200+ (Week 18) Fling Into Spring!



  • Nikki143
    Nikki143 Posts: 491 Member
    Hey super heros! good morning,
    how is everyone? the board was busy this weekend! I went to see the nutritionist yesterday, and I was 223.6 or something, I was fully clothed with even my shoes on my feet, and I told her to factor in my period, cause thats why I was up a few lbs yesterday, and she didn't, on her chart I have lost 15lbs altogether (since 12\27\09), which is AWESOME but damn, woman.. give me more credit.. SO, I wasn't too down on myself, & i didn't binge like I had originally planned... weight today was 220. I told her in 6 weeks when I go back I will be in the 2teens... (WOW, it has taken like an hour to write!)
  • cds2327
    cds2327 Posts: 439
    Morning Ladies!!! I decided to mix things up and did Day one of the JM Shred this morning. Not totally sure how many calories I burnt, but i searched around and I'm going to log it as 200. I figured I would get something different in this morning to confuse my body. Maybe I'll get a cheapo HRM today. JM can kick my butt.
    I also feel really good about how I ate yesterday. Everyone else had BBQ pork ribs, and I had a grilled salmon fillet. I was going to have brown rice with it, but I picked up the wrong kind and by the time I went to cook it i realized it took 50 minutes. EEK!! Next time I'll stick with the uncle bens 5 minute stuff.
    Also, tried the roasted red pepper hummus yesterday for the first time. Now, I've tried garlic hummus and plain hummus before and wanted to vomit. But roasted red pepper is in an entirely different league!!!! If you haven't tried it, get some!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    It's raining here today, so not sure if i can get myself and my little boy out for a walk today, but we'll see. Maybe we'll wander the mall.
    On a personal note, we got our Washington license plates in the mail yesterday!! Moving seems so real now!! And, I apologize if I bore you all with talk of moving. It's a big step for me. I've lived away from my family before ( Japan for 3 years and Arkansas for a awful year), but it is still hard. Food is my fall back, stress buster, make me feel better. I'm really trying to channel all that into exercise and bubble baths, etc. Any other ideas are very much appreciated. I don't want to eat food!!

    love to all!!
  • Nikki143
    Nikki143 Posts: 491 Member
    Yay CDS! I'm excited for you, I can't imagine living away from my family.. I ahve always wanted to move out of state, but I don't wanna leave them, even though we never see each other or talk, its mental!! I could never imagine living out of country!
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Morning everyone!
    I did an hour on the elliptical last night for something like 620 cals burned, not too bad. Tonight I will do the core exercises and some other circuit training just to keep it going. I figure since my muscles have been dormant for so long I am probably building them up even just doing cardio! But I will keep at it at least a couple times a week.

    Today we take our 3 year old daughter to a Naturopathic Doctor. She is having issues again with diet and ear infections so it is time to do something. I just hope that the doctor can help us. Because the regular MD's have been little to no help only treating symptoms and pumping her full of antibiotics that half the time make it worse. WIsh us luck!

  • cds2327
    cds2327 Posts: 439
    good luck at the drs lacey!!
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    lacey- hope things go well at the doctor's!

    ladies, i'm in a total funk today. I'm sure part of it is that I'm tired, but I need to get myself together. I'm a bit of mess. Argh. All I really want to do at the moment is crawl into bed. Sure sleeping would be nice, but just the thought of laying there, not having to think of anything sounds pretty spectacular at the moment. Just not a good day. Feeling like one could cry at any moment isn't the best way to go about a day. Still planning on working out later, but the drive just isn't there. Those 28 minutes running are going to seem an eternity. Hopefully though they'll give me a bit of a mental health boost, cause I am not cutting it today. :grumble: (<- my fav emoticon)
  • MelsaEstel
    MelsaEstel Posts: 56 Member
    Good morning ladies! Well, barely afternoon, I guess.

    I have been having a good week. I am already down 1.4 lbs since Friday. Worked with my husband for 14 hours straight on Saturday, and even though I ate 7 slice of pizza (it was lunch and dinner and snack), it still worked out. We were on our feet all day 9:30 am until 7 pm decorating, then I spent the next 2 hours walking around being photographer, then another almost 2 hours tearing down and cleaning. I logged 2 hours worth of walking, and I ended up 500 cals under for the day. Crazy!

    I have not been working out. I would like to get adjusted to the food changes, and then add exercise into the mix after another week or so. Baby steps. I know that I get overwhelmed if I jump in head first, and I do not want that. I would like to be at goal by the end of the year, so I need to stay focused and on the right path.

    Speaking of being on the right path, it sounds like Friday might be a cheat dinner. We might be going out with some friends, and it is hard to stay on track with the places we go to. Luckily I don't drink much. A beer once every few months, or a glass of wine. It's just the food. I will make the best choices I can, and I will be good the rest of the day, but this may be a planned cheat meal. I have to have them every once in a while, and know that the next day is back on plan.

    Kristina- take those emotions out on the treadmill! Just remember that no matter how funky you feel now, it is always so much better after knowing you put in an awesome workout!

    So that is where I stand right now.
    Have a great Tuesday!
  • makeitallsue
    makeitallsue Posts: 3,086 Member
    On a personal note, we got our Washington license plates in the mail yesterday!! Moving seems so real now!! And, I apologize if I bore you all with talk of moving. It's a big step for me. I've lived away from my family before ( Japan for 3 years and Arkansas for a awful year), but it is still hard. Food is my fall back, stress buster, make me feel better. I'm really trying to channel all that into exercise and bubble baths, etc. Any other ideas are very much appreciated. I don't want to eat food!!

    love to all!!
    How exciting and terrifying at the same time. Have you ever thought about sewing? When I first married my husband and decided to stay at home with my daughter...I was lost we moved out to the country down a dead end road...I felt very lonely...My MIL gave me a sewing machine and the first project I made was a purple unicorn for my daughter for Halloween, and we ended up winning a contest...I was so hooked, something about taking a square of fabric and turning it into something. I have been sewing for over 20 years now and I even make a lot of my own work out clothes, clothes for the dogs, the pony...LOL I love it! I also would love to teach myself to crochet sometime. Good luck, you'll always have us!!!
  • makeitallsue
    makeitallsue Posts: 3,086 Member
    Crap...Ladies ...My Doctors appointment was an hour ago...Crap I totally forgot it! I never even gave it a thought today....man, I need to give the office a call...I can't believe that I did that......I remembered when I seen Lacey's post...

    I hope things go well for you and your daughter Lacey

    Well I did get a outdoor run in this morning and I was doing really well with my pace for about 3 miles I kept a 9 minute mile pace...it got my Bella all sorts of excited, she was streaking back and forth, loving that I was giving her a workout!
    Well I probably ough to call the Doc, see if he is going to call me for a missed appointment.
  • makeitallsue
    makeitallsue Posts: 3,086 Member
    lacey- hope things go well at the doctor's!

    ladies, i'm in a total funk today. I'm sure part of it is that I'm tired, but I need to get myself together. I'm a bit of mess. Argh. All I really want to do at the moment is crawl into bed. Sure sleeping would be nice, but just the thought of laying there, not having to think of anything sounds pretty spectacular at the moment. Just not a good day. Feeling like one could cry at any moment isn't the best way to go about a day. Still planning on working out later, but the drive just isn't there. Those 28 minutes running are going to seem an eternity. Hopefully though they'll give me a bit of a mental health boost, cause I am not cutting it today. :grumble: (<- my fav emoticon)
    AKA, have you eaten enough...sometimes I get down if i haven't eaten enough...hope you get to feeling better!
  • cds2327
    cds2327 Posts: 439
    Kristina, sorry your in a funk today. Maybe don't run today, just get on the treadmill and see where it takes you. You don't have to be a superhero everyday. Exercise does help the moods. I swear it is the only thing keeping me sane right now. I didn't exercise sunday, and about ripped my poor husbands head off with my bad mood.

    deb....thanks for the ideas. i am thinking about learning to sew, quilt and knit actually. I'd love to be able to knit and donate stuff to others. blankets for wounded soldiers, caps for kids, stuff like that. And, thank goodness I have you all!!
  • makeitallsue
    makeitallsue Posts: 3,086 Member
    Melsa, your doing great...baby steps is what it takes to make it a change you can live with!:flowerforyou:
  • makeitallsue
    makeitallsue Posts: 3,086 Member

    deb....thanks for the ideas. i am thinking about learning to sew, quilt and knit actually. I'd love to be able to knit and donate stuff to others. blankets for wounded soldiers, caps for kids, stuff like that. And, thank goodness I have you all!!

    Cds, I also quilt and after my Grandpa passed in 2004 I started making "love Quilts", by Kaye Wood, they are simple to construct and I cannot tell you how much joy it gave me to give them out in my Grandpa's name. I took them to hospitals and nursing homes, or anyone that I may have heard was suffering from cancer. I haven't done one since last summer, I have had some trouble with one of my machines, but I believe I am around 28 quilts that I have made and given to cancer patients. I should get busy and do a few more, thanks for the reminder...sometimes we get busy and get away from the things we really love!
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    AKA - Maybe try something different today if the treadmill and running seems to daunting? I get like that too. Total funk out of nowhere, don't want to go to the gym, etc.. The first 15 suck but then I get going and feel much better. Switching up the routine on days like that is what makes me okay at the gym. Otherwise it is a total waste of time for me.

    makeit - My mom is an amazing sewer, quilter, etc. She made me the most amazing dresses growing up and has made my daughters halloween costumes that I am saving to pass down to my friends when they have kids because they are so dern cute. I can sew when I want. Mostly I make blankets and quilts every once in a while. But when the part comes and you have to do the actual quilting, HATE IT. My mom has one of those cool quilting machines that you just push and pull back and forth according to the pattern but I have yet to try it or make time to try it.
    I've never made anything from a pattern before but have made some pretty cute bags/purses in the past.

    I guess my hobby is reading and cooking? I love to read and can sit all day and night. However for the past year or so I've bought one crap book after the next. Not sure what that is about. Total bummer. I like to get recipes off of www.foodgawker.com and make them on the weekends for us to try during the week. And I am trying my hand at no knead bread which I love too!
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Wow - you are a busy bunch posting away. Work sucks when you forget your phone and can't even check-in. At least the work day is over. I did manage to get a run in earlier - 2 miles on the treadmill at 5.0 mph and I thought I would die. Mom will be here in 15 min to go snow shoeing:bigsmile: That should be another 1/2 hour of exercise. Mahi-mahi with pineapple sounds good for dinner along with the gumbo soup from earlier in the week.
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    pinbot- 5.0 for 2 miles? damn girl! *high fives*

    lacey- I like to read and pick out new recipes to try as well. I recently subscribed to vegetarian times and there are now SO many recipes I want to try!

    deb- that fabulous that you quilt. I taught myself how to knit, but didn't get very far. I've made many scarves and a couple of hats, but I haven't done it in a while. I'm more likely to listen to music or read now to relax.

    thanks for the pick me up gals. today just wasn't meant to be my day. I was just crabby, and I absolutely caught myself about to make some rather snide remarks to individuals at work, and I knew I had to take a breather, so I ran some errands before my meeting on campus this afternoon. Of course my new work laptop (yay!) came in yesterday, but had to be fiddled with, and it's not ready yet :grumble: which is totes frustrating. i had my gym clothes with me, but I just couldn't do it. The thought of even getting on any sort of machine (forget the whole running!) just was not going to happen. I know physical activity is highly linked with mood... since I've been exercising consistently, my baseline mood has improved and the dips haven't been quite as deep let's say, plus my work specializes with peeps with depression and bipolar disorder, so I absolutely get it, but sometimes, it just doesn't matter.

    Oh, and my TOM is out of whack. It's only been 2 weeks, but (TMI), there's something going on downstairs that shouldn't be going on right now, which is not helping my mood also. :grumble: So I just got home, and I'm collapsing for a bit... getting nap on, then making dinner (yummy veggie sandwich, and trying to relax). If I'm feeling more perky, I'll try and get a dvd in this evening. I know we all have our up and down days, but i'm feeling like a total failure today, which I know logically I'm not, but that doesn't stop those lovely negative automatic thoughts (I'm such a therapist :blushing: ).

