Are you still together/married now...?



  • LitaRose77
    LitaRose77 Posts: 124 Member
    My husband & I met through eHarmony back in 2004 & had our first date on 06/27/04. He was there for me when I lost my mother to Cancer in August 2005. He moved in with me in October 2005, got engaged June 24, 2007 & married on 06/28/08. We seperated in February of 2010, but we are getting back together now. We've both been in relationships while apart, & just recently realized how much we are still love with each other & both agree to work harder to correct the issues that made us part ways 2 years ago.
  • emmy3111
    emmy3111 Posts: 482 Member
    The day after I met her, I told her that I had a question for her but it probably wasn't a good time yet... She asked me, "What month were you thinking?" I said June it was October and she asked if that was going to be soon enough... Got married 6/7/2008...

    oh, that is so cute!!!
  • Colleen118
    Colleen118 Posts: 491 Member
    Started Dating 16 years ago. I knew he was hubby material after a few months. We got married 2.5 years later. It will be 14 years married in March :) We are still together BUT the hands of time have rocked the foundation several times. Marriage is a partnership and one that both people have to be engaged in at all times in order to make it past those quakes stronger.
  • Cjoseph03
    Cjoseph03 Posts: 107 Member
    We met for the first time Dec 23rd '03, he proposed Feb 7th, 04, married May 2nd '04 and are still HAPPILY married now with 3 beautiful children!
  • mnmomto4
    mnmomto4 Posts: 97 Member
    We were together for 3 months when I knew he was the one. We have been together for 8 years and have been married for 5.5 of them. Still crazy in love with him. hate to spend a night away from him.
  • journalistjen
    journalistjen Posts: 265 Member
    Been with my husband since 1996, and we were married in 2008. We met and started dating when we were 16. We both knew at 16 we would stay together.
    QTRARO Posts: 75 Member
    I was with my ex partner for 6 years and I knew pretty much straight away we would be together for a while if not forever :) Just that connection of not wanting to leave each others side is what we had.

    I was in another relationship recently which was for a while... that started all guns blazing.. and then it was kinda going nowhere there wasn't that chemistry or connection and we kinda ended up sitting around with nothing to say to each other haha so he broke it off with me.. which still hurts because I've never been dumped before so my ego has taken a hit... being dumped is pretty embarrassing actually but I'm doing my best to move on from it.

    Not quite ready to date again yet, but will probably soon.
  • SarahMorganP
    SarahMorganP Posts: 921 Member
    I met my husband in highschool when I was 14, he was 17. We started dating when I was 15 and he was 18. We had our first child when I was 17 and he was 20. Got married when I was 19 and he was 22. We have had 2 more children. We are now 32 and 35 and still married. I knew the first time I saw him in the hallway at school that we were going to be together.
  • MrsAzriel
    MrsAzriel Posts: 35 Member
    I met my husband when we were both 6 years old. We were taking karate classes together. We went to school all the way through high school together and dated other people. It wasn't until I was 23 and he was 22 that we started dating. He'd just left for Basic and we wrote letters, talked and grew very close during that time. We started dating in July 2011, were engaged by December 2011, and married in February 2012.
  • suckerlove
    A few months, and together 8 yrs and married 2 1/2
  • idream2bgwen
    idream2bgwen Posts: 424 Member
    Here we go...

    I met my husband online when I was a senior in highschool -1998. He graduated 2 years previously from a different school. He was very persistant! We talked a lot before actually seeing one another. We finally met and he told me he was short (I am 6'0" and I was thinking like 5'10" he's 5'6"). It took him several years to get over the height difference. We moved in together after 4 months and we broke up a few months later. I told him that we were going to get married and he had made a mistake. Sure enough he came back to me after 3 weeks crying and begging for me to take him back. I did of course. We had our first son in Sept 2001 and got married in Sept 2002, had our second son in March 2004 and our third in June 2008. We are still happy. But our very different religious preferences make it hard and his father was an alcoholic (his addiction killed him nearly three years ago) and my husband has alcoholic tendencies and I (at times) question where we will be in the future. I truly do love him with all my heart but I think that sometimes that is not enough. He needs to make some changes and I hope with all my heart he does.

