Size 12 = Fat?



  • <<<<< Nurse here. Ok....I going to try and make this un nursy as possible but explain it from a nurses knowledge..... It isnt about SIZE or WEIGHT. I have seen ladies that have a natural "booty" and have a 12% body fat wear a size 12. Ive seen a body builder wear a size 12. Ive seen someone wear a 12 and weighed 200 pounds. YOU are an individual. Look up your body fat %. Ignore that dreaded scale and go for a HEALTHY BF%. THAT is the judge and jury for health problems. Not jean size OR that m^$&$i%$^# scale. (I have scale anger issues >=O ) Dont compare yourself to others..... be the best YOU can be. And remember this quote........ "Today I am not where I want to be, but I am a damn sight better than I was yesterday!"
  • RobynLB
    RobynLB Posts: 617 Member
    Maybe this makes me a jerk, but I have a problem with anyone saying they "can't" get down to a certain weight or size within a healthy BMI range because of their build. The variance in skeletal structure is just not that extreme. I'm not the size I am and shape I am because I have a "small frame" or "small build." I am the size and shape I am because I work really hard-- I train about 10 hours a week and usually eat a pretty strict diet. It's okay to say it's just not a priority to do what it takes to be a certain size or weight or shape or whatever... but it's just irritating to hear people say that they can't physically do it.
  • footiechick82
    footiechick82 Posts: 1,203 Member
    uk size 12

    So that's an American 10, yeah? You look great!
    thankyou,i didnt know i was american 10,im pear so im quite small on top but my hips just remain the same:(

    sad face? Oy! geez girl you're smokin'!
  • Firefox7275
    Firefox7275 Posts: 2,040 Member
    I just got down to a size 12 in jeans (woo hoo!), and I notice it's the controversial in-between size here. Some people are trying to get down to that number, and others have started at that number and are trying to get lower.

    Do you see size 12 as a good size to shoot for or be, or do you think it implies you're still considerably overweight and have more work to do?

    Depends on your height, level of muscularity, which country you live in (UK size 12 is US size 8). Get your bodyfat percentage checked and see if it is in the healthy range for your age group.
  • FitFabFlirty92
    FitFabFlirty92 Posts: 384 Member
    Maybe this makes me a jerk, but I have a problem with anyone saying they "can't" get down to a certain weight or size within a healthy BMI range because of their build. The variance in skeletal structure is just not that extreme. I'm not the size I am and shape I am because I have a "small frame" or "small build." I am the size and shape I am because I work really hard-- I train about 10 hours a week and usually eat a pretty strict diet. It's okay to say it's just not a priority to do what it takes to be a certain size or weight or shape or whatever... but it's just irritating to hear people say that they can't physically do it.

    Fine, I'll rephrase. I don't want to do what you do to get the body that you have. It's not a priority for me. I prefer to keep the same body shape I have now, just a slimmer version of it. What I said was in no way an insult toward you or meant to "irritate" you.
  • chocl8girl
    chocl8girl Posts: 1,968 Member
    <<<<< Nurse here. Ok....I going to try and make this un nursy as possible but explain it from a nurses knowledge..... It isnt about SIZE or WEIGHT. I have seen ladies that have a natural "booty" and have a 12% body fat wear a size 12. Ive seen a body builder wear a size 12. Ive seen someone wear a 12 and weighed 200 pounds. YOU are an individual. Look up your body fat %. Ignore that dreaded scale and go for a HEALTHY BF%. THAT is the judge and jury for health problems. Not jean size OR that m^$&$i%$^# scale. (I have scale anger issues >=O ) Dont compare yourself to others..... be the best YOU can be. And remember this quote........ "Today I am not where I want to be, but I am a damn sight better than I was yesterday!"

  • By a raise of hands, how many people seen Marilyn Monroe in person?

    Ok didn't think so.

    Regardless of if sizes have changed, the woman was curvy and her weight varied.

    I have the same body type as Marilyn. My waist is 12 inches smaller than my hips. I have fit into a size 3 and been healthy. "Curvy" does not always mean "overweight." It just means you have a curve from your waist to your hips. If there's a lot of fat on your waist and hips, you are curvy and overweight.

    No, I never saw Marilyn in person. However, I have seen her in movies where she's wearing some very form-fitting clothing. She was not a modern size 12. Not even close. Maybe at her very heaviest for a short time. But not for the totality of her career.

    Quote the entire post.
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,329 Member
    Maybe this makes me a jerk, but I have a problem with anyone saying they "can't" get down to a certain weight or size within a healthy BMI range because of their build. The variance in skeletal structure is just not that extreme. I'm not the size I am and shape I am because I have a "small frame" or "small build." I am the size and shape I am because I work really hard-- I train about 10 hours a week and usually eat a pretty strict diet. It's okay to say it's just not a priority to do what it takes to be a certain size or weight or shape or whatever... but it's just irritating to hear people say that they can't physically do it.

    Fine, I'll rephrase. I don't want to do what you do to get the body that you have. It's not a priority for me. I prefer to keep the same body shape I have now, just a slimmer version of it. What I said was in no way an insult toward you or meant to "irritate" you.

    your body shape is based on genetics, so no need to worry about having a different shape since losing weight doesnt change your genes. it changes your total amount of body fat, but doesn't switch around how your body is predisposed to store it on your body :smile:
  • CorvusCorax77
    CorvusCorax77 Posts: 2,536 Member
    sizes are not consistent.

    And it's all relative.

    But I just want to say that before i joined MFP, I considered a size 11 to be my "skinny" size. Now that I am dedicated and changed my life style and enjoy making fitness a focus in my life, I'm a size 4/5. I really never thought that was possible for me. Ever. So I agree with the nurse who says different builds (big booty may need bigger jeans for sure...) but i also think sometimes we put obstacles in front of ourselves for no good reason:

  • CorvusCorax77
    CorvusCorax77 Posts: 2,536 Member
    I've always thought of anything over a size 7 as pretty big unless you're around 5'10", but numbers are all relative. BMI is a way better indicator of whether you are at a good weight than clothing size. Your 5k time is a way better indicator than either.

    I agree on the 5K thing.

    But BMI is so not a good indication.... it doesn't take a lot of things into account. I think strenght, endurance, and bf% are better indicators....

    Also... I just want to say you must have been small most of your life to think a size 8 is big. My perspective has always been "anything under a size 12 is small"... it's relative.

    ETA: all this talk about sizes is useless anywyas since there's vanity sizing. In VS i'm a C cup! LOL!
  • bcf7683
    bcf7683 Posts: 1,653 Member
    Like everyone else said.... Depends on the person. I started at a 10 or 12 (depending on brand) and now I'm a 2 or 4. I never thought in my wildest freakin dreams that I'd be buying size 2 pants. If that's the number you've come down to, then that's awesome! If you're happy with it, stay there. Some women have wider hips that don't allow them to get down to certain sizes. I say don't lay your success in what size pants you wear. I was honestly happy with myself when I got down to a 6. Hell, I was happy whenever I dropped ONE size. Screw the pant size, if you're happy with the results you're getting, that's where it is.
  • MrsR0SE
    MrsR0SE Posts: 313 Member
    It also depends in which country you buy your clothes in!
  • firstsip
    firstsip Posts: 8,399 Member
    I've always thought of anything over a size 7 as pretty big unless you're around 5'10", but numbers are all relative. BMI is a way better indicator of whether you are at a good weight than clothing size. Your 5k time is a way better indicator than either.

    Except it's not. The BMI scale was a tool made up by a PSYCHOLOGIST for a study, where he specifically said, "This should not be used as an indicator of health," and really only became in vogue medically in the 70s. It is not the best indicators... body fat % is a much better indicator of health in terms of "weight." You can have a low body fat % with an emphasis on muscle, and still have a "high" BMI.
  • CorvusCorax77
    CorvusCorax77 Posts: 2,536 Member
    I've always thought of anything over a size 7 as pretty big unless you're around 5'10", but numbers are all relative. BMI is a way better indicator of whether you are at a good weight than clothing size. Your 5k time is a way better indicator than either.

    Except it's not. The BMI scale was a tool made up by a PSYCHOLOGIST for a study, where he specifically said, "This should not be used as an indicator of health," and really only became in vogue medically in the 70s. It is not the best indicators... body fat % is a much better indicator of health in terms of "weight." You can have a low body fat % with an emphasis on muscle, and still have a "high" BMI.

    right? because I can be 140 lbs with 18% bf or I can be 140 lbs of 25% bf and they would have the exact same BMI.
  • DawnieB1977
    DawnieB1977 Posts: 4,248 Member
    Depends where you live. In England a size 12 is nearer to a US size 16. But, if you are fit and healthy, if you are happy with yourself then it shouldn't matter imo : )

    What? A US 12 is a UK 16. A US 8 is a UK 12!

    I am a UK 12 in a lot of clothes and I have a pair of trousers I bought in America 9 years ago from Abercrombie & Fitch that are an 8 and actually a little bit loose now.

    I think it depends on your body - height, muscles, build etc - how you look at a US12. You can be tall and toned and look amazing, or you can carry all the weight on your stomach and look flabby.

    I look ok at that size, but too big. Like I said, I'm a US 8 in most things, but even that I feel is too big for me and I need to get down a size. I'm 5'6".
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    Im 5'10 - I started weight training when I hit a size 12. Now Im an 8. (and 6 pounds lighter)
  • Im a size 12 after starting at a 16, but I too am trying to get down to a 8.. I feel thats a good place for my frame and my height etc.. But i agree with others its all in how you feel.
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    I'm 5'10 and a size 8

    IM GARGANTUAN!!!!!!!


  • kelly_e_montana
    kelly_e_montana Posts: 1,999 Member
    im a 12. Would be happy to stop here, but im goin for the tens!

    Me too! Exactly. Have been thinner than 10 and don't like it on me.
  • vbarrient
    vbarrient Posts: 52 Member
    I am 5'8" tall and was a 12 at my ideal body weight of 164 pounds, which I was pretty thin and younger then. I have a large frame. I am in a size 16 now at 202 pounds and have 35 pounds to lose to get back in a 12. It will depend on how I look and what my BMI is. If I am comfortable in a 14 I will stay there. It depends on how tall you are and body frame. The average for a woman is size 12-14. :smile: