Anyone else have big thighs?



  • CaseyAllyssa
    CaseyAllyssa Posts: 19 Member
    My thigh/butt area is the biggest part of my body. When I was at my lowest weight, they were small, but still proportionately larger than the rest of me. That's just my body shape I guess. It took one to two hours of running every day for me to see a loss in my legs. Now that I workout at a more maintainable level, I'm focusing mostly on toning. If I can't lose all the weight I'd like to in my thighs, I at least want to get them to look fit.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    I know how you feel, my bum and thighs are the problem area, always have been. In fact my entire waist is only 4 inches thicker than ONE THIGH. Thats just wrong. What I find helps is calisthenics, the leg exercises I do three times a week, coupled with leg stuff at the gym. I dont have access to a class where I am now, but ballet really works the thighs too. I hate my thighs, they've gotten smaller but are way out of proportion to my waist, thich I think makes tham look even worse. Good luck, and If you find anything else that really works PM me (please!).

    Mine is actually the same. Waist = 4 inches larger than one thigh.

    Same. I prefer to think, "Yay, I have a tiny waist!" than "Ew, my thighs are gross."

    Even when I was skinny and had skinny legs, my waist was 4 inches bigger than my thigh.
  • Cranktastic
    Cranktastic Posts: 1,517 Member
    My thighs are HUGE for my size. I really hate it--more than i can even express but there's nothing I can do about it. So...yeah ((sigh)) ugh!

    Oh and squats only make them bigger. Just my $.02. My thighs and toosh expand with weight lifting but I do it anyway. So I guess I'm partly to blame.

    I also think us looking from the outside would argue your "hugeness" is stunning and full of win, and not huge but fabulous
  • diadojikohei
    diadojikohei Posts: 732 Member
    Yep but I don't hate them -- I wish clothes could be made for those of us with hip & thigh (junk inthe trunk) that fit better. I know I am strong because of my thighs. They are very muscular and its hard to get them thinner even when I weighed 100 pounds and had almost no fat on my body.

    There is a SUPER easy tailoring fix for this. Buy pants that fit your "junk", then have the waistline tailored to fit. I actually purchased some thriftstore pants, and took a crack at this at home...not too hard, even if you can barely work the sewing machine(like me:).

    I started sewing when I was 15 because I couldn't get anything to fit right! At 5 foot 9 sleeves are never the right length and jeans gape at the back!!

    I wear full skirts a lot or drop waist skirts that sit on my hips (1,5 inch below my belly button) so they don't gape at the back!

    My waist is 29 inch now and hips 42 inch and big thighs which taper to my Knees!
  • ezavora
    ezavora Posts: 59 Member
    I had a coach in high school that actually called me 'elephant legs" Ouch. But I always had the strongest legs and still do and am happy for that. Im working on toning them since I know they will never be "skinny" I never realized it before, but now that it's been brought up, I also have a waist that is only 4" bigger than my thighs. Geeze, thanks everyone for pointing THAT out.
  • JesterMFP
    JesterMFP Posts: 3,596 Member
    I think your disgust with your thighs is disproportionate to the problem. I don't exactly love my thighs. They are very muscular - love them from the back, not so much from the front. And, although I'm mostly apple-shaped, there is a stubborn jiggle of fat at the top of each thigh. You know what though? There's a lot about my body that I am happy with, and proud of.

    You say on your profile that you're looking for "a perfect, fit, toned body". I honestly hope you don't waste too much of your life looking for perfection. There's absolutely nothing wrong with dedication and aspiring to improve, but physical perfection just doesn't exist. It's fair to assume that your profile picture, for example, has been photoshopped. I'm also pretty sure that at 18, and a healthy weight, there are plenty of people looking at you and wishing they had a body like yours. Try and appreciate it. You wouldn't believe the number of women that hate how they look at your age, and then 10 or 20 years later look back and realise they looked fantastic at the time.

    But to answer your question, no you can't spot-reduce, which means that unfortunately there aren't any special ways to shrink them other than reducing your body fat overall and hoping that it comes off your thighs.
  • love4fitnesslove4food_wechange
    My thighs are HUGE for my size. I really hate it--more than i can even express but there's nothing I can do about it. So...yeah ((sigh)) ugh!

    Oh and squats only make them bigger. Just my $.02. My thighs and toosh expand with weight lifting but I do it anyway. So I guess I'm partly to blame.

    I also think us looking from the outside would argue your "hugeness" is stunning and full of win, and not huge but fabulous

    You're so sweet!! :blushing:
  • BusyRaeNOTBusty
    BusyRaeNOTBusty Posts: 7,166 Member
    I spent a large part of my life hating my thighs. Mine are 24" around and my waist is 28". Recently I've come to except them although they are probably sill my least favorite. They are a LOT of women shaped this way. It's most definitely "normal". Plenty of men find it attractive. I lift weights to maintain muscle while I diet, and well, because it's awesome and fun. I love being strong. I can see some nice strong quads under my thigh fat when I move just right. Someday that muscle will be more visible but for now I'm just happy that it's there. My thighs are not perfect but not many women are. I accept them as a part of me and the whole of me is still pretty awesome.
  • toomuchbootyindapants
    big thighs. I haven't measured them in quite some time because I don't want to see a big number and let the world tell me I'm gross because I don't fit some societal pressurized "norm" (that isn't really a norm). I eat, I jump. I squat. I deadlift. Big numbers. While my legs aren't supermodel legs...they are STRONG. They are beautiful in their own way. They might not look great in shorts yet (darn things always hit me at the widest point on my legs)...but oh well. The upper inner thigh fat is stubborn and doesn't wanna go away. That's my fault - because I'm not a fan of big deficit eating so my fat loss is taking much longer than it could if I just reigned it in.

    I'm a woman and women were designed to carry some extra fat in the thighs. Other cultures adore that little bit of fat but for some reason America allows Hollywood to tell us how we should look, which tries to stunt our growth at about age 14. Uhm no.

    So - train your legs (heavy lifting is lovely but I've seen some runners and cyclists with fantastic legs as well) and eat better, your body will respond. Just be patient with your thighs - they need love too! :D
  • jetscreaminagain
    jetscreaminagain Posts: 1,130 Member
    The coolest thing about this whole process for me has been learning to appreciate what my body does and stop hating what it looks like.

    Appreciation. Strength, Capability. That's how my body has changed and I think I'm lucky that because my mind changed first, by the time my body changed, it didn't matter any more.
  • sara6795
    sara6795 Posts: 29 Member
    There is a thigh curse that runs in the women in my family. Unfortunately, I have what my mother refers to as "Polish thighs." I have accepted that I will not ever have tiny thighs, and I don't know if I would want chicken legs anyway. I've been doing lunges and squats, but only seem to gain more muscle and tone in them. There isn't an excess of fat on them (why can't my stomach be like that?!), but hopefully with continuous work they will slim down.
  • hpsNcrvs
    Not a problem for thighs are thick and sexy. I love boyfriend loves them. They're here to stay :-)
  • tinabrigham
    tinabrigham Posts: 1 Member
    Running is what helps me the most. All the jiggling goes away and so I just feel better about my thighs. My stomach is flatter and even my arms get more toned.
  • ladymiseryali
    ladymiseryali Posts: 2,555 Member
    Here's an awesome chick with huge thighs to help! She may be fictional, but the dude who created her LOVES ladies with big strong thighs.

  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    I'm a woman and women were designed to carry some extra fat in the thighs. Other cultures adore that little bit of fat but for some reason America allows Hollywood to tell us how we should look, which tries to stunt our growth at about age 14. Uhm no.


    There's soooo many threads from women in their late teens and early 20s hating their legs, and I have to wonder if they realize that what's happening to their bodies is normal and natural. We're not meant to have teenage bodies forever. Some of us mature a little earlier than others, some a little later than others. But the difference between the teenage build and an adult build is why there's a juniors department and a misses department.
  • HornsUT32
    HornsUT32 Posts: 163 Member
    I have HUGE thighs...and a big butt, and enormous calves to go with it lol. My legs have been the thorn in my side for years. I wear a size 12 jeans because the bottom half of my body is massive, and then I wear a medium in shirts.

    I have been running for years now, and I have dropped from 270 to 185 pounds because of that. BUT....although I have gotten smaller, I still have flabby thighs. My porportion has not changed at all, and I think I have finally realized I need to focus more on weights, and less on cardio. So...ask me again in 3 months haha. I am going to stick with a lot of weight lifting and less running for the next few months, and just study how my body changes.
  • lee3978
    lee3978 Posts: 274
    Big thigh representing since 1978. They are toned and hard in the back and sides but the inner thighs looks like a doughy mess. I hate it.
  • Piplula
    Squats are killer...but I have large thighs and behind and it's the only thing at helps:sad: ! Good Luck!
  • UhOhItsKylie
    UhOhItsKylie Posts: 92 Member
    Yep, I'm right there with you! I swear, I only gain weight from the waist down. :grumble:

    However, I started lifting heavy about two months ago, and I'm seeing the best results I've ever had with any workout routine. Squats and dead lifts are my best buddies right now. My butt still has a long way to go, but that's a whole other story. :wink:
  • RiverDancer68
    RiverDancer68 Posts: 221 Member
    I'm a woman and women were designed to carry some extra fat in the thighs. Other cultures adore that little bit of fat but for some reason America allows Hollywood to tell us how we should look, which tries to stunt our growth at about age 14. Uhm no.


    There's soooo many threads from women in their late teens and early 20s hating their legs, and I have to wonder if they realize that what's happening to their bodies is normal and natural. We're not meant to have teenage bodies forever. Some of us mature a little earlier than others, some a little later than others. But the difference between the teenage build and an adult build is why there's a juniors department and a misses department.

    Yes!!! Our bodies are designed to carry weight in this area (for procreation)! Women need fat on their bodies to regulate hormones....becomes quite important after 40 btw (I was told it is recommended that after you hit 40 you should carry 10 extra pounds for this very reason). Still, I want my thighs to be firm and "toned," mainly because I hate wearing jeans that are too tight in the thighs, but baggy everywhere else!