What's wrong with her husband?



  • corn63
    corn63 Posts: 1,580 Member
    Forgot to mention one thing, he's always putting her last. When he goes to school, he stays several hours after to hang with friends. He goes out, most of the time with school or work friends, unless they actually have to go somewhere, they never go out together, he's actually stood her up on date nights that he planned to hang out with his friends. He puts everything before her, including damn tv shows. Hell, they don't even sleep in bed together, ones on the couch, the other is in the bed.

    Apparently asking them WTF is out of the question for you to do? Since you keep avoiding that comment.
  • StaceyJ2008
    StaceyJ2008 Posts: 411 Member
    Forgot to mention one thing, he's always putting her last. When he goes to school, he stays several hours after to hang with friends. He goes out, most of the time with school or work friends, unless they actually have to go somewhere, they never go out together, he's actually stood her up on date nights that he planned to hang out with his friends. He puts everything before her, including damn tv shows. Hell, they don't even sleep in bed together, ones on the couch, the other is in the bed.

    This doesn't matter. If she isn't happy then she should get out. Apparently she's comfy with whatever money he supports her with. Idk, just a crazy situation.
  • BrettPGH
    BrettPGH Posts: 4,720 Member
    Forgot to mention one thing, he's always putting her last. When he goes to school, he stays several hours after to hang with friends. He goes out, most of the time with school or work friends, unless they actually have to go somewhere, they never go out together, he's actually stood her up on date nights that he planned to hang out with his friends. He puts everything before her, including damn tv shows. Hell, they don't even sleep in bed together, ones on the couch, the other is in the bed.

    Tell yourself whatever you have to there pal, you're only trying to justify your actions. Hope you don't find out what a Magnum tastes like.

    The gun or the condom.
  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member
    Sounds like they are in an open marriage. Why don't you just ask her? Communication is important and you need to know where you stand/what the rules are with this relationship. I dont think you shouid assume he is gay, there are a lot of different types of marriage/relationships out there---no big deal. If it is indeed open and you are okay with being the 3rd and everyone else is okay with it then what is the problem? You said she treats you well-so just enjoy.

    ^^^Yes, this.
  • madworld1
    Forgot to mention one thing, he's always putting her last. When he goes to school, he stays several hours after to hang with friends. He goes out, most of the time with school or work friends, unless they actually have to go somewhere, they never go out together, he's actually stood her up on date nights that he planned to hang out with his friends. He puts everything before her, including damn tv shows. Hell, they don't even sleep in bed together, ones on the couch, the other is in the bed.

    Tell yourself whatever you have to there pal, you're only trying to justify your actions. Hope you don't find out what a Magnum tastes like.

    The gun or the condom.

    Good one! :flowerforyou:
  • mtiheartmuscle
    So have you recently run a statistical comparison of success rate of long-term polyamorous marriages vs long term traditional marriages? If you find one, I'd love to read it.

    Holy crap are you kidding me? You equate "normal" with "most successful"? *round of applause* And to the six sigma black belt, I've never met a six sigma black belt who could even tell me what sigma means in statistics without using google.

    da faq, you're right. I don't even know what the heck sigma means. I run reports, boring, boring, boring. Then I go home, lift things up, then put them down.
  • Cathymic2004
    Forgot to mention one thing, he's always putting her last. When he goes to school, he stays several hours after to hang with friends. He goes out, most of the time with school or work friends, unless they actually have to go somewhere, they never go out together, he's actually stood her up on date nights that he planned to hang out with his friends. He puts everything before her, including damn tv shows. Hell, they don't even sleep in bed together, ones on the couch, the other is in the bed.

    Tell yourself whatever you have to there pal, you're only trying to justify your actions. Hope you don't find out what a Magnum tastes like.

    The gun or the condom.

    ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ I love it....yes yes yes
  • edge_dragoncaller
    edge_dragoncaller Posts: 826 Member
    Maybe he can't "perform" or get her pregnant and they're using you as a donor? Maybe he married her for a green card or to take her out of some desperate situation? Maybe they have a open marriage? Or maybe he really is gay. Sounds like an odd arrangement in any case; however he sounds like he's aware of what's going on and supports it.

    Still, the best answer would come from them.

    ^^^ This

    The only way to avoid surprise and hurt at some point is going to be asking questions, and the first one should be "Umm, wtf is going on here??"
  • kaotik26
    kaotik26 Posts: 590 Member
    Sounds like she and her husband need to work on some things. He obviously knows but for some reason doesn't want to confront her about it, possibly because he doesn't care. It's a weird place to be for you. I have a couple of friends who are like that. They are OPEN so to speak because he is bisexual but they never get attached to anybody besides eachother...yet. But being in a relationship like that I can see she is missing out a lot because she does get pushed to the back burner a lot. Like I said, it's something for them to deal with and you getting involved is going to end badly I think.
  • tashjs21
    tashjs21 Posts: 4,584 Member
    Forgot to mention one thing, he's always putting her last. When he goes to school, he stays several hours after to hang with friends. He goes out, most of the time with school or work friends, unless they actually have to go somewhere, they never go out together, he's actually stood her up on date nights that he planned to hang out with his friends. He puts everything before her, including damn tv shows. Hell, they don't even sleep in bed together, ones on the couch, the other is in the bed.

    So she tells you. :huh:
  • Mr_Bad_Example
    Mr_Bad_Example Posts: 2,403 Member
    Maybe it's just me... but the OP's story sounds completely made-up. As they say on the Internet, "Pics or it didn't happen."
  • HannahsBestLife
    HannahsBestLife Posts: 209 Member
    so i'm like 99% sure that some time in the next couple months, you're gonna get invited to have a 3some with them and you're going to have butt sex.
  • maab_connor
    maab_connor Posts: 3,927 Member
    so i'm like 99% sure that some time in the next couple months, you're gonna get invited to have a 3some with them and you're going to have butt sex.

    i'm pretty sure you're psychic. b/c that IS going to happen.
  • Hellbent_Heidi
    Hellbent_Heidi Posts: 3,669 Member
    Forgot to mention one thing, he's always putting her last. When he goes to school, he stays several hours after to hang with friends. He goes out, most of the time with school or work friends, unless they actually have to go somewhere, they never go out together, he's actually stood her up on date nights that he planned to hang out with his friends. He puts everything before her, including damn tv shows. Hell, they don't even sleep in bed together, ones on the couch, the other is in the bed.

    So she tells you. :huh:
    and she's clearly a very trustworthy woman....who cheats on her husband with a guy she met online....
  • Jpinpoint
    Jpinpoint Posts: 219 Member
    Sounds like a polyamorous situation.

    But I wouldn't be asking what's wrong with him, what's wrong with YOU? You're pursuing a married woman and allowing yourself to be a kept man BY a married woman.

    There is a difference between an open relationship and a polyamorous relationship.

    This situation this OP has described is neither.
  • BeeElMarvin
    BeeElMarvin Posts: 2,086 Member
    My life is sooo boring.

    Thank God.
  • Jpinpoint
    Jpinpoint Posts: 219 Member
    Maybe it's just me... but the OP's story sounds completely made-up. As they say on the Internet, "Pics or it didn't happen."

    It's too tragic to be made up. Or is it?


    Sometimes I'm happy that I'm old and have no game.
  • iulia_maddie
    iulia_maddie Posts: 2,780 Member
    Change the topic to "What's wrong with me/the chick i'm dating?" . You'll get better answers.
  • ChasingAmyLiz
    ChasingAmyLiz Posts: 145 Member

  • sdereski
    sdereski Posts: 3,406 Member
    Most entertaining thread I've read in a while. :wink: