Thinking of going vegan



  • jackems
    jackems Posts: 10 Member
    First of all, I would educate yourself more on what a vegan can and cannot eat.

    If you are thinking of going vegan for health or weight loss reasons - I have never seen a compelling reason why it is beneficial over an omnivorous diet.

    If you are thinking of doing it for ethical reasons, do your research first.
    Exactly. Veganism works when there are valid reasons motivating the transition and should be done after a thorough research has been done. There are so many "ex-vegans" out there who felt "sick" or "hungry." A plant based diet isn't to blame, only how they went at it.
    Also, vegans who eat seafood are liars.
    I don't get people who consume chicken or fish and call themselves vegans and vegetarians. It just doesn't make any sense.
  • DoomCakes
    DoomCakes Posts: 806 Member
    I don't know why people who aren't even veg are responding?

    I have been vegan for over 10 years now. I have had 3 children since then (who are also vegan), nursed etc. through it all..

    So what if you love the taste of dead animals? Do you love other beings equally? Do you have a dog? Cat? Could you see yourself eating them?

    Also, for the person who said that there are no health benefits more than eating dead animals, that's BS. There are a LOT of health benefits to cutting out animals out of your diet: diabetes, high blood pressure etc.

    You don't need to take any vitamins if you are eating right.
    p.s. Did you know that the north american population actually eats TOO much protein?

    You seem a bit over hyped vegan...

    A- I have a pet, but I wouldn't eat him. He's my best friend. The cow down the road, not so much. The deer in the woods, over populated anyways. I don't think you know how much damage never eating a single animal can do to them. Over population is bad, look at humans that are starving, that would be animals if we didn't hunt.

    B- I eat meat, I don't have diabetes, high blood pressure, anything. I'm over weight, why? Because I eat starchy food and chocolate and over my calories. Did you know there are vegan diabetics as well? Or those with high blood pressure?

    C- Vegans can over consume protein as well.

    It's a choice, everyone is entitled to. Eating meat doesn't make a person bad, eating veggies doesn't make a person bad. But saying someone who eats meat is in comparison to someone eating their dog is just sad. Your concept of meat eaters is a bit blocked by your own opinions.

    The reason people recommend vitamins for vegans is because not all vegans eat the way they should. They eat more nuts than veggies, more fruit than veggies, or more flour based products or soy (which is bad in large amounts) and are missing vitamins.
  • daffodilsoup
    daffodilsoup Posts: 1,972 Member
    I don't know why people who aren't even veg are responding?

    I have been vegan for over 10 years now. I have had 3 children since then (who are also vegan), nursed etc. through it all..

    So what if you love the taste of dead animals? Do you love other beings equally? Do you have a dog? Cat? Could you see yourself eating them?

    Also, for the person who said that there are no health benefits more than eating dead animals, that's BS. There are a LOT of health benefits to cutting out animals out of your diet: diabetes, high blood pressure etc.

    You don't need to take any vitamins if you are eating right.
    p.s. Did you know that the north american population actually eats TOO much protein?

    You seem a bit over hyped vegan...

    A- I have a pet, but I wouldn't eat him. He's my best friend. The cow down the road, not so much. The deer in the woods, over populated anyways. I don't think you know how much damage never eating a single animal can do to them. Over population is bad, look at humans that are starving, that would be animals if we didn't hunt.

    B- I eat meat, I don't have diabetes, high blood pressure, anything. I'm over weight, why? Because I eat starchy food and chocolate and over my calories. Did you know there are vegan diabetics as well? Or those with high blood pressure?

    C- Vegans can over consume protein as well.

    It's a choice, everyone is entitled to. Eating meat doesn't make a person bad, eating veggies doesn't make a person bad. But saying someone who eats meat is in comparison to someone eating their dog is just sad. Your concept of meat eaters is a bit blocked by your own opinions.

    The reason people recommend vitamins for vegans is because not all vegans eat the way they should. They eat more nuts than veggies, more fruit than veggies, or more flour based products or soy (which is bad in large amounts) and are missing vitamins.

    This is going to be much more snarky than I intend, but "good person" and "bad person" are very subjective terms. What one person views as acceptable, the other views as abhorrent. Neither side is right or wrong, just a matter of opinion.
  • sjohnny
    sjohnny Posts: 56,142 Member
    This is going to be much more snarky than I intend, but "good person" and "bad person" are very subjective terms. What one person views as acceptable, the other views as abhorrent. Neither side is right or wrong, just a matter of opinion.

