Close to 20' dead in Connecticut school shooting,



  • coe28
    coe28 Posts: 715 Member
    I vote everyone drop their political agendas for a while and take the time to recognize the magnitude of the tragedy here. There will be time for proselytizing later. JMO.

    The whole thing makes me really nauseous. It's bad. Really, really bad.


    I agree too....
  • capnrus789
    capnrus789 Posts: 2,736 Member
    No words are coming to me. I'm happy knowing my boy is at home with his Grandma.
  • LexieSweetheart
    LexieSweetheart Posts: 793 Member
    Just sad:( 27 innocent lives lost for no reason
  • nursedb
    nursedb Posts: 313 Member
    As a pediatric nurse I have spent 16 years making a career out of fighting for the lives of children. And in one feld swoop some ****ing *kitten* comes and takes out 18 babies. I cannot stop sobbing at the horror of it all. WHY?
  • SeaRunner26
    SeaRunner26 Posts: 5,143 Member
    Disgusting. Absolutely disgusting. Things like this should never happen.

    My prayers are with the lost, the families of the lost, and those that have been and will continue to be affected by the tragedy.
  • coe28
    coe28 Posts: 715 Member
    As a pediatric nurse I have spent 16 years making a career out of fighting for the lives of children. And in one feld swoop some ****ing *kitten* comes and takes out 18 babies. I cannot stop sobbing at the horror of it all. WHY?

    Kudos to you for doing what you do. It takes a special kind of person to put themselves in situations where they have to see the ugliest, most horrific and most painful things we can imagine, especially when it comes to children. People like you truly are heroes. :flowerforyou: Makes me think even more about the responders and medical staff that are dealing with this tragedy today.
  • fbmandy55
    fbmandy55 Posts: 5,263 Member
    The U.S. has had too many incidents, too close together, of crazy people with guns going off and shooting innocents.
    How many months ago was Colorado?
    It's heartbreaking that yet another has whipped out a gun, killed children and adults at a school, and then turned his gun on himself.
    It is important to discuss how such tragedies can be prevented in the future.
    Such a discussion is not politicization, but a drive for rationality.

    This is not a time for debate, but it is important to point out that the US is not the only place where mass killings take place. You can use this tragedy to support your soap box campaigne next week, today is about the torture and tearing apart of these poor families. This time is about respecting their pain, chaos, and loss.

    Exactly, 22 kids were attacked with a knife at a school in China yesterday. So please drop the effing gun debate and respect the mourning families and dead children.
  • threeonethree
    threeonethree Posts: 182 Member
    How do you even come up with words to describe this? It's just sad. Sad day for America, sad day for the world.
  • Dub_D
    Dub_D Posts: 1,760 Member
    They are saying the killer was the son of the Kindergarten teacher.
  • TylerJ76
    TylerJ76 Posts: 4,375 Member
    They are saying the killer was the son of the Kindergarten teacher.

    Just heard that he killed his own mother before he went on this rampage..
  • firstsip
    firstsip Posts: 8,399 Member
    As a pediatric nurse I have spent 16 years making a career out of fighting for the lives of children. And in one feld swoop some ****ing *kitten* comes and takes out 18 babies. I cannot stop sobbing at the horror of it all. WHY?

    Kudos to you for doing what you do. It takes a special kind of person to put themselves in situations where they have to see the ugliest, most horrific and most painful things we can imagine, especially when it comes to children. People like you truly are heroes. :flowerforyou: Makes me think even more about the responders and medical staff that are dealing with this tragedy today.

    ^ This, plus I think it's heartening to try and think of the amazing teachers in this situation. There's already so many stories of the teachers who immediately rushed to help their charges, hiding them, putting themselves in danger to protect who they could. Even in pictures, I'm amazed at how calm and collected they are in sweeping kids to safety.
  • gingerveg
    gingerveg Posts: 748 Member
    The U.S. has had too many incidents, too close together, of crazy people with guns going off and shooting innocents.
    How many months ago was Colorado?
    It's heartbreaking that yet another has whipped out a gun, killed children and adults at a school, and then turned his gun on himself.
    It is important to discuss how such tragedies can be prevented in the future.
    Such a discussion is not politicization, but a drive for rationality.

    I totally agree with you. It is just that people need a little more time. I have no doubt the debates will be forthcoming sooner than we want them to be. There have been elementary school (a.k.a. young children barely more than babies) shootings before in the states, but as far as I can recall this is the worse I have ever heard of (anyone know if this actually is the worse in US history?). Honestly, it is so unbelievable that someone would shoot innocent school children that I can't even wrap my brain around it (and I don' have kids). So if you are not in the US I can understand why you'd want to discuss this now, but this is huge. So please just give us some time to process the events.

    I really hope this is not related to some 2012 nonsense as someone pages back suggested. Ugh.

    They are saying the killer was the son of the Kindergarten teacher.

