It 2010 Please Join me Part 2!...My lovely Group!



  • chipgal
    chipgal Posts: 140 Member
    Hello everyone,

    Eek sorry you are getting rain and you missed the snow. My friend just returned from an Alaska cruise and said it rained the whole trip.

    Welcome Kizzym, we usually have a weekly challenge to watch a particular eating pattern and change gradually.

  • Keltinator
    Keltinator Posts: 265
    Hey everybody :)

    I'm super pumped becasue summer has officially begun for me! And I wanted to tell youabout my job I'm doing for the summer. Pretty much, I ride around on my bicycle and put pesticides (mosquito) in the drains by the side of the road. It's a great find job-wise in my opinion. Not only am I gonna be active, but they're also paying me 12 bucks an hour... :D I''m excited for it to start!!!

    Hope everyone's doing well.
  • chipgal
    chipgal Posts: 140 Member
    Great EEKis4Keltinator :bigsmile: Glad you are getting paid to excersise. Like your new picture.

  • chipgal
    chipgal Posts: 140 Member
    Hello everybody, will send everyone an email if this goes 6 days again :flowerforyou:

    Doing ok right now, getting a group together for a shallow water arobics class.

  • Keltinator
    Keltinator Posts: 265
    oh, where oh where is everybody? i've been on and off, got some oral surgery done on thurs so haven't really been logging food until today. i'm doing well... hope everyone's enjoying summer! i'm heading up to osoyoos on canada day for the weekend with my family. hopefully i'll find a computer there to log on...
  • Jaymie
    Jaymie Posts: 235 Member
    Hello everyone!!!!

    I see everyone has been doing very well and managing to keep the numbers down.. Congrats everyone!!

    I have been out of the scene for a while! I really need to get my A** back into shape!!!!!!

    My first goal will be to call my gym this week and restart my fitness routine!!!

    Its so easy to fall off the bandwagon DIFFICULT to get back into it (where do I start!!)
  • Keltinator
    Keltinator Posts: 265
    Welcome back, Jaymie! It's been a while :)

    lol, we all know how easy it is to just stop for a while... kudos for coming back! good luck making it to the gym this week!!
  • Jaymie
    Jaymie Posts: 235 Member
    Thanks EEK!!

    today is the first time in a long time I have been under in my food diary. I just got so lazy and I just stopped caring! Its winter in NewZealand. So its very cold! all I want to do is have some warm comfort food!!!

    How is your tooth? Has the oral surgery made it alot harder to eat?

    I hope all you northern hemisphere'ers are enjoying the summer.. Its a long winter down here

  • Jaymie
    Jaymie Posts: 235 Member

    Im sorry to hear about your grandfather! I hope you have been looking after yourself. Dont beat yourself up if you slipped with the food diary. I have been away for a while and I have put on a lot more weight (MY PANTS ARE TIGHT AGAIN). My fiance just came home from hospital so I have been emotionally eating for a while.. Sometimes you just have to get through somehow.. but the key is to eventually pick yourself up again and keep going..

    Dont give it!!
  • Jaymie
    Jaymie Posts: 235 Member
    Hi Myth and Chipgal
    How you lovely ladies doing? It does seem like we all have had a few ups and downs the last couple of months.
    I hope you both are doing well and staying motivated.

    Take care
  • chipgal
    chipgal Posts: 140 Member
    Thanks Jaymie. Have a new stationary bicycle and am up to 15 minutes every other day. Is helping my thighs look better. Glad you posted a note. Have a safe 4th of July.

  • Keltinator
    Keltinator Posts: 265
    Hey everybody :)

    Where's Myth? She hasn't logged on for a while... :cry: Well anyhow, Hope everybody had a good weekend! I went on vacation to Osoyoos with my family and enjoyed the sun (and ice cream... oops. lol).

    Today was the first day of my new job! Spent four and a half hours on my bicycle! I only logged an hour and forty minutes though. I really doubted that I had burned over a thousand calories, which is what MFP calculated. I think they're a bit generous with the whole calories burned thing. The weather wasn't too warm which was good... no heat stroke lol.

