Why do people hide their diaries?



  • Sweet_Pea0107
    Mine is open to friends only. I have nothing to hide. I do give some of my friends grief when they don't have their's available to view by their friends or me. lol. I like to critique people's food. You all are on here for encouragement. Open it up, let people view and I bet you'll clean up your food intake.

    I for one am not here for encouragement from ramdom strangers on the internet. I have all the encouragement I need from the people I have in my daily life. I will say that people like you are the reason mine is closed. Sorry but I don't need or want your critiques, I seem to be doing very well without it.
  • MsDover
    MsDover Posts: 395 Member
    I see no reason to keep mine open for people who would rather profile creep than be friends.

    Or have the food/calorie nazis pick it apart and tell you what you're doing wrong.
  • MemphisKitten
    MemphisKitten Posts: 878 Member
    People make negative comments sometimes about what others are eating; whether their intake is perceived as too high or too low or not healthy, someone ALWAYS has something to say! I struggle with keeping mine open because of the comments sometimes. But I believe we should all let others eat what they want without making negative comments. It really hurts my feelings when people make fun of me for going over or criticize me for being under. It took a lot of courage for me to open my diary and even more to keep it open.
  • OspreyVista
    OspreyVista Posts: 464 Member
    I don't keep mine open because I don't want any advice or accountability for my diet.

    ^ This.
  • athenaheim
    athenaheim Posts: 496 Member
    I see no reason to keep mine open for people who would rather profile creep than be friends.

    I agree. I understand the wanting to learn from others eating habits but I just think its best for me.
  • MsDover
    MsDover Posts: 395 Member
    . I do give some of my friends grief when they don't have their's available to view by their friends or me. lol. I like to critique people's food. You all are on here for encouragement. Open it up, let people view and I bet you'll clean up your food intake. :)

    This right here is why mine is private. I am here for me and my health - not "encouragement" - and certainly not "encouragement" that takes the form of someone ragging on my food choices. I'm a big girl, I can make the decision of whether or not to stuff a big Mac down my throat and accept the consequences without your "encouraging" input. Having an open diary would clean up my diary-not my food habits. Thanks though...

    And THIS!!!
  • iuew
    iuew Posts: 624 Member
    mine is open to friends. as for the whole internet / search engines / advertisers, not so much.
  • Celuwen
    Celuwen Posts: 80 Member
    I keep mine closed because I'm still trying to be honest with myself about my relationship with food. I still go badly wrong at times, but I log it. If I had to share it or be open with everyone, then I'd not log my food correctly, I'd be afraid of being judged.
  • bigjretrac
    bigjretrac Posts: 80 Member
    There's too many judges on here who never went to law school, and too many doctors here who never went to med school.

    I don't want people's unsolicited advice on my eating habits. You know what? Sometimes I don't eat right, and I feel bad that night when I look over my food diary-- I don't need a parade of people to carry on about my eating. Seriously, some people here just get very snarky and think they're God's gift to everyone's weight loss plan. I've seen the warrantees grief people get when they open up their food diary, and I want nothing to do with that. Sometimes they're right, but they're just so condescending in the process. Like my dad always says, "it's not what you say, it's how you say it."

    That said, when I get to a place that I'm comfortable with my diet, I may consider opening it up to specific people.
  • LoveAlwaysAlisa
    LoveAlwaysAlisa Posts: 111 Member
    I keep mine open to friends ONLY..people who aren't friends with me and giving words of encouragement I feel dont need to view my diary...But friends, YES, I don't mind ...plus it helps keep me honest on on track...
  • bigjretrac
    bigjretrac Posts: 80 Member
    I keep mine closed because I'm still trying to be honest with myself about my relationship with food. I still go badly wrong at times, but I log it. If I had to share it or be open with everyone, then I'd not log my food correctly, I'd be afraid of being judged.

