Are you still together/married now...?



  • VanessaHeartsMasr
    Just break up.

  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    Met my husband online. Set a wedding date 6 days after we first started talking (without having met in person). Celebrating our 11th wedding anniversary together in a few weeks here :)
  • fp64
    fp64 Posts: 128 Member
    Fantastic first date, got "secretly engaged" after about 2-3 months. Married 18 years, about nine or ten happily.
    The vodka took her over, made her a different person.
    Divorced one year in Jan 2013.
  • dawndw
    dawndw Posts: 203
    We broke up about a month ago. After almost 5 years of WTF was I thinking.
  • MommaDalton
    I knew I was going to marry my hubby on our first date. I had no doubts. We moved in together after 2 weeks. We got married after 6 months and we've been married now for 3.5 years and we have 2 baby boys together :)
  • trishgrace
    I met my husband the summer of '95 I was 15, We started dating in August of '96. We got engaged in December of '97 and got married in July of 2001. Daughter born in 2002, Son born in 2005. Still happy as ever.
  • jcjsjones
    jcjsjones Posts: 571 Member
    I knew he was special before I started dating him, and feel in love with him just weeks after. We were married after dating a little over a year, and have now been married for 13 years. He is my best friend, and I love him even more now than I did then. :love:
  • HeidiMightyRawr
    HeidiMightyRawr Posts: 3,343 Member
    I met my bf when I was 15. I knew pretty early on that he was the one I really wanted to be with, but I think there's a difference between that, and knowing this IS the person you will be with. That came later on.

    I'm 22 now so we've been together for 7 years. Lived together for 2 1/2 years :)
  • VanessaHeartsMasr
    In all seriousness, I met my husband 13 years ago at a bar. I thought he was an a-hole the night we met and didn't think I'd ever see him again, but I gave him my number and I went out with him just out of sheer curiosity, and the fact he was gorgeous. I never thought he was the one for me, but he was. We are completely opposite personalities, but somehow we have made it through this rollercoster of a relationship for 13 years and several break ups. Picture Ally and Noah in the Notebook. Love-hate all the way. Sometimes, you don't know if they are the one for you, until they are gone and you realize how much they mean to you. No warm fuzzy story of instant love over here. Lol.
  • garita93
    garita93 Posts: 276 Member
    Even before we started dating my parents and his parents knew we would be together. We knew from the first "real" conversation on the phone. He told me he loved me for the first time and asked me to marry him all in the same conversation. Been very happily married now for 13 amazing years after dating for almost 3 years (waited until he finished college).
  • Cupcakehippiemommy
    Cupcakehippiemommy Posts: 457 Member
    First time I saw him, he says he knew the first time I strolled into class with my hair down (lost my hair band) got engaged 5 months later then married 1 year from our engagement.Still married going on 5 years :)
  • Leeann1979
    Leeann1979 Posts: 1,090 Member
    Met my boyfriend at work in 2007, he flirted like a school boy, throwing paper at me and just being silly. He made me laugh and had a crazy weird sense of humour like me. I had a crush, but he was in a super long relationship (nearly 20 years). In 2009, they split up and he came to see me and told me that "this is it, just you and me". We've been together for just over 3 years, living together for a little over 2 years. Can't imagine life with out him.
  • Artemis_Acorn
    Artemis_Acorn Posts: 836 Member
    I know a lot of people don't believe in love at first sight, but we'll just say I had never reacted to the mere sight of someone in quite the same way before or since.
    The first time he approached to talk to me, I was giddy, ditto the second. He knew he wanted to marry me within two weeks. I was the holdout - it took me a month (I was afraid I was just infatuated.) We were exclusive from the start, had a secret engagement after 5 months, just to see if it would stick, announced our engagement after six months and married 5 months after that. That was 30 years ago.
  • carryingon
    carryingon Posts: 609 Member

    I kind of have a different philosophy on life, so please bare with me.

    With my First Husband I knew the day that I met him that I would marry him. It was not love at first sight . I can't explain the feeling other than a knowing. No matter how hard you avoid them you can't. A deep need to be around them (mutual of course) It was this person has been sent in to my life because I need to learn something from them. I was 16 he was 20. I married him when I was 19 and left him when I was 26. I learned that being a punching bag is not fun, how to manipulate someone who is manipulating you, patience, and bravery.

    I met my second husband when I was 28 he was 19. Again I knew the moment he spoke to me that he would be a part of my life. We were married in '09. We divorced January 2012. We are Catholic and technicaly we are still married in the Church. We share four amazingly beautiful children. I learned from him to
    NEVER trust anyone ever again especially with your CHILDREN!
  • mama4loca
    I met my husband to be when I was 16 and he was 28. We were friends until I was 19. We dated for 2 months before he asked me to marry him (I thought he was joking and laughed; he didn't think it was funny). We were married 1 year and 2 days after our first date. We've been married almost 11 years now

    Wow, that's a big age difference! Glad you're happy!
  • mama4loca
    I've been married 10 years and I'm still not sure he's the one!!! Not that I want to get married again, but the real love of my life was before him, and my husband was a rebound relationship, I think. Still, I love him and we get along good, but I always wonder if I did the right thing. Hmmm... I know he knows how I felt about my ex.Still, my husband is my rock and I wouldn't ever want to hurt him .
  • Flamenquero
    As soon as I saw her. Married now 30 years.
  • frivera1012
    frivera1012 Posts: 10 Member
    Friends at 18 for a year and a half. Dated for 1/2 year. Married 31 years tomorrow. Can't say all has been good but for the most part a great life.
  • penrbrown
    penrbrown Posts: 2,685 Member

    I kind of have a different philosophy on life, so please bare with me.

    With my First Husband I knew the day that I met him that I would marry him. It was not love at first sight . I can't explain the feeling other than a knowing. No matter how hard you avoid them you can't. A deep need to be around them (mutual of course) It was this person has been sent in to my life because I need to learn something from them. I was 16 he was 20. I married him when I was 19 and left him when I was 26. I learned that being a punching bag is not fun, how to manipulate someone who is manipulating you, patience, and bravery.

    I met my second husband when I was 28 he was 19. Again I knew the moment he spoke to me that he would be a part of my life. We were married in '09. We divorced January 2012. We are Catholic and technicaly we are still married in the Church. We share four amazingly beautiful children. I learned from him to
    NEVER trust anyone ever again especially with your CHILDREN!

    I love all you're all like: I totally met THE ONE and he screwed me over.
    And then I met the OTHER ONE and he screwed me over too.
  • Ocarina
    Ocarina Posts: 1,550 Member
    I was out of one relationship and with my husband three weeks later. (Prior one was only three months long anyways so quick recovery!). We hit it right off... I was friends with him for a month... dated for a few months... engaged... married probably a year into the relationship and have been together since. Going strong still on almost 4 years. No kids yet. Wanting to graduate first before we consider that.