    I hope everyone else's day is going well! Let's hope tomorrow shines brighter for me!
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Kristina - I just about skipped into the house when my Vegetarian Times came in the mail today. I loved the recipes from last months. I am so going to make the cabbage calzones - maybe next week. I could so easily be a full time vegetarian but I do love chicken and steak (*sighs*). I'll just keep adding more days with less meat. Some days you just need to take a day off and rest.

    cd - good luck with the move. It is hard to move away from family. You will be the cool new wife now that you are doing so great.

    deb - I hope you got your appt rescheduled. I am proud of your son too. Undefeated - WOW.

    lacey - so what do you read? I read everything. Who is your favorite author? What have you read that you didn't like this last month. I love Janet Evanovich as my relaxing fluff read, Brad Meltzer and David Baldacci for good mysteries/suspense, and Diana Gabaldon for a good story.

    I spent 50 min snow shoeing - I am tired now. The fresh air was great. I turned the hot tub as soon as I got home - my muscles so need it. I don't know why I haven't been in it for over a week. I really wanted to cook dinner and have fish but DH reminded me that we really should get rid of all the left overs since we will be out of town this weekend. Oh well, less work for me.

    You are all so crafty. I need to get back into something - I should have crocheted the baby blanket for the shower this weekend but I don't sit still that long anymore:blushing: I would love to find an area to set my stained glass work back up. I am afraid to do it in the main part of the house since the cats are everywhere - I don't want them to step on the shards. As soon as the weather breaks, I will be out digging in the dirt planting flowers and my garden.
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    My daughter either has a parasite or a build up of yeast in her system from all the sicknes and antiobiotics but we got some probiotics and other good all natural stuff that should help her out. It is a long story but for now, YEAY. Something to work with that doesn't include harsh chemicals.

    To celebrate we all went out for cheeseburgers and fries. I about died they were so good. I don't even care that it was so bad for me. I will work out for 90 minutes tonight to make up for it. Well, actually headed to the gym now.

    I read chicklit, fantasy, and everything else. I have a degree in Art History and a degree in Religious Studies so I also read a lot of books that base their stories on those two subjects. Costco is a good place to pick up fictional books with those two subjects in them.
    I think since I am such an avid reader and I've just not been so into reading lately if I don't automatically get into the story immediately I get super frustrated. I don't like books that take 100 pages to get going.
    I also have an audiobook membership and listen to those too on my 30 minute drive to and from work each day and at the gym sometimes too. Like tonight. I won't get thru it all without listening to something other than music!

    I can't wait to get my yard going this year and our veggie garden. Our backyard is a massive work in progress. And I am hoping that this is the year that we make it exactly what we want.

    So...you all might have gone over this before, but what do you all do for a living if you don't mind me asking? I work in the mining and material handling industry.
  • cds2327
    cds2327 Posts: 439
    I love reading Nora Roberts, the Twilight Saga (yes, pathetic i know), the Sookie Stackhouse series (based like tru blood on HBO), David Baldacci, Dan Brown, Patterson, Grishom.

    I currently am a stay at home mommy.....but have my degrees in Elementary Education and am credentialed in three states. I am hoping to get a class again next Fall up in Spokane, but most schools are laying teachers off...not hiring. so, once we are moved, I am going to look for anything that pays the bills.
    Glad to hear your daughter will be ok. so jealous of the cheeseburger!!!!
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    I read a bit of everything. For the past year or so I've been trying to go through the classics I missed reading in school and rereading the ones I've enjoyed. Currently, I'm making my way through the Austen novels, which I never read (*gasp*), but have seen tv/movie adaptations of all of them. I'm on my 5th out of her 6, so I'm almost done. I like a lot of nonfiction as well. Just finished a pretty fab dual biography of queen victoria and prince albert. I'm always up for book recs!
    So...you all might have gone over this before, but what do you all do for a living if you don't mind me asking? I work in the mining and material handling industry.
    I'm a social worker in mental health services research. It's complicated.. work for the federal government on a university study and am primarily based in a primary health care clinic. Confuzzling, but hey... as long as I get a paycheck, it works!