I have a confession.....



  • greenpointmoni
    I love craft beer. I can easily polish off 1,200 calories or more in some of my favorite styles in just a few hours, especially at a social event. I don't even realize it it sometimes until after the fact. When you add it to the food consumed for the day - it hurts.

    I love craft beer too! I can easily drink a six pack of delicious craft beer.
  • greenpointmoni
    Well here goes...

    My worst ever was a whole large stuffed crust pizza, 2 portions of chicken wings, a portion of mozzarella sticks, 4 liters of full fat coke a whole raspberry cheesecake a pint of ben and jerrys cookie dough ice cream 4 large white chocolate and raspberry cookies and 6 chocoalte filled doughnuts in the space of 3 hours....

    I was actually disgusted with myself the next day...
    Holy crap! I didn't know this was possible.
  • tschaff04
    tschaff04 Posts: 296 Member
    *sigh* When I first started trying to lose weight....I drank light beer and ate "fat free" everything.

    I know, I know. Shameful.

    THIS! :laugh:
  • cschiff
    cschiff Posts: 209 Member
    At least 1/2 jar of peanut butter in one sitting (which is more calories than you should have in a day!!!)

    3/4 of a bag of mini kit kat bars. I'm working to change my naughty ways, though!!

    If anyone wants me to motivation friends here, feel free to friend me!! : )
  • greenpointmoni
    I could easily polish off half a tray of brownies and half a bag of doritos. Or there was the day I ate almost a whole box of ice cream sandwiches - 2 for breakfast, 3 for lunch, and a few after dinner (they are probably my favorite ice cream EVER, and therefore I cannot safely keep them in my house).
    Try skinny cow ice cream sandwiches, they're only 150 calories and delicious. I allow myself one a day for my sweet treat!
  • TeachTheGirl
    TeachTheGirl Posts: 2,091 Member
    I remember, quite fondly actually, one of my last big meal days. We went for breakfast where I polished off a breakfast bun (bacon, ham, eggs, cheese on a bun) and hash browns with what felt like a gallon of coffee and then in the afternoon we went out for fish and chips and mimosas.

    I could probably eat the same way right now if I really let myself, but I had to have finished well over on calories that day.
  • beandawgy
    Confession time...before you got serious about your weight loss, what was your most embarrassing or crazy moment in eating ... I have 2..once I sat in bed and ate a whole pint of blue bell also once I was out of town and I ordered pizza delivery and I ate all but 2 slices of a Medium in one night and woke up the next morning and ate the last 2 slices...ugghh anybody wanna share?

    I could eat a whole large pizza. I can put away a serious amount of food.

    Now that's marryin' material right there. :happy:
  • footiechick82
    footiechick82 Posts: 1,203 Member
    I've successfully had 3 plates of whole wheat pasta, a full large pizza, a whole box of pot of gold chocolates, 6 pieces of pizza and 10 wings plus 5 or 6 beers... I can go on.

    I'm done with that crap :)

    Edit: I forgot to add the Krispy Kreme donuts - 6 in one day - I was so sick I got a migraine and threw up all night :/
  • nexangelus
    nexangelus Posts: 2,080 Member
    ***eating disordered confessions WARNING!!!***

    As a recovering anorexic/bulimic I have many embarrassing tales. They are very gruesome, but might give some an insight as to the seriousness of the disorders. I have hidden my own vomit in plastic bags for later disposal. I have vomited until my throat has bled. I have eaten whole loaves of bread, and then vomited it all back up. I have overeaten/binged all day to vomit it back up and then purge with laxatives to make sure none of the food or nutrients are absorbed. I have eaten and drank (alcohol) out with friends and purged it all away. Everyone used to wonder why I was so sober after so much alcohol. Ugh!

    My most serious confession is that I can vomit at will still. I don't need anything to make me gag or puke.

