Sexual Orientation Changed Through Reparative Therapy?



  • tinak33
    tinak33 Posts: 9,883 Member
    It has never been scientifically proven that you are "born gay". There are no gay genetics.
    You are just born.

    I believe that everyone has same-sex attractions. Some people deny them and move forward towards opposite sex attractions right away and some people don't.
    That's what I think.

    I also believe that reparative therapy can help some people. While there are people who feel shamed into "turning straight", I also believe that there are people who feel shame in "playing gay". I know a lot of people are saying that they don't choose to be gay and no one really does because of the drama and hardships that they will face. But there are also those people who may have "come out of the closet" at an early age, and later on want to change. If they want to make that change, why shouldn't they? And why should they feel shame in wanting that?
    Don't we all have the Constitutional right to pursue happiness? If one is happy remaining gay, then thats wonderful. But if one is unhappy and wishes to make a lifestyle change and move towards "straight-ville", why should they feel shame in that?

    I really think the fear and shaming goes both ways...

    While I admire your preaching of leaving others alone and everyone deserves to find happiness, I HAVE to point out...

    There is actually a steady stream of research on the biological and genetic nature of homosexuality; I don't think that needs to change the core belief of, "There is nothing wrong with being any other orientation than straight, and there should be nothing stopping people from pursuing this," but it's worth noting that the research IS there, and because something is not yet completely proven does not make it any less scientific (gravity and evolution are just theories; that doesn't make them "not real"). Edited to say: As others have pointed out, it's not necessarily FULLY biological, either. Nurture and Nature are vital parts of the formation of, well, a human as they become human.

    Similarly, you're falling into that awful trap of "lifestyle." You seriously said, "If someone wants to change their lifestyle, what's wrong with that?" There is no "gay" lifestyle, just like there is no "straight" lifestyle. A sexual orientation is not a lifestyle; if, as a straight person, someone is living every choice they make based off their attraction to the opposite sex, then that would be a lifestyle--their life is styled around that key factor. Do you do that? Does anyone seriously live every aspect of their life around their orientation? No. It shapes their life, it influences their life, but unless they are literally opening the fridge and thinking, "I'm gay and I want to drink milk because I'm gay and then eat cereal with that milk because I'm gay," then it's a FACET of who they are, not their entire LIFE.

    Just wanted to say that I am not trying to "preach". Just giving my opinion. Not saying that my opinion is right or wrong. Everyone has a right to their own opinion.

    I also want to point out that I never said there wasn't research being done. There has been research being done on this for YEARS. I'm just saying that after so many years, it's still not proven. And because it's still not proven, we can't say it's in the genes because there is no "gay gene". I'm not saying that it won't be proven in the future. Maybe it will. But I'm not a scientist. I just know that it hasn't been proven yet.

    Also, my apologies for use of the word "lifestyle". That was a misunderstanding. But keep in mind that I am also generalizing. For some people it's an absolute. But maybe for some people it is a lifestyle. Maybe for those people, this therapy is helpful. We can't know the hearts and minds of every individual. Please note my use of the word "maybe". Again. Not saying it's the same for everyone.
  • FrenchMob
    FrenchMob Posts: 1,167 Member
    Speaking of flaunting, what's with the pride parades? I never saw a hetero pride parade.

    Every day is a straight pride parade. Heterosexual people dominate every single aspect of our society and are allowed and encouraged to exhibit pride in their orientation by things as simple as holding hands with their significant other in public without a second thought.
    Sorry that doesn't cut it. Nothing is stopping you from holding the hand of your loved one while walking on the street.
  • tinak33
    tinak33 Posts: 9,883 Member
    I was married to and have a daughter with my high school sweetheart. We divorced and I was later engaged to another man. Nice nice, too much baggage, we broke up. For the last 10 years, I've been very happily involved in a committed relationship with a woman. For me, it's not so much 'sexual' orientation as I love who I love for their individuality not their gender. When I was in the ninth grade, I was simultaneously crushing on my female algebra teacher and the boy who sat next to me in that same class. Soooo...what's my orientation?

