200+ (Week 18) Fling Into Spring!



  • cds2327
    cds2327 Posts: 439
    Morning Ladies!!
    Glad to see there is an ok response to the changing the weigh in day. Personally, i think it is up to aka, as your the one that keeps track of the chart overall. If your cool with it, then I like the 3day flex idea. I guess to make it easy for you...everyone would weigh in by Sunday morning at the latest, so you could update weights. AKA, it's totally up to you. Your such a doll for keeping track anyhow, and i really don't want to make your life harder!!
    Now, that i am writing all of that, I am thinking of how hard it is going to be to track everyone and keep the charts going. Maybe i should take back the idea, and just toughen up on the weekends......lol. Aka, it is up to you, but now I am thinking we shoudl stick with Fridays for ease.....lol

    Anyhow, i woke up and cut up some green/red bell peppers to dip in my roasted red bell pepper hummus later, and cut up cantaloupe, and strawberries. I have some pork ribs in the crock pot for the rest of my family, but i have a piece of salmon i am going to cook for myself. I weighed in this morning (i know, i usually only do it once a week) but i was at 204.5!!! Dancing around!!!!
    off to do my exercise!!
    got my ab exercises
  • makeitallsue
    makeitallsue Posts: 3,086 Member
    On My Gosh....I have so missed everyone...I have pages to catch up on....had a blast with the grandkids this past weekend! We made cookies and I might of had one to many....but the laughing and fun was priceless!!:bigsmile:
    Just got finished with morning chores and trying to get the house back in some type of order after the weekend...things sure get turned upside down and the laundry...it just never ends! It is a muddy mess at our place, no snow for us...we have just had rain, rain and more rain...it is ugly out...can't decide which I would prefer...snow or rain....I'm gonna say snow, it is a lot prettier and better for my mind???
    I still need to work out today....Pinbot,, I love the ab exercises, a lot of these are different from the ones that I have been doing, so I love it..it will really wake those abs up.
    I'm going to get started on my exercise, I have a new track I put on the mp3 from "motion trax"...it's an elliptical workout, I'm going to see how that works...I have never tried it before I usually just listen to music...then I am going to do Shred, I'm going to bump up to the next level 2 and I will also give this ab routine a try....whew...I better get busy then...I also have a wresting meet to go to tonight and I'm not sure what's for dinner yet.........I'll check in later

    Have a great week you fabulous super heros you......:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :drinker: :drinker: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :laugh:
  • makeitallsue
    makeitallsue Posts: 3,086 Member
    haha...cds, we posted at about the same time....I'm off to exercise too.....lets get to it!!!:bigsmile:
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Cd - you are too funny and now I'm hungry. All this talk about food. I'll give aka the credit forthe chart but she start the new threads and I do the chart. It really isn't a problem to have the weigh in over 3 days. It will all be in the same thread and I can handle it.
  • cds2327
    cds2327 Posts: 439
    Cd - you are too funny and now I'm hungry. All this talk about food. I'll give aka the credit forthe chart but she start the new threads and I do the chart. It really isn't a problem to have the weigh in over 3 days. It will all be in the same thread and I can handle it.

    I'm such a *kitten*. ........Sorry!!! My mind is not completely working yet....lol
    Pinbot......if your ok with doing the chart over three days, then I'll post my vote....
    Vote: fri-sun morn weigh in!!

    Ack, now i am really getting on the treadmill!!
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Morning everyone!
    Here in Oregon I have a break from the 6 months of rain and have actually had three sunny days in a row. It's supposed to hold out until Wednesday and then back to rain until May at least most likely. I don't like the rain. At all. But it is what makes everything green and pretty so what can you do.

    I am sore from yard work yesterday. It felt good to get outside and it was good for our daughter to be able to run around and get some fresh air. Of course it froze last night after I had racked all the pine cones, needles and oak leaves off of all the bulbs that are blooming. Hopefully they won't die in the frost. Grrr...

    Tonight after work I'll go to the gym and try some more running and elliptical. I've been doing some different weights than normal and I feel like I get much more out of them and that is nice.

    I like to weigh in Friday. It gives me a chance to recover from the weekends. I didn't eat super bad this weekend but definitely went over my cals. Happens every weekend. I need to get it under control but it is hard.
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    cds- roasted red pepper hummus sounds SO good right now. *drools*

    debra- i'm glad to hear that things went well with the grandkids. we missed you this weekend! a fair warning about step 2 in the 30 day shred... a LOT more plank exercises. As I have no arm strength, they were not fun for me. I hope you enjoy it though!

    lacey- i hope you've been able to get outside in the nice weather! Great job on mixing up the cardio and weight routine... keeps the body guessing!

