"You're so lucky,,,"



  • chocl8girl
    chocl8girl Posts: 1,968 Member
    Those are the same people that want to know the secret to weight loss. What's the secret? Diet and exercise - shhhh don't tell!

    OMG, you just HAD to tell, now EVERYONE will do it!!!

  • mjterp
    mjterp Posts: 655 Member
    Wish there was a like button.... great post Jonesie

    ^^^ What SHE said!^^^
  • cherrybomb_77
    cherrybomb_77 Posts: 411 Member
    I've gotten that a few times. Followed by a string of excuses as to why the person saying it "can't" lose weight. It's frustrating to have my hard work dismissed as "luck" but I also empathize with where they're coming from, because it was me not too long ago.
  • KrazyAsianNic
    KrazyAsianNic Posts: 1,227 Member
    Luck would imply given easily. We do not lose the weight easily!

    Great post.
  • beproudbestrong
    Wish there was a LIKE LIKE LIKE button!!!
  • cheerforsteelers
    cheerforsteelers Posts: 686 Member
    So, the person that told you how lucky you were....were they really saying this while sitting on a couch with lays and coke in their hand or are u just making a generalization of "fat" people???

  • mjterp
    mjterp Posts: 655 Member
    They'll never understand until they've done it/been there too.

    Went out with someone for a while that I thought was supportive and understanding of my goals since he had "beent there, done that." He was great at supporting my workouts...hanging out with me while I was on the treadmill or going to a track to walk (I tried to get him to walk other times, too...no go...) and I remember how horrible I felt when he said "it really is easy to lose weight. I've done it...and had a hard time slowing it down. Now I'm underweight and can't seem to gain." grumble...how quickly he forgot...

    Then there is my dad...who has taken off over 160 pounds on several different occations. He is the reason I changed my goal from a goal weight to a goal weight maintenance! He said "losing weight is easy. I have done it a hundred times. It's KEEPING IT OFF that's hard!" This conversation had such a huge impact on me! That is when I realized I needed to change habits and NOT go on a "diet." I need to make lifelong changes that I can live with forever. NOT easy...NOT!

    SO...to those of you that have achieved the status where people think you can eat anything and not need to go to the gym...KEEP IT UP! KEEP setting the example. KEEP letting us know it is a daily CHOICE! Keep letting us "whales" (as someone put it) know that every day people CAN make the same healthy choices...ONE habit at a time!!! I look forward to the day when someone says "you're so lucky..." to me!!!
  • Jonesie86
    Jonesie86 Posts: 446 Member
    So, the person that told you how lucky you were....were they really saying this while sitting on a couch with lays and coke in their hand or are u just making a generalization of "fat" people???


    If I were "making a generalization of "fat" people" I wouldn't be on a fitness website cheering on my friends to get healthy....I would be on here knocking them down every time they slipped and ate something bad, missed a workout or weren't as skinny as Victoria Secret models. Just thought that those on here working towards a healthier life could relate to hard work, dedication and success.
  • RunIntheMud
    RunIntheMud Posts: 2,645 Member
    This is why I love you Jonesie....

    Yep, the bigger women at work call me "Skinny B*tch" and talk about how much they hate me because I can eat whatever I want and wear whatever I want.... scuse me? Yeah, I can wear what I want because I work out....but, if they watched what I ate, they'd see I was eating healthy and watching my portions. They know I run and go to the gym, but all they worry about is weight watchers (which none follow anyway) and the latest fad diets.

    So, meanwhile, I get called Skinny B*tch and I can't call them anything back (which I wouldn't do anyway)....seems fair. But, then again, maybe they're just making a commentary on my attitude. If so, that would be fairly accurate, too. :wink:
  • RedBullLiz
    RedBullLiz Posts: 469 Member
  • SuperstarDJ
    SuperstarDJ Posts: 440 Member
    So, meanwhile, I get called Skinny B*tch and I can't call them anything back (which I wouldn't do anyway)....seems fair.

    I'm sorry, but exactly how and why does it seem fair? I get called "skinny b*tch", "anorexic cow" etc., etc. and I'm supposed to just take it because, I'm 'lucky', right? When I go on Facebook, my curvier FB friends post picture after picture of women like Marilyn Monroe containing quotes such as, "Real men go for curves. Only dogs like bones" (nice) or "REAL women have curves" (what am I then? A fake woman?!?). The comments written underneath these 'motivational' posts really hurt too. My body type often referred to as "disgusting", "unattractive", etc. You know thin people have feelings and get hurt too???

    I would love to see people's reactions if the tables were turned. If I suddenly started calling these people "fat b*tch" or "obese cow". If I started posting pictures of underweight models on Facebook with "Real men like size 0. Only [...fill in the blank] like fat!"

    Of course, I would never, ever do this. I just don't see why it's OK to insult somebody's appearance and body shape once they're thin. It should be completely unacceptable to insult anyone, regardless of their weight.
  • BlueObsidian
    BlueObsidian Posts: 297 Member
    Has anyone ever said that to you about being in shape, losing weight or the way you look in general? "You're so lucky you're skinny..it's just so easy for you..." I'm so lucky? So easy? Yes..I was so lucky that one day I watched a P90X infomercial, called and ordered it, stopped making excuses, peeled myself outta bed every effin day sore muscles and all and gave it everything I had. So lucky that I started shopping and eating different, that the 9 inches I lost just fell off with no effort (factious). I had the drive, determination and dedication to change something I didn't like. Last I checked, that was called willpower - not luck.

    Sorry...I just hate when people are sitting on their *kitten* elbow deep in a Lay's chip bag drinking Coca-cola telling me "how lucky I am"....