    As for the oral surgery I healed pretty well. It did make eating hard for a while, and of course I wasn't very hungry for a couple days after anyways. I think I consumed almost a whole can of ginger ale on the first day. Not exactly 1200 calories... haha. But I'm back to normal now. :)

    Have a good week everybody! :flowerforyou:
  • chipgal
    chipgal Posts: 140 Member
    I sent mail to Myth and she is busy with children and parents this summer. Says she is doing alright will get back to us when things settle down.

    Glad to see you back from vacation Eek.

  • Keltinator
    Keltinator Posts: 265
    Oh, thanks for getting in contact with Myth, chipgal. Glad she's still somewhat with us :)
  • Jaymie
    Jaymie Posts: 235 Member
    Trying to get back into the routine I was in last year.... ie exercising and eating well... its HARD!!!

    I am definately a morning exercise person.

    Are you guys mainly AM or PM exercisers????
  • Myth
    Myth Posts: 299 Member
    Eek, congrats on the new Job! Glad surgery healing is going good and fast.

    Jaymie, hope your fiance is doing better, as far as exercise in the am or pm during the school year am... during the summer as soon as I find out ill let you know lol

    Chip have fun on that bike!

    Thalia how are you doin?

    Amanda what about U?

    ok now for my story... I AM LOSING MY HAIR! :( Literally falling out! Hubby says stress....I say it has been falling out since I had kids and has not stopped although latley even more has been comming out. :cry: :cry: :cry: SO I went to dr cause I also have some shoulder injury in my rotater cuff and some thing with my hamstring ugh!!! :sad: any way went to dr did bunch of blood work.. what do you know NORMAL!! I say NOT!!! SO now I have to go to dermatologist. I do have my sister and my father living with us.... but dad leaves on TUesday to move to Florida, we will miss him, while it has been great haveing a extra hand and someone to watch the kids there is other family stress. But he will be gone and it will only be my sister in whom I worry about her like I do my own kids and she is only a year and a half younger then me lol. But who knows ... Any way in order to remotivate myself I will might be joining weight watchers with some friends. Ill let you all know how that goes.
    Ladies it ment alot to see you all asking about me! THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!! :heart: :heart:

  • Keltinator
    Keltinator Posts: 265
    Glad to see you back, Myth! Definitely let us know how the weight watchers thing goes :)

    I'm so tired, I don't know what to say... lol. But, tomorrow's Friday! Yay!

    And Jaymie, I'm an evening exerciser... I'm just way too lazy in the morning :P
  • Jaymie
    Jaymie Posts: 235 Member
    Hi Guys
    When I use to exercise I was a morning person, so I am trying to get back into that routine as it worked for me before (and Im hoping it will work again). However I read an article last night about eating before exercising. Apparently its a 'no no' to exercise on an empty stomache. But I just find eating at 6am then exercising will make me feel sick and I really dont have time to wake up an hour extra early just to eat and let my stomache rest before I exercise.
    So now I am thinking maybe I should start jogging or doing my strength training in the evening... hmmmm what to do???
  • Jaymie
    Jaymie Posts: 235 Member
    When I lost weight last year... my hair started falling out (ALOT!). But then I was overly stressed last year as well. I did a few blood test to rule out hormones vs stress and it did turn out my thyroids were under active.
    How are your thyroid levels??

    Stress is such a shocker!!! can cause every part of us to brake down!

    I hope you feel better soon! :flowerforyou:
  • Myth
    Myth Posts: 299 Member

    All my blood work came back fine :( SO stress is causeing some latley I cant believe its cause the before now hair loss SO my dr has me going to a dermatologist although my nurse friend said I need to call them and say no schedule me for an endocronologist cause she just had to do that for a patient for the same thing. SO we will see. One thing I can say for weight watchers is there etools site for tracking is very user friendly! SO far I am counting the points but it is so fricken wierd lol.
    I have even exercised for 3 days in a row now and plan to do it tmrw as well. I feel like I am getting back in to it, I have even been drinking more water!

    LAdies I hope you are all doing well.
