Awkward moments,...



  • EmilyOfTheSun
    EmilyOfTheSun Posts: 1,548 Member
    When someone walks in and sees me applying deodorant cuz I forgot to do it before I left the house and just do it at my desk when I get to work....
  • bjshores
    bjshores Posts: 102 Member
    I've done that.
  • Jferg69
    Jferg69 Posts: 241 Member
    When you break wind at your open back door and find the next door neighbour in her garden, sunbathing
  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    I was packing up the car, leaving my sister's house after a trip home, and listening to my 8 year old nephew tell all his friends at the school bus stop and their parents about the huge family party we had 2 nights earlier where everyone got completely drunk.

    It's important to note that half the people there didn't have anything stronger than water.
  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    When you very enthusiastically greet someone you recognize from a distance, then realize as you get closer the reason they were giving you an odd look is because they're actually not the person you know :embarassed:

    Even worse when you've called the person's name twice.
    His name was BJ.

    Nothing like yelling "BJ" at a random stranger.
  • Pollart77
    Pollart77 Posts: 263 Member
    When the gynocologist/assistant who does your breast exam tweaks your nipple and makes a little "boop" sound at the end....

    ....that one was extra awkward+weird.

    OHHH.....MYYYY.....GOOOOOSH. I would completely die if this happened to me. It wasn't a guy doctor, was it????
    i would've reported him. I remember when I was about 20 and had a female exam. I noticed the physician had a hard-on. I was furious!

    What??? hahahahaha!
  • TheRealJigsaw
    TheRealJigsaw Posts: 295 Member
  • Chinadorian
    Chinadorian Posts: 200 Member
    When your 5 year old decides to tell your therapist that "mommy has a ring in her boobie!" :blushing: that any more awkward than your profile pic? just sayin.....
  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    When your 5 year old decides to tell your therapist that "mommy has a ring in her boobie!" :blushing:

    And a pole in the living room?
  • Ta2dchic20
    Ta2dchic20 Posts: 376 Member
    When the gynocologist/assistant who does your breast exam tweaks your nipple and makes a little "boop" sound at the end....

    ....that one was extra awkward+weird.

    OHHH.....MYYYY.....GOOOOOSH. I would completely die if this happened to me. It wasn't a guy doctor, was it????
    i would've reported him. I remember when I was about 20 and had a female exam. I noticed the physician had a hard-on. I was furious!

    I'm sure! But you should've been flattered, they stare at that stuff all day and yours was the one that got a reaction! Nice job!
  • skinnynerd
    When I get caught listening to my Justin Bieber Christmas CD....yes sad I know...
    Glad I'm not the only one...
  • sophasaurusxx
    When friends look thro my itunes, and the songs that i have played the most are one direction -_- :blushing:
  • Chinadorian
    Chinadorian Posts: 200 Member
    When the gynocologist/assistant who does your breast exam tweaks your nipple and makes a little "boop" sound at the end....

    ....that one was extra awkward+weird.

    is your gyno a male?
  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    When the gynocologist/assistant who does your breast exam tweaks your nipple and makes a little "boop" sound at the end....

    ....that one was extra awkward+weird.

    I don't think I'd pay the co-pay that day . . . just saying.
  • louised88
    Fixing my bra strap and someone walks into my office and catches me.

    lol, I just shamelessly do this wherever. Nothing more annoying than the feel of it falling down your arm.
  • skinnynerd

    ^This! Everytime!
  • louised88
    When the gynocologist/assistant who does your breast exam tweaks your nipple and makes a little "boop" sound at the end....

    ....that one was extra awkward+weird.

    OHHH.....MYYYY.....GOOOOOSH. I would completely die if this happened to me. It wasn't a guy doctor, was it????
    i would've reported him. I remember when I was about 20 and had a female exam. I noticed the physician had a hard-on. I was furious!

    I'm sure! But you should've been flattered, they stare at that stuff all day and yours was the one that got a reaction! Nice job!

  • lacurandera1
    lacurandera1 Posts: 8,083 Member
    i work in a psyciarty office, and its pretty awkward when someone i know come in, its happend a quite few times since in live in a small town
    When you work for a Psychiatrist and don't know how to spell psychiatry.

  • IpuffyheartHeelsinthegym
    When you're sitting on the toilet and you hear someone else in the stall clipping their finger/toe nails. And then when the both of you come out, you realize its your manager clipping his finger nails in the restroom.

    at least he goes in the bathroom to do it...unlike a couple of my coworkers who clip theirs in their cubes....

    true. There are people in cubes near mine who apparently think that we work in a nail salon.....
  • chrissyw63
    chrissyw63 Posts: 147 Member
    when you accidentally hit REPLY ALL on a very serious email your director sends to the whole org ... (meaning to reply to your friend) ... that says "That's what she said! Boom goes the dynamite!"