    It's a compliment- the are saying you ARE fit and pretty. Like you don't even have to work at it. Even if you really do it is a compliment. It's like telling somebody they are beautiful, you don't say "wow you really know how to apply makeup."

    They may mean it as a compliment, but it's not. It's insulting and dismissive of the hard work someone puts into their success. While I haven't had the "you're so lucky" comments on my weight or appearance, I have had them in other parts of my life. If I work my butt off on something for months and then someone tells me "I'm so lucky" to have achieved it, it's completely ignores all that effort. As if my work meant nothing and all I needed was luck.
  • ladytinkerbell99
    ladytinkerbell99 Posts: 970 Member
    bump. Great post, will read later. Thanks
  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    I've been lucky that my parents taught me proper portion sizes and I'm not genetically inclined to be chubby.

    But I really get pissed when people dismiss my weight as "a fast metabolism" instead of acknowledging that I eat within my calories and and work out. Like, really pissed. And then they say they can't be thin because their metabolism isn't as fast as mine. :huh: No, no, that isn't the problem.
  • coachblt
    coachblt Posts: 1,090
    Nobody has ever said anything close to that to me. They just say how good I look and that I look like a whole different person, which I am.

    They ask what I did, so I tell em. Regardless, it wouldn't make me mad. It's an opportunity to discuss with them the steps I took to get into shape. No need to get angry when they say "You're Lucky"...you used to be one of them, so lighten up a little.
  • RunIntheMud
    RunIntheMud Posts: 2,645 Member
    So, meanwhile, I get called Skinny B*tch and I can't call them anything back (which I wouldn't do anyway)....seems fair.

    I'm sorry, but exactly how and why does it seem fair? I get called "skinny b*tch", "anorexic cow" etc., etc. and I'm supposed to just take it because, I'm 'lucky', right? When I go on Facebook, my curvier FB friends post picture after picture of women like Marilyn Monroe containing quotes such as, "Real men go for curves. Only dogs like bones" (nice) or "REAL women have curves" (what am I then? A fake woman?!?). The comments written underneath these 'motivational' posts really hurt too. My body type often referred to as "disgusting", "unattractive", etc. You know thin people have feelings and get hurt too???

    I would love to see people's reactions if the tables were turned. If I suddenly started calling these people "fat b*tch" or "obese cow". If I started posting pictures of underweight models on Facebook with "Real men like size 0. Only [...fill in the blank] like fat!"

    Of course, I would never, ever do this. I just don't see why it's OK to insult somebody's appearance and body shape once they're thin. It should be completely unacceptable to insult anyone, regardless of their weight.


    You missed the entire point of my post. It's not fair and it's completely inappropriate to call anyone names. They should not be able to call me names, just as people should not be able to call you names.
  • SuperstarDJ
    SuperstarDJ Posts: 440 Member
    So, meanwhile, I get called Skinny B*tch and I can't call them anything back (which I wouldn't do anyway)....seems fair.

    I'm sorry, but exactly how and why does it seem fair? I get called "skinny b*tch", "anorexic cow" etc., etc. and I'm supposed to just take it because, I'm 'lucky', right? When I go on Facebook, my curvier FB friends post picture after picture of women like Marilyn Monroe containing quotes such as, "Real men go for curves. Only dogs like bones" (nice) or "REAL women have curves" (what am I then? A fake woman?!?). The comments written underneath these 'motivational' posts really hurt too. My body type often referred to as "disgusting", "unattractive", etc. You know thin people have feelings and get hurt too???

    I would love to see people's reactions if the tables were turned. If I suddenly started calling these people "fat b*tch" or "obese cow". If I started posting pictures of underweight models on Facebook with "Real men like size 0. Only [...fill in the blank] like fat!"

    Of course, I would never, ever do this. I just don't see why it's OK to insult somebody's appearance and body shape once they're thin. It should be completely unacceptable to insult anyone, regardless of their weight.


    You missed the entire point of my post. It's not fair and it's completely inappropriate to call anyone names. They should not be able to call me names, just as people should not be able to call you names.

    Ooops! Sorry, I thought you were being serious :embarassed:
  • HeidiMightyRawr
    HeidiMightyRawr Posts: 3,343 Member
    Yep, all the time.

    I get quite a few people who see me eat a lot and assume that I can just eat whatever I want and stay slim. Nope, doesn't work like that. I monitor what I eat and try and stay around my goal. I can eat the amount I do because I'm active in life, and lift heavy at the gym 5x a week!

    Not because I'm genetically blessed, or because I'm tall, or young, or just lucky.

    People tend to dismiss the hard work, I think because it highlights what they're NOT doing. If they stay thinking that it's just me and my luck then they have an excuse.
  • dorothytd
    dorothytd Posts: 1,138 Member
    While I'm not a fan of being called this (or being told I can eat anything I want, etc.), in some ways I really DO feel lucky. It was hard work to get here and it is hard work to stay here. But I feel lucky (or better - blessed) that I figured it out how to be healthy before I got too old to enjoy it! I feel lucky that I can wake up, move my body, then be able to wear a size I would have never thought possible! And on occasion, I sit on the couch and eat Lay's - when I am lucky enough to have the extra calories from kicking some exercise butt. But NEVER with a real Coke - diet all the way!!
  • emilynw10
    My husband told me the other day that I'm lucky because I lose weight easily. This from the man who has always had the metabolism to eat whatever he wanted and not gain ANYTHING to the woman who has been overweight since childhood. Now that he's getting old, his metabolism is catching up to him and he said it's better that I could never eat whatever I wanted and not gain because I don't know what I'm missing whereas he now has to restrict himself where he didn't have to before. Boo. Hoo. And then I cried a river for him.

    (he actually is incredibly supportive... he just doesn't think before he talks)