Sorry, but I *am* getting bulky from lifting heavy....



  • kdiamond
    kdiamond Posts: 3,329 Member
    I also think you look beautiful and would kill for the muscle definition you have.

    However I understand what you're saying because I have seen first hand how women get bulky on top. When I was doing Crossfit we did a lot of upper body centralized workouts, and some of the girls have developed man shoulders/traps/biceps from doing too much of it. I personally focus more on my legs, abs, and triceps, and less on my biceps, shoulders, and back. I do more body weight stuff for those areas, and I also depend on compound lifts to "tone" (for lack of better word) those areas.

    If I were you I'd just simply tone it down a bit. Without knowing your exact routine I would say incorporate more compound lifts and stay away from static exercises like bicep curls, etc.. You obviously have the genetics that assist you in developing good muscle tone so there isn't too much escaping that.

    I agree, I think it really must be my genetics because I'm even more muscular than some of my friends who have worked out their whole lives.

    Also I reread and saw your routine. I don't know if anyone else made this comment, but have you thought about incorporating a 3x a week full body lifting routine instead of 5 days with different focus each day. As women, I personally don't believe you need to lift 5 days a week...I am happy with where I am and I do a 3x a week full body.
  • RebeccaHite
    RebeccaHite Posts: 187 Member
    Swim it will lean your muscles
  • Ge0rgiana
    Ge0rgiana Posts: 1,649 Member

    I stand by my earlier statement. What you look like is basically my goal body.
  • AprilRenewed
    AprilRenewed Posts: 691 Member
    Wow. See, I was going to say I feel the same way and have decided to change my routine. Until I saw your pictures. THAT is the kind of gain I would have loved! Instead, my muscle gain looks like flab unless I'm flexing. Then I love it. But overall, I've been miserable with my body, so I'm switching things up and no longer lifting heavy (well, starting tomorrow after a forced week of rest due to illness)
  • harlanJEN
    harlanJEN Posts: 1,089 Member
    Everyone says don't worry about bulking up when you lift heavy you are a woman. But, honestly I am having a problem with this. My biceps are huge & show constantly without me even flexing. And my quads & calves are getting out of control since I started lifting heavier. A guy at my job was making jokes asking me what steroids I'm taking because he is a boxer & has known women who have been working out for years that don't have the amount of muscle I have. It's the the point where my pants fit loose at the waist & super tight around my thighs & I'm not pleased with it. I'm not sure what the answer to fix this is, lift lighter? I don't want to loose the tone & definition. And it's not from body fat, because my Dr. recently told me that my body fat is too low & she would like for me to put on 5-6 pounds.

    My first thought - before I even got to the end and read that your body fat is low - my thought was: Your muscles are showing and are more pronounced because you have low body fat. If you had more fat, your muscles wouldn't be so pronounced. Example: Madonna. It isn't that she is bulked up and muscley - she has such low body fat, that her muscles are very pronounced.

    So yes .. follow your doc's advice and gain a bit of weight. I think your muscles will look just FAB then !

    Edited: I just saw the rest of your pics. NO WAY. You are not "too bulky". You look FAB
  • Nnamdi1
    Nnamdi1 Posts: 2 Member
    Lifting heavy does not directly cause muscular hypertrophy in the manner that you think. You can build muscle lifting light or heavy weight. However lifting heavy is primarily for building strength over building muscle. Building muscles vs weight lifting are two different mechanisms that many people misconstrue. Essentially its possible for to be be very lean (not muscular) and be VERY STRONG or you can be VERY MUSCULAR with not a lot of strength. If you decide to lift dramatically lighter weight keep in mind that you will lose more strength and muscularity over time as you continue to diet. This is when people enter the zone of "skinny fat" (when body fat ratio is greater than muscularity on lean individuals). What is your goal? Are you trying to lose "weight" or are you trying to lose "fat". There is a difference. Looking at your pics, you are not what I would consider very muscular, but what matters is how you feel about yourself.

    Concentrate on your diet first and foremost! You have to be honest with yourself. Are you maintaining a disciplined eating regimen every day/week? Are you falling off track frequently?

    As you get leaner and reduce body fat, your physique will look much sharper, toned, and most importantly smaller (in the right places).

    If you plan to reduce your weight, then go from heavy to moderate weight. and throw in some cardio 2-3 days per week if you are not currently doing so.

