200+ (Week 18) Fling Into Spring!



  • makeitallsue
    makeitallsue Posts: 3,086 Member
    OMG all week I've been replying to another 200 lbs group. No wonder none of them looked super familiar to me. I know I am new to this group but thought it was the same thing. How do I "bumps" or whatever it is to get this into a place where I can easily follow it???

    I didn't lose jack. Granted I went over a few times this week but not by much. I am frustrated, I'm not going to lie.
    I haven't pushed myself hard to do the C25K but I have been running for a minute at a time on the treadmill during my walking. I did three minutes yesterday. not much but I have to start somewhere.
    Just reply to the group and it will go to your "my topics" and then when you click on that link it will bring up all that you have responded to. hope that helps.:bigsmile:

    I'm a slow loser too, I just have pep talks with myself and if you are doing all the right things, it will fall into place, but if you quit, you'll never see how much you can accomplish. Take each day and make it yours...it will happen, it just takes time:flowerforyou:
  • makeitallsue
    makeitallsue Posts: 3,086 Member
    So, tonight I did 30 minutes on my treadmill. I had this idea that maybe my sneakers were causing issues with me walking so I bought a new pair. All I can say in WOW. It made such a difference if that makes sense. Thanks for listening.

    Great Job!!! I'm glad that you did something for yourself and bought new shoes...I'm terrible with trying to "make-due"...but honestly if you want to do a job right....you need to have the right tools....right?:wink:
  • makeitallsue
    makeitallsue Posts: 3,086 Member
    woo hoo.....I can't wait for Sunday.....Lord knows, I need all the ab work I can get!! :bigsmile:
    I just bought myself some vit E, I heard it was good for bringing back the elasticity in....ahem...older skin....I'm lathering it all over my trouble spots:laugh: :laugh:
    I'm so tired and I have a busy day tomorrow morning and the grandkids are spending the night tomorrow and my 3 year old wants cookies....I told him we'd have a party....I think I'll make up some of those K bars and sneak in some extra good stuff....Grandma "GG" is sneaky like that:bigsmile:
    Talk to you Super heros tomorrow!
  • dixiegal2484
    dixiegal2484 Posts: 293 Member
    ok so i am up 1.2 pounds this week making my weigh in this week 233.4. but its ok it happens. im not going let it get me down. i will try harder next week .

  • jchapple
    WOW -you are all so inspirational. I realise you are all on week 18, and I'm on week 1 (again) - but can I join?

    I definately qualify for the 200+ club.
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    WOW -you are all so inspirational. I realise you are all on week 18, and I'm on week 1 (again) - but can I join?

    I definately qualify for the 200+ club.

    Welcome jchapple!!! Of course you can join us! We actually just started a 6 week challenge this week. The end of it is March 26th. So post your original start weight, your current weight (if there is a difference) and your goal weight for the challenge and Pinot will add you to the chart (she posts that at the end of the challenge). We weigh in on Fridays and a new thread is normally posted by Thursday night. Most of us set 10 pound goals for the challenges.
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    I think I'm going to make my own c25k songs before I start actually doing it so I can keep up with the music better. I listened to the song while working on the elliptical the other day and I lost track of whether I was supposed to be going faster or slower during which song. Of course if I was jogging/walking it would probably be a lot easier to figure it out but still, I haven't challenged myself to do something like this in a while.

    I have done something similar before. For our first wedding dance, I did the whole, starts with a boring slow song, there is a record scratch and then it switches between a lot of songs. Actually, here's the youtube link...


    Although mixing these songs will be more challenging cause I have to make sure the beat flows easily. I will let yall know if I get one done.
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    I DID IT!!!!

    I just made my own C25K song!! I even recorded my voice to do the 5,4,3,2,1 countdown between songs!!!

    I'm so excited!!!
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    jchapple- jump right in! welcome!

    dixiegal- stick with it! the weight will start coming off.
    I DID IT!!!!

    I just made my own C25K song!! I even recorded my voice to do the 5,4,3,2,1 countdown between songs!!!

    I'm so excited!!!

    Great job! I made mixes for myself as well, but I didn't try and record a countdown. That's too fancy for my audio skills. I just clipped songs to the right lengths. You can totally rock c25k Blombie! Maybe if other peeps in the group end up starting the challenge they can steal your mixes!

    I hope everyone has a good weekend. I slept in late this morning/afternoon which was pretty fabulous. No plans for the weekend other than some major olympics watching. haha. I might do a dvd today, but I'll definitely start week 8 of c25k tomorrow. It's only 3 minutes more running. No problem! :wink:

    Pinbot- I like your challenge. Some sort of core work, eh? I can do that. Will plan on doing sets of different crunches or core pilates work this week at least 4 times! Would love for my tummy to bounce back a bit. We'll see. I was one who gained my weight in my midsection last, so I was pretty heavy with a relatively flat belly. Of course the last 40ish pounds or so ruined that. :grumble:
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    So I was putting away my laundry and was going through some pants in the back of my closet that didn't fit before. Now they don't fit again, but this time cause they're too big! YES. :noway: And I tried on a dress that I bought when I was just under 200 about 4 years ago and it fits and looks cute! A little bit tighter than I would like, but what a great feeling!

    Good eating today. I roasted a bunch of veggies (cauliflower, onions, peppers, zucchini) and the made some whole wheat couscous. Yum! I need to think about what to buy at the grocery store tomorrow. No exercise today but will put in at least an hour of cardio tomorrow at the rec center.

    I was feeling a bit crappy yesterday and today in spite of all the loveliness with the clothes fitting better, I'm a bit meh. :brokenheart:
  • rockwife
    weight 254.8. up a little. going to try to avoid artificial sweetners this week to see if that will speed things up a little. I am stalled right now.
  • mrsbojangles
    ok i don't know what i do wrong, but i lose you guys every time you start a new thread! lol

    weight on 2/12: 339
    weight on 2/19: 336
    goal weight for our 6 wk challenge: 326

    i lost three pounderoonies! :drinker: but does that count? when does this challenge begin - was it this fri.? then my starting weight would be 336. sorry for my confusion! :blushing:
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Wow what a busy bunch. I take a day off and you complete a whole page of entries. Go team go. I finally saw a Gyrfalcon!!!! The other highlight was a fluffy Snowy Owl. So my trip was great. My body is sore from hauling the scope around and twisting so much to see the birds. We spent 7 hours birdwatching, went to Walmart and GFS for an hour and still had to make the 2 hour ride home and unpack the groceries. I want to take the day off but I need to run today. Oh the calorie eating was good Friday but way, way bad yesterday. 635 cal for breakfast - EEK but my downfall was the GFS sweedish meatballs that husband made for dinner along with the too many shots of whiskey after I got home:blushing:

    Lacey - welcome back. I wondered where you were. I've done worse. Are you taking measurements? Often the scale wont move but you shrink in size...

    mish - shoes make all the difference. Normally shoes last from 200 to 300 miles when used for exercise. You can't see when a shoe will no longer provide adequate support. I have 2 sets of shoes for running. The first pair has about 84 miles on them. When it gets to 100, I plan to alternate the 2 pairs. That way I will be able to tell when the first pair isn't giving me proper support. I hope what I said makes sense to you. If you wear you shoes for other things, they wont last as long for running/walking. By the way - congrats on getting up to 30 min.

    amber and rockwife - I feel for you on the weight gain. Hopefully it's just water weight from some salty food. Hang in there and eventually, you will start to lose.

    Welcome jchapple:flowerforyou: You are more than welcome to join us.

    Blombie - good luck on the C25K. The mix tape sounds cool. I could never make my own.

    Kristina - how cool that your wardrobe is expanding as you shrink.

    Anna - glad yo found us again. Congrats on the weight loss. 3 pounds is wonderful!!!!!:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: 3 cheers to you - only water today that's my motto after last night. The challenge started last Friday so I put 339 on the chart as your start weight.

    Okay everyone. I will get the ab challenge up later today. Does anyone have any neck, back or knee problems that I need to be aware of - if so PM me and I will give you modified exercises.... The therapist in me comes out when assigning exercises. Quality is better than quantity...
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Here are 16 exercises. Do each for 1 min. Some you will have to do on both sides so it will probably take about 20 min to do the entire routine. I have included back as well as ab work. You need to strengthen both a muscle and its antagonist for good core strengthening. Let me know if you don't understand or can't do an exercise. If you can't read it, I can mail you a copy of the program.




  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    I suppose I need to add as a CYA (cover your a**) for liability - Do the exercises at your own risk. Stop if they cause pain. I could go on forever but I am trusting that no one will sue me :wink: My malpractice insurance is already high enough - LOL. Actually in 20 years, I haven't been sued once - thank goodness. I hope you have sore abs tomorrow.
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Okay - I will admit I am out of shape and kicked my own a**. I am still sweating from the workout. More things to remember with the exercises:

    1) If you haven't been doing any core work, start with 30 sec the first week and add 10 sec a week to get to 60 sec.
    2) quality of motion is better than quantity of reps
    3) make sure keep your airway open - keep breathing and don't hold your breath as you do the exercise. Sing out loud or count to keep the airway open.
    4) For the planks - modify them to be on your knees or elbows until you are stronger
    5) When doing the exercises on your back, keep your stomach tight and make sure your low back is flat on the floor. Don't let your low back arch up off the floor.
    6) you don't have to do all the exercises at once. You can break them up over the day or do over 2 days.
    7) it took me 30 min to do the routine since I had to take several rest breaks...

    Good luck.
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    I made the decision today to turn off the friend's feed for daily calories being logged whether over or under. Part of me wishes it would be changed. I wish it would record that you were within 100 cal of goal whether under or over. This would be better than encouraging people to under eat. It doesn't reward those who are over by only 10 - which is really close. I hate that it encourages people to under eat. I guess that I am on another soap box today. Thanks for listening to my rants. It's just that I looked a friend's food logs yesterday per her request and she was having a net cal of about 800 a day and I now feel bad for all the times that I encouraged by congrats on being under cal goal for the day. If I had know how low she was earlier, I would have encourage her to eat more. I plan to ignore those posts that come to the my friend feed. I will still comment on great things like # days logged on and # pounds lost.
    How do you turn it off? I completely agree with you!!

    Go to "my home", "settings", "news feed update settings", then uncheck "the I have completed diary for the day" and save changes.
  • Jerzeebabie04
    Well I'm definitely 200+ and am joining as many good groups on MFP as I can. Do you have a challenge or anything in this group? I'm 211 and looking to break out of the 200's ASAP! It's almost spring!!! And it seems like a great group if you are on week 18 already!
  • Nikki143
    Nikki143 Posts: 491 Member
    yay! i am excited to start the excercises, but we have company (bd's lil cousin) so I will wait til the 16yo leaves.. a bit immature...
    Well, Super heroes; I weighed myself this am and I was 218.4! wow. I am happy, I bought a coffee to be able to :blushing: ahem:blushing:
    I'm sorry if this is tmi; but I haven't been able topoop in a few weeks, I used to go daily, and now its 1-2 times a week, so I bought the coffee to get things moving. I also bought some target brand fiber pills, hoping they help also...
    Glad you had a ball pinbot! I have been dying to check the thread, but bd's cousin had my laptrop locked in my daughters room with him..:grumble: .. and he woke up a half an hour ago.. have a blessed Sunday super heroes!!!:heart: