It 2010 Please Join me Part 2!...My lovely Group!



  • Myth
    Myth Posts: 299 Member
    hahaha Eek yousaid muffin top! ROFL (psst dont look at mine lol)

    Chip on vacatin and lost that is awsome!

    Well ladys as far as giving things up.. the iced coffee drink I was drinking that i had changed to fat free milk I completley gave up but not on purpose so to speak. lol We are trying to watch our budget and that is totally a luxury item so I just havent bought it,lol. My exercising habbit is just that i am doing it. I keep trying to change it up. Now that school has started for the kids next week I wil be changing one of my cardio a week to a class that is cardio and weights. I will be adding a little toning! yaayy!

    Jaymie hows it going??


    Welcome to our new member :)

    ohh ya I lost 2 more pounds!!!! a total of 16 since January!
  • Keltinator
    Keltinator Posts: 265
    omg myth you are sooo close to your goal!! hooray :)

    i went shopping today, to find some jeans that DON'T give me the muffintop while i work towards the other ones :P . I went to starbucks there and got a tall caramel frap light... and i just logged it. 90 cals! that's compared to what i used to get before this year--a caramel frap with the whip, too. 240 cals I think it was. what a difference! I'm so glad i have stuck with this, even if I'm still a bit far from my goal. At least I know that I'm making good changes that will stick with me forever!

    Hope everyone's doing well!
  • chipgal
    chipgal Posts: 140 Member
    Sorry I've been away so long. Just have not had the chance to write anything. Did Eek find new jeans? How is WW coming Myth?

    I sent a message to New Begging but have not had a reply hope everything is alright.

    Need to start checking in more and started yesterday doing my daily food diary at lunch at work. Also have new app on Droid phone for resturants.

  • Keltinator
    posting's slowed down a bit :(

    yep, I found some pretty awesome jeans. i love them! i've been eating pretty well. school's starting next week, too. i'll appreciate the schedule that school brings to the day. it keeps me busy so i don't feel like eating all the time :bigsmile:

    How's it going, Myth, Jaymie?

    Hope Thalia makes it back on soon :frown:
  • chipgal
    chipgal Posts: 140 Member
    EEk, Myth will probably post more as soon as children start school. Glad to hear you found some jeans for school.

  • Keltinator
    :flowerforyou: Hey guys, how's it going? I'm up to my knees in school stuff, but I'm still doing well! I stick to fruit and nuts for lunch, rather than a peanut butter sandwich (which is what I've been doing my whole life, lol).
    Hope everyone's doing well, too!
  • chipgal
    chipgal Posts: 140 Member
    EEk, I gave up bologna sandwiches for lunch that I had eaten my whole life. Know how hard it is to give up a favorite.

  • Myth
    Myth Posts: 299 Member
    ok Ladies I am here! lol Yes kids are back but this year fortunatley and unfortunatly it looks like I will be needed at school a couple days a week. Darn county and state keep fireing our teacher assistants and teachers. crazy! But I am here and kickin butt! lol I finally hit the goal weight I set 5 LONG *kitten* YEARS AGO! rofl I hit 125.... but I want to do more. But there some changes that I am just amazed at! The way some clothes fit better then before, my jeans seem to big! My jackets (since winter is comming) I tried on a few and was like wow this fits awsome... didnt realize the reason it always fit funny wasnt the cut.. but me.

    Today I was watching some show on tv at the gym (hehe) called Dr. Oz he had this research scientist guy on there who was researching cancer and the effects certain foods have on certain types. He says mother nature is wonderful. Our food natural foood ie - fruit and vegetables etc. provide such wonderous things that it is truley amazing on how they affect our bodies and can provide the things our body needs. He is going to do a huge 1 million people research on how and if theses certain 5 foods affect cancer or certain cancers the way he believes they will. But THAT TRULEY HIT HOME! Ladies this is what we are all here for. To get healthy.... and he just backed it all up. Made me really think and makes me want to try to make better choices and totally eat more natural foods. Well just food for thought and had to share. Hope you are all doing well.

    on a side note, one day I wish could meet you ladies! :)

    Thalia hun you here?
  • chipgal
    chipgal Posts: 140 Member
    Myth, glad to see you back. Are you having to be a teacher? Hope they pay well lol.
    Have not received a response from Thaila, hope all is well.
    EEk, know your busy, keep up when you can.

  • Keltinator
    Hey, guys! Glad to see you back, Myth! And congrats on meeting your goal! Bet you feel fantastic! I totally get what you're saying about the whole natural foods are better for you thing. I think that the way many people eat now is dangerous--that is, eating foods with lots of random chemicals in them... I know that it's pretty unaviodable now to stop eating those types of foods altogether, though. However, yeah, I definitely eat more fruits and such now than I ever did a year ago. I bet I eat more of them in a day now than I did in a week at one point in time. I'm proud of myself. :)

    How's it going, Jaymie?

