Books! I love books



  • ImprovingEla
    ImprovingEla Posts: 396 Member
    The Drake Sister's series by Christene Feehan are really good.

    oh I forgot them! I love them too and I wish she would hurry on on the other sea haven stories!
  • ImprovingEla
    ImprovingEla Posts: 396 Member
    AH, books, such wonder in them. When I was little my parents use to ground me from reading instead of tv because they knew that would cause me the most torture. I don't know how many times I was put in detention in school for reading instead of listening in class or doing my work. Oh well, screw them I still love books.


    When I was grounded, my parents made me stay downstairs with everyone, with no books!!! hahaha
    I LOVED going to my room and just reading... for days. haha My brother would get grounded to his room and that was torture for him because he wanted to be around everyone. For me, I loved being in my room reading, so I was "grounded" to the living room. hahaha
    Never heard anyone say that had that same punishment before!!! hahaha :happy:

    The greatest punishment ever as a child: Go out and play with the other kids? WTF, I loved reading! I sneacked books everywhere just to get a sneak peek, whenever there is time... or even if there was not!

    I managed to get my mom to go totally balistic on me, when we moved and I was sitting in my old rooms and the only thing left to pack where my books, I got one in hand and thought: What was that about again?
    Of course I started to read, got caught up, even though everyone around me was busy breaking down and moving the furniture!
    Cause my mum was not happy seeing me sitting on the card boxes reading and totally oblivious, to what was going on around me *chuckle*
    Best time EVER!
  • ImprovingEla
    ImprovingEla Posts: 396 Member
    well i am kind of addicted to books :laugh:
    but nothing wrong with that!

    Fifty shades of grey though... well they could not warm me up even a bit, but to everyone their own choices!

    Some of my favorite writers are Lara Adrian, Elizabeth Amber and Kerrelyn sparks.

    As for my "still need to read list": Game of thrones, hunger games and kerstin gier (not sure if the last one writes only in german!)

    Me too! I've read 213 books this year! and I also don't like fifty shades, but Lara Adrian Midnight series! I also love Sherrilyn Kenyon (Dark Hunter series!!!) and what about G.A. Aiken's Dragon Kin Series? In love...

    The dark hunter series is on the list, already got most of the books, but I am still figuring out what the reading order is! And Aiken I have read some of her books under her other name Shelly Laurenston, I like her style, so I will sure look into the Dragon Kin Series!
  • Cherie7575
    The Hunger Games series was awesome too :)

    I just finished Catching Fire, and can't wait for MockingJay. This time I watched the HG movie first, and wasn't sure if Id like it, but I really did, and read the book soon after.

    And yeah, I'm a Twilight girl too. I also really love biographies/autobiographies, and can read cook books like a novel. Otherwise I read whatever looks good or is recommended to me. I'm not terribly interested in 50 Shades of Gray though.
  • Cherie7575
    "Intensity" and "False Memory" by Dean Koontz

    "The Hiding Place" by Corrie Ten Boom

    "The Book Thief" By Markus Zusak

    "The Jacket (Star Rover)" by Jack London

    The Narnia series, esp "The Silver Chair" by C.S. Lewis

    The Harry Potter series. I am unashamedly obsessed for life.

    I would say The Hiding Place and The Book Thief were life changers for me. I couldn't put them down!

    I don't read Dean Koontz' stuff, but someone bought me the memoir he wrote for his dog, The Big Little Life (maybe it's the other way around), and it was really really good. I definitely recommend it if you're a dog lover.
  • nexangelus
    nexangelus Posts: 2,080 Member
    Favourite book, one I have picked up many times, it is rather dog-eared now as a consequence - Women Who Run With The Wolves by Clarissa Pinkola Estes. Other faves include LOTR, The Hobbit (read them several times over the years, the films just do not compare!), I love love love Chuck Palahniuk, have read all of his books, including his non-fiction...for crimbo my boyfriend has shelled out for the old versions of the History of the LOTR...(13 books wheeeee!)...I also love graphic novels, have Akira, Battle Royale and the Transmetropolitan series, Spider Jerusalem freaking rocks!!!

