It 2010 Please Join me Part 2!...My lovely Group!



  • chipgal
    chipgal Posts: 140 Member
    New Beginings, When I go to my water arobic class I watch the clock and when I stop to catch my breath (or prevent drowning) I subtract those minutes from the total hour. I usually end up with 45 or 50 minutes of actual exercise.

    Myth I drank all my water so far this week. I keep a pint jug on my desk and sip at it and refill it 4 times during the day.
  • NewBeginning2010
    NewBeginning2010 Posts: 235 Member
    Hello ladies....Where are all my friends :sad: I miss talking to everyone. I hope everyone is doing well. Well i hit a bunch of big milestones on cinco de mayo. I bought my body bugg which today is my first day i am totally excited. Minus my arm being warm and tingling because of the strap everything is going well i cant wait to see how many calories i burn in a day.

    Also, I know that its not officially my weigh in day, but I weighed in yesterday and had FINALLY :heart: broken my 200 mark and not by a little but by 3 pounds weighing in at 197! woohoo that brings me down to a total of 70 and a total of 33 since January but cant record that til tomorrow.

    Well Now that I got my new high tech piece of equippment, lol i will probably use that to record my food since it tells me a deficit and all and gives me cool graphs but i will still come on here...i hope to hear from you guys soon will check in tomorrow :flowerforyou:
  • chipgal
    chipgal Posts: 140 Member
    New Beginning :bigsmile: Congratulations
  • NewBeginning2010
    NewBeginning2010 Posts: 235 Member
    Thanks Chipgal. How is everyone doing?

    Iv been working out so I am so sore... I hope to hear from everyone soon!
  • chipgal
    chipgal Posts: 140 Member
    Will go to water arobics on Tuesday. I had a great Mother's Day. Hope all of you were treated to a day of peace and quiet.

  • Keltinator
    Keltinator Posts: 265
    Hello again everybody!! No joke, this is the first time since I last posted that I had time to use a computer for things other than typing up papers! I'm so glad to be back... I've got a laptop right now but I don't know if I'm going to have it until I get a new computer, or just for the weekend (it's not mine, it's from my dad's work haha).

    So. I haven't lost any weight, at all. I completely fell off the wagon. I had nobody to hold me accountable for my actions. At first it was having a cookie here and a frap there, and then it was like I had never been counting calories to begin with. The good news is I haven't gone up any, either, I suppose. But still, I know I could have done better... it's killing me.

    But still, even if it's only for the weekend, I will be logging everything I swallow! I just read through all the posts I missed. I'll be sure to get my 8 glasses of water in this week, Myth!

    I hope everyone's been doing well.
  • Keltinator
    Keltinator Posts: 265
    wow, posts really have slowed down!! well I don't care, I'll check in anyways :)

    i've been drinking my water all day! had a field hockey game (tied it) and then went shopping with my mom, for two and a half hours. sooo tired! but it was worth it, found a super cute dress.

    however, tomorrow is monday, which dampens my spirit considerably... oh well.

    hope everyone else has had a decent weekend! :flowerforyou:
  • chipgal
    chipgal Posts: 140 Member
    Glad to see you back eek, is school nearly over for the semester?

    I fell of wagon many times but remember you guys looking for me and I dust myself off then get right back on wagon.

  • Keltinator
    Keltinator Posts: 265
    thanks, chip gal. school's almost over... under 20 days now i think...

    which makes me think of my goal that i don't think i'm going to be able to make to be 130 by the end of july (currently 144). however, you never know. it may still happen. i'll just have to really, really stick to the plan! soo glad i have a computer back. i've noticed a change in my eating habits already!!

    i think i may be more focused now than i was at the beginning even...
  • NewBeginning2010
    NewBeginning2010 Posts: 235 Member
    Hope everyone here is doing well. I have been hanging in there with a little struggling. Hope it gets better. Hope to hear from everyone soon. I was bummed that i had worked out for the first time in 4 months with my new body bugg and stayed on my cals and didnt lose anything :( oh well....
  • Keltinator
    Keltinator Posts: 265
    glad to hear you're hanging in there, newbeginning. what's a body bug??

    band tour is finally here :) i'm off tomorrow until friday. i'm going to try suuuuper hard to stay on track!! hopefully i do well...
  • chipgal
    chipgal Posts: 140 Member
    Hello everyone, today was my dad's 83rd birthday. Bought him his favorite cake and did not eat it all before I delivered it. In fact I servered everyone and did an inside piece with very little frosting for me.

  • Keltinator
    Keltinator Posts: 265
    congrats for your dad, chipgal! good on you for taking an inside piece! i admit my favorite part of a cake is usually the frosting.. .haha.

    so, i'm back from tour. i think i did okay. i did eat more fast food and restaurant food than normal, but it can't really be helped. however, i avoided it a lot by taking foods from the breakfast in the hotel (bread and fruit and such) and eating it for snacks/lunch instead of eating with everyone else at whatever joint we stopped at. i had a really great time...

    i hope everyone else's weekend is going well!
  • Myth
    Myth Posts: 299 Member
    Congrats Thalia on breaking 200!! That is awsome!!!
  • Myth
    Myth Posts: 299 Member

    I had a great mothers day I got me some sparkalies!! :) They were unexpected!! It was a great day spent with my kids and shared the day with my son as well since it was his birthday. My baby turned 7 and I felt 1 year older! lol I hope everyone else had a great day as well. :)
  • Myth
    Myth Posts: 299 Member
    As for the Body bug, I have a heart rate monitor, I used it like crazy when I got it. But I did not log what it said because it said I burned like 450 ina spinning class and I never logged anything above 300 for 1 exercise and 350 if I did 2 things in 1 day. There was a time when I was burnign according to my HRM like 900 a day and umm ya I never logged it,lol. I guess I am saying while it is a good guide btu I would not swear by it. Go with your instinct for sure if you feel you really kicked your own butt try logging it for 1 week and the next lower it some and see which works better for you. :) But I love getting new toys it gets me excited about losing weight again! :)
  • Myth
    Myth Posts: 299 Member
    As for the Body bug, I have a heart rate monitor, I used it like crazy when I got it. But I did not log what it said because it said I burned like 450 ina spinning class and I never logged anything above 300 for 1 exercise and 350 if I did 2 things in 1 day. There was a time when I was burnign according to my HRM like 900 a day and umm ya I never logged it,lol. I guess I am saying while it is a good guide btu I would not swear by it. Go with your instinct for sure if you feel you really kicked your own butt try logging it for 1 week and the next lower it some and see which works better for you. :) But I love getting new toys it gets me excited about losing weight again! :)
  • Myth
    Myth Posts: 299 Member

    good for you on the cake! But most of all HAPPY BIRTHDAY to your dad!
  • Myth
    Myth Posts: 299 Member

    Glad you had a great time! Yes being on the road is always hard! But welcome back to the land of computers,lol. Yes my kids have 13 days left of school but also 1 week left of boyscouts after that then I will be able to sleep in :)
  • Myth
    Myth Posts: 299 Member
    Hello my friends!

    Ok well May has been a busy month, my anniversary, my sons bday, mothers day and My sister moved in on the 7th and my father moved in on the 11th. Them moving in is the reason I have not really been on. We have just been busy busy busy. But it looks like they both might be moving out in July! Which non of us were expecting so soon but hey things just seem to be working out. It is also the first time in my grown up life that I will have family near me to be able to go out with my hubby or anything like that so it will be great. Like I said things have been busy my eating not the best I have been going up and down with in like 2 pounds but I am ok with the that. Stress makes me eat,lol and I have been stress btu I am getting back to the gym and going to try keeping track of my food this week. So I hope to chat with you ladies later this week. :)