    Hope this helps. ..Actually I know it will ;-)
  • sarahstrezo
    sarahstrezo Posts: 568 Member
    You look fantastic. IMO, your legs don't look all that muscular to me *shrugs*. have a super tiny waist, so it is giving the appearance of bigger legs, I guess. I think if your thighs were any smaller, they'd look like chicken legs. And...your arms are fantastic! Your arms are my goal arms and I don't think they are anywhere NEAR "bulky". I think if you upped your cals a bit and cut back on the cardio a'd put on a bit more BF and have the "less cut" look you are apparently looking for.
  • denezy
    denezy Posts: 573 Member
    Also, the neckline of the top you are wearing in the recent pic is probably the least flattering for girls with muscular arms/shoulders. I can't wear that style or halter tops.
  • BrieLP
    BrieLP Posts: 300 Member
    i have the exact opposite problem, my jeans all the way around are to big but if I go down a size they are to small....... BLAH!
  • mkwongh
    mkwongh Posts: 279 Member
    I was expecting something like the Hulk with a pink bow, but your pics don’t even compare. Your arms look bigger in your pictures that you have on your profile, then the ones you just posted. You look great. And as for your legs… I don’t see anything wrong with them at all. I say keep doing what you are doing, or lower weights a tiny bit with more reps.
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    I agree with both of you, I am a perfectionist & always feel that I can do better & that what I have done so far isn't good enough. I try to get past it though.

    Always trying to improve is a great spirit to have.

    But take a step back and consider... would muscular atrophy actually be improvement, or would it be the opposite?

    Also, I didn't look at your routine, but someone above mentioned doing compound lifts rather than isolation work. I strongly agree with this. Isolation work is more of a body-builder type routine, and obviously you are not going for that. Compounds will keep your whole body in shape and emphasize general strength, and not necessarily cause things like hyoooge biceps. :)
  • Polly758
    Polly758 Posts: 623 Member
    I used to play baseball, so my biceps and shoulders have always caused a problem when I wear shirts with sleeves. ANY sleeves.

    Lifting will cause you to go pretty far outside average female measurements, and pretty much all store-bought clothes won't fit.

    Sheath dresses (sleeveless, knee-length, trim waist) will probably fit well.

    And don't forget tailors! Buy clothes that fit your biggest part, then have it taken in to fit everywhere else. So get pants for your thighs then have a tailor take in the waist and butt a bit. It shouldn't add more than $10 to the price of the clothes.

    As for the muscle definition, gaining a bit of fat might help that, and make your doctor happy too.
  • classycouture
    classycouture Posts: 888 Member
    A guy at my job was making jokes asking me what steroids I'm taking because he is a boxer & has known women who have been working out for years that don't have the amount of muscle I have.

    Use those muscles and punch him in the face!

    Problem solved.
  • DiaryOfaThickFitWoman
    Everyone says don't worry about bulking up when you lift heavy you are a woman. But, honestly I am having a problem with this. My biceps are huge & show constantly without me even flexing. And my quads & calves are getting out of control since I started lifting heavier. A guy at my job was making jokes asking me what steroids I'm taking because he is a boxer & has known women who have been working out for years that don't have the amount of muscle I have. It's the the point where my pants fit loose at the waist & super tight around my thighs & I'm not pleased with it. I'm not sure what the answer to fix this is, lift lighter? I don't want to loose the tone & definition. And it's not from body fat, because my Dr. recently told me that my body fat is too low & she would like for me to put on 5-6 pounds.

    I think you look great, but, it seems as if you want” a softer look” than what you have.
    I think what most of us are failing to realize is that everyone has their own perception of what looks good and what doesn’t. Bottom-line!
    At the end of the day it’s about what you want. I personally love your thighs/legs; I can see your issue with your arms. Don’t get me wrong, they look great, but like you I prefer the softer look as well.
    Either way you don’t look bad, and at this point it’s about personalizing those target areas, according to your liking!
  • wigglypeaches
    wigglypeaches Posts: 146 Member
    Just to reiterate, you look phenomenal, and your coworker sounds a bit insecure.

    However! If you want to switch up your routine, consider 1) Switching to muscular endurance training by lifting lighter weights (or body weight) to exhaustion (consider pullups!), or 2) resistance training.
  • Chapter3point6
    Just to reiterate, you look phenomenal, and your coworker sounds a bit insecure.

    However! If you want to switch up your routine, consider 1) Switching to muscular endurance training by lifting lighter weights (or body weight) to exhaustion (consider pullups!), or 2) resistance training.


  • TubbsMcGee
    TubbsMcGee Posts: 1,058 Member

    Have you ever considered entering a female bodybuilding contest?

    She's worried about looking bulky...and you just asked her to build MORE muscle.... :huh: :huh:'s sarcasm.

    Her legs don't look bulky at all. They look like regular lady legs.
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    (and balance out your calves :wink:)
  • mlb929
    mlb929 Posts: 1,974 Member
    Are you doing any yoga, or something that will increase your flexibility? I notice that just simply strength training, the muscles look "muscly" to me, but yoga helps, in my opinion, to create a leaner longer looking muscle, not a bulky one. So do a martial art program.

    Another thought is have saliva hormone testing done, your testosterone levels may be really really high, which could be part of your problem.
  • Yogi_Carl
    Yogi_Carl Posts: 1,906 Member
    Apparently, yoga doesn't help a muscle to look longer by stretchng it out - though I would say - try some yoga!

    Maybe try bodyweight exercises rather than lifting weights and see if you prefer the look and the workout.