    Just heard that he killed his own mother before he went on this rampage..

    Okay so not some 2012 nut, just a nut with a vengeance for his mother. But why, why, why shoot the children!? SIcko.
  • opalescence
    opalescence Posts: 413 Member
    Just heard this on BBC News and am utterly numb with grief and the sheer disbelief that this is allowed to happen again and again and again and again in America.

    I guess the NRA's viewpoint will be that at least 40 million other kids were safe today because of guns.


    I disagree with your logic and conclusion.

    just many mass shootings, especially in schools would be 'enough' before something needs to be done? or is this collateral damage to preserve the basic human right to own devices that can kill others???

    I can kill someone with my car but you dont see anyone taking cars away, guns are just a tool... not the time or place for this argument.
  • coe28
    coe28 Posts: 715 Member
    As a pediatric nurse I have spent 16 years making a career out of fighting for the lives of children. And in one feld swoop some ****ing *kitten* comes and takes out 18 babies. I cannot stop sobbing at the horror of it all. WHY?

    Kudos to you for doing what you do. It takes a special kind of person to put themselves in situations where they have to see the ugliest, most horrific and most painful things we can imagine, especially when it comes to children. People like you truly are heroes. :flowerforyou: Makes me think even more about the responders and medical staff that are dealing with this tragedy today.

    ^ This, plus I think it's heartening to try and think of the amazing teachers in this situation. There's already so many stories of the teachers who immediately rushed to help their charges, hiding them, putting themselves in danger to protect who they could. Even in pictures, I'm amazed at how calm and collected they are in sweeping kids to safety.

    Exactly, I guess no one knows exactly how they would respond in a situation like this. But those people are so brave and selfless it's amazing.
  • Maddalen101
    Maddalen101 Posts: 307 Member
    The U.S. has had too many incidents, too close together, of crazy people with guns going off and shooting innocents.
    How many months ago was Colorado?
    It's heartbreaking that yet another has whipped out a gun, killed children and adults at a school, and then turned his gun on himself.
    It is important to discuss how such tragedies can be prevented in the future.
    Such a discussion is not politicization, but a drive for rationality.

    I totally agree with you. It is just that people need a little more time. I have no doubt the debates will be forthcoming sooner than we want them to be. There have been elementary school (a.k.a. young children barely more than babies) shootings before in the states, but as far as I can recall this is the worse I have ever heard of (anyone know if this actually is the worse in US history?). Honestly, it is so unbelievable that someone would shoot innocent school children that I can't even wrap my brain around it (and I don' have kids). So if you are not in the US I can understand why you'd want to discuss this now, but this is huge. So please just give us some time to process the events.

    I really hope this is not related to some 2012 nonsense as someone pages back suggested. Ugh.

    I wasn't suggesting it be discussed NOW. Just saying that you can't totally toss out the idea of discussion.
    And discussion doesn't automatically mean gun control.
    Sigh ... people get crazy.
    It is time to grieve, but not time to put away rationality.
  • JenniBaby85
    JenniBaby85 Posts: 855 Member
    Seriously outraged/heartbroken/devastated for those families... At least 18 families have lost at least 1 child all at once this morning. BEFORE CHRISTMAS. And what do people on MFP threads do? Turn it into a freaking political debate. Really? I don't think so. Please guys, take the debates elsewhere.
  • Jindra12
    Jindra12 Posts: 256 Member
    Today is a sad day for the America's liberty and people at Conn. I wish everyone could carry a pistol/rifle with you everywhere openly; your gun could eliminate a threat faster than you could dial a 9-1-1. If it has happened at the Conn school then a teacher at the school could have eliminated the threat before he could kill more. We cannot prevent a threat at all but we have a tool to eliminate the threat before it get to out of the control. The Gun Control hasn’t reduced the problem but to create more problems. God be with those families at Conn.


    Sorry, it is the truth that the gun control laws enabled the bad guys to kill people more easier than it was before the gun control laws.


    It is good time for us to call to eliminate the gun control laws to give us the right to defend our lives at the immediately danger moment of our life. This incident is a good lesson for us to understand that the gun control didn't work at all. I am very sorry that those people had to go through those unnecessary hardships and losses of their family members. I pray for them. I also pray that we have a strong voice to call our elected representatives to eliminate the whole gun control laws.

    Thank you for reading my comment. I ask you to not bash at my comment and with those law abiding gun-owners at all.
  • Charlie003
    Charlie003 Posts: 1,333 Member
    Shooter 24 years old. Went to kill the mother of his child who is a teacher at the school.
  • MoreBean13
    MoreBean13 Posts: 8,701 Member
    @Jindra- Thanks for using the deaths of children as a platform to share your political agenda. Complete with cartoons.
  • ilovemybuggy
    ilovemybuggy Posts: 1,584 Member
    His mother was a teacher at the school and he quote "wanted to kill what she loved"
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