Crazy Things Cashiers Have Done/Said

penrbrown Posts: 2,685 Member
Right, a truly bizarre event today gave me an idea for a thread.

What is the craziest service you've ever received (good or bad)?

I'll start!

This afternoon I popped into our local health food store to get some flour for my Christmas cookies. I noticed the owner and her sister at the front when I entered and how they seemed to get a bit stiff at the sight of me but I didn't think much of it (this is a local store, by the way. Very small. Kind of quaint. But carries specialty items the big chains don't have).

As I was choosing my flour I could hear raised voices that got progressively louder with every moment. Next thing I know they're screaming at each other.

I waited in my flour aisle, quiet as a mouse, until the screaming died down then I hesitantly approached the counter to make my purchase.

The owner rang my items in without a word and when the transaction was complete she THREW my purchases across the counter at me! The bag hit her coffee cup and knocked it over so coffee went spilling everywhere, and then slammed into my chest (it's just flour but I like to be dramatic with my word choices). None of the coffee hit me but the purchases did! I backed up and ducked out of there quick let me tell you!


Tag! You're it!


  • kzivic
    kzivic Posts: 326 Member
    Back in early October, I stopped at our local Bath and Body Works shop to pick up more of their pumpkin hand soap. I walk in and the store is all transformed for the holidays already with no fall-theme products visible anywhere. Keep in mind, it's early October...

    I ask the overly-friendly saleswoman if there's any pumpkin hand soap left and she gives me a blank stare for a few seconds and then says "Honey, why would you want pumpkin when the holiday scents are out?" My reply was that it's early October and still fall, and I'm not ready to smell like a candy cane or evergreen tree yet. I was nice in how I said it, not too snarky or full of attitude. Heaven forbid I want a product for the current season...

    After that, her customer service and friendliness drastically decreased and she said "well, if we have any of those old products left, they're over there" and did a wave of her hand in a non-descript direction.

    There were a still a few of the fall "old products" left, so I got my soap, paid and as I was walking out, the same saleslady was standing by the door and makes a comment to me again about not wanting a holiday product. I ignored her and walked out.

    Guess I learned my lesson- buy fall products in July and holiday products in September or suffer the wrath of the Bath and Body Works saleswoman.
  • Dub_D
    Dub_D Posts: 1,760 Member
    "Would you like to donate $1 to the Stollery Children's Hospital fund"..Umm no, would you like to donate a dollar towards my bus fare?
  • Weebs628
    Weebs628 Posts: 574 Member
    "Would you like to donate $1 to the Stollery Children's Hospital fund"..Umm no, would you like to donate a dollar towards my bus fare?

    Funny. The only dollars I donate are at Petco or Petsmart for homeless pets.
  • Keiras_Mom
    Keiras_Mom Posts: 844 Member
    I was 32 when I had my daughter. She was just a couple of weeks old when a cashier at Target asked if she was my daughter or my granddaughter. I about died!

    I did tell that story on the radio and got free concert tickets, so I guess it was worth it. :blushing:
  • bikinibeliever
    bikinibeliever Posts: 832 Member
    Go to get coffee, and hold my hand out for change. I was given my paper money, but not the change portion. After I asked, I was told, "it's not a lot so I just left it in the register."

    The next week, same thing. Only this time she said she just rounded up.....87 went to the next dollar!

    Funny thing is it's never been rounded down!

    I like this woman or I would have to call the home office. Notice, I didn't say which restaurant.
  • Jaulen
    Jaulen Posts: 468 Member
    I used to work as a cashier at a grocery store.....we had a customer known as 'The Dragon Lady', and she always came through my line. She was notorius for finding stuff one customer had put back on the shelf in the wrong place (admit it.....we've all done it....put that box of cereal in with the canned beans when we decided we didn't want it anymore and were too lazy/rushed to go put it back) and demand that she get that misplaced item that the isle guys hadn't found yet to put back at the sticker price of the item on the shelf where she found it.....first couple of times boss said to humor her.....after that it started p'ing me off so I started telling her 'No."

