Do you feel like the weight will cure your "ugliness" ?



  • Gangofwolves
    Going to see what happens after all the weight is lost ! Hopefully I'll just have a better image of myself.
  • penrbrown
    penrbrown Posts: 2,685 Member
    I'm mortified at all the responses on here. Beauty is within, period. If you hate yourself, you are an ugly person. You have to learn to love and accept yourself to move forward with beauty. The whining about weight & self esteem & insecurities....that's like a hampster on a wheel, it gets you know where. You can drop the lbs but still be horribly ugly inside and unhappy. Learn to love yourself because you are you....then learn that you deserve to be happy and respectful of your body, healthier....and take it from there, the beauty will shine through.


    I love how you just told every insecure person here that they are, indeed, ugly. Good job. *slow clap* No, really. Good for you!
  • greenpointmoni
    For those that aren't 'conventionally' attractive, there will always be shallow people who may not give you the time of day because you're not the what they consider 'attractive'. So screw them, shallow people are terrible people. For the rest of us, beauty is on the inside. I've met some people that many would consider 'unattractive' or overweight, and found myself very attracted to them because of their personality and who they were. On the other hand, I've met some drop dead gorgeous people that I found hideous because of their personality. Just focus on building your confidence and liking yourself because that's what really matters.
  • creech6317
    creech6317 Posts: 869 Member
    I've only lost 25 lbs. but have went from a size 14 to a size 6 and I still feel fat.
    I have always thought I was cute and had the confidence to match. But when I look at myself in the mirror I still see the same size 14 body. I actually had someone say I was thin yesterday and was ready to argue with them about it, because I still see myself as big.
    Hopefully my brain will soon lose the weight my body has so that I can see what I look like to others.
  • The_New_Christina
    The_New_Christina Posts: 818 Member
    I've always loved myself at my biggest and my smallest and I've always thought I'm beautiful. F what everyone else thinks! :happy:
  • Julieta17
    I'm mortified at all the responses on here. Beauty is within, period. If you hate yourself, you are an ugly person. You have to learn to love and accept yourself to move forward with beauty. The whining about weight & self esteem & insecurities....that's like a hampster on a wheel, it gets you know where. You can drop the lbs but still be horribly ugly inside and unhappy. Learn to love yourself because you are you....then learn that you deserve to be happy and respectful of your body, healthier....and take it from there, the beauty will shine through.

    Is this like tough love or something?!? I agree with the learning to love & accept yourself BUT calling people with insecurities "ugly" is a bit much. And its not "whining about weight & self esteem" b/c obviously they are doing something about the weight if they are on here and losing! And in case you can't tell by the amount of responses... self esteem can be a lot harder to work on for some people!

  • Ras_py
    Ras_py Posts: 129 Member
    I'm mortified at all the responses on here. Beauty is within, period. If you hate yourself, you are an ugly person. You have to learn to love and accept yourself to move forward with beauty. The whining about weight & self esteem & insecurities....that's like a hampster on a wheel, it gets you know where. You can drop the lbs but still be horribly ugly inside and unhappy. Learn to love yourself because you are you....then learn that you deserve to be happy and respectful of your body, healthier....and take it from there, the beauty will shine through.

    loving yourself has nothing to do with the beauty you have on the inside. and if you hate yourself it doesn't mean you are an ugly person in the least. while it is true you can drop weight and still be an horrible person, ugly on the inside, that has absolutely nothing to do with not liking the way you look.. im more mortified by your response that if you have insecurities you are a terrible person on the inside and out.. news flash 99% of women feel this way abt themselves. and even if you have all the self confidence in the world it doesn't mean you are exempt from being a nasty person, just bc you love yourself. lol what a concept you just threw out there.
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    OMG, I cannot read this crap. Ladies, take a step back and grow some balls. You are as pretty, strong and confident as you allow yourself to be. So many of you are very attractive and are most likely even more so on the inside. You need to work on yourself for YOU and no one else.

    If you have to tell yourself every hour that you are pretty, strong and confident then do it. No more of this negative talk about yourselves.

    It starts in YOUR head first. Who cares what others think!!!! Care about what you think first!!!