    Way too snarky! That was totally uncalled for.
  • TheWinman
    TheWinman Posts: 700 Member
    I would say listen for comparison sakes to the varying opinions like we have in this thread. Do not listen to vegans who are steering you away from the general forums and into specific groups. (Joining a specific vegan group can be done if and when you decide this is what you want to do, then you can get great advice and support from the groups) Do not listen to vegans who are bashing us non-vegans. They seem too close minded and seem only concerned in getting you to do it their way. IMO Research research and more research. FInd a highly qualified nutritionist who is also very educated in vegan, in regards to healthy eating.

    This would be what I would do. I don't know much about the under the surface pros and cons of being a vegan and will not pretend to.
  • DoomCakes
    DoomCakes Posts: 806 Member
    I don't know why people who aren't even veg are responding?

    I have been vegan for over 10 years now. I have had 3 children since then (who are also vegan), nursed etc. through it all..

    So what if you love the taste of dead animals? Do you love other beings equally? Do you have a dog? Cat? Could you see yourself eating them?

    Also, for the person who said that there are no health benefits more than eating dead animals, that's BS. There are a LOT of health benefits to cutting out animals out of your diet: diabetes, high blood pressure etc.

    You don't need to take any vitamins if you are eating right.
    p.s. Did you know that the north american population actually eats TOO much protein?

    You seem a bit over hyped vegan...

    A- I have a pet, but I wouldn't eat him. He's my best friend. The cow down the road, not so much. The deer in the woods, over populated anyways. I don't think you know how much damage never eating a single animal can do to them. Over population is bad, look at humans that are starving, that would be animals if we didn't hunt.

    B- I eat meat, I don't have diabetes, high blood pressure, anything. I'm over weight, why? Because I eat starchy food and chocolate and over my calories. Did you know there are vegan diabetics as well? Or those with high blood pressure?

    C- Vegans can over consume protein as well.

    It's a choice, everyone is entitled to. Eating meat doesn't make a person bad, eating veggies doesn't make a person bad. But saying someone who eats meat is in comparison to someone eating their dog is just sad. Your concept of meat eaters is a bit blocked by your own opinions.

    The reason people recommend vitamins for vegans is because not all vegans eat the way they should. They eat more nuts than veggies, more fruit than veggies, or more flour based products or soy (which is bad in large amounts) and are missing vitamins.

    This is going to be much more snarky than I intend, but "good person" and "bad person" are very subjective terms. What one person views as acceptable, the other views as abhorrent. Neither side is right or wrong, just a matter of opinion.

    Yes, but I'm not saying either is good or either is bad. It's personal choice. Some people go vegan because for example my step mom (vegetarian not vegan) has never consumed meat in her life, for her to just suddenly eat meat now would probably make her sick. Some people go vegan because meat reacts badly, lactose intolerance, etc. Some people eat meat because they did their whole life. It's just choice. Neither side is bad/good because they do or do not eat animals. The only thing wrong with consuming animals is consuming meat that is hormonally processed or processed meat with tons of fillers in it. (i.e. McDonalds Prime Rib is basically shoe rubber).

    I'm just saying the OP should do more research and make sure it's what she wants. I tried vegan, it didn't fit in my lifestyle or budget because I have a boyfriend who needs 2300 calories a day with out working out... that's A LOT of veggies.

    Also, I was saying it's wrong to make it out like all meat eaters would eat their dog or cat just because they eat meat. That's a bit of an exaggeration to meat eaters. Some people in poor countries may not have a choice but to eat that, and some people are mentally ill that do, but I'm pretty sure most people who have the money would buy beef first.

    **EDIT** I do not find what you said snarky. People have opinions, and that's what I was expressing to the person who jumps on "would you eat your dog?". I don't care what someone picks, I'm just sharing that vegan isn't the "miracle diet" to lose weight or the holy grail of life styles to live forever. You can eat meat and live a good life, or go vegan and live a good life. It's about what you choose in either life style and how much.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    I don't know why people who aren't even veg are responding?

    I have been vegan for over 10 years now. I have had 3 children since then (who are also vegan), nursed etc. through it all..

    So what if you love the taste of dead animals? Do you love other beings equally? Do you have a dog? Cat? Could you see yourself eating them?

    Also, for the person who said that there are no health benefits more than eating dead animals, that's BS. There are a LOT of health benefits to cutting out animals out of your diet: diabetes, high blood pressure etc.

    You don't need to take any vitamins if you are eating right.
    p.s. Did you know that the north american population actually eats TOO much protein?

    Please cite these sources.
  • daffodilsoup
    daffodilsoup Posts: 1,972 Member
    I don't know why people who aren't even veg are responding?

    I have been vegan for over 10 years now. I have had 3 children since then (who are also vegan), nursed etc. through it all..

    So what if you love the taste of dead animals? Do you love other beings equally? Do you have a dog? Cat? Could you see yourself eating them?

    Also, for the person who said that there are no health benefits more than eating dead animals, that's BS. There are a LOT of health benefits to cutting out animals out of your diet: diabetes, high blood pressure etc.

    You don't need to take any vitamins if you are eating right.
    p.s. Did you know that the north american population actually eats TOO much protein?

    You seem a bit over hyped vegan...

    A- I have a pet, but I wouldn't eat him. He's my best friend. The cow down the road, not so much. The deer in the woods, over populated anyways. I don't think you know how much damage never eating a single animal can do to them. Over population is bad, look at humans that are starving, that would be animals if we didn't hunt.

    B- I eat meat, I don't have diabetes, high blood pressure, anything. I'm over weight, why? Because I eat starchy food and chocolate and over my calories. Did you know there are vegan diabetics as well? Or those with high blood pressure?

    C- Vegans can over consume protein as well.

    It's a choice, everyone is entitled to. Eating meat doesn't make a person bad, eating veggies doesn't make a person bad. But saying someone who eats meat is in comparison to someone eating their dog is just sad. Your concept of meat eaters is a bit blocked by your own opinions.

    The reason people recommend vitamins for vegans is because not all vegans eat the way they should. They eat more nuts than veggies, more fruit than veggies, or more flour based products or soy (which is bad in large amounts) and are missing vitamins.

    This is going to be much more snarky than I intend, but "good person" and "bad person" are very subjective terms. What one person views as acceptable, the other views as abhorrent. Neither side is right or wrong, just a matter of opinion.

    Yes, but I'm not saying either is good or either is bad. It's personal choice. Some people go vegan because for example my step mom (vegetarian not vegan) has never consumed meat in her life, for her to just suddenly eat meat now would probably make her sick. Some people go vegan because meat reacts badly, lactose intolerance, etc. Some people eat meat because they did their whole life. It's just choice. Neither side is bad/good because they do or do not eat animals. The only thing wrong with consuming animals is consuming meat that is hormonally processed or processed meat with tons of fillers in it. (i.e. McDonalds Prime Rib is basically shoe rubber).

    I'm just saying the OP should do more research and make sure it's what she wants. I tried vegan, it didn't fit in my lifestyle or budget because I have a boyfriend who needs 2300 calories a day with out working out... that's A LOT of veggies.

    Also, I was saying it's wrong to make it out like all meat eaters would eat their dog or cat just because they eat meat. That's a bit of an exaggeration to meat eaters. Some people in poor countries may not have a choice but to eat that, and some people are mentally ill that do, but I'm pretty sure most people who have the money would buy beef first.

    I can't speak for that poster, but when most vegans bring up the idea of eating cats or dogs, it's more to question why it's so different. America went crazy when they sold horse meat, but don't balk at ground beef because that's been "normalized". The question is more "why love one and eat the other?" What really makes my dog, whom I love dearly, so much different from a goat or cow or pig?
  • sjohnny
    sjohnny Posts: 56,142 Member
    I don't know why people who aren't even veg are responding?

    I have been vegan for over 10 years now. I have had 3 children since then (who are also vegan), nursed etc. through it all..

    So what if you love the taste of dead animals? Do you love other beings equally? Do you have a dog? Cat? Could you see yourself eating them?

    Also, for the person who said that there are no health benefits more than eating dead animals, that's BS. There are a LOT of health benefits to cutting out animals out of your diet: diabetes, high blood pressure etc.

    You don't need to take any vitamins if you are eating right.
    p.s. Did you know that the north american population actually eats TOO much protein?

    Please cite these sources.

    They would be written on toilet paper because of the location from which they were pulled.
  • daffodilsoup
    daffodilsoup Posts: 1,972 Member
    Consider your options carefully, do your research, reflect for a while and then dismiss the idea as ludicrous.

  • VeganZombie13
    Have you considered making the transition to vegetarian first? I'm fully supportive of a vegan lifestyle, however you say you like meat too much...this makes me think the jump straight into vegan might end up being a fail as it's far more restrictive.

    I've been a vegetarian for 8 years & can't imagine living any other way. The only reason I can't commit to being a vegan is my love for things like whey protein/egg whites --as my desire to gain muscle mass requires the extra protein...& I'm too lazy/cheap to purchase the vegan alternatives...& my love for goldfish crackers lol Other than that I have eliminated nearly all dairy products (almond/soy milk instead).

    When it comes to getting the proper nutrients, NEVER let anyone tell you these things cannot be obtained through a plant based diet! It i quite possible (:

    ^^ I agree,

    I've been vegan for 3 years, it wasn't easy at first, but I couldn't see myself any other way..

    Do you have to take protein pills?
    No I get my protein from different places, they do make "fake" meat. I'm not missing out on any protein. the only thing I take pill wise is D3.
  • wholelottarosa
    I don't know why people who aren't even veg are responding?

