Food Diary CHEATERS!



  • jeeenwood
    jeeenwood Posts: 10 Member
    It was graceful compared to what I read in past posts. I wish you'd realize that it's just frustration with your own life. Not others.
  • karmasBFF
    karmasBFF Posts: 699 Member
    But, as a member of this site, I should be able to reach out to others on the site, for support, opinions, CONSTRUCTIVE critism, because I am, by no means, perfect. I have admitted that SEVERAL times on this thread alone. But it is frustrating for me to see people lie. Period. Personal issue or not, I thought that's what this site was here for.

    I'm with you on this, Karma. I think, as you suggested earlier, it's our genuine concern for others that allows us to be so frustrated by people being dishonest with themselves. Apparently some people don't have the same genuine concern for others, or maybe they have better coping methods than we do. :laugh: Like you, I want everyone to be successful. I see so many people on MFP in denial or just completely willfully ignorant. I'm saddened to see people so easily offended or disheartened by candor and honesty.

    I'm a frank & to the point kinda girl to a fault (I imagine) and I know I've been taken aback by some of your questions and comments at times. HOWEVER, when I get past the initial shock (mostly because I'm so adjusted to all the BS and sugar-coating spewing from everyone else) and really read into what you're saying, I always start to understand where you're coming from.

    Thanks, Jib...

    I know my honesty can come off quite harsh. That is also something this thread has reminded me of. I try my best, by repeatedly reading what I type before I send it. But, sometimes, there is no way to sugarcoat something that requires complete honesty.

    I believe we have been through the debate process before....on a small issue of excercise calories. hehehe. You are so patient and you know so much about this! Glad to have you as a friend!
  • karmasBFF
    karmasBFF Posts: 699 Member
    It was graceful compared to what I read in past posts. I wish you'd realize that it's just frustration with your own life. Not others.

    Thank you. I will take that into consideration...again. Because I believe I addressed that it was a personal issue about 40 posts ago.

    Good luck on your weight loss journey! You have found a great network of people here!
  • MercuryBlue
    MercuryBlue Posts: 886 Member
    But, as a member of this site, I should be able to reach out to others on the site, for support, opinions, CONSTRUCTIVE critism, because I am, by no means, perfect. I have admitted that SEVERAL times on this thread alone. But it is frustrating for me to see people lie. Period. Personal issue or not, I thought that's what this site was here for.

    I'm with you on this, Karma. I think, as you suggested earlier, it's our genuine concern for others that allows us to be so frustrated by people being dishonest with themselves. Apparently some people don't have the same genuine concern for others, or maybe they have better coping methods than we do. :laugh: Like you, I want everyone to be successful. I see so many people on MFP in denial or just completely willfully ignorant. I'm saddened to see people so easily offended or disheartened by candor and honesty.

    I'm a frank & to the point kinda girl to a fault (I imagine) and I know I've been taken aback by some of your questions and comments at times. HOWEVER, when I get past the initial shock (mostly because I'm so adjusted to all the BS and sugar-coating spewing from everyone else) and really read into what you're saying, I always start to understand where you're coming from.

    I agree with this, too. This is what I love about MFP- most of the time, when we have a really controversial thread with hurt feelings and shouting, it's because someone said something out of genuine concern. Whether it's because someone's losing weight WAY too fast or just not eating enough calories or something, people can get really bent out of shape if you question that. It leads to a lot of finger pointing and anger- but I genuinely believe that even the most controversial of posts usually come from a good place.

    Don't get me wrong- I'm a FAN of the sugar-coating and BS. I want to really be a positive person and would hate to drag someone down. Mostly because I hate it when people do that to me and I'm a fan of 'treat others how you'd like to be treated'. But if something offends me, I will speak out about it. And if I'm worried about someone, I'll say something too! I think it's just a matter of HOW you approach a situation. Are you going to be nice, or are you going to be confrontational? Not saying anyone here was doing that, I'm just speaking in generalizations.

    The sugar-coating gets under my skin, though, when it accompanies bad advice. Like, "I don't know why I'm not losing weight!" and someone comes and says, "Aw, sweetie, it's probably muscle. Muscle weights more than fat!" And meanwhile, I'm slamming my head into the desk going, "THEY DID NOT GAIN FIVE POUNDS OF MUSCLE IN A WEEK!! &^*#&%^*#$%!!!!"

