The Biggest Loser, the worst show on TV



  • RobynLB
    RobynLB Posts: 617 Member
    I'm really curious about how morbidly obese people are able to work out for 8 hours a day. I had a job that required me to hike fifteen miles a day (an eight hour day) two or three times a week. I found that pretty taxing, and I was in triathalon competing shape at the time. I don't think I could do that seven days a week. Even backpacking, I can only do ten+ mile days for 2-3 days before I am hurting pretty badly.
  • SairahRose
    SairahRose Posts: 412 Member
    I still watch TBL. I don't like how they bully the contestants, but I do wonder if half of it is just for ratings and show. If they were going there and just working out and not giving attitude, it wouldn't be a show enough.
    That being said - it DID motivate me to get moving more... however, it also made me eat less. I was on Jillian's own plan of 1300 a day, and my exercise was burning about 6-700 (taking the kids to school and then the 30 Day Shred). Not to mention the allotment at the weekend.
    I lost the weight (not all of it), but didn't feel fit or healthy... and then put it back on when I started to eat properly again.
    There was a reunion on the show and the winner was on it (the UK one)... he runs every day, and can't eat normally anymore.
    He looked thin.. not fit. I don't think it's good for them to promote that sort of living.

    But again - it has the disclaimer that it's for entertainment purposes only, and people should follow the advice of doctors and such before trying anything like that at home. It's a good gateway to getting people doing something at least.
  • OddballExtreme
    OddballExtreme Posts: 296 Member
    So none of ya'll have the right to judge the biggest loser contestants or any overweight person who struggles with losing weigh. Speak not on what you do not know.
    Follow your own advice, because you utterly and completely missed the point of the thread.

    Nobody here is judging or "hating" the contestants. No - rather it's disgust with the methods that the trainers and/or producers have used to make good television while putting the contestants at unnecessary risk. Seriously - read the interview with Kai Hibbard and then try telling anyone that what the producers/trainers have been doing is acceptable.

    Thank you! I've lost my weight by just changing what I've done in my life. I've made those changes into habits, and they'll stick with me for the rest of my life.

    I have never had to rely on TBL for motivation at all. There is no way I could ever work out for 8 hours a day, especially since I have a job that's exactly 8 hours long. I'll just stick to what I'm doing and be happy with it.

    Now, if I were to run into someone who really is struggling to lose weight, I would give 'em some encouragement by saying, "I've been there, friend. It can be done, but it's up to you."
  • chaosrocks
    I do agree with you somewhat when it comes to the Biggest Loser, BUT if it has changed 1 persons life or saved a persons life that that's all the reason we need to support a show.
  • Siege_Tank
    Siege_Tank Posts: 781 Member
    I do agree with you somewhat when it comes to the Biggest Loser, BUT if it has changed 1 persons life or saved a persons life that that's all the reason we need to support a show.

    But at what cost? out of the hundreds of contestants now who have been on the show, if just 1/100th of them develop an eating disorder or some kind of unhealthy complex, was the shows motivation of "even one person" enough to justify their destructive and haphazard ways of training and getting results?

    I still stand by hating the show because of the dehydration issue. Show us people who work out sure, but have them weigh in while fully hydrated - what am I saying, a reality show that shows "reality" on tv.. hah! what a laugh.

  • ldrosophila
    ldrosophila Posts: 7,512 Member
    Never watched either...

    One creates unrealistic expectations via made for TV drama, and the other creates unrealistic expectations via photoshop, airbrushing, and surgical interventions.

    Either way don't believe what you see on TV.
  • jenniferinfl
    jenniferinfl Posts: 456 Member
    Hate to point out the obvious, but a lot of people going to weight watchers meetings dehydrate before going to weigh in. My mom quits drinking anything like noon the day before her weigh in day.

    Dehydration for weight loss is nothing new nor anything special to Biggest Loser.
  • tinytasha7
    tinytasha7 Posts: 86 Member
    I like it, but I take different things from it that others might. I see a bunch of people working out every week that are much heavier and in poorer health than I am and it makes me feel like I have no excuse not to exercise. The show also got me onto Jillian's videos, which are such are great find to me. I'm never going to join a gym. It's not me. I will do her videos at home and become stronger as I lose weight. I usually hear Jillian say things that are positive.

    I don't care if someone else thinks this is the worst show on TV and I agree with several things in the Center for Health Media & Policy quote... but it's naive to not recognize that it's a TV show... produced by a business... that might want to make a profit. If the show was put together by PBS, then the gripe would be more justified. There are far worse reality shows on TV with absolutely no redeeming qualities, IMO.
    Agreed...I actually like the show, in part, for the same reasons....quite frankly though, I prefer the Australian version to the US version though I love the US trainers. I've read their books and think there is some really valuable information. I, however, am happy if I have small weight losses, and realize that this is a TV show in the main. The show does promote a number of things I agree with like "Feed America" or whatever it's called (I'm Canadian so it doesn't affect us here) and it does bring to the limelight the problem of obesity. It shows us "at home" that we don't have any excuses. I find that quite motivational, and while I wish I could lose weight at the rate these people do, I also know I'm doing really well without being there and doing it without the advantage of doing it full time.

    But come on, people, it's a reality show, just like American Idol, et al.
  • watboy
    watboy Posts: 380 Member
    I hate this show so much. If they really cared for people show them how to eat and excercise properly. Instead they have them ridicolous competitions and have them vote each other off. It's a circus.
  • OddballExtreme
    OddballExtreme Posts: 296 Member
    I hate this show so much. If they really cared for people show them how to eat and excercise properly. Instead they have them ridicolous competitions and have them vote each other off. It's a circus.
    Agreed! Producers put that $250,000 in front of those contestants, and they're willing to KILL themselves into shape just for that money. I think it was last season (correct me if I'm wrong) when almost all the contestants were about to walk off the show. I've never gotten into this show, and there's no way I'll start now.

    Like I've been saying, diabetes motivated me to lose weight, and it's taken me nearly a year to lose 45 pounds because I'd rather do it right than do it quick. I wouldn't want to be on TBL for all the money in the world! I'm already happy where I am now, and I have no intention of going back to being the bigger woman I had been. Besides, 192 pounds (back in 2010) would not be enough to qualify.
  • formersec
    formersec Posts: 233 Member
    I don't hate Biggest Loser, but I am concerned that encouraging people to lose weight rapidly is not healthy. People have died from extreme diets and exercise. I'm surprised some of the contestants haven't croaked as a result of this competition. No thank you, I'll stick to my routines. So I lose maybe a pound a week instead of 5 or more. In the long run, my way is healthier.
  • RVfrog
    RVfrog Posts: 213 Member
    I like it, but I take different things from it that others might. I see a bunch of people working out every week that are much heavier and in poorer health than I am and it makes me feel like I have no excuse not to exercise. The show also got me onto Jillian's videos, which are such are great find to me. I'm never going to join a gym. It's not me. I will do her videos at home and become stronger as I lose weight. I usually hear Jillian say things that are positive.

    I don't care if someone else thinks this is the worst show on TV and I agree with several things in the Center for Health Media & Policy quote... but it's naive to not recognize that it's a TV show... produced by a business... that might want to make a profit. If the show was put together by PBS, then the gripe would be more justified. There are far worse reality shows on TV with absolutely no redeeming qualities, IMO.

    I like to watch has helped me realize that if a person that size can work out....then I can get my butt to the gym. People who are that my opinion for what it's worth just might need someone to kick their butt and help them find out why they got so heavy. Alot of people uses food to deaden the pain of their life. The people know what they are getting into when they go on the show and it wouldn't be easy to workout like that...but they know in advance what is expected . I think they are so desperate to lose the weight that they are willing to do whatever to get the help. More power to them. If I was that size and had a chance to do it and the prize was that much money. I'd go for it. Who wouldn't like to win the money....but they put in the work and effort to win. So more power to them. I watch for the motivation...if they can do it.....I can do it. I started at 210 lbs and wore a size 24 dress. I am now at 155 and wear and size 10-12. From xxl tops to large. So yep it motivates me and I thankful that they get a chance to make a difference in their life. This is just my 2 cents worth. I'm not sure if I was their size that I would have any motivation. So God Bless them for trying.
  • Mesi13
    Mesi13 Posts: 10
    I don't care if someone else thinks this is the worst show on TV and I agree with several things in the Center for Health Media & Policy quote... but it's naive to not recognize that it's a TV show... produced by a business... that might want to make a profit. If the show was put together by PBS, then the gripe would be more justified. There are far worse reality shows on TV with absolutely no redeeming qualities, IMO.

    I like to watch has helped me realize that if a person that size can work out....then I can get my butt to the gym. People who are that my opinion for what it's worth just might need someone to kick their butt and help them find out why they got so heavy. Alot of people uses food to deaden the pain of their life. The people know what they are getting into when they go on the show and it wouldn't be easy to workout like that...but they know in advance what is expected . I think they are so desperate to lose the weight that they are willing to do whatever to get the help. More power to them. If I was that size and had a chance to do it and the prize was that much money. I'd go for it. Who wouldn't like to win the money....but they put in the work and effort to win. So more power to them. I watch for the motivation...if they can do it.....I can do it. I started at 210 lbs and wore a size 24 dress. I am now at 155 and wear and size 10-12. From xxl tops to large. So yep it motivates me and I thankful that they get a chance to make a difference in their life. This is just my 2 cents worth. I'm not sure if I was their size that I would have any motivation. So God Bless them for trying.

    This !!!!
    I can`t wait for the new season of The Biggest Loser show to start.
    I just program my PVR and run on my treadmill while i watch the show..
    Works for me.
  • InPieces3
    I never ever thought that losing up to 14 lbs one week was exactly.... healthy. And to keep that up supposedly every week or every two weeks? It screams unhealthy. I'm very happy for those that lost a large amount of weight... however the way they did it makes me cringe. I will take my slow and healthy way thank you very much. Without someone yelling in my face.
  • ChristinaR720
    Never watched the show, never will!

    But, I will spend hours watching the Real Housewives of Beverly Hills/New Jersey/New York/OC marathons. Don't judge...
  • ShreddedTweet
    ShreddedTweet Posts: 1,326 Member
    Seriously, the only thing I disagree with is Jamie Lewis' use of the word 'wherein' three times in one paragraph. Buy a thesaurus Jamie, otherwise you're spot on!
  • puddy29
    i love the biggest it's one of my favorite shows. can't wait for the new season
  • TheRoadDog
    TheRoadDog Posts: 11,788 Member
    I like it. Watch it every week. You're going to call Biggest Loser the "Worst Show on Television"? Your saying shows starring Honey Boo Boo, Snooki and Real Housewives are better than that? Nadia's Bi tchen Kitchen? 99% of MTV Programming? Kardashians?

    Am I getting old? Is any kind of notoriety acceptable to get on TV? The kind of behavior that I would be embarrassed to display is now fodder for Reality Show Programming.

    I'm not saying Biggest Loser is the best programming out there, but some of these other shows are sure not raising the bar.
  • BigGuy47
    BigGuy47 Posts: 1,768 Member
    A bad show that has run it's course.
  • RawrWolfie
    RawrWolfie Posts: 64 Member
    Since this thread is dieing who wants some Sketti n butter?
