"Fat Girls"



  • cmcollins001
    cmcollins001 Posts: 3,472 Member
    It is unacceptable. Yes, putting that into the system was wrong. It may have been his personal opinion, and he is entitled to that whether we like it or not, but putting it on the receipt was unacceptable.

    It is prejudice. His personal opinion. Nothing more, nothing less

    No, they should not let it go. Yes, they should. OR at least keep it between them and the restaurant. this is not national or international news worthy. They were not refused service because of their weight. They were not put on public display because of their weight until they did it to themselves by making it a news story. There is so much more news worthy positive stories that should be reported.

    It deserves to be in the news. No.

    The girls should consult a good lawyer. And this would be yet again another frivolous law suit...much like the fact that coffee is usually hot and will burn you.

    Sometimes change comes through the stick, rather than the carrot. Agreed. However, sometimes using a stick is over kill.
  • HurricaneElaine
    HurricaneElaine Posts: 984 Member
    After reading about all the parties involved, I have to say: I'd rather be overweight than be an @$$hole.

    I feel the same way.

    Wonderful input, you've both really contributed to the debate. Great points made. Pat yourselves on your backs for stooping to cursing. Great. Really. *blank stare*

    Oh pardon me - I'll rephrase - I'd rather be overweight than an insensitive, thoughtless JERK.
  • ShreddedTweet
    ShreddedTweet Posts: 1,326 Member
    After reading about all the parties involved, I have to say: I'd rather be overweight than be an @$$hole.

    I feel the same way.

    Wonderful input, you've both really contributed to the debate. Great points made. Pat yourselves on your backs for stooping to cursing. Great. Really. *blank stare*

    Oh pardon me - I'll rephrase - I'd rather be overweight than an insensitive, thoughtless JERK.

    Oh no, you've really hurt my feelings. Perhaps I should go on the news on an international scale and moan about it?! Pfft! Acquire a life!
  • Natihilator
    Natihilator Posts: 1,778 Member
    Damn Jeff, get it together :angry:
    I want to know if the ladies in question were fat.
    If it was the other way round and it had been labeled " fit girls"
    They woul have been really happy.
    So why should rhey be shocked if it was an accurate representation of them?

    Maybe it will be the kick they need to get in shape.

    I see the point flew right over your head. What if that receipt said "loud black girls" or "crippled guy"? It would still be totally inappropriate and a stupid thing to do.
  • HurricaneElaine
    HurricaneElaine Posts: 984 Member
    After reading about all the parties involved, I have to say: I'd rather be overweight than be an @$$hole.

    I feel the same way.

    Wonderful input, you've both really contributed to the debate. Great points made. Pat yourselves on your backs for stooping to cursing. Great. Really. *blank stare*

    Oh pardon me - I'll rephrase - I'd rather be overweight than an insensitive, thoughtless JERK.

    Oh no, you've really hurt my feelings. Perhaps I should go on the news on an international scale and moan about it?! Pfft! Acquire a life!

    The jerk in question is the waiter.

    Thanks, I have a life already.
  • skinnyinnotime
    skinnyinnotime Posts: 4,141 Member
    After reading about all the parties involved, I have to say: I'd rather be overweight than be an @$$hole.

    I feel the same way.

    Wonderful input, you've both really contributed to the debate. Great points made. Pat yourselves on your backs for stooping to cursing. Great. Really. *blank stare*

    Oh pardon me - I'll rephrase - I'd rather be overweight than an insensitive, thoughtless JERK.

    Do you have to make a choice, can't you be both?
  • HurricaneElaine
    HurricaneElaine Posts: 984 Member
    After reading about all the parties involved, I have to say: I'd rather be overweight than be an @$$hole.

    I feel the same way.

    Wonderful input, you've both really contributed to the debate. Great points made. Pat yourselves on your backs for stooping to cursing. Great. Really. *blank stare*

    Oh pardon me - I'll rephrase - I'd rather be overweight than an insensitive, thoughtless JERK.

    Do you have to make a choice, can't you be both?