    Thalia, hope all is well.

  • chipgal
    chipgal Posts: 140 Member
    Hello EEK, Glad you checked in. Know school is eating time. Congratulations on the fruit. (It is cheaper than chemicals as well) I agree with Myth we should get together some holiday and meet in person.

  • Myth
    Myth Posts: 299 Member
    yes chip getting together would be great but our down under friend I think it is Jaymie is the one we would have to work around... is someone in canada to??? lol ok off to get my darn house work done! fun fun

    Oh ya I lost again this week down to 123.8! OMG!!!! New goal by the way is 118 by halloween. WW is haveing a lose for good campaign right nwo and we have to bring in can goods to match the amount of weight we lose every week and they will donate money or food dont remmeber which. so yaayy!!!! It ends Oct 27th for me because I am leaving for my kids first trip to disney this year on the 28th! So I am gonna lose it just to gain it back going to disney ROFL!!!! But I am excited cant wait!

    Keep up the good work ladies... LAst week at ww she talked about a little at a time and basically if u lose just 1 pound a week by halloween you will have lost 7 pounds...... by turkey day you wil have lost 10 pounds!!! That is all it takes ladies.. that shocked me for some reason.... I never imagined I would be here at this weight again never mind the actual chance that I could weigh even less! It also helps to add this way of thinking to the rest of your life. Think of where you are right now compared to where you were this time last year... R u more conscince about what you are eating? Do you feel better about your descicsions? Are you another step closer to something you were not even near last year.... Little steps and goals can go along way!

    ok ill stop preaching now lol xoxoxox
  • chipgal
    chipgal Posts: 140 Member
    Myth, Will keep little steps in mind when I eat and remember what goes in stays on hips.

  • Keltinator
    Congrats (again) Myth!!! And you're spending Halloween in disneyland? That's so cool! By the way, I'm in Canada :flowerforyou: Hmm... I am definitely WAY more concious of what I put in my body now. And I think the biggest difference is that if I slip up mid-day, I make up for it later by eating a bit of a smaller dinner... not just throwing my hands up like OH WELL, I screwed up so now it's over and I should just eat junk for the rest of the day because I suck and can't stick to a diet. Everything in moderation.

    Speaking of Disneyland, I've got quite a year up ahead... my family and I are skipping present-giving at Christmas and are going on a road trip in the states somewhere, in February my soccer team is playing in Vegas, in March I'm going on a trip in Europe with my school for two weeks, and in April, Disneyworld. Oh my gosh... SO MUCH MONEY. I'm going to have a get a damn good paying job somewhere... which is hard for someone young like me :sad:

    Sooo, I plan to be where I want to be, weight wise, by January-ish. Which I can for sure do!

    Hope the weekend has been good for everyone!
  • Myth
    Myth Posts: 299 Member
    Holy crap EEK! That is a lot of traveling! Can I come lol. YOu will have to yell at me IF you come by my way in North Carolina and we can meet up! Europe that is freakin cool! I want to go to Greece! I have been to Hong Kong, but want to do Greece, Vegas, New York. Ok I want to go to alot of places,lol. have been to Niagra falls on Canada side, but hubby has not so I will yell when we come up your way! :) lol Any YES youc an do this chica!
  • Myth
    Myth Posts: 299 Member

    Yes what goes in has a tendancy to stay dang it. And sometimes one thing at a time aint as easy as it appears,lol.
  • chipgal
    chipgal Posts: 140 Member
    Just uploaded the application for MFP on hubbies new droid phone. Maybe it will keep me honest for the weekends when I'm away from the work computer. I'm getting better at traking my food and watching every calorie I put in to tummy. Now I need to figure a way to exercise to get rid of some calories.

  • Myth
    Myth Posts: 299 Member
    chip that is awsome! good luck!
  • chipgal
    chipgal Posts: 140 Member
    Thanks Myth.:bigsmile:
  • Keltinator
    AAaah. I hate how easy it is to keep on track during the week, and then struggling on the weekend.... how is everybody else doing? I consistently stay around 1300, 1400 cals during the week, which is under my goal... but then on the weekend it slips up to 1700... sigh. I think it has to do with the fact that I eat a bit of a bigger breakfast, and dinner on the weekend.

    Myth- Hong Kong! How was it there? I want to go to Japan myself, seeing as I'm pretty good at the language. And I want to go to New York, too! My friend's going next month and I'm soooo jealous. haha.

    Chip- lucky! i wish i had a phone that could do that :( good luck!