18 with major issues. Then we found common ground when I turned 15 yrs old and asked if I could come out and help him with his livestock (Pigs and cows at the time). We went hunting and fishing and camping together with my brothers always in tow and then when I turned 18 he asked if I wanted to marry him, we hadn't even dated (that happened 7 yrs later), we moved in together, got married and had our first kid all in the first year. We had a rocky marriage until a few years ago and sometimes it is still on the rocks because we both have huge Irish tempers and we honestly should slug it out at least once a month. We have 5 wonderful kids though and love each other very much.