    I have been vegan for over 10 years now. I have had 3 children since then (who are also vegan), nursed etc. through it all..

    So what if you love the taste of dead animals? Do you love other beings equally? Do you have a dog? Cat? Could you see yourself eating them?

    Also, for the person who said that there are no health benefits more than eating dead animals, that's BS. There are a LOT of health benefits to cutting out animals out of your diet: diabetes, high blood pressure etc.

    You don't need to take any vitamins if you are eating right.
    p.s. Did you know that the north american population actually eats TOO much protein?

    Please cite these sources.

    Go Sarah! The voice of reason as always. :)
  • Ge0rgiana
    Ge0rgiana Posts: 1,649 Member
    I went pescetarian for a short period of time. I made myself go back to meat. I was NOT satisfied.
  • lizziebeth1028
    lizziebeth1028 Posts: 3,602 Member
    I want to know your experience of being a vegan. I'm thinking of being one, but I love meat too much. But it's a lifestyle commitment.

    What are your experiences? Do you have to take protein pills? My friend is one but she eats seafood, not sure if that counts as being a vegan.

    Why would you become a vegan if you love meat?
  • daffodilsoup
    daffodilsoup Posts: 1,972 Member
    I went pescetarian for a short period of time. I made myself go back to meat. I was NOT satisfied.

    What did your diet look like as a pescetarian?
  • DoomCakes
    DoomCakes Posts: 806 Member

    I can't speak for that poster, but when most vegans bring up the idea of eating cats or dogs, it's more to question why it's so different. America went crazy when they sold horse meat, but don't balk at ground beef because that's been "normalized". The question is more "why love one and eat the other?" What really makes my dog, whom I love dearly, so much different from a goat or cow or pig?

    Cattle do not show near as much affection as a dog and make for lousy house pets. lol. In the smart *kitten* remark.

    But in seriousness, they're just things that have been eaten for years. Same as buffalo, fish, etc. Some where in time, some human took a bite, said it was good, found some kind of benefit and it was just accepted. The human didn't die from it, but back in time... your serving of meat wasn't the size of your head.
  • daffodilsoup
    daffodilsoup Posts: 1,972 Member
    I want to know your experience of being a vegan. I'm thinking of being one, but I love meat too much. But it's a lifestyle commitment.

    What are your experiences? Do you have to take protein pills? My friend is one but she eats seafood, not sure if that counts as being a vegan.

    Why would you become a vegan if you love meat?

    Because some people do things for, what they see, as a greater good.
  • Ge0rgiana
    Ge0rgiana Posts: 1,649 Member
    I went pescetarian for a short period of time. I made myself go back to meat. I was NOT satisfied.

    What did your diet look like as a pescetarian?

    Mostly lacto-ovo vegetarian with fish about one meal a day.
  • daffodilsoup
    daffodilsoup Posts: 1,972 Member

    I can't speak for that poster, but when most vegans bring up the idea of eating cats or dogs, it's more to question why it's so different. America went crazy when they sold horse meat, but don't balk at ground beef because that's been "normalized". The question is more "why love one and eat the other?" What really makes my dog, whom I love dearly, so much different from a goat or cow or pig?

    Cattle do not show near as much affection as a dog and make for lousy house pets. lol. In the smart *kitten* remark.

    But in seriousness, they're just things that have been eaten for years. Same as buffalo, fish, etc. Some where in time, some human took a bite, said it was good, found some kind of benefit and it was just accepted. The human didn't die from it, but back in time... your serving of meat wasn't the size of your head.

    I see. So because it's tradition makes it okay?

    Don't get me wrong here, I ate meat for the first fifteen years of my life and even went so far as to make fun of "those vegans". But just because something is "the way things have always been" is not enough to justify them.
  • sjohnny
    sjohnny Posts: 56,142 Member
    I can't speak for that poster, but when most vegans bring up the idea of eating cats or dogs, it's more to question why it's so different. America went crazy when they sold horse meat, but don't balk at ground beef because that's been "normalized". The question is more "why love one and eat the other?" What really makes my dog, whom I love dearly, so much different from a goat or cow or pig?

    Because it's not "your" goat that you love dearly. Meat animals usually don't have other purposes for which they are raised by people. Your dog or cat were acquired by you for the purpose of companionship. The goats and sheep that I had when I lived out in the sticks were not acquired for companionship purposes (for the record: sheep lie) but for meat and milk. I've never known anyone to successfully house train a sheep. In some cultures they do eat dogs and cats - usually not the one that was the lifelong family pet. A friend of mine ate dog and cat while he was in Thailand. It wasn't "his" cat.

    People who enjoy eating meat don't go around indiscriminately eating whatever animal they find just as people who enjoy sex don't go around indiscriminately fcking everyone they see (well, most don't).
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