Books! I love books



  • Iron_Duchess
    Iron_Duchess Posts: 429 Member
    I love books as well, i wish i could make a living out of reading them..... Maybe I should start a blog about the books I read and maybe just maybe I can make a living out of it..... I've seriously been thinking this all week since I've read two to three books in a day, everyday this week!

    I'm really picky and find that if i can't get into the book in the first chapter it ain't happening. I find myself drawn to certain authors: Nora Roberts, Janet Evanovich (I LOVE Stephanie Plum book series!), Nicholas Sparks etc. yup i like romance novels because well i just do :smile:

    Lately because I'm poor haha I've been reading a lot of free or inexpensive books on my Kindle right now I am reading The Bad Boy Billionaire Series from Judy Angelo. (though her books aren't long and tend to have the same repeatitive words, oh well they're a kick)

    I do too... read free books on my Kindle. I love to discover new and "unpopular" authors. Do you have a library card? If you do check your library's ebook collection. I mainly use mine and only buy a few books a year, all the other ones are borrowed from the library.(My husband is very happy about it...)

    I don't BUT I found out on Amazon that if you're a prime member you can borrow books for free. I kinda like that idea plus prime is cool for other things and I love Amazon that's my ebay :-) I can't read a book more than once so I think borrowing books would be so much easier and cheaper for me

    I like Amazon too. The thing with free books is I don't bother to download one that has less than four stars and more than 20 reviews. I have found many great authors that later on end up signing with a publisher and selling their books. There are a few website that you can use to either get free books, discounted, or borrow. Message me and I'll send you the links. (I don't know if I can post them here) I've been using them for a wile now and is much better than buying a book that you don't know if you are going to like, unless is .99 then is no big deal.