    But then I compose myself and try to say, as nicely and as politely as possible, that it's likely not muscle (though possible, because I don't want to shoot anyone down). Then I talk about water retention, weight fluctutations, blah blah, all the things you've all heard from me before. And I GET other people's frustration and questions because it was me asking those same questions not so long ago. I READ and RESEARCH a LOT, so sometimes I'm like, 'Gosh, just look it up!'

    Yes, though, we should all be able to offer support/opinions/constructive criticism. And sometimes, support doesn't take the form of lovely squishy snoodles. Sometimes, support is hard. Sometimes support is a kick in the face. Sometimes support is your personal trainer sitting on your chest saying "JUST ONE MORE!!!!!"

    I just like to make sure that, at the end of the day, we all understand that we have a common purpose. And that, while some of us may get hurt feelings from time to time, we need to REMEMBER that common purpose and not take things too much to heart. Sometimes it's just a matter of acknowledging that, yes, feelings got hurt. How can we reduce that hurt in the future? Etc.
  • jeeenwood
    jeeenwood Posts: 10 Member
    Oh, because I don't have a network of friends yet, huh? Is that what you are implying?
  • karmasBFF
    karmasBFF Posts: 699 Member
    jib....I think you half-agreed with me on the infamous grammar debate earlier....I think some of these threads spin out of control and turn into straight bullying........I am a HUGE hypocrite.....I try to defend people I hardly know for making a small, trivial grammar mistakes...then turn around and WANT to call them names! I made it personal because my husband is dyslexic and has very bad grammar and punctuation problems, and if he read that thread he would be SO HURT........And in no way do I not understand what he is conveying, and he is and will remain extremely intelligent...........Sorry, but that is what I really wanted to say (before the thread was locked on me) to let people know that being lighthearted about certain things can really hurt people!!!!!

    Karma, we need a skinny cocktail!:drinker:

    OMG! Aldi has a no calorie cranberry juice and vodka is like a whopping ten! Let's do it!!! LOL
  • karmasBFF
    karmasBFF Posts: 699 Member
    Oh, because I don't have a network of friends yet, huh? Is that what you are implying?

    Oh dear...

    Star, I wouldnt know that; I've never seen you or your profile. But we are truly here for you, regardless of the debate at hand. We all mean the best and a debate should remain that: a debate.

    You are more than welcome to request me, if you so choose.

    Again, I mean no harm...
  • MercuryBlue
    MercuryBlue Posts: 886 Member
    you should definitely speak more often; you have a great deal of important things to say, I'm sure!

    LOL. Oh, I have LOTS of important things to say.

    I'm brilliant, didn't you know? :tongue:

    I'm also long-winded and people tune me out after a while. Sometimes hubby tunes out then tunes back in and is like, 'Are you still talking?'

    Also, I have two kids under five, so not a lot of listening happens there. :laugh:
  • melissaovadare
    melissaovadare Posts: 191 Member
    I smell an instigator. (did I spell that wrong lol)
  • karmasBFF
    karmasBFF Posts: 699 Member
    But, as a member of this site, I should be able to reach out to others on the site, for support, opinions, CONSTRUCTIVE critism, because I am, by no means, perfect. I have admitted that SEVERAL times on this thread alone. But it is frustrating for me to see people lie. Period. Personal issue or not, I thought that's what this site was here for.

    I'm with you on this, Karma. I think, as you suggested earlier, it's our genuine concern for others that allows us to be so frustrated by people being dishonest with themselves. Apparently some people don't have the same genuine concern for others, or maybe they have better coping methods than we do. :laugh: Like you, I want everyone to be successful. I see so many people on MFP in denial or just completely willfully ignorant. I'm saddened to see people so easily offended or disheartened by candor and honesty.

    I'm a frank & to the point kinda girl to a fault (I imagine) and I know I've been taken aback by some of your questions and comments at times. HOWEVER, when I get past the initial shock (mostly because I'm so adjusted to all the BS and sugar-coating spewing from everyone else) and really read into what you're saying, I always start to understand where you're coming from.

    I agree with this, too. This is what I love about MFP- most of the time, when we have a really controversial thread with hurt feelings and shouting, it's because someone said something out of genuine concern. Whether it's because someone's losing weight WAY too fast or just not eating enough calories or something, people can get really bent out of shape if you question that. It leads to a lot of finger pointing and anger- but I genuinely believe that even the most controversial of posts usually come from a good place.

