Wheat - Unhealthy or just evil?



  • Beastette
    Beastette Posts: 1,497 Member
    You have to drink an MSG shake immediately afterward to neutralize wheat's effects. Come with me if you want to live!
  • RhineDHP
    RhineDHP Posts: 1,025 Member
    The only thing that's evil is yourself. And by yourself I mean a person in general, and their choices and portion sizes of what they eat. You're your own enemy when it comes to food.

    I'd like to think my future body will thank my present self's consideration to reducing my exposure to advanced glycation end-products, high blood sugar, insulin resistance, and bad fats. I feel like my own best friend when it comes to food. I feed the body good stuff, it thanks me by making me not feel awful. Symbiosis.

    Yep, you can be your worst enemy and your greatest ally with your food choices. Don't blame or congratulate specific foods for your health, blame or congratulate your personal choices.
  • tobnrn
    tobnrn Posts: 477 Member
    If white bread is bad for you and wheat bread is evil, what the heck am I supposed to make a friggin' sandwich out of???

    KFC got it right with the double down. Use two chicken breasts for the bun.

    What if your on a protein restriction? Im Fooked. :sad:
  • Yani51
    Yani51 Posts: 48 Member
    I think this post, about wheat being unhealthy, is straight from the Paleo Diet webpage...

    For another opinion of the Paleo Diet, from a "clinical professor of nutrition" I suggest reading this article from the Huffington Post website...
    in which "Lisa Sassoon, a registered dietitian and assistant clinical professor of nutrition at NYU, agrees. "There's no real research behind it either. And it eliminates things that do have research behind them: grains, beans and low-fat dairy.""

    Personally, I look very closely at the people, organisations and research behind such claims before I form an opinion. IMO the Paleo Diet assertions that wheat is unhealthy doesn't look like it has had much quality research from respectable organisations to back their claims.
  • craigineson
    craigineson Posts: 88 Member
    ^^^ Listen to this guy. He sounds like he knows what he's talking about. I'm free of that addiction too, and it is AWESOME how AWESOME I feel. And no, I don't have Celiac, but IMO, it's true that MANY more people are intolerant of grains than we know. You go through life thinking you feel GOOD, until the day when you feel GREAT and realize "good" was just "okay." Eliminating grains did that for me.

    I like you. You say nice things and don't spit venom in my face for my choices.
  • NormalSaneFLGuy
    NormalSaneFLGuy Posts: 1,344 Member
    If white bread is bad for you and wheat bread is evil, what the heck am I supposed to make a friggin' sandwich out of???

    KFC got it right with the double down. Use two chicken breasts for the bun.

    What if your on a protein restriction? Im Fooked. :sad:

    Any allergies to cardboard?
  • tobnrn
    tobnrn Posts: 477 Member
    If white bread is bad for you and wheat bread is evil, what the heck am I supposed to make a friggin' sandwich out of???

    KFC got it right with the double down. Use two chicken breasts for the bun.

    What if your on a protein restriction? Im Fooked. :sad:

    Any allergies to cardboard?

    I hear it's high fiber as well. :drinker:
  • MissJanet55
    MissJanet55 Posts: 457 Member
    I didn't read all four pages so I don't know if someone has already mentioned this, but my understanding is that wheat has been genetically modified to contain much more gluten than it contains naturally. This keeps it stable in commercial baking. Apparently you can test this by trying to bake bread or cake with a recipe from the 1950s - it won't work the same way it used to.

    I have been gluten free for nearly two years and it has resolved a lifelong problem I had with my skin. In the spring I was in Vietnam and there were a few occasions where wheat based foods were the only option, and I had no problem with it at all. So I thought "what the heck" and started eating more and more baked goods, which is a great idea in Vietnam where the long history of French occupation has left behind a fantastic tradition of baked delicous things. No problem.

    When I mentioned this to my doctor she said she hears this all the time from people, that when they leave North America the wheat doesn't bother them. She is convinced it's GMO wheat that 's the problem, not wheat itself.
  • lacurandera1
    lacurandera1 Posts: 8,083 Member
    one year of wheat consumption = wheat belly

    Fire Rock, Sometimes i look at these posts just to see what you'e said. :D

    but mostly you look to learn useful information from me.

    What was the useful information? chicken breasts as buns? lol!
  • craigineson
    craigineson Posts: 88 Member
    I didn't read all four pages so I don't know if someone has already mentioned this, but my understanding is that wheat has been genetically modified to contain much more gluten than it contains naturally. This keeps it stable in commercial baking. Apparently you can test this by trying to bake bread or cake with a recipe from the 1950s - it won't work the same way it used to.