    You love people for who they are. :heart:
  • stephdeeable
    stephdeeable Posts: 1,407 Member
    Speaking of flaunting, what's with the pride parades? I never saw a hetero pride parade.

    Every day is a straight pride parade. Heterosexual people dominate every single aspect of our society and are allowed and encouraged to exhibit pride in their orientation by things as simple as holding hands with their significant other in public without a second thought.
    Sorry that doesn't cut it. Nothing is stopping you from holding the hand of your loved one while walking on the street.

    Have you ever been beaten or harassed for doing so? Fear stops many people from showing affection in public.
  • FrenchMob
    FrenchMob Posts: 1,167 Member
    Speaking of flaunting, what's with the pride parades? I never saw a hetero pride parade.

    Are you people serious? This is like asking why there's a BET channel, & why don't white people have their own TV channel? Hint: EVERY CHANNEL IS A WHITE PEOPLE CHANNEL.

    Likewise, every day is "hetero pride" day. We live in a hetero-normative culture.
    Seriously? This is the best answer you can come up with? Hardly a valid argument.
  • tinak33
    tinak33 Posts: 9,883 Member
    Speaking of flaunting, what's with the pride parades? I never saw a hetero pride parade.

    Disclaimer - I don't care what sexual preference anyone is, but don't get me started on religion - those are the nut jobs.

    This bigoted attitude towards all people of faith bothers me as much as the bigoted attitudes of some people of faith to gay people. Not all people of faith carry around signs saying "God hates gays." Not all of us are nut jobs.

  • fishgutzy
    fishgutzy Posts: 2,807 Member
    "Therapy" suggests a malfunction, something that needs corrected.

    Sexual orientation does not need to be corrected. Anything claiming it can do so is just a shaming tactic designed to shove obvious behaviors under the rug.

    Funny. This is the same argument used by NAMBLA and other pedophile organizations.
    I doubt very much that the "tolerant" crowd would tolerate a pervert seducing their children in the name of being tolerant of other people's sexual orientation.
  • lachesissss
    lachesissss Posts: 1,298 Member
    I can't believe that Dr. Oz has found a new low, but I am continually surprised, much to my dissapointment. I am sorry, why can't we live and let live? Why can't everyone have the same basic civil rights? Why does it matter. Why do we have to box and categorize individuals, to whose benefit? The thought of radically changing someones behavior to fit a societal ideal is oppressive and dangerous. I'm sorry, but I find the whole idea incredibly distasteful and harmful.
  • firstsip
    firstsip Posts: 8,399 Member
    "Therapy" suggests a malfunction, something that needs corrected.

    Sexual orientation does not need to be corrected. Anything claiming it can do so is just a shaming tactic designed to shove obvious behaviors under the rug.

    Funny. This is the same argument used by NAMBLA and other pedophile organizations.
    I doubt very much that the "tolerant" crowd would tolerate a pervert seducing their children in the name of being tolerant of other people's sexual orientation.

    Excuse me, sir, do you know what a "Slippery Slope" argument is?
  • BurtHuttz
    BurtHuttz Posts: 3,653 Member
    Excuse me, sir, do you know what a "Slippery Slope" argument is?

    Don't bother; his inability to see the clear and bold distinction in the first place means you'll just be pissing in the wind.
  • louised88
    "Therapy" suggests a malfunction, something that needs corrected.

    Sexual orientation does not need to be corrected. Anything claiming it can do so is just a shaming tactic designed to shove obvious behaviors under the rug.

    Funny. This is the same argument used by NAMBLA and other pedophile organizations.
    I doubt very much that the "tolerant" crowd would tolerate a pervert seducing their children in the name of being tolerant of other people's sexual orientation.

    That's because children can't consent.

    Although I don't know why I'm bothering to engage with someone who would seriously consider a consensual adult relationship comparable with child abuse.
  • firstsip
    firstsip Posts: 8,399 Member
    Speaking of flaunting, what's with the pride parades? I never saw a hetero pride parade.

