Hard Boiled Eggs aka gooey glob of gross



  • Confuzzled4ever
    Confuzzled4ever Posts: 2,860 Member
    Mix 1 with an avacado, garlic onion salt and pepper.. Put on toast or crackers.. i like i ton tricsuits with some tomatoes as well.

    yum! like egg salad.. but it masks the egg well and it's healthier with no mayo

    Can do the deviled eggs listed above with avacado instead of mayo too.. I mean if you wanna mess with a good thing anyway.. LOL LOVE deviled eggs!
  • stennieh
    stennieh Posts: 14 Member
    I usually undercook my scrambled eggs a bit and then when I reheat at work they aren't nasty. I add some sliced grape tomatoes and 1/2 an avocado after the mircrowave. Yummy! But, if you just don;t like eggs you can find other low calorie sources of protein. Good luck!
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    Ok, so my nutritionist insticts tell me I NEED hard boiled eggs. Good protein..yada, yada, yada. My problem is, I can't stand the texture of them. I can deal with the taste, but the texture just reminds me of eating a gooey, smelly glob of grossness. Anyone have any thoughts or ideas to make this better? Thanks!

    I don't like them either. Tell your nutritionist to go suck an egg! :laugh:
  • penrbrown
    penrbrown Posts: 2,685 Member
    Deviled eggs.
    Egg sandwich (boil the egg, de-shell, mix the egg bits with a touch of mayonnaise and spices, and then put that in a sandwich. YUM!)
    Egg salad.

    There are many, many ways to eat hard boiled eggs. It doesn't have to be gooey or icky.
  • Francesca3162
    Francesca3162 Posts: 520 Member
    I wonder if there are other methods of preparing eggs

    Hmmm...I wonder...
    Anyways... I need something quick to grab, go and eat. I can't whip up some scrambled eggs or an omlet at work. Unless you know how to prepare those using a microwave? I'm not a huge fan of "re-heating" scrambled eggs or omlets.
    Thanks for you wise input though. :wink:

    You can scramble eggs in a microwave.. use a souffle cup or monkey dish as they are called in restaurant business. Depending on power of microwave will determin how long it should cook.
    Crack egg, drop in cup, scramble with fork. Cook.. eat!
  • penrbrown
    penrbrown Posts: 2,685 Member
    what about low fat mozereella sticks?

    Low fat mozzarella sticks = eggs nutritionally?


    WAHAHAH! Dude. Eggs turn into cheese if you boil them long enough. Silly.
  • Ok, so my nutritionist insticts tell me I NEED hard boiled eggs. Good protein..yada, yada, yada. My problem is, I can't stand the texture of them. I can deal with the taste, but the texture just reminds me of eating a gooey, smelly glob of grossness. Anyone have any thoughts or ideas to make this better? Thanks!

    I don't like them either. Tell your nutritionist to go suck an egg! :laugh:

    :laugh: Awesome. lol. Thanks for all the awesome ideas people. This was actually very helpful. Usually I hate starting posts because people become monsters and are just rude, but with this post, I wrote down over 20 different ways to prepare and try them. You all rock!
  • fludderbye
    fludderbye Posts: 457 Member
    if you have a microwave at work- there are some great eggs in a mug kind of recipes that hungry girl put out using egg beaters
  • cubsgirlinny
    cubsgirlinny Posts: 282 Member
    Mix with avocado, celery, and a little lemon juice for an easy to store, easy to grab-and-go egg salad.
  • kiykiy79
    kiykiy79 Posts: 177
    You can prepare your eggs and veggies for a baked omelette the night before. Pour the mixture your prepared in a non stick pan w/ a spray of pam so it comes out easily and through it in the oven on 350 for 10 minutes while you get ready. It will slide right out and you can eat it on the go-go as my son would say. I've learned in this journey... We make time for the things we want to do and preparation is key. Good luck!
  • Stdavis53
    Stdavis53 Posts: 233 Member
    Hard boiled eggs aren't gooey...are you thinking soft boiled??
    After they are boiled, you peel the shell and it's gooey. At least to me it is. lol.


    Your doin it wrong
  • hiker359
    hiker359 Posts: 577 Member
    Two words: Egg salad! Throw a little mayo, some mustard, salt, pepper, and even some scallions and it makes eggs so much better. I'm not a fan of hard boiled egg yolks, but they're bearable when combined with the aforementioned. I absolutely love deviled eggs.
  • LoosingMyLast15
    LoosingMyLast15 Posts: 1,457 Member
    Hard boiled eggs aren't gooey...are you thinking soft boiled??
    After they are boiled, you peel the shell and it's gooey. At least to me it is. lol.

    you're not cooking them long enough then - i believe it's 12 minutes.
  • cecyvaquero
    cecyvaquero Posts: 154 Member
    Mmmmm. I love hard boiled eggs. Sometimes I just eat the egg whites becuase the yellow part does feel gooey sometimes.
  • Feed_the_Bears
    Feed_the_Bears Posts: 275 Member
    If you don't like something, you don't have to eat it. You know plenty of other alternatives for quick protein snacks, i.e. a cheese string. So why force yourself. Nutrition doesn't have to be torture :)

    ...lol. You should try a pickled egg mmmmmmm.
  • Feed_the_Bears
    Feed_the_Bears Posts: 275 Member
    "Death Box Eggs".
    1: HA, death box
    2: ALWAYS break the yolk before microwaving an egg. It WILL explode if you don't. Not cool.
  • kbeach08
    kbeach08 Posts: 184 Member
    I haven't read all the replies but I have been making Hard boiled eggs in the morning bringing them to work and making Egg salad with it... Just an idea...
  • Car0lynnM
    Car0lynnM Posts: 332 Member
    I make scrambled eggs in the microwave at work all the time. Put them in a covered container the night before with some chopped canadian bacon (or whatever else you want in there), pop it in the microwave for 30 second bursts stirring in between until they're fluffy. add cheese at the end. Voila.
  • Katy_G2013
    Katy_G2013 Posts: 70 Member
    I'm eating hard boiled egg whites now -- I LOVE THEM!

    You can scramble them in the mic though...I'd do that.
  • newcs
    newcs Posts: 717 Member
    If you like eggs but just not hardboiled, try this:

    Get a whoopie pie pan or a jumbo muffin tin. Grease it and crack an egg into each well. Puncture the yolk with a knife. Crack pepper onto each. Bake at 350 degrees 10-15min.

    Put each egg on a toasted english muffin with a thin slice of cheese and a pre-cooked meat of your choice (bacon, sausage, turkey bacon, soy sausage, etc).

    I freeze them wrapped in tin foil and then microwave or bake them to reheat. If you microwave, flip it over a couple times while you do or the cheese will melt out and the bottom part of the english muffin will steam itself.