Wheat - Unhealthy or just evil?



  • jesswait
    jesswait Posts: 218 Member
    If white bread is bad for you and wheat bread is evil, what the heck am I supposed to make a friggin' sandwich out of???

    KFC got it right with the double down. Use two chicken breasts for the bun.

    Except KFC chicken is breaded, so moot point there.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    I read several major reports by big research organizations and I am thuroughly convinced that consuming wheat is unhealthy in every way. So I ask you, is wheat unhealthy or just plain evil? Thoughts?

    I don't eat grains.
    But you won't make any friends not eating grains here. Grains are the crack cocaine of the general MFP forum user. To each their own, but I'm free from that addiction.

    It's cute that you think grains = crack. Maybe you've never actually seen a crack addict?
    Yeah ... while I enjoy my grains, I could live without them just fine if I had to. I'm not sure why one assumes people are addicted to something just because they enjoy eating it.

    I have never been made ill by it and I have never had trouble losing weight because of it.

    And I'll repeat for the millionth time that people have been eating grains for thousands and thousands and thousands of years.
  • GenesisandEden
    GenesisandEden Posts: 338 Member
    I am Diabetic. I test my BG after wheat products and unfortunately they spike me like crazy. So I dont eat wheat bread or grains =( The benefit for me is that
    1. my crazy food cravings are gone
    2. I dont overeat most of the time =)
    3. Have lost a lot of weight
    4. Dont feel groggy in the A.M. anymore
    5. Labs are awesome
  • meggonkgonk
    meggonkgonk Posts: 2,066 Member
    FFS, why do things you want to avoid have to be "evil"? You have a problem with wheat and gluten fine. There's a possibility that gluten or wheat or any number of things have long term adverse consequences. You know what else has that? Everything. It's called life. Walking/running eventually wears down your joints. Breathing forces you to inhale chemicals. Regardless of what you incorporate or avoid, your body degenerates. It just freaking happens.

    You want to avoid certain things? Cool. Have a good freaking time. Want to discuss it with like minded people? Awesome - start a group and post a regular thread about looking for/accepting members.

    But don't post these threads with alarmist titles and condescend to people who disagree with you and then get all "people don't want to hear the good news about how they can be saved from the evils of _________."

    Just. Don't. Just knock it off.

    You can have my pepperoni sausage pizza sprinkled with Doritos when you pry it from my cold, dead, fat hands.
  • little_silver_bell
    Everything the internet says is true....:noway:
  • CrazyCatLadylovescats
    Also associated with autism. And a bunch of other disorders.

    Based on my own body, it is best for me to limit wheat. I had hip pain for 7 years, until I cut out wheat. I had a "Bible Bump" on my wrist that went away. I no longer get the shakes when I haven't had it in a few hours.

    Evil. But yes, I let my kids eat some. But no wheres near what they used to. I have noticed increased ability to concentrate since they cut back.
  • BritneysStuntDouble
    Also associated with autism. And a bunch of other disorders.

    Based on my own body, it is best for me to limit wheat. I had hip pain for 7 years, until I cut out wheat. I had a "Bible Bump" on my wrist that went away. I no longer get the shakes when I haven't had it in a few hours.

    Evil. But yes, I let my kids eat some. But no wheres near what they used to. I have noticed increased ability to concentrate since they cut back.
    You're not allergic to cats, by chance? Might have been cats and cat fecal matter in the air causing all of that.
  • CrazyCatLadylovescats
    A year ago, I would have been scoffing like many on this board. But, I kept seeing articles, seeing people say things online, listening to my friends. I finally went out and did some research of my own (books, with citations of the studies they presented) and was convinced as well.

    Back in the day, tobacco was considered fine by most people and only a few people thought it was bad for you. Lots of time and effort went into educating everyone to the contrary. With wheat, it will not happen over night, but eventually people may realize that modern wheat is not all the great things that the industry says it is.
  • CrazyCatLadylovescats
    Also associated with autism. And a bunch of other disorders.

    Based on my own body, it is best for me to limit wheat. I had hip pain for 7 years, until I cut out wheat. I had a "Bible Bump" on my wrist that went away. I no longer get the shakes when I haven't had it in a few hours.

    Evil. But yes, I let my kids eat some. But no wheres near what they used to. I have noticed increased ability to concentrate since they cut back.
    You're not allergic to cats, by chance? Might have been cats and cat fecal matter in the air causing all of that.

    Nope, not allergic to cats, and yes, I was tested this fall. I am allergic to tumbleweeds and sage.
  • thistimeismytime
    thistimeismytime Posts: 711 Member
    Alarmist forum posts - Mildly annoying or Just Boring?
  • NormalSaneFLGuy
    NormalSaneFLGuy Posts: 1,344 Member
    If white bread is bad for you and wheat bread is evil, what the heck am I supposed to make a friggin' sandwich out of???

    KFC got it right with the double down. Use two chicken breasts for the bun.

    Except KFC chicken is breaded, so moot point there.

    Not a moot point if you have the wherewithall to learn the concept and execute it without the gluten.
  • cuarrech
    cuarrech Posts: 118 Member
    GMO's take all the blame, but good old fashioned breeding for pest resistance, via human selection (or not necessarily - see plenty of poisonous plant species), can have some interesting side effects as well.
    Wheat bred to be naturally resistant to the hessian fly (a major pest) is resistant through an interesting mechanism, it produces a lectin that attacks the midgut of the fly. Now, as I understand it, this resistant variety and its descendents are widely planted because they are naturally resistant. This does not mean that the mechanism of toxicity applies to humans. But it might, and if it did, not everyone would be equally susceptible, which is the reason that testing for toxicity is testing for the median LD50, which results in the death of half the population, not all of them. Some are just genetically and/or environmentally lucky. Lower toxicities would result in more survivors, with a low enough toxicity then you have a percentage that is affected, but not dead, and then others who seem unaffected. I don't eat wheat because I break out in lesions on my legs, though I'm not diagnosed with anything, and I haven't got the cojones to try spelt or other kinds yet. This doesn't make wheat evil, even the resistant varieties. And it doesn't mean others can't enjoy it free of any symptoms at all... but I am suspicious that breeding for pest resistance could be having consequences on some unmeasured segment of the population.

  • slkehl
    slkehl Posts: 3,801 Member
    A year ago, I would have been scoffing like many on this board. But, I kept seeing articles, seeing people say things online, listening to my friends. I finally went out and did some research of my own (books, with citations of the studies they presented) and was convinced as well.

    Sorry to be anal, but I've seen a LOT of pseudoscience in books that are quoting actual clinical trails. Yes, the trails are legit, but they often come to different conclusions, are outliers, or had results contradicted by many studies since. Honestly, citations are meaningless to me unless I read the study for myself.
  • onyxgirl17
    onyxgirl17 Posts: 1,721 Member
    I will cut you.

    hehehehhehehee I like this response
  • onyxgirl17
    onyxgirl17 Posts: 1,721 Member
    This sounds like fear mongering tbqh...
  • CrazyCatLadylovescats
    About the reading the actual studies...have you read them? If not, then you know no more than I. And yes, I have read some, but not all of them.
  • RobynC79
    RobynC79 Posts: 331 Member
    "I read several major reports by big research organizations "

    Good for you. Please post the links to these studies.

    I am curious.
  • NormalSaneFLGuy
    NormalSaneFLGuy Posts: 1,344 Member
    About the reading the actual studies...have you read them? If not, then you know no more than I. And yes, I have read some, but not all of them.

    You claim to be a crazy cat lady. I need to know if you are an imposter. Prove it.
  • CrazyCatLadylovescats
    About the reading the actual studies...have you read them? If not, then you know no more than I. And yes, I have read some, but not all of them.

    You claim to be a crazy cat lady. I need to know if you are an imposter. Prove it.

    I have over 200 cats. Does that prove it? (Okay, I limit them to the porcelain variety so that I won't be tempted to have more than two of the live variety. ) ;-)
  • Sweet_Pea0107
    Neither! Demonizing food and using scare tactics mean nothing to me. I don't have any sensitivity to grains so I will continue to eat them in moderation just like everything else.

    ETA: I have an intolerance to an enzyme in red meat and my stomach won't digest it. I guess I should google a bunch of odd ball studies to back up why beef is evil and no one should eat it... yeah that makes perfect sense.