Anyone else have big thighs?



  • VelvetAcidVixen
    Yep but I don't hate them -- I wish clothes could be made for those of us with hip & thigh (junk inthe trunk) that fit better. I know I am strong because of my thighs. They are very muscular and its hard to get them thinner even when I weighed 100 pounds and had almost no fat on my body.

    Depending on the cut, Guess jeans tend to fit well if you have thicker thighs with a more modestly sized booty.
  • RobynLB
    RobynLB Posts: 617 Member
    I honestly don't get why women don't like their thighs. Thick thighs are great. Men love them.
  • osualex
    osualex Posts: 409 Member
    I have this same issue...I've resigned myself to having huge thighs forever, I can't remember a time when they weren't big, even when I was skinny. Makes buying pants a real pain in the *kitten* when you have a 29 in waist and 42 in hips (anyone know what size this falls under? I've been wearing just skirts and leggings for months)

    I find that when I run, it slims them down. Squats help build the muscle, but you need a deficit to get the fat off, and running really helps with that.
  • forasmallerass
  • nexangelus
    nexangelus Posts: 2,080 Member
    The coolest thing about this whole process for me has been learning to appreciate what my body does and stop hating what it looks like.

    ^^^^^ THIS!!!

    The opening words to your post OP were the key words "my thighs disgust me"...Even when I have been obese and extremely underweight no part of my body disgusted me (I have been 91 lbs and 189 lbs at my most extreme weights) ...this is a very strong word and mostly psychological I suspect...I am hoping you do not have eating disordered thinking...those words though make it sound like you might just...or maybe have another...not sure what to say to help... : (
  • DawnieB1977
    DawnieB1977 Posts: 4,248 Member
    My thighs are bigger than i'd like - 22" - but I've lost 10" off them in 16 months so I'm pleased. They look quite nice from the side, but it's my inner thigh I hate, it's too wobbly for my liking! Lots more squats, lunges, spinning etc needed I think!

    My waist is 30" and my hips 41", so I suppose I'm in proportion, and i'm losing weight off each of them at the same rate more or less.
  • love4fitnesslove4food_wechange
    My thighs are bigger than i'd like - 22" - but I've lost 10" off them in 16 months so I'm pleased. They look quite nice from the side, but it's my inner thigh I hate, it's too wobbly for my liking! Lots more squats, lunges, spinning etc needed I think!

    My waist is 30" and my hips 41", so I suppose I'm in proportion, and i'm losing weight off each of them at the same rate more or less.

    They sound like they're on the smaller side to me.
  • GiGiBeans
    GiGiBeans Posts: 1,062 Member
    In fact my entire waist is only 4 inches thicker than ONE THIGH. Thats just wrong.

    LOL. My waist is 2.5 inches bigger than one thigh but my waist is 13" smaller than my hips for what it's worth.

    I've reduced my thighs 3" so far in 6 months by doing light resistance lunges, squats and HIIT. They will probably always be full but at least they'll be stronger and firmer.
  • carriempls
    carriempls Posts: 326 Member
    The best advice I can give an 18 year old girl is to learn to love the body you're in. It took me most of my life to learn that lesson and I've still got good days and bad, but some things are genetic. You should strive to be healthy and treat your body right, no doubt, and there's nothing wrong with having specific fitness goals, but they should be realistic too.

    I didn't learn to love my legs until I noticed my bf staring at them all the time. He REALLY loves my legs and thighs. My whole life I've hated their size, he just loves the curves. If he could love them, I knew I was being far too hard on myself.

    Learn to love your thighs.
  • isitsororo
    Mine aren't terrible but they're definitely there. I am a pear so I thought the fat would hang on there, but I can definitely tell that my legs are thinner than they were at 128.
  • DrMAvDPhD
    DrMAvDPhD Posts: 2,097 Member
    I know how you feel, my bum and thighs are the problem area, always have been. In fact my entire waist is only 4 inches thicker than ONE THIGH. Thats just wrong. What I find helps is calisthenics, the leg exercises I do three times a week, coupled with leg stuff at the gym. I dont have access to a class where I am now, but ballet really works the thighs too. I hate my thighs, they've gotten smaller but are way out of proportion to my waist, thich I think makes tham look even worse. Good luck, and If you find anything else that really works PM me (please!).