    OMG, I cannot read this crap. Ladies, take a step back and cherish what you've overcome. You are as pretty, strong and confident as believe you are worth. If you dont think you are worth much, then go back and rediscover your worth. VALUE is what makes you beautiful, not "whats on the inside". You need to understand what is involved in doing something for yourself, because youve never had the chance to explore what that even means. People just get mad at you and scream at you to do it.

    Dont tell yourself anything every hour unless you wanna stop believing it by tomorrow.

    It starts in your HEART first. We all care what other people think, the people we love, the people we have to live up to, our bosses, the public, our families, our exes, the btches at work, our tiny girlfriends..... They value you, and it's ok to value yourself.



    You know what I had to do?

    I kept hearing all the time, youre beautiful! youre powerful! youre inspiring! youre strong! youre so motivating! youre incredible! youre so awesome! that all of it turned into one big fat ALL OF EARTH IS ONE CONDESCENDING BTCH, and i cant believe anything out of these people's mouthsm and worse than all that- everything I do and its my looks that they compliment? what about all the hard sht Ive done!?!?!?!

    So i found a word that describes me, that people have unanimously agreed on for me since I was a tiny little baby girl. SHINY.

    its not an overly positive descriptor, so much that it is just a descriptor. It isnt something i can take credit for having, only for cultivating. I was both born with and I earned it. No one can take that away from me.

    No one can take my shiny, ever ever ever. Its not about looks. its not about achievements. Its just a fact. Im shiny.

    Find your word you can cling to- once that has nothing to do with beautiful or ugly and ADOPT IT. Cherish it. Become IT.
  • DoinItForMe32
    It just goes to show that its not the weight that is wrong with you its your self esteem and self perception. You need to get that sorted or you will always find yourself unhappy and going up and down with your weight. You have 1 life to live, why do you chose to live it that way?

    Just saying.
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    I'm mortified at all the responses on here. If you hate yourself, you are an ugly person.

    so... I have this friend who had an abusive father and two abusive uncles, who used to kick her around the yard until she was old enough to start going to school. Then they would make her stay home all the time so she kept failing grades. By the time she was 13 she was pregnant and had never been shown love.

    She was taught she had no value. Im sure she is going to be really excited when I call her and let her know that this makes her ugly!!!

    Thanks for the info, you heartless wonder!
  • CharleneExtreme
    Yoovie you're a goddess. That is all! :P
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    I'm mortified at all the responses on here. Beauty is within, period. If you hate yourself, you are an ugly person. You have to learn to love and accept yourself to move forward with beauty. The whining about weight & self esteem & insecurities....that's like a hampster on a wheel, it gets you know where. You can drop the lbs but still be horribly ugly inside and unhappy. Learn to love yourself because you are you....then learn that you deserve to be happy and respectful of your body, healthier....and take it from there, the beauty will shine through.


    I love how you just told every insecure person here that they are, indeed, ugly. Good job. *slow clap* No, really. Good for you!

    Yeah, that is an ugly ugly bit right there.
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    Yoovie you're a goddess. That is all! :P

    NO U R!!!!
  • chocl8girl
    chocl8girl Posts: 1,968 Member
    OMG, I cannot read this crap. Ladies, take a step back and grow some balls. You are as pretty, strong and confident as you allow yourself to be. So many of you are very attractive and are most likely even more so on the inside. You need to work on yourself for YOU and no one else.

    If you have to tell yourself every hour that you are pretty, strong and confident then do it. No more of this negative talk about yourselves.

    It starts in YOUR head first. Who cares what others think!!!! Care about what you think first!!!

    OMG, I cannot read this crap. Ladies, take a step back and cherish what you've overcome. You are as pretty, strong and confident as believe you are worth. If you dont think you are worth much, then go back and rediscover your worth. VALUE is what makes you beautiful, not "whats on the inside". You need to understand what is involved in doing something for yourself, because youve never had the chance to explore what that even means. People just get mad at you and scream at you to do it.

    Dont tell yourself anything every hour unless you wanna stop believing it by tomorrow.

    It starts in your HEART first. We all care what other people think, the people we love, the people we have to live up to, our bosses, the public, our families, our exes, the btches at work, our tiny girlfriends..... They value you, and it's ok to value yourself.



