Treadmill vs street



  • iplayoutside19
    iplayoutside19 Posts: 2,304 Member
    I have been running for 25 years and recently had a forced 4 month break because of rheumatoid arthritis. I had previously been mainly and outdoor unner, running marathons and in all sorts of weather.

    I can now only run on a treadmill because it is so much easier on my feet, ankles and knees so I say "God Bless the Treadmill!" Without it I would still be without that runner's high that I missed so badly for that four months.

    That's not to say I would not love an outside run, but after trying it and aggravating everything, the view is not worth the total loss of running.


    I try and stay away from machines in all of my workouts. I try to be as natural as possible. However, I understand that if all this running and lifting is, in fact, effective and I live a long healthy life that there will be a day that I will need machines to assist me in my workouts...but until that day what ever the weather brings....I'm going to challenge it.
  • orangefour
    orangefour Posts: 55 Member
    Which do you prefer and why?

    STREET! I hate the treadmill. I've used mine twice in the past year, but couldn't begin to count how many times I've walked outside. The treadmill is so dang boring, and I love walking up the huge hills outside (treadmill incline just isn't the same).
  • litatura
    litatura Posts: 569 Member
    I just like to run, so whether it's on the trails or the treadmill, I'm good to go.
  • clarkeje1
    clarkeje1 Posts: 1,640 Member
    Honestly, for me right now, I like running on a track best. I'm doing C25K and I like being able to keep track of how many laps I have left and being able to see the finish line so to speak. Running on my street can be kind of a drag, with cars and uneven pavement. I used to run on the treadmill and it was alright but I feel like I get a better workout outside. I would not be opposed to running on the treadmill again though, if the weather was really icy or something or I really wanted to watch tv and workout at the same time.
  • sallydurkin
    sallydurkin Posts: 211 Member
    Although, in the treadmill's favor, you can use that when the weather's crummy.

    Define "crummy". I'm sure my definition differs from yours, but here in the Baltimore area, I only had 4 crummy days last year in which I was forced onto the treadmill. :smile:

    my "crummy" is defined by freezing temp and cold wind with a 1 and 3 year old.... but still I hate the dreadmill and have taken it to the mall for moving, go early even get a run in but most of all I run the stairs, 3 flights of stairs together up to the movie theater and I run up it. I am now up to 50 sets, but started at 2, I sweat like a pig but it feels amazing. (go early there are only mall walkers there and it is a very friendly community.... a lot of the mall workers who are near by know me) The delvery man wants to race me, one day.
  • The treadmill bores me.... and when you run outside you can just slow down and speed up without having to go mad panting and pressing the buttons :P I also heard the street is better for an overall workout cause of more friction between your feet and the ground!
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    I cannot run on pavement for very long. The hard surfaces are the quickest route to injury for me, plus I despise traffic, catcalls from creepers, barking dogs, boring tract neighborhoods and other ugly things I see when running in suburbia. I dislike the treadmill because it's truly boring, but that's where I do my evening short runs. My long weekend runs are on dirt trails, up in the hills near my house, which are my favorite. The only time I run on pavement is during marathons, and then I need some recovery time from the beating my joints take.
  • Street - it's so much more interesting. I especially prefer running at the park, although I can't do that right now because it's too dark right after work.

    The treadmill is just boring - personally, I'd have a tough time enjoying myself, it just seems like work and no fun.
  • jk262
    jk262 Posts: 1,597 Member
    For all the people listing street- I'm interested what you do if it's snowy/but with ice? I've tried to run outside and its ok if its just snow but the ice makes it so hard.. being the biggest klutz ever, I feel like I'm always going to slip and fall.
  • CarsonRuns
    CarsonRuns Posts: 3,039 Member
    For all the people listing street- I'm interested what you do if it's snowy/but with ice? I've tried to run outside and its ok if its just snow but the ice makes it so hard.. being the biggest klutz ever, I feel like I'm always going to slip and fall.

    I don't run on the ice. When there is a lot of ice around, I run on a very wide road with wide shoulders that get plowed and treated. Usually, it is cleared the day after (if not the day of) any type of wintry weather. Some people that live in less forgiving climates will use trail shoes with spikes or add traction devices to their shoes, like YakTrax.
  • Street everytime! I'm fortunate to live in an area with loads of hills. I have about 6 different routes that I can take with differing difficulties, lengths, hills etc.
    On the other hand, the weather's been too cold/wet to go out lately so have been hitting the treadmill at the gym instead. Should be able to start hitting the street again in a few weeks (I hope!)
  • 81Katz
    81Katz Posts: 7,074 Member
    Walking or light jogging .. OUT DOORS all the way. I get to smell fresh air, see the trees, enjoy nature. On the treadmill I am stuck indoors staring at nothing, or the wall. It feels like it takes forever, VERY boring.

    I am bummed that with the weather I can't be outside to walk or jog.

    Outdoors I can change it up and walk to different places, see different things.
  • Lisah8969
    Lisah8969 Posts: 1,247 Member
    I do like running/walking outdoors best, but there are times I still use the treadmill. If putting in miles is the only thing on my workout list for the day, I will do that at the park. If i have other things to do like strength training, I go to the gym. Also I live in FL and during the summer, unless I am up at 5 AM, it is too hot at times to be outside if I have a high number of miles to do.

    I guess my answer is both. :laugh:
  • cassiepv
    cassiepv Posts: 242 Member
    I used to love running outdoors , then I was diagnosed with adult onset asthma . I now run on a treadmill because its much more of a controlled environment . It's not as exciting but I can jump on at any time . No excuses .
  • katsmo
    katsmo Posts: 219 Member
    I enjoy the pacing and distance I can easily determine from the treadmill, and when I run outside, I feel like I am going at a pace much faster than I'm able to maintain for long. I did just purchase a heart rate monitor, which could help.

    This is very common for new(er) runners that have spent a bit of time of the treadmill before they venture outside. Your perception that you are running too fast is spot on. Without the machine to regulate it, you run faster than your fitness dictates. We like to run fast, it's human nature. :) As you become more experienced, you'll be able to dial in that pace.

    Thank you. This makes perfect sense. I will keep trying.
  • depends on how good the girl looks at the gym on the treadmill in front of me...
  • kluvit
    kluvit Posts: 435 Member
    Treadmill for me. Love the interval programs on mine and can even set my own, so I don't have to hit the buttons to adjust speed and incline, plus it's safe anytime of day (especially since my workweek workout is at 4am). It's climate controlled, and I can watch my chick flicks on DVR or a workout infomercial for extra motivation.
  • bdur76
    bdur76 Posts: 155 Member
    Official member of the I hate treadmills club!

    Give me the great outdoors in the heat, cold, rain, or snow any day.
    I get so bored on treadmills and find it incredibly hard to keep motivated and keep running.
  • rgohm
    rgohm Posts: 294 Member
    depends on the season, winter is hard on my lungs so right now I prefer my gym's treadmill.