    So, we now have close to 9 inches of snow on the ground. Blech. Looking forward to going home. My one patient I had today canceled (no surprise), so they day has been dragging. I forgot my book too, so thank you project gutenberg for free e-books!

    So, we'll plan on the thread for the week starting late on Thursday, with weekly weigh-ins being in by Sunday. Peeps can pick which is the best day for them. I'll still start the threads and Pinbot's got the chart covered. Btw, the chart looks great. I was looking at it more closely and WOW.... i sometimes forget how far we've come. We've all done so fabulous! *group hug*
  • cds2327
    cds2327 Posts: 439
    phew ladies. just finished my workout. some of those ab exercise I cant even do.....lol!!! I'm such a weakling!!
    Ran a 5K today on the tready in 41 minutes. not sure how i worked it to be that even of a time, but i'll take it. And, now it is coming to me that I did a 3 minute 3.0 pace walk to start out, so if i had run, i would have been faster maybe, though i probably wouldn't have made it....lol
    Pinot....love the chart......(still feeling like a airhead :blushing:
  • makeitallsue
    makeitallsue Posts: 3,086 Member
    I'm finished too.. Cds....I did that elliptical workout and it went really, really fast and my HRM said I burnt 489 calories in 30 minutes:bigsmile:
    Thanks for the warning AKA...but too late, Jillian killed me, my delts were on fire and the girls wern't to happy with the plank jumping around business..but I can do anything for 30 seconds...right!!!!?????!!!!!:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Yes, Pinbot, that Ab routine is tough...that is great, no wasting time. I had taken my shoes off and that first plank/leg raise I was having trouble with, so I modified with just a plank and held it for the time and then on the last page...that legs out/arms straight and arching back move...I wasn't very coordinated there at all, all things to work on...I felt it! I had my HRM on and it said my heart rate averaged about 110bpm and a burn of 57 calories, for 16 minutes...I keept starting and stopping it while I was working out, it actually took about 30 minutes.....we need one of you talented ladies to make a mix for the mp3 with cues for 60 seconds.....and into to the next routine.....aaaa..if only there where more hours in the day huh?!:wink: I still have to shower...Need to leave in about 1 1/2 hour...try to get back here later...
    I noticed the chart too...we are super heros doing awesome!!!!!!

    More talk of hummus and poor pitiful me I can't find it at my store.....:ohwell:
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    makeit - hummus is SUPER easy to make. can of drained garbanzo beans, evoo and garlic..whatever else you want to add to it. Sun dried tomatoes always taste great. Then just food process or blend it all together until it is creamy. Its way cheaper that way too.
    What elliptical workout are you talking about?? I'd love to burn that many cals in 1/2 an hour. I'll look back thru the posts and see if I can find what you speak of.
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    ellipticals burn calories like whoa. I'm only going by what the machine says (though it does factor in my age and weight) and that sounds about right for calories it's said i've burned. It's been at least a week since I've hopped on the elliptical, especially since I've been running and I've a newfound love for the bike, so I've been adding that to the end of my c25k workouts. Perhaps tomorrow when I do day 2 of week 8, I'll do elliptical and not bike. Depends how pooped out I am. I get a late start on Tuesday due to a late meeting on those days.

    pinbot- i did the ab workout. It was great! Okay, page 4 is sort of a loss for me, no surprise as I have no upper body strength, so I'll need to work on it. I can't push myself up to a lot of the plank positions, but I can situate myself into them.. and then hold for only about 5 seconds, with my arms shaking like whoa. But, hopefully doing it several times a week will work myself up. So check me off for 1/4 for the week!

    I got an hour off work early for the snow (thank you government!), so I was able to get the ab workout in early (I broke a bit of a sweat. took me about 25 min). Plan to take a catnap as the olympics will go late tonight. Also makes mac and cheese for grown ups from my vegetarian times magazine for dinner. Adds spinach. Yum! Also will make a salad as well. Need my rough-age for the day!
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Well then. I guess it is time to start pushing myself a bit harder on the elliptical. Sometimes I get going and get that high HR and burn more cals that way, but other days I am content to just stay in my mid range. I've been content last week to only burn right around 450-500 cals. That is part of the reason why I changed up the routine last week and added in the planks and side planks.

    I also sit like a chair against the wall and do arm curls. Now THAT is good exercise. Everyone should try it. It gives you an ab work out and an arm work out..especially in the Oprah flab area (underarm).

    I can hold regular planks twice for 30+ seconds each. Side planks? I need to try them before I do the regular ones and see if I get better at them. If I try them after the regular my upper body is shot and I can't hold.

    I'm still a bit confused as to what is the best route to go for working out. I see a whole lot of people on here say that to lose body fat you need to focus on cardio...and that weights are more for long term weight loss and muscle building.

    Dinner: Cafe Yumm style bowls which have brown rice, kidney beans, tomato, cilantro, Yumm sauce, olives, avocado and salsa all layered up. And icecream later which I factored in and is my inspiration to work my buttooty off tonight at the gym.
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    I also posted this as a status update cause it made me feel so good but I have to post it to you girls too

    As soon as I got off the elliptical tonight, the guy beside me got off his too. He started cleaning his machine off as I was gathering my stuff so I could clean mine (mp3 player, phone, hrm, water bottle). He was about to hand me the cleaner and just waved it off and wiped down my machine for me. I said "Thank you" and he said "you're welcome. THANKS FOR PUSHING ME" I was pushing someone to workout harder and I didn't even know it

    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • mish3131
    mish3131 Posts: 276 Member
    Ok, worked on the treadmill today for 30 minutes. So far this time around I am doing well with it. Now I am ready for a nap.
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    blombie - that's just so great. Hearing your story made my day:bigsmile:

    mish - keep it. Take it one day at a time. Before you know, you will be meeting your goals.

    lacey - it easy to be confused on how to work out. I try to do a circuit toning at least twice a week for some light resistance training (weights or bands) while getting in some cardio. I recommend that you add some resistance training at this stage. But, not that you dedicated all of your time to strength training. I figure when I get down to 170 or 180, I will dedicate more time to strengthening and toning. Debra has done done P90X which is a great for toning. Maybe she can shed some light on the workouts. The wall slide and hold is favorite of mine to give clients for leg strengthening. The quad burn is amazing.

    kristina - sometimes, I wish I worked for the government. I would have loved and hour off (*sigh*)... (can you hear the jealousy?)

    debra - look for hummus in the deli section in chilled coolers that have goat cheese, bree, salami, guacamole, etc. The tops of these coolers have specialty crackers. If I can find it in rural MI, it has to be in the stores near you. Good luck and let me know if you find it and what you think of it. I have never been able to make it at home to taste as good as store bought.

    I did the ab workout again today. It is pretty tough and even though the rule is you can work your abs out everyday (vs strengthening of arms and legs where you do every other day), I am going to recommend giving your core muscles a break and take at least a day off. So I am revising the challenge to be - do the ab exercises 2 to 3 times a week :wink: At least the weather looks better today.

    Have a great Tuesday. My morning is wonderful since I finally have the water weight from sore abs and bad eating out of my system. It is frustrating to keep jumping in/out of the hundred club and knowing that you have done it to yourself. I actually had almost 4000 mg sodium one day:noway: :grumble: I can't wait for Friday:ohwell: If I don't screw it up, it will be another great week. Today for lunch I have a falafel sandwich compliments of DH - It looks so good. Gotta run to get ready for work.
  • makeitallsue
    makeitallsue Posts: 3,086 Member
    Blombie, how totally awesome, that would make me feel fantastic knowing I inspired someone, so worth it!! :flowerforyou: :drinker: that has to make you want to get back there!!
    Mish, way to stay in motion!!!
    Lacey, thanks for the recipe, I'm going to pick the items up and try that....I hear everyone just loves it.
    about the work out I did yesterday, I have been trying to do more interval training, they say that is a good way to burn fat. I found a website that lets you download podcasts for free and I found a routine that was interval training, it was in fitness mag, called "how to drop a pant size' i DOWNLOADED THE THIRD WORKOUT , ...oops sorry about caps lock there:laugh: :laugh: , anyhoo you can use it while doing the elliptical, or biking and I found it really shot my HR up, I wasn't getting the same results on my own...having someone telling me, or maybe it was the music, but I really moved it when I needed too:bigsmile:


    above is the link, you do have to register, and once you do you'll have tons to choose from.....like I said the one I tried was "drop a pant size' the third in the series....not sure if it was because it was new, but it went really fast I loved it and I am going back to pick one out for today I think....speaking of today.....I need to get outdoors to do my chores and such....
    then I'm ready to bring it, we will be on the road again late tonight.....hope everyone is having a great week!!!

