It 2010 Please Join me Part 2!...My lovely Group!



  • Jaymie
    Jaymie Posts: 235 Member
    Ok just letting everyone know how Im going with this weeks exercise challenge

    Monday - 30mins Jogging
    Tuesday off
    Wednesday - 40mins Cross Trainer
    Thursday - 40mins Cross Trainer

    Wow I cant believe I have done 3 days of exercising!
    I think I might actually be enjoying the cross trainer its low impact on my knees but burns as many calories as jogging I love it!!
  • chipgal
    chipgal Posts: 140 Member
    Hello every one.

    I did 4 30 minute workouts last week. and went a KM further each ride. (Do not know how to change it to miles) Will stay 4 times this week. MWFSat are best, already did Monday.

  • Jaymie
    Jaymie Posts: 235 Member
    Well done Chipgal!!!

    Tomorrow morning will be my 4th day of exercise. its saturday and my gym opens later so I will do some Jillian micheals 30day shred. Not sure how many calories i will burn but oh well it is better than nothing.

    One day I will get myself a polar HRM they are just a tad too pricey down in NZ :frown:
  • Myth
    Myth Posts: 299 Member
    WTG CHIP, Jaymie and Thalia honey it takes time like anything else. YOu can do it just take it one day at a time or 1 hour at a time if you have to!

    mon- treadmill & jogg in neighborhood
    tue - treadmill
    wed - spinning
    thu - treadmill & jogg in neighborhood
    Fri - Hopefully spinning :) .....
  • chipgal
    chipgal Posts: 140 Member
    Myth, What is spinning? Sounds like a lot of fun.

    What is next weeks challenge?

  • Keltinator
    Keltinator Posts: 265
    hello everyone :) haven't posted in a while but I've been logging in. Job ends monday, so after that I'll start participating in exercise challenges. Sounds like things are picking up and everybody is doing well!

    The weather's been super awesome in Vancouver for the past few weeks and all the Vancouverites are definitely soaking it up! I think after my job ends, I'm going to try going jogging in the early morning, since it's always so beautiful around then. I'm lucky to live right next to a park that's great for running and biking in...

    I was wondering if we could start adding a food component to our challenges?
  • Jaymie
    Jaymie Posts: 235 Member
    Hi Everyone Exercise-wise Ive been pretty good this week!!

    Monday - 30mins Jogging
    Tuesday off
    Wednesday - 40mins Cross Trainer
    Thursday - 40mins Cross Trainer
    Friday - 40min cross training
    Saturday - Jillian Michaels
    Sunday - 40min Jogging and Cross Training

    Eating - wise I was a shocker during the weekend! I had a couple of birthday parties and I just couldnt control myself! But I only had 1 glass of wine so I did try very very hard!! But I guess not good enough because my food/calorie intake still went off the radar arrghhhhh!!!!

    Ok Eek thanks for the wake up call on the food department!

    Next weeks challenge - 4 days of exercise! and 6 days of staying within or under your calorie allowance!!! For those of you who already are doing this - THATS AWESOME KEEP IT UP!!! but for me and any others that still struggle with watching our portions

  • Jaymie
    Jaymie Posts: 235 Member
    Ok next weeks challenge is a TOUGH ONE but I think we can all do it!! 4 days of exercise plus 6 days of mindful eating!

    I think it would also be a great idea for us to think about why we are doing this. What is motivating you?

    For me:

    Im tired of lugging around this extra weight - It makes me tired (physically and mentally). I have been thinner before and I had so much energy! I miss that! I want that energy again!
    I dont want to have to buy bigger jeans - I really want to feel comfortable in my jeans again!! Actually it would be fabulous if I could feel comfortable in any of my outfits again! Its aweful having to wear baggy tops just to hide the rolls!
    My wedding dress!!! arggghhh I have a wedding coming up next year (March) I have got to SLIM down for my gown. All eyes are on the bride (i hate attention - why cant they look at the groom instead!).
    My self confidence - Being lighter just gave me so much confidence in myself. I just felt good from the inside out. I miss that... So those are a few of the reasons why Im going to try so hard this time round!!!

    If you want something bad enough you can make it happen!
  • Myth
    Myth Posts: 299 Member
    Chip Spinning and fun are 2 words that do not go together! ROFL It is the stationary bike class where you peddal your *kitten* off and go no where ROFL! But I love my teacher! She makes it fun and go by fast. It def burns a lot of calories!
  • Myth
    Myth Posts: 299 Member
    Jaymie... YOUR GETTING MARRIED!! YOU WILL FIT IN THAT DRESS! Put that dress in front of you and watch the buff bride show on lifetime or one of those damn channels ROFL Yes all eyes will be on you hun but the most important eyes will be his. If I am correct what matters to him is how happy you are. RIght now you aint so happy. Just imagine how much less stress it will be if you slim down before the final countdown and the only stuff you will have to worry about will be the wedding details and not your butt! :) YOu can do this lady!
  • Myth
    Myth Posts: 299 Member
    ok as for the challenge you know I am in!
    4 days of exercise and 6 days of being on or under count! (dear god please dont let my hubby cook this week even though he got himself a new chinese cooking book please let him be to busy! amen!) ROFL
  • Myth
    Myth Posts: 299 Member
    Eek, you suck :) cause our weather here has been hot as h*ll! But i have still gone out at like 730 at night when it is only in the 80's and gone running,lol. Enjoy your weather chica!
  • Keltinator
    Keltinator Posts: 265
    Tough challenge! But I'm in. Should kick my butt to stop being so lazy about eating habits...

    My inspiration, huh...

    To just look better in general and be more confident about my appearance
    Build a better future... to correct bad habits now so I don't have to later
    Be a better athlete and set a good example so the ladies can look up to their captain
    I don't have any guy I'm seeing now but I feel like if I improve my quality of life, the guys I'll attract will be a better quality too. lol, I dunno about that one. But being honest, I think about it sometimes...

    well, there we go. Maybe I should write that down somewhere...
  • Jaymie
    Jaymie Posts: 235 Member

    Thank you for your kind words. Your very supportive! My fiancee is happy with me no matter what size but to alleviate some stress it would be nice not to burst out of my wedding dress LOL!!!

    Wow your hubby is cooking! You gotta give him some credit for that! But I know what you mean when some hubbies cook.. If he is anything like my guy who happens to likes his 'abundant olive oil'!

    Keep up with the spin classes I hear they are tough (never tried myself) but will be well worth it for you!!
  • Jaymie
    Jaymie Posts: 235 Member

    Great to have you on board for this weeks challenge. Its a tough one but Im sure you will do fine!

    Yes I think you will attract a very fine guy, especially if you build that self confidence. When your happy with yourself thats when I think you will find Mr Right for you!! Somehow he is always there when you least expect it! For now focus on improving those habits and loving yourself!

    .....You ladies are HOT over there???? Its been averaging about 1-2degress (celcius) during the middle of the night here... I envy you ladies. What Id give to be able to wear a skirt instead of these thermals argghhh
  • Jaymie
    Jaymie Posts: 235 Member
    So Who else would like to join our challenge this week?

    EXERCISE 30mins (any shape or form that requires you to break a sweat) 4 days this week
    EATING (within or slightly under your calorie allowance) 6 days this week

    This is a tough challenge but if you really want to make a change you gotta start somewhere. Remember it takes about 3weeks (21 days) to form a habit so lets just start with this week.... baby steps!!!!

  • Keltinator
    Keltinator Posts: 265
    So, day one of this week's challenge almost over... I'll be under my cals for today for sure... I have like 800 left for dinner :P

    Monday - Biking off and on between 8:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.

    And the weather was beautiful again today! Sunny all day. But honestly I like the winter better... mostly because it's easier to have fun with clothing when there are more layers to play with :P . The novelty of wearing skirts and tee shirts wears out pretty quickly, lol.
  • Keltinator
    Keltinator Posts: 265
    ...right after I posted that, I was reminded I had soccer practise today, too... :indifferent: so now I'm completely tired out but under cals for the day. :wink:
  • Jaymie
    Jaymie Posts: 235 Member
    WOW Eek your really a litter sporter!! Good on you!!

    I should find a sport to get into.. fitness made fun is always the best way

    Tonight we went out for tea so I have gone over my daily allowance by about 100 OUCH!!! So for the rest of the week I have to either bump up my exercise or really watch what I eat hmmmm............
  • Keltinator
    Keltinator Posts: 265
    100's not that bad! of course we can't start thinking like that though because then it'll be 200's not too bad and soon everything will be out of control!!

    So, my week's looking ok...

    Monday - Biking for work, under calories
    Tuesday - Biking with friend for an hour, over calories (ack.)
    Wednesday (today) - Golfing, played 13 holes (it was too hot to play by that time), calories looking good, but I'm not gonna jynx it...

    Hope everybody's doing ok with the challenge!