Noob season at the gym already?



  • metaphoria
    metaphoria Posts: 1,432 Member
    I know what's happening!!!

    You know on the Discovery Channel, when allllllllllllllllllllllll the baby sea turtles come crawling on to the sand and waddling and flipping over each other to make it to safety.....?

    Well millions of baby noobs are rolling in about this time of year. It's best to get a good seat, occasionally flip one back right side up and basically just keep your fingers crossed that as many of them make it as possible.

    edited for spelling


    Read this just as my kids started watch Go Diego Go, and this episode is about baby sea turtles!!! I have no idea what significance this may have, however, it still wierds me out a lil bit. It's a turtle sort of day.
  • sunsnstatheart
    sunsnstatheart Posts: 2,544 Member
    You know, that would be a nice thing to do - help/befriend instead of being an *kitten*. Now I remember why I don't join a gym and workout at home -.-
    Unfortunately whenever you help/befriend someone they take it the wrong way, especially chicks who think every guy in the gym is a pig/mega-perv that just wants to hook up in the gym locker room later.

    I hear what you're saying, but that doesn't happen when you go over help the 60 year old lady looking all buff and *kitten* like you are. You'll probably make her day. That goes the same for the dude in the wheelchair, the 400 pound woman who sat in the parking lot and cried before she came in, the cancer patient, etc. Sure there's some really annoying noobs out there but they are the ones you do just ignore.
  • snarky
    snarky Posts: 263 Member
    I know right?! I can't stand collage kids! They're just so random and all over the place!

    Lol I see what you did there

    whew! I was afraid no one got his joke. good one btw.
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    I know what's happening!!!

    You know on the Discovery Channel, when allllllllllllllllllllllll the baby sea turtles come crawling on to the sand and waddling and flipping over each other to make it to safety.....?

    Well millions of baby noobs are rolling in about this time of year. It's best to get a good seat, occasionally flip one back right side up and basically just keep your fingers crossed that as many of them make it as possible.

    edited for spelling

    I still feel new after 9 months and keep hoping not to get flipped back into the sand! I am making it to the ocean baby! .I would give anything to have someone there with me to work on form together or at the very least someone that understood that I want to be good at this and want to be amazing but need some guidance but too damn scared to ask for it!

    you know babe, you should ask. I find the fitness minded demographic to be the MOST willing to help others improve themselves, more than any other demographic ive asked for help from. They will go from looking at you coldly in confusion while they are trying to pick up 300 pounds, to adopting you.
  • sharonfincher1
    sharonfincher1 Posts: 311 Member
    How about picking out one of those noobs who looks particularly uncomfortable being there, and walking over and saying hi? It seems every day there is a post on here by someone afraid to hit the free weight area or even walk into a gym. Why don't we all be part of the solution to that and try to help

    ^^^^^ THIS!!!!
  • Muddy_Yogi
    Muddy_Yogi Posts: 1,459 Member
    I know what's happening!!!

    You know on the Discovery Channel, when allllllllllllllllllllllll the baby sea turtles come crawling on to the sand and waddling and flipping over each other to make it to safety.....?

    Well millions of baby noobs are rolling in about this time of year. It's best to get a good seat, occasionally flip one back right side up and basically just keep your fingers crossed that as many of them make it as possible.

    edited for spelling

    I still feel new after 9 months and keep hoping not to get flipped back into the sand! I am making it to the ocean baby! .I would give anything to have someone there with me to work on form together or at the very least someone that understood that I want to be good at this and want to be amazing but need some guidance but too damn scared to ask for it!

    you know babe, you should ask. I find the fitness minded demographic to be the MOST willing to help others improve themselves, more than any other demographic ive asked for help from. They will go from looking at you coldly in confusion while they are trying to pick up 300 pounds, to adopting you.

    I know you are right and that I just need to get over my huge social fear. Working on it. Asked for help last night when I got a little over my head doing my chest presses.
  • Tommy
    Tommy Posts: 127 Member
    Dear Posters,

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