Are you still together/married now...?



  • carryingon
    carryingon Posts: 609 Member

    I kind of have a different philosophy on life, so please bare with me.

    With my First Husband I knew the day that I met him that I would marry him. It was not love at first sight . I can't explain the feeling other than a knowing. No matter how hard you avoid them you can't. A deep need to be around them (mutual of course) It was this person has been sent in to my life because I need to learn something from them. I was 16 he was 20. I married him when I was 19 and left him when I was 26. I learned that being a punching bag is not fun, how to manipulate someone who is manipulating you, patience, and bravery.

    I met my second husband when I was 28 he was 19. Again I knew the moment he spoke to me that he would be a part of my life. We were married in '09. We divorced January 2012. We are Catholic and technicaly we are still married in the Church. We share four amazingly beautiful children. I learned from him to
    NEVER trust anyone ever again especially with your CHILDREN!

    I love all you're all like: I totally met THE ONE and he screwed me over.
    And then I met the OTHER ONE and he screwed me over too.

    oh no-:smile: never said either was the one. I don't believe in "The One" . It's more like seeing you're about to be in an accident you can't avoid. I think life is what you make from it. You can learn something from everyone. I don't hate either of them. I don't have room in my life for hate just forgiveness.
    QTRARO Posts: 75 Member
    I have found best after breaking up with someone, well just based on the last breakup.. No Contact at all is good I haven't emailed, texted him.. he will be hating that right now.. as he wanted to keep me in his life.. as they do. Best thing is to get away far away and heal and move on. Life's too short to share it with idiots.
  • bdj51
    bdj51 Posts: 1 Member
    Yes, my husband and I are still together . We are high school sweet hearts . We started dating in the 10th grade and been loving on each other for the last 36 years. We just celebrate 32 years of marriage on November 8th. If I had to do it again (marry) to the same man I would! :)
  • ahjenny
    ahjenny Posts: 293 Member
    Met online in February, met in person in March, got engaged in July, and married in October. We were supposed to get married in April of the following year, but stuff was going on and we moved it up. We just celebrated 6 years and we're still going strong. :love:
  • mstissa02
    mstissa02 Posts: 83 Member
    Well, we met at a summer job in 2003. Started talking as friends for a few months and dated later that year. Dated for a little over six years and married in 2009. We are approaching our 4th anniversary as a married couple. Almost 10 years totally together!!
  • hijude57
    hijude57 Posts: 97 Member
    First date was Nov 11, 1973. I was 16 he was 18. We dated for 5 years while i finished highschool and college. We got married in
    1978 and are stll together. We've been together a total of 39 years. He started talking about "when we get married" after a few months.
  • queenpushycat
    queenpushycat Posts: 761 Member
  • joeysox
    joeysox Posts: 195 Member
    met start of 2007 playing online games...long distance thing. he proposed after a month, moved in a month later...cant seem to get rid of him ;) lol x
  • ellenxmariex3
    ellenxmariex3 Posts: 165 Member
    We met when I was 17 and he was 16. When I saw him for the first time I got butterflies - I'd never felt that way before. We dated until the end of high school (16 months) but broke up because I was going to college 1000 miles away. We then got back together 7 weeks later (9/17/11) when I realized I didn't want to be without him. I still go to college 1000 miles away but we live together during school breaks (about 5 months out of the year) in an apartment that we consider "our apartment".
    Overall we've been together a little over 2.5 years. I do believe he is the One but we are waiting until we are a little older to get married. He's my best friend.
  • Brianna72994
    Bump to read later
  • mrsfurby14
    mrsfurby14 Posts: 181 Member
    I meet my bf at a friends house and didn't really hit it off then but couple months later we hung out and he asked if I wanted to date him and I said yes I'll give it a try and that was 9 yrs ago and we are still together.
  • wholenewme03
    wholenewme03 Posts: 95 Member
    I met my boyfriend on the first class of our first day of undergrad, and we were fast friends. People thought we went to high school together, but we'd only been hanging out for a few weeks. I knew I wanted to marry him when I was thinking " in the world am I ever going to marry someone else when HE is my BEST FRIEND?" Then it hit me...duh, I'm spending literally all of my time with my future husband! That was 6 years ago :)

    I'm just still waiting for him to pop the question...
  • RubyDarling
    RubyDarling Posts: 171 Member
    I love this topic!

