Do you feel like the weight will cure your "ugliness" ?



  • OutsideCreativ
    OutsideCreativ Posts: 143 Member
    It might sound kind of goofy... and I know that being skinny or being fat doesn't make you more/less mean, judgemental, friendly or welcoming... but I have some friends (not even just guys) who I am surprised want to hang out, shop, do girls nights... with me because of my weight.

    It wasn't until recently that I found out that one of those friends used to be 40 lbs heavier than I am now... and I think mentally... that mindset may never go away. And we, the fat and the formerly fat, will always remember how it felt to be that person-- and therefore, I think we are much more likely to see inner beauty in others while still struggling to see the beauty in ourselves.

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  • deannajf4
    deannajf4 Posts: 223 Member
    People! People!! you are all BEAUTIFUL!! You were created with loving hands by the creator of all things. Who told you you're ugly? Magazines/kids in school/TV? That's THEIR standard of beauty, please please ask the ONE who made you, and know that you were made beautiful, you have value and worth far above what the world says you do. "I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well." Psalms 139:14 - I am praying for each of you right now to learn who God is, and that your souls will find out how truly wonderful all His works are!! Blessings to you all - message me or add me as a friend if you need to hear more about who you belong to! Deanna
  • estrobabe
    estrobabe Posts: 337 Member
    It will cure my lack of confidence!
  • Sadly, our perception of ourselves is largely based on society. In the movies, "pretty" girls are defined as tiny, agile, flexible, with long flowing hair, perfectly symmetrical face. However, women are not all the same, nor will we ever be. It's one thing to look at someone and think "Man she's pretty." or "She's so little, I wanna be like her." It's another to think "Because my eyes are not *insert color & shape here* and my lips aren't pouty enough and my hair isn't long or shiny enough, I'm not pretty." To get out of this funk, we first have to see ourselves as unique individuals who will never look like another person we see on the street. We are beautiful in our own right, and someone will see this. I've always struggled with self-image issues too, but once we learn to let go and see ourselves as OURSELVES and not someone else, we'll understand we are beautiful as well.
  • azzkikin
    azzkikin Posts: 458 Member
    It will cure my lack of confidence!

    ^^^This. And with that I can blossom into the beautiful flower I am meant to be. Many Rays of Sunshine to all of you.:flowerforyou:
  • LivMinusTen
    LivMinusTen Posts: 23 Member
    I don't know about pretty and ugly... I just notice that when I work out, taking time to myself, I look more awake, smile more and have more energy. No, I am not Heidi Klum, so what. :-)
  • oh_em_gee
    oh_em_gee Posts: 887 Member
    Well, since people tell me it's a shame that I'm fat because I could be so pretty, so my ugly is predicted to clear up
  • Although I am pretty much invisible how I look now which isn't such a bad thing. I tend to be really shy so the idea of getting attention isn't a pleasant one.

    This is sort of how I feel. I find flirty men very unappealing, and can't understand why they'd get all flirty with someone they don't know. When it happens I just want to run away. It doesn't happen often, my friends get noticed all the time, but when it does happen to me I just stand there all anxious and try to ignore.

    Some days I feel like I actually am pretty, and some days I feel like I look like a zombie that weighs 1500 lbs. Depends....
  • sexygenius
    sexygenius Posts: 1,078 Member
    most of the time I think I'm aight.. sometimes im completely disgusted with every single bit of me.. then other time im like.. you know what.. im kinda cute

    when i was 30lbs lighter i looked better, and i felt better about my appearence.. now i swear i can see every single pound i gained back after i fell off the wagon
  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    This speaks to me in particular, because I associate all of my problems with weight. Broke up with my boyfriend? I should lose weight because that will fix how I feel and make me happy with my life.

    The truth is, I could be 90 pounds and still feel like a gross piece of crap. Weight isn't always the issue.
  • I have know some beautiful on the outside people but on the inside they are ugly..Its not your looks that makes you look beautiful its who you are as a person, good, kind, caring for others, thats what makes you beautiful. I hope all of you that think your ugly will realize this.
  • Wed 01/16/13 02:26 PM

    People! People!! you are all BEAUTIFUL!! You were created with loving hands by the creator of all things. Who told you you're ugly? Magazines/kids in school/TV? That's THEIR standard of beauty, please please ask the ONE who made you, and know that you were made beautiful, you have value and worth far above what the world says you do. "I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well." Psalms 139:14 - I am praying for each of you right now to learn who God is, and that your souls will find out how truly wonderful all His works are!! Blessings to you all - message me or add me as a friend if you need to hear more about who you belong to! Deanna

    I agree totally Deanna..God don't make ugly!
  • Oh, wow, good question! I'd like to think it would cute my "insecurities". I've always been told I have a "pretty face" -__- so hopefully the face downwards will be an improvement!
  • I don't think I'm ugly. Just fat. And the fat needs to go because I don't want diabetes or hypertension. LOL
  • losing weight doesn't magically solve all of your problems. You won't become confident and secure just from losing the weight. You have to change your mind too and put an effort into loving yourself. everyday.
  • Beckyloo80
    Beckyloo80 Posts: 1,088 Member
    I still have the "fat boy image" of myself. I'm down 70 pounds, get a ton of attention from girls (both in person and on here) and am attracting females that i never imagined would show interest in me....yet i still look in the mirror and am disgusted with myself.

    ^^^ this.

    I still see the fat girl in the mirror... it's frustrating!
  • jr1985
    jr1985 Posts: 1,033 Member
    I would just like to say that I've seen very few 'ugly' people. and for sure NONE of you all qualify! But yes I would like to hold on to the perhaps delusional hope that once I'm at my ideal weight, I'll be SMOKING HOT! Otherwise... not sure all the dieting and working out is worth it because I REALLY LIKE BACON AND CHOCOLATE CAKE!
  • MochaMixAZ
    MochaMixAZ Posts: 844 Member
    I resisted posting for a long while to this thread, but I can't help it.

    No, I don't think losing weigh will cure anything. It's your mind and your own perceptions that need an overhaul - sometimes moreso than the body.

    I lost a ton of weight. My mind didn't catch up for 5 years - I could look in the mirror and see the same body. Not the reality, but it was MY reality. My internal dialog changed when I worked on THAT.

    And.... I can't shout this loudly enough... confidence also comes from within. Dropping weight, having cosmetic surgery, fixing your hair - all band-aid fixes that don't get to the root of the problem. I find I have more confidence when I'm treating myself right, eating better makes me have more energy and optimism... the byproduct of that is weight loss. It's like the chicken and the egg, which came first? For me - confidence comes before weightloss.

    My best to you.
  • _SusieQ_
    _SusieQ_ Posts: 2,964 Member
    Hmm, I've never thought of myself as ugly. But then again, do ugly people know that they're ugly??

    Losing the weight increases confidence. Confidence is sexy. I'm not where i want to be, but I know the more I lose or the more in shape I get, the better I feel about myself, which I do believe comes across to others as well.
  • Tannedtiffers
    Tannedtiffers Posts: 558 Member
    i feel that way, myself :(