    Don't get me wrong- I'm a FAN of the sugar-coating and BS. I want to really be a positive person and would hate to drag someone down. Mostly because I hate it when people do that to me and I'm a fan of 'treat others how you'd like to be treated'. But if something offends me, I will speak out about it. And if I'm worried about someone, I'll say something too! I think it's just a matter of HOW you approach a situation. Are you going to be nice, or are you going to be confrontational? Not saying anyone here was doing that, I'm just speaking in generalizations.

    The sugar-coating gets under my skin, though, when it accompanies bad advice. Like, "I don't know why I'm not losing weight!" and someone comes and says, "Aw, sweetie, it's probably muscle. Muscle weights more than fat!" And meanwhile, I'm slamming my head into the desk going, "THEY DID NOT GAIN FIVE POUNDS OF MUSCLE IN A WEEK!! &^*#&%^*#$%!!!!"

    But then I compose myself and try to say, as nicely and as politely as possible, that it's likely not muscle (though possible, because I don't want to shoot anyone down). Then I talk about water retention, weight fluctutations, blah blah, all the things you've all heard from me before. And I GET other people's frustration and questions because it was me asking those same questions not so long ago. I READ and RESEARCH a LOT, so sometimes I'm like, 'Gosh, just look it up!'

    Yes, though, we should all be able to offer support/opinions/constructive criticism. And sometimes, support doesn't take the form of lovely squishy snoodles. Sometimes, support is hard. Sometimes support is a kick in the face. Sometimes support is your personal trainer sitting on your chest saying "JUST ONE MORE!!!!!"

    I just like to make sure that, at the end of the day, we all understand that we have a common purpose. And that, while some of us may get hurt feelings from time to time, we need to REMEMBER that common purpose and not take things too much to heart. Sometimes it's just a matter of acknowledging that, yes, feelings got hurt. How can we reduce that hurt in the future? Etc.

    Again, beautifully said! Keep it coming, sister! This is exactly where I was coming from!!!
  • karmasBFF
    karmasBFF Posts: 699 Member
    you should definitely speak more often; you have a great deal of important things to say, I'm sure!

    LOL. Oh, I have LOTS of important things to say.

    I'm brilliant, didn't you know? :tongue:

    I'm also long-winded and people tune me out after a while. Sometimes hubby tunes out then tunes back in and is like, 'Are you still talking?'

    Also, I have two kids under five, so not a lot of listening happens there. :laugh:

    Well I'm up for listening if you're up for talking! LOL
  • melissaovadare
    melissaovadare Posts: 191 Member
    you should definitely speak more often; you have a great deal of important things to say, I'm sure!

    LOL. Oh, I have LOTS of important things to say.

    I'm brilliant, didn't you know? :tongue:

    I'm also long-winded and people tune me out after a while. Sometimes hubby tunes out then tunes back in and is like, 'Are you still talking?'

    Also, I have two kids under five, so not a lot of listening happens there. :laugh:

    I don't think my husband has listened without me repeating it since we were married 7 years ago! And trying to speak to my 21month old....IMPOSSIBLE :grumble:

    I come here for refuge, but now I need to tie a bandana around my head, oil up and get my warpaint on lol
  • MercuryBlue
    MercuryBlue Posts: 886 Member
    Oh, because I don't have a network of friends yet, huh? Is that what you are implying?


    I don't know what to say to this. I don't think there's any implying. I think Karma means what she said- that you found a great network of people, here. At MFP, on the board.

    I know it can be hard to build a network of friends in a community as big as this, when you're new. Welcome to the site! I can see that this thread frustrated you a little bit, but now that we've moved past the negativity and come to a sort of 'peaceful' state, how about we try not to antagonize one another any more? There's no need for us to start provoking one another. Like I said in previous (long-winded... geez, I wouldn't be surprised if you skipped it altogether because I said a mouthful!) posts, we're all here with a common purpose.

    I hope that you are able to build up a good inter-personal network soon to help you meet your goals! Feel free to PM me if you need anyone to talk to, or vent to, or whatever.

  • karmasBFF
    karmasBFF Posts: 699 Member
    I smell an instigator. (did I spell that wrong lol)

    Maybe he/she is just having a bad day....after this post, I'm sure we have all been reminded of that!

    and yes, I believe it is spelled correctly! LOL
  • karmasBFF
    karmasBFF Posts: 699 Member
    Oh, because I don't have a network of friends yet, huh? Is that what you are implying?


    I don't know what to say to this. I don't think there's any implying. I think Karma means what she said- that you found a great network of people, here. At MFP, on the board.