    My hero (sigh)

  • AndyStanford
    AndyStanford Posts: 154 Member
    What are your favorite books?
    I just decided before the year is over I will read all the books on my bookshelf that I have never read. I picked one yesterday and I'm about 40 pages away from being done. Only 4 more books to go!
    If I did that, I'd have to read at least a book a day!

    George RR Martin
    Terry Goodkind
    Isaac Asimov
  • AndyStanford
    AndyStanford Posts: 154 Member
    for crimbo my boyfriend has shelled out for the old versions of the History of the LOTR...(13 books wheeeee!)

    Wow! I want your boyfriend!
  • Cherie7575

    "The Hiding Place" by Corrie Ten Boom
    Agreed, I liked that one too.
    First choices are Jodi Picoult's books, nearly anything that revolves around WW2 especially stories of bravery, non fiction included and travelogues. Still love Laura Ingalls Wilder books even though I'm in my forties, also have lots or Erica James and Jane Green on my shelves for a gentle read.
    The only things I have a hard time reading are sci-fi, poetry, Jane Austen, Shakespeare and zombie stuff. All too hard going, I read for enjoyment not to be scared into sleepless nights or intellectually challenged (had enough of that at school :smile: )

    I ought to make a list and stop quoting individual threads. I enjoy Jodi Picoult's books. Ive read most of hers, save for a few of the earlier ones, and am a few books behind on the new ones. I saw her out at a q&a thing last year and she told us how she went and met with a guy who lived with wolves, for Lone Wolf, and taught us how to howl, heh. The only one of hers I couldn't get into was Second Glance, I think.

    I also totally agree with Secret Life of Bees. I had a hard time with The Help, but loved the movie. I enjoyed Memoirs of a Geisha also.

    My favorite book is a memoir by Marion Winik, called First Comes Love. One I read last year, or maybe a few years ago, also a dog story that I loved, is The Art of Racing in the Rain.

    Raise your hand if you have stacks of 'to read' books, but still buy more?
  • AprilRN10
    AprilRN10 Posts: 548 Member
    I own all of Stephen King's works and I've read them all more than once. I read anything by Michael Palmer or Robin Cook (medical thriller/mystery). I also like Hunger Games but not as much as everyone else! I refuse to read Fifty Shades until everyone stops talking about it. Life Expectancy by Dean Koontz is good. I named my cat after a character in the story. I love books. I've read so many I can't even begin to list them all!
  • nexangelus
    nexangelus Posts: 2,080 Member

    Raise your hand if you have stacks of 'to read' books, but still buy more?

    Oh yes, that would be me and why I decided last year to join a book club thinking the pile would go down of to-reads, noooo, it got bigger....
  • Izzwoz
    Izzwoz Posts: 348 Member
    Mostly bump to take my pick later .. but also, one of my favourite authors is Matt Ruff, can't beat "Fool on the Hill" for some weird and wonderful almost real fantasy stuff ;-)
  • RosscoBoscko
    RosscoBoscko Posts: 632 Member
    Everything is Illuminated - Jonathan Safran Foer (Far better than the film)

    Life of Pi - Yann Martel (Again can't imagine the film will come close though havent yet seen it)
  • rowdylibrarian
    rowdylibrarian Posts: 251 Member
    I just started working in a library again after a few years away, and I'm already starting to accumulate a BIG mental list of "to read" books. I just found more on this list, so I may not be leaving the bathtub for quite some time once I get all these home with me! :)
  • yoga_mel
    yoga_mel Posts: 76 Member
    Martin loves to kill his characters doesn't he? I was furious after the red wedding. Hell even after I read the series the second time i was *still* pissed about that.

    Yeah, which you'd think I'd be used to since I read The Walking Dead but it made me soooooo mad.
    I just picked up the first trade of Y: The Last Man! I haven't started it yet, but it's next on my list. I'm also about to start reading Fables and Lucifer, which I hear are great as well.

    My husband has been trying to get me to read Fables, but I think once I'm done with Preacher, I'm gonna start on Locke and Key.

    ^ If you want to read some creepy Fables and/or Fairy Tales, read the works of the Grimm Brothers (1786 - 1859). IMO

    grimm tales are on my long list to read :)
  • yoga_mel
    yoga_mel Posts: 76 Member
    I just started working in a library again after a few years away, and I'm already starting to accumulate a BIG mental list of "to read" books. I just found more on this list, so I may not be leaving the bathtub for quite some time once I get all these home with me! :)
    ahhhh my dream job! :0
  • Iron_Duchess
    Iron_Duchess Posts: 429 Member
    well i am kind of addicted to books :laugh:
    but nothing wrong with that!

    Fifty shades of grey though... well they could not warm me up even a bit, but to everyone their own choices!

    Some of my favorite writers are Lara Adrian, Elizabeth Amber and Kerrelyn sparks.

    As for my "still need to read list": Game of thrones, hunger games and kerstin gier (not sure if the last one writes only in german!)

    Me too! I've read 213 books this year! and I also don't like fifty shades, but love Lara Adrian Midnight series! I also love Sherrilyn Kenyon (Dark Hunter series!!!) and what about G.A. Aiken's Dragon Kin Series? In love...

    The dark hunter series is on the list, already got most of the books, but I am still figuring out what the reading order is! And Aiken I have read some of her books under her other name Shelly Laurenston, I like her style, so I will sure look into the Dragon Kin Series!
    Check Sherrilyn Kenyon's web site for the order of the series (printable series list.) She has the most amazing site I have ever seen, well for an author. She has a bio page for each one of the characters with personal information, pictures, and Q&A. In addition to that each book has a page with a synopsis, play list(amazing!!), list of secondary characters involved in each book, and lots of pictures. Is so easy to get involved in a book when you can see a picture of the characters and get the tone of the story through the music. I love it. Just in case:
  • aerochic42
    aerochic42 Posts: 822 Member
    oooh so many good books, lets go with authors in no order

    wheel of time series - Robert Jordan
    Alexander Dumas
    Fyodor Dostoyevsky
    Susan Cooper - Dark is rising series
    Phantom Tollbooth
    Mary Stewart - Merlin seris and Touch not the cat in particular
    Lillian Jackson Braun

    and .... the more I think about the longer this lists gets, so I'll stop now. although on my no list is Jane Austen, Bronte sistes, Charles ****ens, Les Miserables, as I struggled to get through those books by those authors. I just can't do it.

    I was also one of those kids who got in trouble for reading too much. I probably got yelled at least once a week to Stop reading and clean your room; got caught reading books under the desk, putting off homework to finish the book I was reading, reading in bad light after my light was supposed to be off, hiding books, etc
  • SabrinaJL
    SabrinaJL Posts: 1,579 Member
    Raise your hand if you have stacks of 'to read' books, but still buy more?

    The problem is that I go to the library once a week and get several books, but I still buy books too. Then I HAVE to read the library books before they're due back so my tbr pile at home keeps getting bigger. Oh and when Borders went out of business, I took advantage of the sale and bought like 90 books.
  • BrieLP
    BrieLP Posts: 300 Member
    I love books as well, i wish i could make a living out of reading them..... Maybe I should start a blog about the books I read and maybe just maybe I can make a living out of it..... I've seriously been thinking this all week since I've read two to three books in a day, everyday this week!

    I'm really picky and find that if i can't get into the book in the first chapter it ain't happening. I find myself drawn to certain authors: Nora Roberts, Janet Evanovich (I LOVE Stephanie Plum book series!), Nicholas Sparks etc. yup i like romance novels because well i just do :smile:

    Lately because I'm poor haha I've been reading a lot of free or inexpensive books on my Kindle right now I am reading The Bad Boy Billionaire Series from Judy Angelo. (though her books aren't long and tend to have the same repeatitive words, oh well they're a kick)

    I do too... read free books on my Kindle. I love to discover new and "unpopular" authors. Do you have a library card? If you do check your library's ebook collection. I mainly use mine and only buy a few books a year, all the other ones are borrowed from the library.(My husband is very happy about it...)

    I don't BUT I found out on Amazon that if you're a prime member you can borrow books for free. I kinda like that idea plus prime is cool for other things and I love Amazon that's my ebay :-) I can't read a book more than once so I think borrowing books would be so much easier and cheaper for me