    Time will tell...
  • chynatowngirl44
    chynatowngirl44 Posts: 94 Member
    Apparently my husband knew the first night we met when I was in college. He asked me what I was doing for the rest of my life and I thought he was joking. Here we are 13 years later and still going strong. <3:love:
  • Sarahbara76
    Sarahbara76 Posts: 601 Member
    Ten years ago we met and started dating & we have broken up for a couple months 2 or 3 years in a row..he doesn't want to get married ever to anyone. I love him madly but I want kids and pets and marriage and he wants none of that so you see it is never easy in the game of love.
  • KrazyAsianNic
    KrazyAsianNic Posts: 1,227 Member
    I met my boyfriend my junior year of high school (his senior year of high school). Not log after that I started going through a rough patch with my dad moving home again and having to quite sports due to knee injury. that's when I knew he was was more than just a guy to date because of how he stuck around and comforted me. 7 years later, we are almost settled in our first apartment. I await patiently for the proposal due to wanting it to be official that I'm his.
  • Gizziemoto
    Gizziemoto Posts: 430 Member
    My husband saw my walk into my new job and told his friend that he was going to marry me. Met when I was 19 and felt like we had always been together. We were engaged within 2 months and have been married just over 24 years now.
  • RachelSRoach1
    RachelSRoach1 Posts: 435 Member
    It took my husband a while, but I knew pretty quick! Back then I had dropped a hundred pounds the year before so I had great confidence and was loving to have fun. I met my husband at McDs where we both worked. I knew him but it wasn't until one afternoon while I was working and he was off work, he had gotten his hair cut and come in to check his schedule and I glanced at him and literally did a double take to stare at this gorgeous man. I was still in highschool and he was in college.

    I think that timing is really important, not so much how long you have known each other or been together. For example, I had a rough childhood and grew up quickly, not so interested in playing around much... so I had no issue imagining being with him forever.

    When I finally got his number we talked on the phone a couple times and he took me out on a date bowling. I beat him. :)
    He broke up with me via email that sunday (low!!) and we didn't talk for a while. My best friend started working at McD's and he became smitten with her right away. Although I didn't see it then, I see now that she completely led him on. We would all three spend time together and he and I became good friends, he would come over and hang out with my family. Eventually my best friend broke his heart, and I patiently picked up the pieces until he saw me where I always was.. simply being there.

    We began to date around a year after we met, and it progressed quickly. He proposed 6 months later, then we found out a few months after that we were expecting a baby. So we got married and had our wonderful little family and life was good.

    Fast forward a few years later and marital bliss has begun to wear off and realities of life set in. One affair, several drunken nights, and even more nights of not coming home later I filed for divorce and I thought my marriage was over.

    Fortunately my Dad and his wife were smart and told me to attend church while I was living with them again, so I did. My husband and I began to go to counseling (and not in the usual sense but literally being preached to for an hour) which ended up saving our marriage. We did that for a year, but didn't move back in together for another 6 months. It didn't take long for baby number 2 to follow.

    Now we are coming up on 5 years married, 1 year dated, and 1 year friends. I love our story and I love my husband. Sorry that was so long but rock on if you read the whole thing.
  • Mikkimeow
    Mikkimeow Posts: 1,282 Member
  • mrso97
    mrso97 Posts: 147 Member
    blind date oct 20 1995
    moved in nov 1995
    engaged 10 10 1996
    married 5 9 1997
    still married...i knew the first night we wasnt just wasnt easy...still isnt..but i would be lost without him...he has my heart...and i truly believe will ALWAYS be!
  • babyduck71
    Knew him for about 18 months before our first date in January. Knew I'd marry him by April. He proposed two years later. Engaged for a year (I wanted counseling - everyone in my family is divorced). Been married for 18 years.
  • marthathebear
    I knew he was the one after about 1 month. We have been together 35 years, 30 of them married.