    I know it can be hard to build a network of friends in a community as big as this, when you're new. Welcome to the site! I can see that this thread frustrated you a little bit, but now that we've moved past the negativity and come to a sort of 'peaceful' state, how about we try not to antagonize one another any more? There's no need for us to start provoking one another. Like I said in previous (long-winded... geez, I wouldn't be surprised if you skipped it altogether because I said a mouthful!) posts, we're all here with a common purpose.

    I hope that you are able to build up a good inter-personal network soon to help you meet your goals! Feel free to PM me if you need anyone to talk to, or vent to, or whatever.


    YOU ARE ON A FRIGGIN ROLE! You really need to explain to your husband just how brilliant you are and that he definitely needs to start listening more!!!! :laugh:
  • MercuryBlue
    MercuryBlue Posts: 886 Member
    Oh, because I don't have a network of friends yet, huh? Is that what you are implying?


    I don't know what to say to this. I don't think there's any implying. I think Karma means what she said- that you found a great network of people, here. At MFP, on the board.

    I know it can be hard to build a network of friends in a community as big as this, when you're new. Welcome to the site! I can see that this thread frustrated you a little bit, but now that we've moved past the negativity and come to a sort of 'peaceful' state, how about we try not to antagonize one another any more? There's no need for us to start provoking one another. Like I said in previous (long-winded... geez, I wouldn't be surprised if you skipped it altogether because I said a mouthful!) posts, we're all here with a common purpose.

    I hope that you are able to build up a good inter-personal network soon to help you meet your goals! Feel free to PM me if you need anyone to talk to, or vent to, or whatever.


    YOU ARE ON A FRIGGIN ROLE! You really need to explain to your husband just how brilliant you are and that he definitely needs to start listening more!!!! :laugh:


    .... I should be working. Hahahaha.
  • karmasBFF
    karmasBFF Posts: 699 Member
    jib....I think you half-agreed with me on the infamous grammar debate earlier....I think some of these threads spin out of control and turn into straight bullying........I am a HUGE hypocrite.....I try to defend people I hardly know for making a small, trivial grammar mistakes...then turn around and WANT to call them names! I made it personal because my husband is dyslexic and has very bad grammar and punctuation problems, and if he read that thread he would be SO HURT........And in no way do I not understand what he is conveying, and he is and will remain extremely intelligent...........Sorry, but that is what I really wanted to say (before the thread was locked on me) to let people know that being lighthearted about certain things can really hurt people!!!!!

    Karma, we need a skinny cocktail!:drinker:

    I saw that post, never realized it could go that far!!!! I really didnt think it was offensive but I use humor sometimes to point serious things out!

    Once I saw that one was locked, I was hoping the same wouldnt happen to this one because I think it provided a LOT of useful perspectives, opinions and information. So glad we could ALL bring it back to where it truly came from!

    CHEERS! :drinker:
  • melissaovadare
    melissaovadare Posts: 191 Member
    I know!!! Amen to that! Now I have to plan my dinner lol....wait a min, I did not think about food while we were debating!! I SOLVED MY WEIGHT PROBLEM....I just need to engage in debates 13 hours a day, and I will lose 50 lbs in about 8 wks.....WOO HOO!:heart:
  • karmasBFF
    karmasBFF Posts: 699 Member
    I know!!! Amen to that! Now I have to plan my dinner lol....wait a min, I did not think about food while we were debating!! I SOLVED MY WEIGHT PROBLEM....I just need to engage in debates 13 hours a day, and I will lose 50 lbs in about 8 wks.....WOO HOO!:heart:

    LOL! soooo funny!

    Let's start a debate site! We can do it in 6 weeks! :laugh:
  • MercuryBlue
    MercuryBlue Posts: 886 Member
    I know!!! Amen to that! Now I have to plan my dinner lol....wait a min, I did not think about food while we were debating!! I SOLVED MY WEIGHT PROBLEM....I just need to engage in debates 13 hours a day, and I will lose 50 lbs in about 8 wks.....WOO HOO!:heart:

    LOL! soooo funny!

    Let's start a debate site! We can do it in 6 weeks! :laugh:


    YES! Distraction is the key! Don't think about food. Don't think about food. Don't think about food.

    You guys of course are welcome to check out my forum. It's at

    There's not many of us, but we're all 20-something women. We talk, we vent, we debate, we share stories about our lives. Nothing fancy, but we're always looking to add new people to the group. New perspectives, etc. I LOVE MFP and spend a lot of time here, but my forum is where I go when I want to discuss NON weight-loss related stuff.
This discussion has been closed.