Anyone else hate eating out?



  • Graelwyn75
    Graelwyn75 Posts: 4,404 Member
    I enjoy eating out, but I don't enjoy not being able to find the nutritional info for a lot of London restaurants, especially ones serving things like tapas.
  • RyanWilson1993
    RyanWilson1993 Posts: 409 Member
    Nope because I always get on the website and check the nutrition info
  • RECowgill
    RECowgill Posts: 881 Member
    The thing that drives me batty about eating out is sodium. A lot of places will post calories or fat, or brag about being low fat, but they make it worse- they take the fat out and replace it with salt (so that the food has some kind of flavor). A normal human is supposed to have no more than about 2500mg of sodium a day, but the typical American diet is 5-6000+ a day. One meal at a restaurant can easily be 3500mg or more.

    It's not as commonly reported as calories, carbs or fat. Everyone is focused on calories and fat and they aren't thinking about salt. So much of our food is excessively salty. It's just awful.

    I really don't care about calorie counts that much. This is one of the most misleading and least important measurements of nutritional value to be honest.
  • StarTrekkinDelta
    StarTrekkinDelta Posts: 30 Member
    I love to eat out!!! But when I do go out, I have a hard time eating before and after and I exercise more then usual on that day, too. I'm not sure how to calm myself on those days...
  • denezy
    denezy Posts: 573 Member
    What is this thread about?
  • RECowgill
    RECowgill Posts: 881 Member
    What is this thread about?

    The nutritional value of eating women out.
  • KarenJean91
    KarenJean91 Posts: 283 Member
    Me exactly!
  • AnvilHead
    AnvilHead Posts: 18,344 Member
    Nope. It's not hard to estimate most "standard" meals... sauces and things can make it hard, but most restaurants have nutrition information either on their website or upon request. If I know it's going to be a big meal, I may save some extra cals for it, get in a bigger workout that day, or just say the hell with it.

    If I'm not enjoying myself when I eat, what's the point? Mental health is just as important as physical health... I'm not going to drive myself crazy over analyzing every single calorie.

    Additionally... it's 1 meal. If you are focused on long term steady progress (like you should be), 1 meal isn't going to make a difference.
    ^ This, especially the bolded part. I don't fear or obsess over food - trading weight loss for disordered eating isn't a healthy choice. I eat it, enjoy every bite of it, then move on. If I'm over on calories for that day, big deal - it's one day, weight gain/loss doesn't work on a resetting 24-hour clock. If there's lots of sodium and an extra pound or two shows up on the scale, so what? It'll be gone in a day or two. I refuse to let food (or the fear of it) rule my life.
  • mmapags
    mmapags Posts: 8,934 Member
    Nope. It's not hard to estimate most "standard" meals... sauces and things can make it hard, but most restaurants have nutrition information either on their website or upon request. If I know it's going to be a big meal, I may save some extra cals for it, get in a bigger workout that day, or just say the hell with it.

    If I'm not enjoying myself when I eat, what's the point? Mental health is just as important as physical health... I'm not going to drive myself crazy over analyzing every single calorie.

    Additionally... it's 1 meal. If you are focused on long term steady progress (like you should be), 1 meal isn't going to make a difference.
    ^ This, especially the bolded part. I don't fear or obsess over food - trading weight loss for disordered eating isn't a healthy choice. I eat it, enjoy every bite of it, then move on. If I'm over on calories for that day, big deal - it's one day, weight gain/loss doesn't work on a resetting 24-hour clock. If there's lots of sodium and an extra pound or two shows up on the scale, so what? It'll be gone in a day or two. I refuse to let food (or the fear of it) rule my life.
  • CarlieeBear
    CarlieeBear Posts: 325 Member
    I eat out frequently...sometimes 2 or 3 times a week....I have been having food allergy/sensitivities...maybe Celiac, and I feel much better when I go out to eat at my fave corner restaurant...I feel energized, so I keep going, I hate doing dishes and cleaning up, I'm lazy

    plus, everyone that goes with me can pick whatever they want, instead of being stuck with whatever I make...

    My bf and I would cook a lot more if we had someone to clean up after our cooking. As it is, we go out too much. We usually go to the Ihop by the Mall of America, because we know how to eat there and their servers totally rock!

    And, for the record, I've never hear "eating out" used for that...eating, yes, but not eating out.
  • upgetupgetup
    upgetupgetup Posts: 749 Member
    I assume most things I'll get that aren't grilled meat and veg will be between 650 and 1000 calories, as served. (Obviously you don't HAVE to eat the whole thing, but I mean, it's a bit mean.)

    If you're counting, it's easy for even great food to add up. Big bowl of pho? Curries with breads and rice? Stir-fries are great, but consider the sauce, the spring rolls (holy crap spring rolls).. Pastas with anything other than a straight tomato/basil sauce will for sure get at least 600 a plate.

    I eat that stuff anyway, because it's delish, and if I'm paying to have an experience, it's not going to be one I can have at home. But I don't eat at restaurants often. Budgeting calories is the best technique, I think (if you want pho).
  • vanguardfitness
    vanguardfitness Posts: 720 Member
    Hate it mostly. Especially the chain restaurants. Their crap is so bloated with sodium. Not to mention, even if you do go out - do you really think the chef in the back is actually measuring each dish he makes? Guarantee you they are eye balling it all. So even if a place does have calories displayed, you're still probably eating at least 20% more in calories.
  • 300poundsdown
    I have to be extremely careful eating out b/c of the sauces they put on things. Since a lot of things have hidden sugar and I don't eat that, I could easily end up eating something that will set me off and make me crave for days afterwards. So I have a few basic things that most every restaurant will have and I just stay with that in the safe zone. Usually grilled chicken breasts are safe. Salads with dressing on the side are safe usually. I sometimes get a small steak with steamed veggies. And check everything on the website in advance.