Are you still together/married now...?



  • runboostie
    runboostie Posts: 51 Member
    Ok, ok... So these are two very separate questions. How long until I knew this one was the one I wanted to be with? Ummm.... I have known it off and on for the last 20 years. We have been married 19.
  • Hope1861
    Hope1861 Posts: 13 Member
    He says he knew the first time he saw me. I knew by the end of our first date and yeah, we're still together-30+years later.
  • fittiephd
    fittiephd Posts: 608 Member
    I know I want to be with my man, but we've only been dating 4 years and aren't engaged or anything yet. High hopes for the future <3
  • mgobluetx12
    mgobluetx12 Posts: 1,326 Member
    We met in 1996 and I knew he was the one within 6 months or maybe a little less. We got engaged in 1997 and broke up in 2000 because he didn't want kids and I did. I still knew he was the one and we never stopped being great friends. We got back together in 2008, engaged in 2011 and married in 2012. Still working on the kids thing, but I never changed my mind that he was the one for me.
  • weighlossforbaby
    weighlossforbaby Posts: 847 Member
    Met online in July 2006. Were friends for a couple months when I asked him if he had a girlfriend? He told me no and asked if I wanted to be her? I told him of course I would. He asked me to marry him in March 2007 on the phone. We met in person for the first time in July 2007 and he gave me his dog tags because he couldn't afford an engagement ring at that time. I went back home (we lived in different states) and we decided we wanted to be together so we got married in a court house. A few days before our 1 year anniversary he was called to deploy in Iraq for a year. He left a month later. He came back in 2010. We have been married for 5 years (Will be 5 years on the 30th).
  • JustANumber85
    JustANumber85 Posts: 644 Member
    I knew in highschool. We dated in HS and then broke up after for the summer. We got back together and got married in 05 (graduated in 04). Been married since.
  • readanddance
    readanddance Posts: 311 Member
    I love hearing the stories. I replied just so I can track/follow them. Hopeless romantic here! :flowerforyou:
  • mkorich
    The first date, I am hopeless like that, we have been together 6 years now.
  • mikes99mail
    mikes99mail Posts: 318 Member
    met in 94, she was diagnosed with cancer six weeks later. Bummer.

    I chose to stick around, she spent six months in hospital but I moved into her place when she got out, and we got married in 96.

    I still couldnt imagine not being together.
  • virichi08
    virichi08 Posts: 465 Member
    It took my husband a while, but I knew pretty quick! Back then I had dropped a hundred pounds the year before so I had great confidence and was loving to have fun. I met my husband at McDs where we both worked. I knew him but it wasn't until one afternoon while I was working and he was off work, he had gotten his hair cut and come in to check his schedule and I glanced at him and literally did a double take to stare at this gorgeous man. I was still in highschool and he was in college.

    I think that timing is really important, not so much how long you have known each other or been together. For example, I had a rough childhood and grew up quickly, not so interested in playing around much... so I had no issue imagining being with him forever.

    When I finally got his number we talked on the phone a couple times and he took me out on a date bowling. I beat him. :)
    He broke up with me via email that sunday (low!!) and we didn't talk for a while. My best friend started working at McD's and he became smitten with her right away. Although I didn't see it then, I see now that she completely led him on. We would all three spend time together and he and I became good friends, he would come over and hang out with my family. Eventually my best friend broke his heart, and I patiently picked up the pieces until he saw me where I always was.. simply being there.

    We began to date around a year after we met, and it progressed quickly. He proposed 6 months later, then we found out a few months after that we were expecting a baby. So we got married and had our wonderful little family and life was good.

    Fast forward a few years later and marital bliss has begun to wear off and realities of life set in. One affair, several drunken nights, and even more nights of not coming home later I filed for divorce and I thought my marriage was over.

    Fortunately my Dad and his wife were smart and told me to attend church while I was living with them again, so I did. My husband and I began to go to counseling (and not in the usual sense but literally being preached to for an hour) which ended up saving our marriage. We did that for a year, but didn't move back in together for another 6 months. It didn't take long for baby number 2 to follow.