    You know what I had to do?

    I kept hearing all the time, youre beautiful! youre powerful! youre inspiring! youre strong! youre so motivating! youre incredible! youre so awesome! that all of it turned into one big fat ALL OF EARTH IS ONE CONDESCENDING BTCH, and i cant believe anything out of these people's mouthsm and worse than all that- everything I do and its my looks that they compliment? what about all the hard sht Ive done!?!?!?!

    So i found a word that describes me, that people have unanimously agreed on for me since I was a tiny little baby girl. SHINY.

    its not an overly positive descriptor, so much that it is just a descriptor. It isnt something i can take credit for having, only for cultivating. I was both born with and I earned it. No one can take that away from me.

    No one can take my shiny, ever ever ever. Its not about looks. its not about achievements. Its just a fact. Im shiny.

    Find your word you can cling to- once that has nothing to do with beautiful or ugly and ADOPT IT. Cherish it. Become IT.

  • thedreamhazer
    thedreamhazer Posts: 1,156 Member
    OMG, I cannot read this crap. Ladies, take a step back and grow some balls. You are as pretty, strong and confident as you allow yourself to be. So many of you are very attractive and are most likely even more so on the inside. You need to work on yourself for YOU and no one else.

    If you have to tell yourself every hour that you are pretty, strong and confident then do it. No more of this negative talk about yourselves.

    It starts in YOUR head first. Who cares what others think!!!! Care about what you think first!!!

    OMG, I cannot read this crap. Ladies, take a step back and cherish what you've overcome. You are as pretty, strong and confident as believe you are worth. If you dont think you are worth much, then go back and rediscover your worth. VALUE is what makes you beautiful, not "whats on the inside". You need to understand what is involved in doing something for yourself, because youve never had the chance to explore what that even means. People just get mad at you and scream at you to do it.

    Dont tell yourself anything every hour unless you wanna stop believing it by tomorrow.

    It starts in your HEART first. We all care what other people think, the people we love, the people we have to live up to, our bosses, the public, our families, our exes, the btches at work, our tiny girlfriends..... They value you, and it's ok to value yourself.



    You know what I had to do?

    I kept hearing all the time, youre beautiful! youre powerful! youre inspiring! youre strong! youre so motivating! youre incredible! youre so awesome! that all of it turned into one big fat ALL OF EARTH IS ONE CONDESCENDING BTCH, and i cant believe anything out of these people's mouthsm and worse than all that- everything I do and its my looks that they compliment? what about all the hard sht Ive done!?!?!?!

    So i found a word that describes me, that people have unanimously agreed on for me since I was a tiny little baby girl. SHINY.

    its not an overly positive descriptor, so much that it is just a descriptor. It isnt something i can take credit for having, only for cultivating. I was both born with and I earned it. No one can take that away from me.

    No one can take my shiny, ever ever ever. Its not about looks. its not about achievements. Its just a fact. Im shiny.

    Find your word you can cling to- once that has nothing to do with beautiful or ugly and ADOPT IT. Cherish it. Become IT.

    I have so much love for you right now.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    All I can say is that I see a lot of good looking folks here...ladies, you're beautiful! Guys...well, I'm not all that great a judge, but I haven't seen ugly yet.
  • AndyStanford
    AndyStanford Posts: 154 Member
    I'm starting to get the physique I had before putting the weight on, and I'm feeling a lot less put off by how I look now. Just need to add the muscles ;)
  • BBehnke84
    BBehnke84 Posts: 537 Member
    I'm right there too...I've lost weight a few times...have people telling me how good I look. But regardless how good I've been in shape. It's still hard to accept compliments from people. I always feel like their just being nice, or when I get attention...which has been happening alot lately. I have a hard time not assuming there's an ulterior motive, probab;y has something to do with being burned badly in the past. But I want to get over it
  • keith0373
    keith0373 Posts: 2,154 Member
    Yoovie you're a goddess. That is all! :P

    Completely agree! And I only know her from a distance.
  • bridgelene
    bridgelene Posts: 358 Member

    Perceptive lady! :happy: