It 2010 Please Join me Part 2!...My lovely Group!



  • Myth
    Myth Posts: 299 Member
    Chip, yes i do need a vacationf rom my vacation only because I do get cold soars usually after whtever sickness I have goes away. Well this is the first itme ever that my lip got sunburned and I broke out in like 4 cold soars. It is so painful I was crying this morning and went to the dr. But the vaca was great the beach was awsome and FLorida was beautiful :)

    wow ok so I got the new Hungry girl book yesterday and decided to try some recipes today. Some for me and some for my kids,lol She has a few in there I wont eat but my family will. My only issue with her recipes is she uses artificial sweetner and I dont like them... well for the most part I dont. So I use real sugar instead. I know it is more calories and maybe different for my blood sugar but that is ok with me. I like her 200 under 200 cookbook as well. I like getting new cookbooks cause then cookeing and thinking about food is not such a drag anymore for a small period of time,lol.
    No exercise for me today tmrw or wednesday I will try for THursday depending on how I feel. On a good note, my weight I am still shocked was still down in 135! Crossing my fingers for this Friday to be in 134.
    Thalia I think it was you who said about changing up your calories and I would suggest her books for that. They work well for that. I think she also works well for like 5 small meals a day. Although I do not think she does a lot of veggies,lol I have to incorporate those myself,lol.
  • chipgal
    chipgal Posts: 140 Member
    Myth, I went to panama city long time ago and played lots of minature golf and rode many rides, do they still have lots of "parks" as they call them? Glad you weighed ok sounds like you had a great time.

  • Myth
    Myth Posts: 299 Member
    CHip, ya they still have lots of golf and there was an amusment park type thing that is gone but a different one is there.
  • chipgal
    chipgal Posts: 140 Member
    Myth, Have you recovered? Glad to hear they still play miniture golf, know your chicks liked it.

    Thalia, Did you break the 200 mark?

    Hope everyone is staying on track.

  • Myth
    Myth Posts: 299 Member
    I am recovering, on last load of laundry tonight thank god,lol. I weigh in tmrw morning and I am hopeing for 134.something lol. I will be ezxtatic, but I will just have to maintain it over the weekend, we have friends comming over and hubby an dI will be cooing lord help me,lol.
  • NewBeginning2010
    NewBeginning2010 Posts: 235 Member
    Hi all. Weigh ins tomorrow and ill be lucky to be down more than one pound. that seems to be the trend. I worked 108 hrs this last pay period so didnt go to the gym....agaian. Ill let you know how it goes tomorrow.
  • Myth
    Myth Posts: 299 Member
    yaaayyy I lost a whole pound! but it is bitter sweet :) becasue 2 days ago I was 134 even somehow it went up a little! I dont want it to go up I have a hard weekend comming up where we are going to have over friends and food and I dont want it to go up ahhhh!!! But I have been at this for 4 months and am not giving up it is comming off little by little and I am still eating for me :)
  • chipgal
    chipgal Posts: 140 Member
    Thalia, when did you sleep and eat if you worked so many hours?

    Myth, glad you prepare for visits and know what is ahead. Just remember moderation and you can enjoy visits.

    Eek, How you doing?

  • NewBeginning2010
    NewBeginning2010 Posts: 235 Member
    I slept the days i had off which werent many.....i am having trouble though of not going to the restroom and my back lower back fact i got on the scale wed and it said 203 and today when i had to record it was back to 205 my last week weight....i feel though that my body is retaining fluids and other crap....literally....any suggestions?

    If i eliminate i will weigh in tomorrow and use that weight it will be my first official non friday weigh in but i know todays wasnt accurate. if tomorrow says 205 still ill call it a loss and say i didnt lose anything this week.
  • chipgal
    chipgal Posts: 140 Member
    I had a scare last week, my weight changed by 10 pounds overnight and my ankles were very puffy. Called the Dr. and he said to drink only water and eat fruit (no meat or dairy) and if I still had puffy ankles to come see him. I went on water/fruit diet and by the next morning my weight had gone back down 15 pounds and my ankles were back to normal. Do not suggest it because it was hard and I went to the bathroom many times. When you work you do not have a chance to go to bathroom all the time. I have a real nice boss and I told him the day I worked that I probably would be in the bathroom some and he laughed and said ok.

  • Myth
    Myth Posts: 299 Member
    omg chip! Im glad you are ok, and ya I am in the bathrooom enough as is peeing like a prego lady lol.

    Thalia, honey working so much little sleep aqnd probably crappy eating??? Sweet heart does not make a good recipe for weight loss dork lol. Other words do not fret when you get normal eating sleeping and working it will work it self out!

    Eek, hope all well chica :)

    we will se how I do on fRIDAY I had a few drinks last night but really tried to watch my food. I also want to try to hit the gym this week though. Ill keep you all up to date on that :)
  • chipgal
    chipgal Posts: 140 Member
    If it ever quits raining here I'll start water arobics and that will help firm up flab.

    Thanks Myth, now I can describe bathroom visits more
  • NewBeginning2010
    NewBeginning2010 Posts: 235 Member
    Omg page 9?!??!? where is my group?? :sad:
  • chipgal
    chipgal Posts: 140 Member
    There have been a few lookers, just no one joining in the posts. Maybe Myth could start another week of challenges.

  • Myth
    Myth Posts: 299 Member
    Well Ladys I am here. Last week was a wierd week. I have had a hard time getting back to the gym this month. SO much going on and I have been tired.

    I had one really wierd day last week where I was getting back in to ... its almost like I am afraid to eat real food so i grab crap here and there and dont anyting with real substance. I think my skin is suffering for it, lots of "blemishes" rofl. The next day was better. I really have to get back in to eating healthy not just crap. I need to plan it helps so much!!!! I hoep this week is better.

    This weekend I kind of blew it food wise but I am of the mind to be getting back to the gym this week, and my sister is moving up here in like 2 weeks and it will give me a little kick in the butt and little more exercising.

    As for a challange I will see what I can come up with :) For myself I need to drink water,lol
  • chipgal
    chipgal Posts: 140 Member
    Hi Myth, Water would be a good challenge to start with. See if we can drink at least the limit on the daily diary.

  • Myth
    Myth Posts: 299 Member
    Official weekly challange - Back to our roots!

    Drink 8 glasses of waer a day. Thats it....well if you exercise try to finish a bottle just for that alone but 8 glasses a day. (Thanks Chip!)
  • NewBeginning2010
    NewBeginning2010 Posts: 235 Member
    Hi ladies. Nice to hear from you. Worked out first time yesterday since October. Took a kickboxing class with ladies from work then we took almost a full classof zumba. Needless to say I am hurting big time today. Everything is sore. But it was nice to get back into the gym. I hope that tomorrows weigh in will be the weigh in that gets me on that 200 or breaks it. I woke up sick today though and am leaving sick today....just when i was bragging about being the only one at work and home not getting sick well thats what i get, it could be wose:grumble:
  • chipgal
    chipgal Posts: 140 Member
    Will strat keeping track of water today.:bigsmile:

    Hope NewBeginigs feels better this weekend.:wink:

    Wher is Eek?:flowerforyou:
  • NewBeginning2010
    NewBeginning2010 Posts: 235 Member
    Well, I had my weigh in today. I lost 3.5 pounds. I stayed at my 1200 i was really strict with myself this week. Sat was my free day. Sun i was over by 37 calories, monday I had 3 calories left. tuesday I was over by 73. Wednesday it said i had 448 extra calories from working out left and thursday i had 12 left.

    Id say the best weigh in iv had since I started. So iv lost a total of 30 pounds since january 1st. So 4 months = 30 pounds. I weighed in at 200 which means hopefully my next weigh in forward i will see no more 2's. I took my first kickboxing class wednesday. First time id worked out since october. I feel like someone drop kicked me and kicked in my ribs and just wouldnt stop kicking me.

    I was going to ask your opinion. The class is an hour long. Clearly I had to stop at times because i was out of breath or lost. It said that just half an hour of kickboxing was 460 calories burned. I didnt want to record that I was there for an hour and cheat myself.

    Here is my question:

    Do you think that if i work out the whole class non stop should i record the hour? what if i stop a few times then what should i record? and im afraid that if i start eating excecise cals will i gain weight?