Dads- if you're son wants a baby doll....?



  • Cespuglio
    Cespuglio Posts: 385 Member
    Pretty sure I've read a few studies linking little boys and dolls to homosexuality. Can't remember if it either was an indicator of them already having gay tendencies or if it actually played a part in their sexual development.

    Either way, hell no. (Not a dad yet...but my son won't be playing with any dolls that I bought)

    Wrong. There is no such study and if there is, it is not a peer reviewed scientific study.

    Well, I've read the studies. Their legitimacy of course is unknown to me. But I think I'll trust what I did read along with my own intuition over your baseless denial.

    And there dozens of extremely well reviewed studies proving doll use and toy use has substantial effects on child development, future parenting, etc. >>>>To think it doesn't affect sexuality is absurd.<<<<

    So then how would you explain the little boys who played with Tonka Trucks and nothing but "boy" toys and grew up to be homosexual anyway?

    umm really? This might be the dumbest thing I've read on this forum.

    Oh so it's the dumbest thing because you don't agree with it or because you couldn't explain it in a way that fits your point of view? I simply asked a question based on your reasoning. Since you said you think the toys children play with affects their sexuality, I asked you to explain the children who play with toys that are "in accordance with their gender" and still grow up to be homosexual.

    Notice how I've managed to respect your statement and opinion even though I don't necessarily agree with it.

    No because you attempted to refute my logic with an absurd question that has no relevance to what I said. Never once did I say that playing with dolls is a requirement for a child to be gay...and such a claim would be the only legitimate reason for you to counter with what you said.

    My question was based on the highlighted statement you made above, so I believe it was relevant. However, you don't believe it was and that's fine. Let's just agree to disagree.
  • srp2011
    srp2011 Posts: 1,829 Member
    Pretty sure I've read a few studies linking little boys and dolls to homosexuality. Can't remember if it either was an indicator of them already having gay tendencies or if it actually played a part in their sexual development.

    Either way, hell no. (Not a dad yet...but my son won't be playing with any dolls that I bought)

    Wrong. There is no such study and if there is, it is not a peer reviewed scientific study.

    "We conclude that strongly gender-typed toys appear to be less supportive of optimal development than neutral or moderately gender-typed toys."


    Wow, did you even read the study that you posted as your 'proof'???? I seriously doubt it. All this 'study' did was ask a bunch of undergraduate psychology students to rate a bunch of toys as to whether they thought the toys were masculine, feminine, or gender-neutral. There is absolutely NOTHING in this study linking types of toys with childhood development or sexuality. There weren't even children involved in the study. The fact that the authors make a hand-waving statement about what is really a hypothesis that wasn't even tested by their study doesn't support your point at all.

    As a scientist, I'm absolutely appalled by the inability of many people to read and interpret scientific information...
  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member
    This can't end well.
  • KaleidoscopeEyes1056
    KaleidoscopeEyes1056 Posts: 2,996 Member
    I know a father who have two daughers and one son. That son played with the dolls and what the hell..even gave the son a hand me down bike from one of he girls.. it was pink.

    He is the most feminin boy i have ever met.

    Why confuse the kid. boys should be brought up as men. Girls can get away with being raised a girl or even tomboyish - girls can still pull it off some how. Boys not.

    This is such a ridiculous response. I grew up with three boys and we were poor. I wore my brothers clothes when they grew out of them, I played with legos and matchbox cars. I would dig for worms and ride my bike. I'd play king of the mountain with my 3 brothers and 3 boy neighbors. I was the only girl in 6 boys. My dad worked in construction and he taught me how to fix things. Am I a masculine women? No I'm not. I do my hair, I do my make up. I wear dresses and I like to cook.

    I really hope your response was meant as a joke. Otherwise, if you have kids, im sorry. Don't you know being forced to act a certain way, offers more resistance?

    *Edit to say. After I re-read I realized that you wrote "girls can pull off tomboyish". I guess the first time I read it, I could've get past the first part.

    Anyway. I have a question for you. If your son (if you had one) wanted to wear pink would you let him?

    How about your daughter (you have 2 correct) what if they wanted to wear blue? Would you allow them?

    I agree with you katy, whoever posted this is just ignorant.
  • BigDnSW
    BigDnSW Posts: 641 Member
    Good grief.. My son played with dolls for most of his childhood and youth. He liked them and liked to play "Daddy". He also loves stuffed animals to this day. He's 18 now .. and is off to college to ultimately become a Wild Animal Vet. He's quite happy with his manhood and is very much into women .. He enjoyed Baby Jesus as much as being the caring "Big Brother" since he never got to be one in real life. It made him feel important and responsible..