    oh, Lacey one more thing....I heard that 1 pound of fat burns 5 calories and 1 pound of muscle burns 60 calories....so I'm thinking in the long run, building muscle has you burning more calories while even at rest. So I strength train at least 4 times a week, but as you build those muscles the weight is slow to come off on the scale, I started picking up the cardio too, to keep the scale moving...but then you also have to make sure your eating enough or the scale will stop again....it's hit and miss and try again, everyone's body is different and I would suggest you keep a journal and try new things, give it time and repeat what works. I am finding that sodium and carbs will really shoot my weight back up, so I am trying to limit those in my diet and I make sure I do at least 30 minutes of cardio everyday or the scale does not budge for me. I have trouble with making sure I eat enough, I understand why I have to...some days I just have trouble doing it, but I am getting better!:wink:

    AKA, I feel asleep during the olympics....I woke up and sord of remember USA taking gold in skating....:laugh: :laugh: I was so out of it...
    Have a great Tuesday Super Hero Pals....I'm off to get moving!
  • makeitallsue
    makeitallsue Posts: 3,086 Member

    debra - look for hummus in the deli section in chilled coolers that have goat cheese, bree, salami, guacamole, etc. The tops of these coolers have specialty crackers. If I can find it in rural MI, it has to be in the stores near you. Good luck and let me know if you find it and what you think of it. I have never been able to make it at home to taste as good as store bought.

    I did the ab workout again today. It is pretty tough and even though the rule is you can work your abs out everyday (vs strengthening of arms and legs where you do every other day), I am going to recommend giving your core muscles a break and take at least a day off. So I am revising the challenge to be - do the ab exercises 2 to 3 times a week :wink: At least the weather looks better today.

    Have a great Tuesday. My morning is wonderful since I finally have the water weight from sore abs and bad eating out of my system. It is frustrating to keep jumping in/out of the hundred club and knowing that you have done it to yourself. I actually had almost 4000 mg sodium one day:noway: :grumble: I can't wait for Friday:ohwell: If I don't screw it up, it will be another great week. Today for lunch I have a falafel sandwich compliments of DH - It looks so good. Gotta run to get ready for work.
    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
    Pinbot, our great minds were working at the same time this morning, I posted right after you...:wink:
    thanks, I will ask the deli counter next time, I will probably head to town tomorrow I have to pick up some things for the wrestling team for Saturday, we have an all day meet. Have a great day.
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Thank god the olympics only last 2 weeks. I'm struggling staying up to watch. Normally, I'll get up as soon as my alarm goes off (not much of a snoozer). This morning I turned it off and it took me 30 minutes to finally shuffle my way from bed to shower. It was pretty pathetic. Plus, I was feeling pretty fat this morning. I'm not actually up in weight at all, but just one of those days where one feels huge. :sad:

    I'll at least get my running in today, but will hopefully get in a bit extra cardio as well, as I only did the ab exercises yesterday (will plan to do them MWF, and one day on the weekend, so only 2x this week before weigh-in, sorry pinbot! will get into a set schedule)

    Sounds like everyone is doing well. Blombie, your story completely made my day yesterday :heart: debra, that podcast sounds interesting. I might have to check it out.

    Can you believe it's only Tuesday morning and we're already on page 4 of this week? we're unstoppable!! :tongue:
  • makeitallsue
    makeitallsue Posts: 3,086 Member
    Just an update on the podcast....the one I did I found after I linked on the "fitness mag" link, then it was episode #18 of "drop a jean size in 09".....there are so many didn't want anyone to get lost......:wink:
    now I really am getting outdoors....
  • mish3131
    mish3131 Posts: 276 Member
    Well, she seems like she will be here sometime in the next week. All my symptoms are starting to show which really sucks for weigh in. My weight can fluctuate anywhere from 2 to 7 pounds! I am sure everyone understands where I am coming from. Although on the bright side it would be nice to see my body acting normal again.

    Here is something for everyone to keep in mind. I have to remind myself constantly about it (in a good way).

    I look at my profile and see I was 237.8 when I started and I am now at 202.9. Now I think man, I have so much work to do and get a bit down over it. Then I realized something by what someone said. They said I was there inspiration because they are where I was when I started and have lost 33% of my goal weight. I was in awe. I never thought I could inspire someone until a person actually said that. It never dawned on me that the people I friended on here for that very reason would someday be me to someone else.