Black Team Week 7!!!!



  • Nonibug
    Nonibug Posts: 1,214 Member
    Hi all!

    Just got home from a great workout this morning and getting ready to have some lunch. Im helping a friend move into a 2nd floor apt today so maybe I should have took it a little easier at the gym this morning:ohwell: :laugh:

    Have a great Monday everyone!:flowerforyou:
  • jimswmn
    jimswmn Posts: 1,350 Member
    I am in a softy mood...........looking through here at my 50 year old friend who did 3 miles and then Billy Banks............I am in some good company here:heart::love: :heart:

    :blushing: :blushing:
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member

    Hey my team.... good article. Good reminder to us nutty women.

    Read, enjoy, chill out.
  • mumsanutter
    mumsanutter Posts: 3,068 Member
    Well I am about to say good night, but have managed to do 11 minutes on the rowing machine, at least a 30 minute walk to school and back pushing a tandem buggy, 15 minutes on the exercise bike and D3L2 shredded :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    Rob (dh) has just cooked us mussels in a white wine and garlic sauce with noodles for tea, and I am supping a glass of white wine before I crash for the night........ hope everyone had a good day , see you tomorrow xx
  • richardsrm
    richardsrm Posts: 1,144 Member
    Mondays:yawn: hard to get back into the routine after a week off. Students were good but whew .....I was so ready to come home and put on the PJ's . Now all I need to do is settle in to watch Dr.'s Monday that's dysfunctional family day..........I used to watch guiding light , this is my new soap. Then I will hula hoop for exercise tonight...........I don't want to go out tonight. Freezing in upstate NY. Hugs Richie
  • 72lori
    72lori Posts: 6,760 Member
    Good article Marla. Reminded me, I wanted to be sucking down H2O today, didn't drink much. Better get working.

    Tanya- hubs cooking dinner. It must be nice. I just had a mini meltdown this weekend cause I get so sick of everybody looking at me and asking, "What's for dinner?" I don't want to be responsible for deciding what's for dinner, cooking what's for dinner and worrying about what's for dinner ALL the time. Usually it's ok, but every once in a while I would like a break from it being my job.

    Richie- I wouldn't mind being all snuggled up in my PJ's right now. No can do... I have to cook dinner. :ohwell:

    I have had a good day, did the gym thing, ate well, plans to eat well tonight too. I gotta say though, I am flipping starving! Luckily I didn't have the sugar shakes like I was worried about, so far, so good. Sugar withdraw can be nasty.

    Hope everybody has a great evening!
  • familygirl37167
    familygirl37167 Posts: 2,088 Member
    Good evening my black teamer...I LOVED LOVED LOVED my family day on sat.

    Sunday was a crappy day at work and so when I left work I was mad/stressed/upset...what ever you wanna call it so I came home ate 3 big ole bowls of raisin bran crunch a brownie and a charleston chew ( a big one) then I was sick...then even madder at myslef for eating all that food. I didnt eat anything and I worked 6 hours but no gym, I really didnt eat much at work today only veggies...

    I got right back to the gym this morning, I was still mad at myself this morning, I felt horrible and bloated, I was miserable all day I had to take some gas x just to get some relief..

    Ate my dinner did good all day today...No falling off no mad at myself any more..I did 45 minutes on elepitical and 15 minutes on weights..I did 5 miles on it and burned 500 calories...I plan on being good until next sat when I am off again...Hope fully I can do it..

    All I can say I think I did great this weekend, this past weekend was the weekend my dad was suppost to spend the weekend with me..and I didnt cry at all, and I didnt eat all day everyday, just sat which was planned with my babies....and then the little meltdown I had sunday evening...So I am still in my size 8 pants, which is where I wanna be!!!

    Ok I got a new book gonna go start it...Its called You on a diet from Dr.Oz...I will let you know if its any good!!!
  • averys7
    averys7 Posts: 60 Member
    Had a good day today. I walked 6.25 miles at work today. I love the pedometer. I like that we are working on working out this week. Well better get on the elliptical!
  • tamelab
    tamelab Posts: 892 Member
    Evening team...I had a bad day today. I had to work 11 hours and didn't even get to leave the house. I didn't get in any exercise either. I am going to the gym in the morning as soon as I take my son to school. That way I know I will have it done. It is my TOM and I have eaten enough food today to fill a bathtub. I was craving chocolate so I baked some triple chocolate cupcakes (7 grams of fat and 260 cals each even with egg beaters and applesauce). Tomorrow will be a better day. Hope you all have a good evening.
  • richardsrm
    richardsrm Posts: 1,144 Member
    :smile: another day! go black team go:drinker:
  • Nonibug
    Nonibug Posts: 1,214 Member
    Good morning Black Team!

    Just wanted to stop in for a minute and wish everyone a great last chance workout today!:drinker:

    Have a wonderful day peeps!:flowerforyou:
  • zippy111
    zippy111 Posts: 2,241 Member
    Why can't I have great mornings like this all the time?? Just back from the Y. Didn't run outside with the rain here today. I ran a great 4.5 miles 550 calories burned then lifted. I feel great! Hadn't run since Sat longer run. I hate not working out. I want to say there isn't time...which of course is the excuse you can use in a pinch....BUT you can ALWAYS make time to do something....even if it's 10 min of's better than nothing!

    ok, I'm rambling....I just get so mad at myself. Why Why Why do we have to slip......need to be the everready bunny and KEEP GOING!!!
    :heart: :heart: to all. Have a great last chance workout!

    Batman- I am adding this weeks challenge to next weeks challenge...working out everyday! JUST DO IT!!!!!
  • tamelab
    tamelab Posts: 892 Member
    Good morning black team...Off to the gym and then some more typing. Have a great day. Good luck for weigh-in tomorrow.
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    Due to minor surgery I cannot work out. OK, I thought about that for awhile and although the doctor said NO is because he has watched me drop almost 40 pounds, go down 5 sizes and get muscles in my arms!! :laugh:

    I know I can walk. I can walk in the street, on a my house with Leslie Sansome. Just no bending or lifting anythign heavier than my arms :wink:

    So no excuses

    JUST DO IT!! (jeannie):drinker:
  • mumsanutter
    mumsanutter Posts: 3,068 Member
    Morning all ( well afternoon actually here :laugh: ), walked to school this morning, so 45minutes walking pushing a single buggy with a buggy board on the back and the 2 and 5 year old riding!!

    Have tried to be good so far today, but am starving and have a new little one coming for a visit tonight as well as parents evening so a little unsure what other exercise I'll get in today :huh: , but will try.

    Good luck with your workouts and weigh in tomorrow folks
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member

    These stories always just make me cry-- so wonderful--

    Don't give up today, folks-- there are success stories all around us-- we are success stories.

    Amanda-- this woman was a Coke addict-- she battled it, but defeated it-- lost 133 pounds-- YOU-CAN-DO-IT-TOO--

    No excuses today, peeps-- Lori, Me, EVERYBODY-- no freakin' excuses.

    Pain? PMS? Down in the dumps? Too freakin' bad-- you can eat right and, as Jeannie says, if nothing else FREAKIN' WALK!!!!!!

    Let's go people-- no excuses!!!!!!!!!
  • 72lori
    72lori Posts: 6,760 Member

    These stories always just make me cry-- so wonderful--

    Don't give up today, folks-- there are success stories all around us-- we are success stories.

    Amanda-- this woman was a Coke addict-- she battled it, but defeated it-- lost 133 pounds-- YOU-CAN-DO-IT-TOO--

    No excuses today, peeps-- Lori, Me, EVERYBODY-- no freakin' excuses.

    Pain? PMS? Down in the dumps? Too freakin' bad-- you can eat right and, as Jeannie says, if nothing else FREAKIN' WALK!!!!!!

    Let's go people-- no excuses!!!!!!!!!

    Woa, Marla! Tell it like it is lady! Yep, just do it. I'm with you. I got back on track yesterday, watched 4 of the 9...... yes I said NINE pounds that I saw yesterday morning since last weigh in disappear this morning. That's what you get for playing with fire, and that's what I did all last week. In the end, you will get burned.

    Not kicking myself, not feeling sorry for myself, not whining about it, just doing what I need to do again. Got in a good workout today. Lifted, Zumba'd, ran and walked. 860 calories. Felt good.

    Now, off to do house crap. I keep telling dirt it's not allowed in the house. It does NOT listen.
  • jimswmn
    jimswmn Posts: 1,350 Member
    Due to minor surgery I cannot work out. OK, I thought about that for awhile and although the doctor said NO is because he has watched me drop almost 40 pounds, go down 5 sizes and get muscles in my arms!! :laugh:

    I know I can walk. I can walk in the street, on a my house with Leslie Sansome. Just no bending or lifting anythign heavier than my arms :wink:

    So no excuses

    JUST DO IT!! (jeannie):drinker:

    Okay..take it easy and walk. NO GYM !!
  • ksproston
    ksproston Posts: 6,938 Member
    Marla - You have no idea how I needed that kick in the rear. Thanks.

    Tamara - I too ate way too much this weekend - too much crap, too much sugar, too much, too much, too much. I have not eaten like that in a long time. I will still eat sweets but I went way overboard. WAY! I was miserable. Miserable enough to not want to do it again.....ever.

    I am tearing the @#$% house apart tonight to find my Shred DVD. Lord help the person that comes clean with putting it somewhere it shouldn't.

    I have bombed on this challenge. Should tack it on to this next challenge too.
  • familygirl37167
    familygirl37167 Posts: 2,088 Member
    Not in a good place today... :o(

    one of my really good friend to say the least one of my best friend said that her and her husband noticed that all I talk about now is food exercise and diet and her husband added that I am not much fun anymore...we used to hang out at there house and play games til weee hours of the morning and eat all night..

    I am sad...we were suppost to go over this weekend...I dont know just wanna cry!!!