    Mine is actually the same. Waist = 4 inches larger than one thigh.

    My waist only beats my thighs by 3 inches! lol
  • shammxo
    shammxo Posts: 1,432 Member
    I have pretty big thighs. I'm 5'4 even and my waist is 25.5 and my hips are 36. I'm fine with these measurements. Then there are my thighs... Which are 22 inches. I'm pretty disproportionate.
  • DawnieB1977
    DawnieB1977 Posts: 4,248 Member
    My thighs are bigger than i'd like - 22" - but I've lost 10" off them in 16 months so I'm pleased. They look quite nice from the side, but it's my inner thigh I hate, it's too wobbly for my liking! Lots more squats, lunges, spinning etc needed I think!

    My waist is 30" and my hips 41", so I suppose I'm in proportion, and i'm losing weight off each of them at the same rate more or less.

    They sound like they're on the smaller side to me.

    Really? I guess they're not massive, but my inner thigh needs more toning. I wouldn't feel comfortable wearing a shorter skirt without tights.
  • zentha1384
    zentha1384 Posts: 323 Member
    My thighs disgust me so much. They have always been big and I hate it, and they are like disproportional to the rest of me. It's been so hard to get them to shrink down, they've only shrunk an inch after months of dieting and exercising (although I have mostly been yo-yo dieting until recently) The fat on there doesn't want to budge at all. I would like them to shrink down at least 4 more inches. I know you can't spot reduce, but has anyone found anything that has helped your thighs shrink if you naturally have big thighs that don't wanna budge?

    Are you Scandinavian or German descent? Large legs kinda run in the genetics of those descended from these regions .
  • brevislux
    brevislux Posts: 1,093 Member
    Yes! No matter what my size's going to be, my thighs would always be much bigger than the rest of me. ALL of my fat is over there. It's very frustrating. BUT strength training makes them look nicer and much more firm. I hope it's going to get better.
  • Natihilator
    Natihilator Posts: 1,778 Member
    My body is bigger than I want it to be, but it is pretty proportionate everywhere except my thighs. I don't mind though - I've actually come to really love my hips, and wider hips usually go with bigger thighs, and the fat will come off 'em eventually!
  • onyxgirl17
    onyxgirl17 Posts: 1,721 Member
    yes my waist is only 4 inches larger than one thigh.... as well...
  • professorRAT
    professorRAT Posts: 690 Member
    I had a coach in high school that actually called me 'elephant legs" Ouch. But I always had the strongest legs and still do and am happy for that. Im working on toning them since I know they will never be "skinny" I never realized it before, but now that it's been brought up, I also have a waist that is only 4" bigger than my thighs. Geeze, thanks everyone for pointing THAT out.

    I am right there with you! My waist is only 3.5 inches bigger than my thigh. :tongue:

    I have always had big legs. I am 33"bust 25.5" waist 37.75" hips with 22" thighs. I used to hate it, and sometimes still do, but it turns out some guys prefer this shape.:wink: So, OP, try to learn to accept your shape. You can get leaner and that will change things, but your basic shape may not change much. Work with what you've got!
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    i'm somewhere between a ruler and hourglass shape and my thighs are bigger than my hips.

    what's been working for me is heavy weight lifting, eating at a moderate calorie deficit and time. since i've started a little less than a year ago i've lost 5 past sizes and i'm wearing pants i couldnt even get over my knees a year ago
  • Nerdy_Rose
    Nerdy_Rose Posts: 1,277 Member
    Waist: 25
    Thigh: 22

    That gives me a 3-inch difference.
    I like my thighs though, except when I shop for jeans. The pants always fit everything great, and end up tight on my thighs. Got 'em from my momma, and I know they're not going anywhere. Squatting heavy did get rid of the cellulite dimples when I cross my legs though. True story.