    My favorite was when she had grabbed a 16 oz bag of generic shredded cheese off the shelf, and demanded that she get it for the 8 oz kraft shredded cheese price (she just didn't pay attention when she grabbed it off the shelf since the diary dept guy was super anal about making sure stuff was always stocked an in the right spot)....she started to throw a stink, saying she was going to get the State Attorney general on us for false advertising .....well, I knew it wasn't the generic cheese that was on sale since I had made the hangtags for the shelf that i went back, grabbed the hangtag off the shelf, and the correct bag of cheese ( the tag was right over the cheese where it was supposed to be). She starts pointing and saying when she spies the sales tag in my hand "see! SEE! I TOLD you the cheese was on sale for $1.99 *mutter mutter mutter*"

    I asked her if this was the sign she saw.
    I then held up the sign and said "Can you read?"
    huffily "Well yes!"
    "Then read it to me."
    She reads the sign out loud.
    I then hold up both bags of cheese and asked "Now WHICH bag of cheese does that sign describe?"
    She says she doesn't want the cheese.....pays for her three other items and then leaves the store.

    She never came through my line again.....
  • penrbrown
    penrbrown Posts: 2,685 Member

    She never came through my line again.....

    As a cashier this story made my day. :D
  • penrbrown
    penrbrown Posts: 2,685 Member
    Go to get coffee, and hold my hand out for change. I was given my paper money, but not the change portion. After I asked, I was told, "it's not a lot so I just left it in the register."

    The next week, same thing. Only this time she said she just rounded up.....87 went to the next dollar!

    Funny thing is it's never been rounded down!

    I like this woman or I would have to call the home office. Notice, I didn't say which restaurant.

    Sounds like she's skimming. Basically she's keeping your change for herself at the end of the day. It pads her pockets and depending on the store is relatively easy to do.
  • jayche
    jayche Posts: 1,128 Member
    Lol slightly off topic but when I was a cashier I've had crazy customers... last year some lady tried to grab me through the drive-thru window when I told her that water cups are 10 cents.
  • Weebs628
    Weebs628 Posts: 574 Member
    I used to work as a cashier at a grocery store.....we had a customer known as 'The Dragon Lady', and she always came through my line. She was notorius for finding stuff one customer had put back on the shelf in the wrong place (admit it.....we've all done it....put that box of cereal in with the canned beans when we decided we didn't want it anymore and were too lazy/rushed to go put it back) and demand that she get that misplaced item that the isle guys hadn't found yet to put back at the sticker price of the item on the shelf where she found it.....first couple of times boss said to humor her.....after that it started p'ing me off so I started telling her 'No."

    My favorite was when she had grabbed a 16 oz bag of generic shredded cheese off the shelf, and demanded that she get it for the 8 oz kraft shredded cheese price (she just didn't pay attention when she grabbed it off the shelf since the diary dept guy was super anal about making sure stuff was always stocked an in the right spot)....she started to throw a stink, saying she was going to get the State Attorney general on us for false advertising .....well, I knew it wasn't the generic cheese that was on sale since I had made the hangtags for the shelf that i went back, grabbed the hangtag off the shelf, and the correct bag of cheese ( the tag was right over the cheese where it was supposed to be). She starts pointing and saying when she spies the sales tag in my hand "see! SEE! I TOLD you the cheese was on sale for $1.99 *mutter mutter mutter*"

    I asked her if this was the sign she saw.
    I then held up the sign and said "Can you read?"
    huffily "Well yes!"
    "Then read it to me."
    She reads the sign out loud.
    I then hold up both bags of cheese and asked "Now WHICH bag of cheese does that sign describe?"
    She says she doesn't want the cheese.....pays for her three other items and then leaves the store.

    She never came through my line again.....

    You're my hero. I have this problem a lot at Lowe's and our price tags and descriptions are really easy to read.
  • _Bob_
    _Bob_ Posts: 1,487 Member
    I was at the check out around fathers day. and the cashier asked what I was going to give my dad for fathers day. I said I would flowers on his grave like I usually do. the was stunned but fallowed with "well mothers day will be better right" so I sad she's next to my Dad. well this cashier just had to end on a happy note so she said well what are your kids getting you. me being the *kitten* that I am said "nothing from my dead son". needless to say she didn't ask me to donate a dollar, she was just happy for me to leave.

    yeah, I make awkward moments for people
  • danasings
    danasings Posts: 8,218 Member
    I used to work as a cashier at a grocery store.....we had a customer known as 'The Dragon Lady', and she always came through my line. She was notorius for finding stuff one customer had put back on the shelf in the wrong place (admit it.....we've all done it....put that box of cereal in with the canned beans when we decided we didn't want it anymore and were too lazy/rushed to go put it back) and demand that she get that misplaced item that the isle guys hadn't found yet to put back at the sticker price of the item on the shelf where she found it.....first couple of times boss said to humor her.....after that it started p'ing me off so I started telling her 'No."

    My favorite was when she had grabbed a 16 oz bag of generic shredded cheese off the shelf, and demanded that she get it for the 8 oz kraft shredded cheese price (she just didn't pay attention when she grabbed it off the shelf since the diary dept guy was super anal about making sure stuff was always stocked an in the right spot)....she started to throw a stink, saying she was going to get the State Attorney general on us for false advertising .....well, I knew it wasn't the generic cheese that was on sale since I had made the hangtags for the shelf that i went back, grabbed the hangtag off the shelf, and the correct bag of cheese ( the tag was right over the cheese where it was supposed to be). She starts pointing and saying when she spies the sales tag in my hand "see! SEE! I TOLD you the cheese was on sale for $1.99 *mutter mutter mutter*"

    I asked her if this was the sign she saw.
    I then held up the sign and said "Can you read?"
    huffily "Well yes!"
    "Then read it to me."
    She reads the sign out loud.
    I then hold up both bags of cheese and asked "Now WHICH bag of cheese does that sign describe?"
    She says she doesn't want the cheese.....pays for her three other items and then leaves the store.

    She never came through my line again.....

    You folks that work in customer service have my undying admiration. You must have the patience of Job to put up with douchecanoes like that woman all day long.
  • 1ConcreteGirl
    1ConcreteGirl Posts: 3,677 Member

    You're welcome.

    On another note, I always respond in a horrified manner when I am asked if I want to give a dollar to support cancer. NO, I DO NOT SUPPORT CANCER. Jeez.
  • TylerJ76
    TylerJ76 Posts: 4,375 Member
    When a cashier can't count back change using their head..
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    "Would you like to donate $1 to the Stollery Children's Hospital fund"..Umm no, would you like to donate a dollar towards my bus fare?

    Funny. The only dollars I donate are at Petco or Petsmart for homeless pets.

    homeless pets>sick children. got it, thanks
  • runmybunsoff
    runmybunsoff Posts: 224 Member
    I have been hit on by a cashier at a Burger King drive-through once. "Hay gurl, can I getcho' number? Guuuuuuuuurrrrrrrl why wont you give me yo nuuuuuumberrrrrrrrrrrrrhhhhhhh!!!" :indifferent:
  • acogg
    acogg Posts: 1,870 Member
    There is a certain local bank that is notorious for their poor treatment of customers. One time my husband went in to make a deposit for our business. It wasn't particularly large or different than any other daily deposits. The only thing different was that it was my husband making the deposit, he usually doesn't. The teller demanded to see his ID and his Social Security number in order to make the deposit. We had been banking there for over 25 years.
  • CassieReannan
    CassieReannan Posts: 1,479 Member
    Ohhh I could go on for hours about the customers I had when I worked at McDonalds let me tell you..

    The craziest one I had was this lady who demanded I give her water for free, the policy of my store charges 10c for the cup but if you have a bottle its free. I had been in trouble for doing it a bit so I said no itll be 10 cents. She cracked a stink! Made a big fool of herself and hurled abuse at me because I wouldnt give her the water for her son. Believe me I wanted to but I couldnt.. She demanded to see the owner, the manager, even call the damn police. What a maniac! I couldnt help but laugh in her face.
  • supplemama
    supplemama Posts: 1,956 Member
    Go to get coffee, and hold my hand out for change. I was given my paper money, but not the change portion. After I asked, I was told, "it's not a lot so I just left it in the register."

    The next week, same thing. Only this time she said she just rounded up.....87 went to the next dollar!

    Funny thing is it's never been rounded down!

    I like this woman or I would have to call the home office. Notice, I didn't say which restaurant.

    You just let her keep your money??

    I had a cashier try to pull that on me ONCE. She said something similar, and I said Well open the drawer and give me my change. She then tried to say, I can't open the register now without ringing up another purchase. Bish do you think I'm stupid?? I then said, Call the manager up here then. Miraculously she was able to suddenly open the drawer and give me my change.

    Forget calling the home office. Next time she tries to steal your money (because that is what she is doing) demand to speak to a manager right then and there.
  • aerochic42
    aerochic42 Posts: 822 Member
    My husband went to buy some shirts at Men's Warehouse and because he has broad shoulders and had gained some weight since last buying a shirt, he wanted to try on the shirt. The gentleman helping him, then said that shirts aren't allowed to be tried on at that store. Really!!!??? Didn't buy anything from that store