Thinking of going vegan



  • _Thanatos_
    You like meat? Then eat meat. Only reason some folks go vegan is because of silly "ethical" reasons or some such.

    But of course don't eat too much of it and make sure everything's all balanced out and you won't gain weight.

    Silly "ethical" reasons are the reason people don't slit your throat and take all your *kitten* just because they want it.

    We're people. They're animals. Comparing the two as if we're equal is silly because the fact is we're not. Nor is eating meat ethically wrong. It's helped us all from going extinct and I see no reason to quit eating it now.
  • dittmarml
    dittmarml Posts: 351 Member

    Good to know you're open minded...
  • summertime_girl
    summertime_girl Posts: 3,945 Member

    People do this all the time with beliefs, religion, morals, expectations, etc. - it's called parenting.
    That's the type of parenting the mother did in the movie, "Carrie." Real parenting involves letting the children decide for themselves what kind of lifestyle they want to live, but to be there for them to steer them away from danger and to pick up the pieces when they get hurt. Real parenting isn't to force your views or beliefs on a child.

    That's ridiculous. You raise your children as you live. I wouldn't have my kids go to church if I don't believe, just so I don't "force" my beliefs on them. Presuming there is not punishment or ramifications if the child eats meat when at a friend's home, what they're doing is just living a familial norm.
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    LOL...So OP has started a war between the meaters and vegans and hasn't chimed back in yet. Well played.

    Not the first.

    Won't be the last.
  • MyIrishSpirit
    MyIrishSpirit Posts: 43 Member
    First, eating seafood is called Pescatarian not vegan. Vegans do not eat any animals of any kind nor any animal products (milk, eggs, cheese...etc). I was vegan for a couple years (then I was homeless and beggars can't be choosers). Vegan is a very difficult lifestyle and takes a LOT of commitment. All of the people asking WHY you want to do it are valid. If you're doing it to lose weight you won't stick with it. If you have a deep rooted moral belief that exploiting animals for food is wrong then it may be easier.

    Either way you pretty much cannot buy anything pre-made anymore. You will have to make everything from scratch and find whole foods stores where you can purchase ingredients without animal products or by-products. You will need to do some research on what is and is not an animal product. For instance, you can no longer eat Cheerios because they have glycerin in them (and for you nitpickers...yes, glycerin can come from vegetable fats but it is usually animal fats). Many "vegan" packaged cheeses contain casein which is a milk derivitive and therefore NOT vegan. It can be expensive and time consuming.

    I never went back to my vegan ways because I realized there is a food chain for a reason and meat is good. If you want a kickstart try googling a video called "Meet Your Meat". One of the Baldwin's hosts it. That video is what made me want to be vegan in the first place. Like I said though, it's a MAJOR life commitment.

    Whatever you decide, good luck!
  • sjohnny
    sjohnny Posts: 56,142 Member
    You like meat? Then eat meat. Only reason some folks go vegan is because of silly "ethical" reasons or some such.

    But of course don't eat too much of it and make sure everything's all balanced out and you won't gain weight.

    Silly "ethical" reasons are the reason people don't slit your throat and take all your *kitten* just because they want it.

    We're people. They're animals. Comparing the two as if we're equal is silly because the fact is we're not. Nor is eating meat ethically wrong. It's helped us all from going extinct and I see no reason to quit eating it now.

    According to YOUR ethics that's the case. Someone raised with a different set of beliefs may not see it that way. Some believe that animals have just as much right to live without being murdered as people do and see no difference between slitting a person's throat to taking their *kitten* and slitting an animals throat and eating it and making a jacket out of its skin. In some places if you are a person from a different group of people you are not considered to be of the same worth and it's okay to kill you. That's that culture's "ethic".
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member

    Stupid, stupid post.

    You can find examples of pretty much anything: Mimi Kirk - raw vegan - 71 in this pic:

  • WilmaDennis91
    WilmaDennis91 Posts: 433 Member

    Lol, It's called a question.
  • stargazer008
    Why do it when you are not ready to give up meat.
  • WilmaDennis91
    WilmaDennis91 Posts: 433 Member
    I want to know your experience of being a vegan. I'm thinking of being one, but I love meat too much. But it's a lifestyle commitment.

    What are your experiences? Do you have to take protein pills? My friend is one but she eats seafood, not sure if that counts as being a vegan.