    I knew for about eight months before we started dating that he was the one. We were best friends for 2ish years beforehand, and all our friends and family assumed we were either already dating, or couldn't believe how blind we both were! We actually realised via SMS that we both liked each other and that we both knew we'd inevitably end up together, so we didn't prolong it any longer!

    We've been together nearly 5 years and getting married in a few months. We would have shacked up sooner if I wasn't living overseas at the time!
  • ktrn0312
    ktrn0312 Posts: 723 Member
    We met at a college party. He asked me to dance a number of times. At the end of the party he requested my number. I refused to give him my number but, he was persistant.. He had no pen or paper & I was ready to leave with my girlfriends. I rattled the numbers so fast & garbled them so he could not possibly understand or get the numbers correctly. I left without looking back. I was truly not interested. The next day it was a Sunday & I received a call from him. I was shocked he was able to get the number when I had no intention of him being able to comprehend what I said. He called everyday for 1 month & I did not want to go out with him. I tried to scare him by saying he had to meet the parents first & he had no problem with it. Every obstacle I placed in front of him, he just knocked them down. By the the 2nd month we started going out. By the 6mth, he was talking marriage & I thought that was silly & we needed to know each other longer. I did like him by then. We were engaged on my 25th birthday which was after 2 yrs of dating. Married 1 yr later. Married 19 years & 1 child later. His persistance won me in the end & also how much he cherished his mom. I believe if a man shows a healthy, deep love & respect to the 1st woman in his life (his mom), he has learned the foundation to build a loving & lasting relationship with his life partner.
  • virichi08
    virichi08 Posts: 465 Member
    Yes, my husband and I are still together . We are high school sweet hearts . We started dating in the 10th grade and been loving on each other for the last 36 years. We just celebrate 32 years of marriage on November 8th. If I had to do it again (marry) to the same man I would! :)

  • Jellyphant
    Jellyphant Posts: 1,400 Member
    Sounds dumb and impossible, but I think I knew before I even loved him. We just happened to be IMing on Aim and were talking about our lives and trivial teenage things, but whenever I think back, that convo just always is the first thing that pops up.
  • florymonde
    florymonde Posts: 261 Member
    That reminds me; Sunday was the 20th anniversary of our first date! He knew before we ever went out; I took some convincing, but we got engaged after two months, married in another 4 months. So, we need to come up with something fun to do for our 20th anniversary coming up in six months!
  • algebravoodoo
    algebravoodoo Posts: 776 Member
    Hmmm... met my husband when he was 15, I was 12. He and I were great friends in high school despite the fact that we both dayed others. We dated each other for two weeks when he came home on leave. He never actually said the words "Will you marry me?" We just started talking about a shared future one afternoon. (Remember, this was in the early 80's before email and cheap international calls.) He called me a couple of months later and we both blurted out at the same time "Are we getting married?" "Yes, I think so." "JINX!"

    Here we are, 30+ years and six kids later. Together forever. The kids just overlook the hallway sex... :devil:
  • algebravoodoo
    algebravoodoo Posts: 776 Member
    met start of 2007 playing online games...long distance thing. he proposed after a month, moved in a month later...cant seem to get rid of him ;) lol x

    Well, you know what they say about feeding strays...:laugh:
  • JoPress
    I met my husband Bryan in college and he quickly became one of my best friends, we both fell in love with each other long before our first real date. Shortly after we finished school his army unit was deployed to Iraq, we shared an apartment for a few months before he shipped out, it was during that time he says he fell in love with me, however at the time I was with some loser who knocked me up and then wiped out all my saving to buy drugs, I left him before my daughter was even born... when Bryan returned from the war was when I fell in love with him, at that time he was engaged to a girl we went to school with... lol. After things didnt work out with his ex and he left her is when we finally had our first date. we have now been married 3 years. He adopted my daughter and had always treated her as his own, and we also now have a son together :)