    Sorry to double post, but this is exactly me. If I knew my food diary was being shared, I'd probably fabricate it.
  • lioness0806
    lioness0806 Posts: 115 Member
    Mine is open to friends, but not to the public.

    Why should I share what I eat with people who aren't my friend and see why I might have eaten what I did if it was a bad day? Or a good day even? It isn't anyones business, unless you are friends with me on here, then I share it.

    LINIA Posts: 1,065 Member
    I keep mine open. I've learned a lot about food options from looking at other's diaries too. At the risk of opening the door.......I've never had anyone comment on my food choices but I don't ask for input and don't complain when my weight doesn't drop and wonder why.

    Thanks to everyone who's kept their's open so I can check them out. I've seen examples of paleo, low carb, vegitarian, and many other types of diet. I can't believe how much some of you weight lifters can eat and still look great.

    To each their own.

    Yes, thanks to those who keep diaries open...same here. I have learned so much and the open food diaries prove food theories i've been curious about for years.
    :smooched: :smile: :smooched:
  • Sharon_C
    Sharon_C Posts: 2,132 Member
    I had mine open to friends until some of my friends were going through it with a fine-toothed comb and commenting on every little thing. I then found myself not wanting to log because I was worried about what people would say. That's not why I'm here. I log because it's helps ME keep MYSELF on track. So I closed it and am now not afraid to be brutally honest when I log.

    I may open it again in the future but for now it's closed.
  • dakitten2
    dakitten2 Posts: 888 Member
    I have mine open and it doesnt matter if people look at it or not. I've obviously done something right that is working for me. I'm sure I could do better but this is a life change and I'll still eat my sweets if I want as long as I am in my calorie goal.
  • Sharon_C
    Sharon_C Posts: 2,132 Member
    Open it up, let people view and I bet you'll clean up your food intake. :)

    Actually the opposite will happen for me, hence the reason it's closed.
  • Celuwen
    Celuwen Posts: 80 Member
    Stop caring what other people think! :)

    Has anyone honestly had an unsolicited PM criticising their food choices? (By unsolicited, I mean you haven't posted up asking why you're not losing weight or similar.) Because nobody in the 8 months I've been here has contacted me about my food diary. :) *ExpectsAFlurryOfInsultingPMsNow*

    I wish I could stop caring, honestly! In the meantime, yeah, I posted once asking others if they found they had more incidences of getting sick at a deficit, as I had, and it's... you know... scientifically proven that it can happen.

    Had people critiquing my one craft beer a week as the cause, someone pointed out, "You haven't eaten any veggies in a week, that's why" when I had been out of town for a week, so you know... I hadn't tracked in a week. By that logic, they might have been better off saying, "Wow, looks like you haven't eaten in a week! Maybe that's why."

    I've lost weight and body fat just fine, with thyroid and cortisol issues, with factoring in things in moderation. I'm a healthy weight. Everything else is just gravy by this point. I don't need random people piping up when they haven't lost 1lb in the year they've been there, or said more than 5 posts in the two months they've been here, etc.

    Because I wish I didn't care what others think, but as a recovering anorexic, yeah, food comments can really undermine me.

    This is what I wanted to say, thank you.
  • cboutin89
    cboutin89 Posts: 79 Member
    I actually came across this trend as well. I understand from both sides. It is actually like a personal diary, and its intimate/private. You don't want to have others judge you if you make some mistakes in your diet, and rather blame yourself. I agree with the person that started this also, we are a community and we may possibly have the same issues concerning our weight goals. I think its just a matter of personal choice( like a diary again), and who we choose to allow to see it. Weight is a sensitive topic overrall.
  • Soulshaa
    Soulshaa Posts: 19 Member
    I agree. Sometimes I am too ashamed of things I ate.
  • smantha32
    smantha32 Posts: 6,990 Member
    I don't keep mine open because I don't want any advice or accountability for my diet.

    This. I track just for myself, not to be a role model to others, or invite commentary for my crappy choices. :smile: