Sorry, but I *am* getting bulky from lifting heavy....



  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    I looked at your pics - you are not bulky. You want less muscle definition, gain some BF.
  • DanaDark
    DanaDark Posts: 2,187 Member
    Couple of issues I see here...

    Your doctor has told you to gain some weight because your body fat levels are too low according to his medical opinion.... yet you are eating 1200-1300 a day. >.>

    Your muscles are showing due to a lack of body fat to help smooth the visual out. You will be hard pressed to add body fat while eating 1200 to 1300 calories a day.

    My suggestion would be to continue lifting as normal and go for a calorie surplus to add back some body fat. Once things are in a range that your doctor feels comfortable with, then you can really determine if you have too large of muscles or not.

    At that point, return to the forums and seek further advice.
  • joejccva71
    joejccva71 Posts: 2,985 Member
    Strength Training = 3-5 rep range
    Hypertrophy Training = 6-12 rep range
    Endurance Training = 13-20 rep range

    There is no higher reps to "tone" or "lean out". Sorry, no such thing.
  • DiaryOfaThickFitWoman
    My sister in law has this problem too, she's half black and her gains are crazy. I have seen it a Lot with pretty much everyone but white chicks- gains are big and noticeable I would droP weight and add reps.

    Me too, I'm Black, Irish & Cherokee. I'm thinking of dropping my weights (although I'm not sure how low to drop them) & doing more reps for a few weeks to see what happens.

    Are you guys saying that "blacks" gain more weight when lifting, or in general, or what? This is a serious question, I need to know because I just started lifting and I have 50 pounds to lose and DO NOT want to bulk up period.
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    I think what you probably want to do is increase your body fat.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    I want pictures as proof. The ones on your profile show you have a nice body, but i don't see any bulk. This must have been miracle bulk that happened recently.
  • joejccva71
    joejccva71 Posts: 2,985 Member
    I think what you probably want to do is increase your body fat.

  • dare2love81
    dare2love81 Posts: 928 Member
    Dial back on the weights....lift a little lighter. From what I understand, women have a hard time retaining muscle unless they keep with a lifting routine, so maybe just take a break for a little bit?

    Not to be snarky, but I can only hope that one day I have the problem of looking too bulky (from muscle, not fat. LOL).
  • giorno88
    I'm not sure if anyone has mentioned this already, but I do a lot of Les Mills BODYPUMP programs, and their main focus is less weight but with more reps, so you don't get that big bulky look. It's worked pretty well in that concept for me, if you've never heard of it, be sure to check it out sometime.
  • iorahkwano
    iorahkwano Posts: 709 Member
    Lower weight, more reps.
    Eat more food & cut down on cardio (To gain a healthy body fat %).

    I knew some girls who put on muscle very easily (Instead of losing weight, to their dismay). And they each did two different things:

    1) The first one, who was getting bulky from the Bowflex she was using, quit using it! And she started doing workout classes that were less focused on weight-training and more focused on cardio. Her workout class was about 60% cardio and 40% body or medium weights with lots of reps. Endurance over power.

    2) The second girl, embraced her genetics, and became a bodybuilder. She appeared in the Fame show (Contest on fitness appearance). This doesn't mean she is huge, she is actually the thinnest/most feminine I've ever seen her because she lost a lot of body fat but has amazing muscles! Day to day she looks nice in a dress, and then maybe bulks a bit for the fitness shows.

    So it's up to you... You can eat more, workout less/less heavy and see if that gives you what you want. Or you can see where your amazing genes can take you & go with it! See if you can look at your body as what you "should want" because it sounds like lots of girls would like to have it. It's the same as accepting you have a pair or ruler-shaped body.
  • LoraF83
    LoraF83 Posts: 15,694 Member
    I'm not sure if anyone has mentioned this already, but I do a lot of Les Mills BODYPUMP programs, and their main focus is less weight but with more reps, so you don't get that big bulky look. It's worked pretty well in that concept for me, if you've never heard of it, be sure to check it out sometime.

    You don't get that "big bulky look" from heavy weights/low reps either - it takes a lot of effort and a calorie surplus (and maybe some supplements or something) for women to achieve "bulk".
  • denezy
    denezy Posts: 573 Member
    If you don't like your results then change what you're doing.

    Crazy, right?
  • DJ2120
    DJ2120 Posts: 407 Member
  • CorvusCorax77
    CorvusCorax77 Posts: 2,536 Member
    You look like Halle Berry in your pictures. I can't see what isn't to love. I have the same problem with pants (tight in thighs, loose in waist) but I think I look damn good because of it.

    If you aren't liking your results, eat less and/or stop lifting.

    this is the answer - you either need to do more cardio or eat less!!! If i do weisghts i get brilliant results but need to balance with cardio and stay away from carbs!!! sorry to tell a big fat truth

    I do an hour of cardio every day & eat very little carbs.

    ACK! DO NOT EAT LESS! This is such bad advice.
  • Chief_Rocka
    Chief_Rocka Posts: 4,710 Member
    My sister in law has this problem too, she's half black and her gains are crazy. I have seen it a Lot with pretty much everyone but white chicks- gains are big and noticeable I would droP weight and add reps.

    Me too, I'm Black, Irish & Cherokee. I'm thinking of dropping my weights (although I'm not sure how low to drop them) & doing more reps for a few weeks to see what happens.

    Are you guys saying that "blacks" gain more weight when lifting, or in general, or what? This is a serious question, I need to know because I just started lifting and I have 50 pounds to lose and DO NOT want to bulk up period.

    No, please ignore this nonsense. There are some differences in *average* muscle fiber typing, but that has nothing to do with weight gain or loss.
  • DanaDark
    DanaDark Posts: 2,187 Member
    Good pics. If you call THAT bulky tho... heh...

    "Bulk" is the SIZE of muscle. To really know if you've bulked, you need to have measured before and after.
  • joejccva71
    joejccva71 Posts: 2,985 Member
    Folks quit telling her to stop lifting weights, that is not the problem. What this will cause is horrible body composition.
  • jellebeandesigns
    jellebeandesigns Posts: 347 Member
    My sister in law has this problem too, she's half black and her gains are crazy. I have seen it a Lot with pretty much everyone but white chicks- gains are big and noticeable I would droP weight and add reps.

    Is this really happening right now? How is this not a racist statement? How do white chicks not gain muscle like every other race who lifts? :grumble:

    It's not racist- genetic make uP of each and every race is different. Just like Caucasian women are more likely tO carry babies for 42+ weeks gestation not racist at all just facts
  • crazy4lulu
    crazy4lulu Posts: 822 Member
    sorry honey but that is beautiful.... not bulky!!!
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    I would seek a therapist for BDD if you think you are bulky.