    The good news is, I am trigger, spiral and binge/purge/guilt free for 3 whole years now (for those worried or astounded at my post)...I am not proud of any of this, it is very destructive and very disgusting.
  • YoungDoc2B
    YoungDoc2B Posts: 1,593 Member
    Two days ago, I ate 3/4 a BOX of Frosted Flakes for breakfast and went to a chinese buffet for Lunch.
  • Thokiz
    Thokiz Posts: 55 Member
    Half stick of Butter in a pot, at least a dozen eggs, several large scoops of minced garlic, half bag (the big one) of shredded cheese added to it...then 6 pieces of toast to mop up the sloppy, cheesy mess.

    Never have added up the calories.. thankfully I don't have those type of "munchie" attacks anymore.

    Added them up: 3,177 ugh and this was eaten late at night after some drinking and 3 meals during the day.
  • tschaff04
    tschaff04 Posts: 296 Member
    I could easily polish off half a tray of brownies and half a bag of doritos. Or there was the day I ate almost a whole box of ice cream sandwiches - 2 for breakfast, 3 for lunch, and a few after dinner (they are probably my favorite ice cream EVER, and therefore I cannot safely keep them in my house).
    Try skinny cow ice cream sandwiches, they're only 150 calories and delicious. I allow myself one a day for my sweet treat!

    So are regular ice cream sandwiches. 150 cals and amazing. Plus they don't have that "better for you because the word skinny is in the title" gimmick going on. :wink:

    When I was on Weight Watchers I totally got baited into the fat free, reduced fat, skinny this, skinny that, 100 calorie pack stuff. Then I realized that they weren't much different than the regular stuff, sometimes even worse and all I was paying for was the name that went along with it. Paying double for that stupid name. HAHA

    Sorry to ramble. But I love my full fat(Kroger brand...what what!!) ice cream sammies! Mmmmm
  • footiechick82
    footiechick82 Posts: 1,203 Member

    Yesterday I ate 4 donuts, 2 danishes, 2 cupcakes, 1 cheesecake brownie bar and one apple turnover

    Yeah you did! Yum. :drinker:

    Were you high? LOL
  • rainbowbow
    rainbowbow Posts: 7,490 Member

    Since when is eating a whole pint of blue bell a bad thing?
  • RunningDirty

    The good news is, I am trigger, spiral and binge/purge/guilt free for 3 whole years now (for those worried or astounded at my post)...I am not proud of any of this, it is very destructive and very disgusting.

    Congratulations on three years strong. You rock!
  • footiechick82
    footiechick82 Posts: 1,203 Member
    that's French Toast :)
  • mizzie1980
    mizzie1980 Posts: 379 Member
    I used to eat a whole large (90 count) bag of Totino's pizza rolls. That's 3150 calories... in ONE meal! Seriously, I'd eat that for lunch, then have a large dinner a few hours later. For a while there, I was doing that at least once a week, if not more. Sheesh, it's really no wonder I got so fat! That's 2.5 days worth of calories for me now, for crying out loud. Not to mention about 150g of fat. YUCK!

    I'd also hide the bag deep in the garbage so my hubby wouldn't see it and know. Yeah, I had issues.
  • _Bob_
    _Bob_ Posts: 1,487 Member
    I did the pound challenge at Fudruckers just for fun. and the had the 24 incher at this awesome sandwich place that I had often.

    I could really pack it down.
  • Subowski
    I've never been much one for eating massive portions of "normal" food.....for example, I can't manage a whole medium (12") pizza, and I can't eat a whole portion of chips (fries).

    I can, however, eat my own body weight in cake and chocolate. I can eat a whole (7") cake with filling and icing (frosting), I can just about make it through an entire 500ml pot (I am completely confused by all this talk of quarts, gallons and cups!!) of Ben & Jerrys Phish food, and I can eat a whole box of After Eights to myself. I've also been known to work my way through 6 standard sized chocolate bars.

    Not normally in the same day though. :sick:

    Oh, ETA.....I was once pregnant, only for a short time sadly, and I went mad for huge family sized bags of roast chicken flavour Walkers crisps (chips). 2 bags a day. By the time I wasn't pregnant any more I'd put on 10lbs...........
  • cecyvaquero
    cecyvaquero Posts: 154 Member
    I had cake for breakfast. Horrible. Still embarrasing. But it was delicious.