    Are you people serious? This is like asking why there's a BET channel, & why don't white people have their own TV channel? Hint: EVERY CHANNEL IS A WHITE PEOPLE CHANNEL.

    Likewise, every day is "hetero pride" day. We live in a hetero-normative culture.
    Seriously? This is the best answer you can come up with? Hardly a valid argument.

    Can't tell if serious.
  • firstsip
    firstsip Posts: 8,399 Member
    Excuse me, sir, do you know what a "Slippery Slope" argument is?

    Don't bother; his inability to see the clear and bold distinction in the first place means you'll just be pissing in the wind.

    Well, I'm pretty hydrated, so I have plenty of piss to spare...
  • Chinadorian
    Chinadorian Posts: 200 Member
    bump. just curious about what everyone has to say on this
  • louised88
    Speaking of flaunting, what's with the pride parades? I never saw a hetero pride parade.

    Are you people serious? This is like asking why there's a BET channel, & why don't white people have their own TV channel? Hint: EVERY CHANNEL IS A WHITE PEOPLE CHANNEL.

    Likewise, every day is "hetero pride" day. We live in a hetero-normative culture.
    Seriously? This is the best answer you can come up with? Hardly a valid argument.

    What's not valid about it? Are you denying that our culture is hetero-normative? That LGBT aren't seen as 'other' and not seperate from the nice, normal straight culture?
  • Speaking of flaunting, what's with the pride parades? I never saw a hetero pride parade.

    That's like asking why there is no white pride parade. Yes, let us celebrate how privileged we are and always have been!

    Gay pride parades aren't about "Yay! We're gay!" It's a celebration of how far they've come and how they've gotten through the things that they have. Like Stonewall, for example. There's plenty to celebrate and they have every right to be proud of it.
  • louised88
    Speaking of flaunting, what's with the pride parades? I never saw a hetero pride parade.

    Are you people serious? This is like asking why there's a BET channel, & why don't white people have their own TV channel? Hint: EVERY CHANNEL IS A WHITE PEOPLE CHANNEL.

    Likewise, every day is "hetero pride" day. We live in a hetero-normative culture.
    Seriously? This is the best answer you can come up with? Hardly a valid argument.

    Can't tell if serious.

    Me either! Legit Poe.
  • Jain
    Jain Posts: 861 Member
    "Therapy" suggests a malfunction, something that needs corrected.

    Sexual orientation does not need to be corrected. Anything claiming it can do so is just a shaming tactic designed to shove obvious behaviors under the rug.

    Is the right answer. Dr Oz is just a quack who takes his cut from all the various snake oil trements he recommends.
  • cncrafton
    cncrafton Posts: 82 Member
    Speaking of flaunting, what's with the pride parades? I never saw a hetero pride parade.

    Every day is a straight pride parade. Heterosexual people dominate every single aspect of our society and are allowed and encouraged to exhibit pride in their orientation by things as simple as holding hands with their significant other in public without a second thought.
    Sorry that doesn't cut it. Nothing is stopping you from holding the hand of your loved one while walking on the street.

    Nothing is stopping queer people from being queer in public except nasty glares, verbal harassment, refusal of service and, you know, sometimes physical assault and death. No big.

    It may not be expressly against the written law, but it certainly violates social law.
  • Moonbeamlissie
    Moonbeamlissie Posts: 504 Member
    I used to believe it was a choice but now believe that there are factors that lead to it.. while im against the lifestyle I am tolerant and accepting of those who live that way.. the biggest problem I have with these therapies is that it can lead to a lot of pressure for people to change and they may act differently but not really be changed

    Yup. Those straight people and their weird lifestyle choice. I really can't understand how they live that way either. I'm tolerant of them because some of my best friends are straight, and they seem like nice enough folks. Still. I pity them because they were obviously influenced by the straight culture that surrounds them.

    I LOVE this!!!!!