    Now we are coming up on 5 years married, 1 year dated, and 1 year friends. I love our story and I love my husband. Sorry that was so long but rock on if you read the whole thing.

    WOW... i am happy for you guys. And yes i read the entire thing. lol
  • mwillis8002
    mwillis8002 Posts: 70 Member
    If you've heard the song "You had me from hello" by Kenney Chesney, well then that's what it was like for me and my husband. We met on August 2nd 2003, online started chatting and decided to get together that night. The moment he walked in I knew I was going to marry him. Odd, but I knew. We went out for five days straight, (he's a truck driver and was home, he left after 5 days). On the third date he met my family, the fifth date, I met his.

    He went back on the road for 3 weeks, we talked non-stop. When he got back home he told me he loved me, and we shopped for rings. He went back on the road for 3 more weeks, and when he got back the next time, he proposed. That was September 21, 2003.

    We would have gotten married that December, but with my job (retail) and his, we couldn't make it work. So we got married the following March 2004. We have now been together 9 years, and next March will have been married 9 years. I love him more today than the day I met him. Disclaimer, it's not like it was all roses, we had to learn how to "fight fair" and how to compromise. He is still an otr truck driver, and I'm still in retail, this combination makes for an interesting home life, but it works for us!
  • rachledezjones
    rachledezjones Posts: 50 Member
    I met my boyfriend at school when I was 14 and he was 16. I'd always felt awkward around boys and sort of had to grab their attention (unsuccessfully) but with Sam (who was - and is - gorgeous) it was so natural. We became best friends and then just after my 15th birthday he 'asked me out'! Unfortunately, his best friend had also liked me so there was a bit of a drama there... They all said it wouldn't last but we knew that this was something special so he stuck with me. His friends didn't speak to him for a couple of years which was horrible but we were together and that's all that mattered!

    So here we are, about to hit our 7 year anniversary! His friends got over it and we're stronger than ever! We've moved in together, travelled the world twice, gone to university together... And many adventures are still to come!
  • MellowGa
    MellowGa Posts: 1,258 Member
    met June 1990, got married October 1996....Still married...been together over half our lives.....ouch
  • Jain
    Jain Posts: 861 Member
    First date. We were both 22. I saw him walk towards me, bandy legs & all, & that was it.:laugh:
    TBH I didn't think it would last, we lived too far apart. But this year we had our 22nd wedding aniversary, so we must be doing something right!:smile:
  • HananYako30
    HananYako30 Posts: 83 Member
    I met him online.....I star talking to him for 2 years as friends.....and after 2 years to get to him we fall in love.....after run away and got married....cause family never accepted him (middle eastern traditional) but i never cared about family never wanted to talk to me......i been married for 6 years and have 4 beautiful girls...and now my family is talking to me and loves my husband cause he is the best of the other son-in-law..
  • saustin201
    saustin201 Posts: 270 Member
    I lover reading these stories.
  • Marmitegeoff
    Marmitegeoff Posts: 373 Member
    First date. We both knew. Second date 5 days later she asked me to marry her.
    We dated 2 years, married now 35 years and going strong.

    Similar for us, I popped the question after a week (second date) was accepted, and we have now been happily married for 40 years, all bar a couple of weeks.

    Happy hubby
  • etynda6116
    I have found best after breaking up with someone, well just based on the last breakup.. No Contact at all is good I haven't emailed, texted him.. he will be hating that right now.. as he wanted to keep me in his life.. as they do. Best thing is to get away far away and heal and move on. Life's too short to share it with idiots.
    I have to agree with that 100%
  • Shua89
    Shua89 Posts: 144 Member
    We both knew the night we met but we were friends for several months and dated for three months before getting engaged. Married 6 months later and we've been married for 19 years.
  • kimmie185
    kimmie185 Posts: 550 Member
    We met 5 1/2 year ago and we are getting married on May 4th of this year. :)