    I have been gluten free for nearly two years and it has resolved a lifelong problem I had with my skin. In the spring I was in Vietnam and there were a few occasions where wheat based foods were the only option, and I had no problem with it at all. So I thought "what the heck" and started eating more and more baked goods, which is a great idea in Vietnam where the long history of French occupation has left behind a fantastic tradition of baked delicous things. No problem.

    When I mentioned this to my doctor she said she hears this all the time from people, that when they leave North America the wheat doesn't bother them. She is convinced it's GMO wheat that 's the problem, not wheat itself.

    Funny you should mention that, actually... A friend of mine has a wheat intolerance that *suddenly* went away when she lived for a year in a small rural town in France. I haven't read of anyone else who has had a similar experience.

    There are alternate wheats - Like einkorn and emmen - which are genetically more simple than today's wheat. Today's wheat has (IIRC) 48-chromosomes, whereas primitive (but still available for purchase) wheats like einkorn and emmen have only 8- and 16-chromosomes respectively. Apparently they produce less of an inflammatory response, even in those sensitive to wheat, than modern conventional wheat.

    I'm interested in trying it myself, as I know normal wheat doesn't agree with me, but I'll only believe it if I see it!
  • NormalSaneFLGuy
    NormalSaneFLGuy Posts: 1,344 Member
    one year of wheat consumption = wheat belly

    Fire Rock, Sometimes i look at these posts just to see what you'e said. :D

    but mostly you look to learn useful information from me.

    What was the useful information? chicken breasts as buns? lol!

    Don't act like that didn't blow your mind.
  • beachlover317
    beachlover317 Posts: 2,848 Member

    HA! I've been watching and reading you today. Not in a stalky way, just randomly on the forum. You, are funny. Plus I love the count. Bring back the count!
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    one year of wheat consumption = wheat belly

    Fire Rock, Sometimes i look at these posts just to see what you'e said. :D

  • darlilama
    darlilama Posts: 794 Member
    I read several major reports by big research organizations and I am thuroughly convinced that consuming wheat is unhealthy in every way. So I ask you, is wheat unhealthy or just plain evil? Thoughts?
    it is neither. Gasoline is unhealthy and Burpees are evil.

    Amen... especially about the burpees! LOL
  • richardheath
    richardheath Posts: 1,276 Member
    I read several major reports by big research organizations and I am thuroughly convinced that consuming wheat is unhealthy in every way. So I ask you, is wheat unhealthy or just plain evil? Thoughts?

    Citations needed. What reports from what big research organizations? Because the info you supplied seemed to be from the paleo diet website, which I would hardly call a research organization. If I should cut out wheat, I want to hear it from peer reviewed sources, please.
  • slkehl
    slkehl Posts: 3,801 Member
    For a normal individual, wheat products are just fine. But, of course, not necessary to optimal functioning. I'm very thankful to be healthy so I don't have to worry about it! Gluten is just in too many good things :)
  • artickb22
    artickb22 Posts: 411 Member
    Seems simple to me: If eating grains makes you ill...stop. If it dosent bother you, then eat.
  • lewcompton
    lewcompton Posts: 881 Member
    I like my Gluten FRIEDDD :smokin:
    Then dipped in cheese sauce...
  • caribougal
    caribougal Posts: 865 Member
    Before: wheat (grains) for me --> tendency to overeat --> bloated and fat, hard to moderate my eating, craved sugars and carbs
    Now: Eliminate grains (and some other stuff) --> fill up on veggies and meat --> getting thinner, no bloat, less cravings

    Works for me.
  • jesswait
    jesswait Posts: 218 Member
    I don't think it's evil. I honestly do not care if anyone else eats wheat or not (if you think it might benefit you to stop eating it, trying stopping and see what happens if you don't want to stop, don't). I found that when I stopped eating it (and it's derivatives) several problems digestive and otherwise I had been experiencing for years went away (and return when I accidentally eat wheat again.) That is the only evidence I need or care about. If 'gluten free' had not become 'trendy' I may have never known to try avoid different foods until I discovered for myself the ones that were causing the problems (instead of just calling it IBS like doctors tend to do.) So I'm thankful that it had been brought to my attention. I wish it had not, I love bread and gluten free bread sucks, if there is ever some version of 'lactaid' you can take so you can eat wheat anyway I would totally take it and eat a loaf of french bread stuffed with lasagna.