    No. I'm obese. I'm not a jerk.
  • etoiles_argentees
    etoiles_argentees Posts: 2,827 Member
    What happened to respect and common decency? We live in a society!!

    A society where everything must be carefully said so as not to upset someone. Sorry, weak people are coddled enough.

    The weak? Please clarify your definition of "the weak".

    Weak minded. Those that let others choose how they react to words. I prefer to make my own choices and not let the opinions of others do it for me. I don't blame others for calling it like it is and I learn from their criticism. I don't play the victim. It's my life and no one is holding a gun to my head forcing me to do something I don't want to so I'm not going to blame their words, or McD's or the government, and so on, for making me who I am. I have the freedom of choice and I use it.
  • myofibril
    myofibril Posts: 4,500 Member
    It is unacceptable. Yes, putting that into the system was wrong. It may have been his personal opinion, and he is entitled to that whether we like it or not, but putting it on the receipt was unacceptable.

    It is prejudice. His personal opinion. Nothing more, nothing less

    No, they should not let it go. Yes, they should. OR at least keep it between them and the restaurant. this is not national or international news worthy. They were not refused service because of their weight. They were not put on public display because of their weight until they did it to themselves by making it a news story. There is so much more news worthy positive stories that should be reported.

    It deserves to be in the news. No.

    The girls should consult a good lawyer. And this would be yet again another frivolous law suit...much like the fact that coffee is usually hot and will burn you.

    Sometimes change comes through the stick, rather than the carrot. Agreed. However, sometimes using a stick is over kill.

    I see where you are coming from and yes, in the overall scheme of human suffering this may fall somewhere down the scale.

    However, no one forced the news outlets to run the story, or if the lawsuit has no merit it will undoubtedly fail.

    What is clear however is that this story has raised awareness and made people think. That is a positive thing.

    Personally, I think obese people are far too willing to take a beating because they have been belittled for so long and to see people stand up asking to be treated with some decency and equality is nothing to be ashamed of in my book.
  • etoiles_argentees
    etoiles_argentees Posts: 2,827 Member
    After reading about all the parties involved, I have to say: I'd rather be overweight than be an @$$hole.

    I feel the same way.

    Wonderful input, you've both really contributed to the debate. Great points made. Pat yourselves on your backs for stooping to cursing. Great. Really. *blank stare*

    Oh pardon me - I'll rephrase - I'd rather be overweight than an insensitive, thoughtless JERK.

    Oh no, you've really hurt my feelings. Perhaps I should go on the news on an international scale and moan about it?! Pfft! Acquire a life!

    You should run to your 3rd grade teacher and tell her someone called you a name. :P Love you, just teasing.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    After reading about all the parties involved, I have to say: I'd rather be overweight than be an @$$hole.

    I feel the same way.

    Wonderful input, you've both really contributed to the debate. Great points made. Pat yourselves on your backs for stooping to cursing. Great. Really. *blank stare*

    Well we can see your choice! :laugh:

    What choice is that?

    Can't figure it out, eh? :wink:
  • oregonzoo
    oregonzoo Posts: 4,251 Member
    Well, the waiter was not only rude and uncalled for. He's also an effing idiot. In today's sue happy society that was a dumb thing to do.

    As much as I disagree with "fat girls" being on their bill, they do seem to be making a pretty huge deal out of it.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    What happened to respect and common decency? We live in a society!!

    A society where everything must be carefully said so as not to upset someone. Sorry, weak people are coddled enough.

    The weak? Please clarify your definition of "the weak".

    Weak minded. Those that let others choose how they react to words. I prefer to make my own choices and not let the opinions of others do it for me. I don't blame others for calling it like it is and I learn from their criticism. I don't play the victim. It's my life and no one is holding a gun to my head forcing me to do something I don't want to so I'm not going to blame their words, or McD's or the government, and so on, for making me who I am. I have the freedom of choice and I use it.

    ^^ Love this!

    I feel the same way.
  • ShreddedTweet
    ShreddedTweet Posts: 1,326 Member
    After reading about all the parties involved, I have to say: I'd rather be overweight than be an @$$hole.

    I feel the same way.

    Wonderful input, you've both really contributed to the debate. Great points made. Pat yourselves on your backs for stooping to cursing. Great. Really. *blank stare*

    Oh pardon me - I'll rephrase - I'd rather be overweight than an insensitive, thoughtless JERK.

    Oh no, you've really hurt my feelings. Perhaps I should go on the news on an international scale and moan about it?! Pfft! Acquire a life!

    You should run to your 3rd grade teacher and tell her someone called you a name. :P Love you, just teasing.

    Love you too Kitty! WendyTerry420, I am loathe to lower myself to your level by insinuating that your choice is equally evident.
  • psychic_atrophy
    Everyone is entitled to their opinion and is allowed to think people are fat, but in this particular situation it is extremely inappropriate and unprofessional. That is the true issue at hand. This kind of behavior is not acceptable at a place of business.
  • jamiem1102
    jamiem1102 Posts: 1,196 Member
    Although I don't think this story necessarily warranted being in the news... I do think this situation is something that will allow business owners to think about how they would deal with this kind of situation in the future (should it happen in their establishment). Better yet... it might be a way they can think about how they can prevent a situation like this from happening, not only against people who are overweight, but for anyone who may look different from the majority. Because even though it was one stupid waiter's opinion... it still hurts the brand of the establishment as a whole.

    So in closing... I think it's a dumb news article, but I think it can have a positive impact on how people do business.
  • cmcollins001
    cmcollins001 Posts: 3,472 Member
    The three women took this story to mainstream media to make a point. We "fat people" DON'T HAVE TO PUT UP WITH THIS *kitten*.
    NOT gonna let it slide - NOT gonna slink out and say nothing - HELL NO.

    "We" fat people?? "We" fat people on MFP, at least most of us, are here to not be "we" fat people anymore. "We" fat people don't need to let this slide, but "we" fat people shouldn't be crying to the world saying "Look what this meany person did to me!!! Whoa is me, whoa is me!" "We" fat people need to make sure the ignorance of the employee is reported to the highest authority of the restaurant, make sure he gets the discipline required...in this case, fired...and then the meal be comp'd and it wouldn't hurt to offer another meal or two on the house. But it's not something that needs so much attention. The restaurant itself did not get over the loud speaker and announce to everyone that there were fat girls at table six. They did not gather the staff together and sing "Happy Fat Day" to the ladies. No obvious attention was drawn to them to point them out or to ridicule them in public. Some dipwad wrote some words in the computer. He seems to have been fired.

    It was ONE person who caused the problem. That much is fact. The smirk on the managers face can't be proven and may just be part of the story for a lawsuit...or it may not be, that much we don't know and can't prove so at this point it irrelevant.

    At what point is this worthy of such an uproar? Everyone of "we" fat people have been made fun of, and I'm going out on a limb and going to say none of us made even local news because of it. Nor did we want to be made news.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    After reading about all the parties involved, I have to say: I'd rather be overweight than be an @$$hole.

    I feel the same way.

    Wonderful input, you've both really contributed to the debate. Great points made. Pat yourselves on your backs for stooping to cursing. Great. Really. *blank stare*

    Oh pardon me - I'll rephrase - I'd rather be overweight than an insensitive, thoughtless JERK.

    Oh no, you've really hurt my feelings. Perhaps I should go on the news on an international scale and moan about it?! Pfft! Acquire a life!

    You should run to your 3rd grade teacher and tell her someone called you a name. :P Love you, just teasing.

    Love you too Kitty! WendyTerry420, I am loathe to lower myself to your level by insinuating that your choice is equally evident.

    You don't have to. You merely have to understand the meaning of the word "ditto."
  • Candi_land
    Candi_land Posts: 1,311 Member
    What happened to respect and common decency? We live in a society!!

    Agreed! They are CUSTOMERS.

    Despite what you think of them dont deserve to be called fat girls. I dont give a crap whether anyone thinks they needed a reality check. They were paying for a service. That server needs a THROAT PUNCH.

    Some of you make me sick.

    ^^ Agreed!
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