    There is absolutely nothing gender specific about dolls/babies .. I was a Tomboy growing up. I played with boys, I played with trucks, construction sets, legos, baseballs, footballs, etc.. I joined the U.S. Marine Corps .. and it never turned me into a lesbian.

    Slam dunk! Well put.
  • LoveLiveLifeXo
    LoveLiveLifeXo Posts: 8 Member
    okay. so, obviously the big question is popping up in your head.
    "What if he's gay?"
    Yeah, what if? Does it matter? Not like you're in the relationship.
    You should be proud of him. That he found someone to love.
  • GeorgieLove708
    GeorgieLove708 Posts: 442 Member
    Pretty sure I've read a few studies linking little boys and dolls to homosexuality. Can't remember if it either was an indicator of them already having gay tendencies or if it actually played a part in their sexual development.

    Either way, hell no. (Not a dad yet...but my son won't be playing with any dolls that I bought)

    Wrong. There is no such study and if there is, it is not a peer reviewed scientific study.

    "We conclude that strongly gender-typed toys appear to be less supportive of optimal development than neutral or moderately gender-typed toys."


    Wow, did you even read the study that you posted as your 'proof'???? I seriously doubt it. All this 'study' did was ask a bunch of undergraduate psychology students to rate a bunch of toys as to whether they thought the toys were masculine, feminine, or gender-neutral. There is absolutely NOTHING in this study linking types of toys with childhood development or sexuality. There weren't even children involved in the study. The fact that the authors make a hand-waving statement about what is really a hypothesis that wasn't even tested by their study doesn't support your point at all.

    As a scientist, I'm absolutely appalled by the inability of many people to read and interpret scientific information...

    That and the quote posted has absolutely nothing to do with the topic at hand. "We conclude that strongly gender-typed toys appear to be less supportive of optimal development than neutral or moderately gender-typed toys." That is saying that moderately gender-typed toys and neutral toys are better for optimal development and that strongly gender-typed ones are sub-optimal. It says nothing about specific gender geared toys being good or bad for the opposite gender.
    Of course I didn't read the study because the pdf file isn't loading right on my computer which is why I didn't comment on it earlier.
  • briebear77
    briebear77 Posts: 253 Member
    I know a father who have two daughers and one son. That son played with the dolls and what the hell..even gave the son a hand me down bike from one of he girls.. it was pink.

    He is the most feminin boy i have ever met.

    Why confuse the kid. boys should be brought up as men. Girls can get away with being raised a girl or even tomboyish - girls can still pull it off some how. Boys not.

    I hope to god you are trolling right now.
  • BondBomb
    BondBomb Posts: 1,781 Member
    I feel a thread lock coming or even deletion .
    Do you only let your daughters play with traditional girl toys?
    Are they allowed to build with blocks or play with trucks? Toy guns? Tool sets?
  • athenaheim
    athenaheim Posts: 496 Member
    My son plays with my daughters babys all the time. I dont see the difference between a girl playing with cars and a boy playing with babys.
  • KaleidoscopeEyes1056
    KaleidoscopeEyes1056 Posts: 2,996 Member

    This is baffling... Are you saying the OP's son is not normal?
  • ubermensch13
    ubermensch13 Posts: 824 Member
    There are a lot of people I hope don't have children based on these obviously ignorant and homophobic responses.......
  • KaleidoscopeEyes1056
    KaleidoscopeEyes1056 Posts: 2,996 Member
    I feel a thread lock coming or even deletion .
    Do you only let your daughters play with traditional girl toys?
    Are they allowed to build with blocks or play with trucks? Toy guns? Tool sets?

    We let them play with whatever. They have had tonka trucks, barbies, tinker toys, wood blocks, they have even helped me on the car.

    so of course I know what is coming next.. ...the double standard. I would expect more from any son i had. I would be firmer with him as well.. that is just how it is.

    But, what if your daughter grows up to be lesbian?! Oh noes!! (sarcasm)
  • briebear77
    briebear77 Posts: 253 Member
    There are a lot of people I hope don't have children based on these obviously ignorant and homophobic responses.......

    Agreed. SMH. People never cease to disappoint me.
  • gr8pillock
    gr8pillock Posts: 374 Member
    I know a father who have two daughers and one son. That son played with the dolls and what the hell..even gave the son a hand me down bike from one of he girls.. it was pink.

    He is the most feminin boy i have ever met.

    Why confuse the kid. boys should be brought up as men. Girls can get away with being raised a girl or even tomboyish - girls can still pull it off some how. Boys not.

    Knowing a badass mother****er who was raised by two women with an open household and no restrictions on who or how he chose to play, dress or behave, I have this to say in response. That feminine little boy would have been a feminine little boy whether punished for it or not. We are who we are and our nature will come out no matter how someone wishes to 'direct' us due to their own judgments and issues.

    Buy him that baby doll!!!
  • ladymiseryali
    ladymiseryali Posts: 2,555 Member
    Wow.....some of you men need to remember that it's 2012.......

    My advice. Let the kid have the doll. Playing with dolls doesn't make a boy gay anymore than playing with legos or toy guns makes a girl a lesbian. I played with both dolls and lego sets. I'm straight and in no way,shape or form confused about my sexuality or anything like that.
  • chocl8girl
    chocl8girl Posts: 1,968 Member
    ALSO, if my future son comes to me and says he's gay (which won't be because he played with dolls, btw), I will not give a *kitten*.

  • BondBomb
    BondBomb Posts: 1,781 Member
    I feel a thread lock coming or even deletion .
    Do you only let your daughters play with traditional girl toys?
    Are they allowed to build with blocks or play with trucks? Toy guns? Tool sets?

    We let them play with whatever. They have had tonka trucks, barbies, tinker toys, wood blocks, they have even helped me on the car.

    so of course I know what is coming next.. ...the double standard. I would expect more from any son i had. I would be firmer with him as well.. that is just how it is.
    So you are saying you find the influence of dolls more powerful that that of a toy truck? Or do you think the will of males is weaker?
  • srp2011
    srp2011 Posts: 1,829 Member
    Pretty sure I've read a few studies linking little boys and dolls to homosexuality. Can't remember if it either was an indicator of them already having gay tendencies or if it actually played a part in their sexual development.

    Either way, hell no. (Not a dad yet...but my son won't be playing with any dolls that I bought)

    Wrong. There is no such study and if there is, it is not a peer reviewed scientific study.

    "We conclude that strongly gender-typed toys appear to be less supportive of optimal development than neutral or moderately gender-typed toys."


    Wow, did you even read the study that you posted as your 'proof'???? I seriously doubt it. All this 'study' did was ask a bunch of undergraduate psychology students to rate a bunch of toys as to whether they thought the toys were masculine, feminine, or gender-neutral. There is absolutely NOTHING in this study linking types of toys with childhood development or sexuality. There weren't even children involved in the study. The fact that the authors make a hand-waving statement about what is really a hypothesis that wasn't even tested by their study doesn't support your point at all.

    As a scientist, I'm absolutely appalled by the inability of many people to read and interpret scientific information...

    That and the quote posted has absolutely nothing to do with the topic at hand. "We conclude that strongly gender-typed toys appear to be less supportive of optimal development than neutral or moderately gender-typed toys." That is saying that moderately gender-typed toys and neutral toys are better for optimal development and that strongly gender-typed ones are sub-optimal. It says nothing about specific gender geared toys being good or bad for the opposite gender.
    Of course I didn't read the study because the pdf file isn't loading right on my computer which is why I didn't comment on it earlier.

    Yes, and if he had read to the end of the article, he would have found another quote where the authors stated that for children of both sexes, some play with toys that were moderately gender-typed was probably best (ie, both boys and girls should be exposed to both domestic toys as well as construction-type toys)...
  • ladymiseryali
    ladymiseryali Posts: 2,555 Member
    I feel a thread lock coming or even deletion .
    Do you only let your daughters play with traditional girl toys?
    Are they allowed to build with blocks or play with trucks? Toy guns? Tool sets?

    We let them play with whatever. They have had tonka trucks, barbies, tinker toys, wood blocks, they have even helped me on the car.

    so of course I know what is coming next.. ...the double standard. I would expect more from any son i had. I would be firmer with him as well.. that is just how it is.

    So in your world, girls can play with whatever they wish, but boy MUST play with "gender appropriate" toys? Yea, that IS a double standard and it's disturbing that in this day and age, this mindset still exists.
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