    Eating seafood makes her NOT a vegan. Vegan's don't use anything that comes from any animal. No meat, seafood, chicken, eggs, honey, milk, jell-o. They also don't wear leather, fur, wool, silk, or any other product that comes from an animal. People usually do not become vegans for dietary reasons it is because they think it is wrong to exploit other animals.

    drmerc's question is a valid one. Why do you wish to become a vegan?

    I believe vegan's are simply confused as to their location on the food chain. I did not claw my way to the top of the food chain to eat kale.

    Just a question. I do agree with your perspective though. Thanks.
  • sjohnny
    sjohnny Posts: 56,142 Member

    Lol, It's called a question.

    But knowing your reasons would give people a better idea of how to best answer that question.
  • WilmaDennis91
    WilmaDennis91 Posts: 433 Member

    You love meat, but you're thinking about giving it up?

    Does not compute.

    Lol someone's a little *****y :)
  • evolutioner
    It's awesome being vegan, your body does change and for the better the amount of energy and strength i have doesn't even compare to before to when i was eating meat.

    There tons of vegan athletes running on just plants and fruits such as power lifters, runner's, boxer's, MMA fighters, Body Builders, Football Players.
  • phonypony
    Why the heck would you want to go vegan if you love meat? That's just crazy. I think veganism is extremely unhealthy for the majority of people because they don't do it properly and make sure they're getting enough vitamins and minerals from their food. Protein is not so much of a problem. My boyfriends is vegan and I am vegetarian and the major problems are B12 (eggs, dairy, yeast spread etc) and things like Calcium and Zinc . I think you should stick with eating meat if you like it and just try to cut down on how much meat you are eating, add a lot of fruit and vegetables and low fat dairy products and you've got a winning combination.
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    It's awesome being vegan, your body does change and for the better the amount of energy and strength i have doesn't even compare to before to when i was eating meat.

    There tons of vegan athletes running on just plants and fruits such as power lifters, runner's, boxer's, MMA fighters, Body Builders, Football Players.

    And by "tons", you mean, "dozens", right?
  • sjohnny
    sjohnny Posts: 56,142 Member
    It's awesome being vegan, your body does change and for the better the amount of energy and strength i have doesn't even compare to before to when i was eating meat.

    There tons of vegan athletes running on just plants and fruits such as power lifters, runner's, boxer's, MMA fighters, Body Builders, Football Players.

    A figure skater, ultramarathoner, a lightweight MMA fighter, a surfer, and a powerlifter who can deadlift a little over 600lbs. WOOO!
  • sjohnny
    sjohnny Posts: 56,142 Member
    It's awesome being vegan, your body does change and for the better the amount of energy and strength i have doesn't even compare to before to when i was eating meat.

    There tons of vegan athletes running on just plants and fruits such as power lifters, runner's, boxer's, MMA fighters, Body Builders, Football Players.

    And by "tons", you mean, "dozens", right?

    Dozens of them would be about a ton.
  • _Thanatos_
    You like meat? Then eat meat. Only reason some folks go vegan is because of silly "ethical" reasons or some such.

    But of course don't eat too much of it and make sure everything's all balanced out and you won't gain weight.

    Silly "ethical" reasons are the reason people don't slit your throat and take all your *kitten* just because they want it.

    We're people. They're animals. Comparing the two as if we're equal is silly because the fact is we're not. Nor is eating meat ethically wrong. It's helped us all from going extinct and I see no reason to quit eating it now.

    According to YOUR ethics that's the case. Someone raised with a different set of beliefs may not see it that way. Some believe that animals have just as much right to live without being murdered as people do and see no difference between slitting a person's throat to taking their *kitten* and slitting an animals throat and eating it and making a jacket out of its skin. In some places if you are a person from a different group of people you are not considered to be of the same worth and it's okay to kill you. That's that culture's "ethic".

    Animals eat each other and we eat them. It's just the way life works. Get over it.
  • DesireeLovesOrganic
    I don't take any pills, b-12 is in nutritional yeast which is super easy to add into dishes you are cooking, 1 serving has 133% of b-12. Actually I lied, I do take a d3 liquid supplement in winter but so does my husband and kids (they aren't vegan, they eat organic dairy/eggs daily and pastured raised organic meat about 2x a week, that stuff ain't cheap!)

    I don't get how people think you don't get enough fat. My breakfast today had 18 grams of fat (rolled oats with a cut up apple, 1/8 cup walnuts, 1 tablespoon of flax, 1/2 teaspoon of real maple syrup, and cinnamon, also has 12 protein, 14 fiber, 15 iron.) Eat an avocado and that's 30 grams of fat (I eat half of one every day.) Cook with a little bit of coconut oil and that has fat too. Nuts have fat.

    Protein and iron I meet daily requirement too (and I don't eat soy, I agree with a lot of people here that soy is not good for you. I wouldn't touch a "fake meat" product with a 10 foot pole, especially GMO soy which I bet a lot of the vegan-haters here eat too because it's in pretty much everything packaged. See the little soy lecithin on the ingredient list? GMO soy. It's even in ice cream, chocolate, etc.) My little lunch (pea soup leftovers that I made yesterday in the crockpot) has 18 protein in a serving (20 iron.) I could easily eat two servings too. There are lots of dishes you can make with red lentils, green lentils, black eyed peas, different types of beans (my kids love cannellini, the white kidney beans, I make a chili with them, yum!) that have lots of protein and iron.

    I do make a hemp smoothie everyday because I love them, I buy 100% organic hemp powder (no other ingredients, no hexane in the extraction process, lots of iron too) and I do 3-4 tablespoons of that (15-20 grams protein) + 2.5 tablespoons raw cacao powder (3 grams protein) + some almond milk + 10 almonds (or a tablespoon of chia if have some) + a banana (to sweeten) and a handful of ice cubes in the blender. It's good, my kids even like them. LOL

    Blackstrap molasses is a good source of iron and calcium too. I eat it straight off the spoon cause I think the flavor takes over too much in recipes.

    Another fave dinner in our house is organic wheat udon noodles + liquid aminos + nutritional yeast + lots of broccoli + package of organic baby bella mushrooms + cashews + red hot chili pepper (red chili flakes or sriracha would work too) + a bit of almond milk (tiny bit, enough to mix with the nutritional yeast and make it creamy) + bit of coconut oil so it doesn't stick....yum and 23 protein.

    I've going on 1.5 years without meat, dairy, eggs...I do use organic active manuka honey though...and I have never felt better. Lost 30 pounds (but I do count calories) and have only gotten one cold. The year prior to becoming vegan I was sick every three weeks (weird stuff too like ear infections, mono, strep, bla bla bla) but I wasn't eating enough fruits and veggies, was drinking too much, and flying too much on planes so I am sure that is a factor too. I think I get MORE nutrition now as a vegan because I have to pay better attention. I don't think you can be lazy and do it healthily though. Hell even the store runs for fresh produce every 3 days add up and I literally have to cook breakfast lunch and dinner each day because eating out is not that easy (we have one go to restaurant that serves organic meat free and dairy free options...and soy free options....I don't eat tofu or soyrizo or any of that.) Not eating out saves us money though (and makes it much easier to count calories.) I have a hard time packing lunches for my husband and kids, they end up getting dairy (organic yogurt, whole wheat wrap with almond butter and banana, grapes) and the husband is harder because he's not going to eat almond butter and banana wraps. HA! I do rely on wraps too much (lavish whole wheat) and I stuff them with avocado, hummus, spinach, tomato, bla bla.) I sometimes buy them humane raised organic nitrate free lunch meat but it's $9 for a tiny pack. I am absolutely NOT supporting factory farms or feeding them anything that had hormones, vet meds, etc though so if we can't afford it, meat free it is for them too.
  • DoomCakes
    DoomCakes Posts: 806 Member
    I have been vegan for over 10 years now. I have had 3 children since then (who are also vegan), nursed etc. through it all..

    This makes me so angry. Why should you force a lifestyle on a child just because it's your personal choice. Gah.

    People do this all the time with beliefs, religion, morals, expectations, etc. - it's called parenting.
    That's the type of parenting the mother did in the movie, "Carrie." Real parenting involves letting the children decide for themselves what kind of lifestyle they want to live, but to be there for them to steer them away from danger and to pick up the pieces when they get hurt. Real parenting isn't to force your views or beliefs on a child. As for the Original OP, DON"T DO IT. We were made to hunt and eat meat. Forward facing eyes, to track and spot prey easier, ears on the side of the head to hear in a 360' area. Sharp front teet to tear and rip flesh, and we stand up right with opposable thumbs to hold weapons and tools. Contrary to the veggies here, it has noth to do with tradition, but it's the way we were made. No doc, trainer or dietician has ever said a vegan diet is better than an omnivorous diet.

    Hmmm... this made me think of this interesting movie I watched, totally fake but still. It's called "Parents" It's on netflix. It's an old movie from 1989 but it shows parents trying to force their ideas on a kid lol. Dunno why this made me think of that.
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