Why don't you bench?



  • bdamaster60
    bdamaster60 Posts: 595 Member
    Exactly. The pectorals (being the major and minor) sit under the breast tissue/fat and so unless you get very big are invisible under the breast. My other half being an example of this - muscled but her breast hides any shape of the pectoral which may develop which may be unwanted by a woman.

    they don't want this to happen :laugh:


    Although Dana Linn Bailey has an amazing physique!!

    That didn't happen from JUST benching. Many bulking / cutting cycles where she eats 3000+ plus calories (just guessing) to gain muscle, hypertrophy lifting programs, then cuts down to 12% body fat with a calorie deficit. She looks much more normal with more body fat.


    it was a joke.. hence the laughing face* I have the utmost respect and appreciation for all female bodybuilders and all bodybuilders in general and the mental barriers they have to break to attain a physique truly god-like.
  • jayche
    jayche Posts: 1,128 Member
    I see. So like any pagent it's not about natural development but an artificial reflection of reality?
    Not so sure about that, it's not like her muscles are fake or anything...
  • crazy4lulu
    crazy4lulu Posts: 822 Member
    you need to come visit me at my gym on tuesday mornings. i bench!!! A LOT!!!
  • Velum_cado
    Velum_cado Posts: 1,608 Member
    I work out at home and don't have room for equipment.
  • HealthyBodySickMind
    HealthyBodySickMind Posts: 1,207 Member
    Well, OP, you won't see me bench press. That's because I do it in the privacy of my own home, on the bench I found on CL for $25, with my husband spotting.
  • knk1553
    knk1553 Posts: 438 Member
    I bench, I've benched ever since my high school weight lifting coach said girls should bench because it makes the girls look perkier. It's much cheaper than a breast lift :)
  • mgalsf12
    mgalsf12 Posts: 350 Member
    Because of fitness marketing, women are less likely to lift properly
    I call bulls**t on this too. I have been weight training since the early 70's, bench press with a friend (a woman) spotting me. What I have observed time and time again is that women tend to have better form in the weight room than men, possibly because they have had a trainer at some point. I have also observed however that women don't think they can lift as much as they actually can and men tend to lift more than they actually can. Just my observation.
  • mgalsf12
    mgalsf12 Posts: 350 Member
    Exactly. The pectorals (being the major and minor) sit under the breast tissue/fat and so unless you get very big are invisible under the breast. My other half being an example of this - muscled but her breast hides any shape of the pectoral which may develop which may be unwanted by a woman.

    they don't want this to happen :laugh:

    This will not happen unless you use steroids.

    Although Dana Linn Bailey has an amazing physique!!
  • NikoM5
    NikoM5 Posts: 488 Member
    BTW I don't bench atm due to a AC tear due to SQUATTING. Work that one out LOL

    I get ya. My shoulders are not happy holding the bar in the squat position.
  • Lady_Bane
    Lady_Bane Posts: 720 Member
    I dont use a trainer
  • I hit 115 last week baby!!!!
  • nz_deevaa
    nz_deevaa Posts: 12,209 Member
    Who said I don't bench!?

    I bench! :laugh:

    55kg/125lb x 5. Huzzah!
  • Matt_Wild
    Matt_Wild Posts: 2,673 Member
    BTW I don't bench atm due to a AC tear due to SQUATTING. Work that one out LOL

    I get ya. My shoulders are not happy holding the bar in the squat position.

    Thats the birdy - was doing 260kg box squats and shoulders back and holding bar in position and rip... torn AC. Bugger!
  • contingencyplan
    contingencyplan Posts: 3,639 Member
    BTW I don't bench atm due to a AC tear due to SQUATTING. Work that one out LOL

    I get ya. My shoulders are not happy holding the bar in the squat position.

    Thats the birdy - was doing 260kg box squats and shoulders back and holding bar in position and rip... torn AC. Bugger!

    This is another reason why I prefer sandbag training over barbell training. The different ways you can hold sandbags create much more natural holds for exercises such as squats that don't force any joint to move in unnatural ways.
  • crisanderson27
    crisanderson27 Posts: 5,343 Member
    BTW I don't bench atm due to a AC tear due to SQUATTING. Work that one out LOL

    I get ya. My shoulders are not happy holding the bar in the squat position.

    That's why I'm completely out of the gym. I broke my collar bone (rear side not front). Oddly enough, I lifted through it for MONTHS...which didn't help it heal any...lol.
  • TheFitnessTutor
    TheFitnessTutor Posts: 356 Member
    Because of fitness marketing, women are less likely to lift properly

    This is totally the reason. As someone in the marketing and gym industry for over 18 years... Sure some women do here and there and in some more aggressive cliques, and just because You or YOU or YOU bench doesn't mean that this isn't the reason in general. It's an easy thing to see. Women are marketed to differently.but in general, it's because women are taught to think they should be doing something different then men because they might get big and buff and bulky, so instead hop in some crappy *kitten* machine or do just about anything besides what would generally be considered "weight lifting"
    And for both men and women, most of what I see is complete ignorance in the gym when it comes to "form" or anatomical correctness, this is because trainers and magazines or dvd's or youtube channels don't know or have to know jack crap about it in order to be effective in selling pics, supplements, or the ability to make a muscle burn(getting tired and devoid of glycogen)
  • meerkat70
    meerkat70 Posts: 4,605 Member
    I was actually thinking more above the lines of "chest/shoulders and triceps muscle aren't a glamour muscle" ;). This is why women would rather work out their legs and *kitten*, which i see happening very often.

    I sometimes wonde if people reflect on how ridiculously sexist they sound, before they type....

    There are so many stereotypes contained in this brief sentence, it's hard to know where to start.
  • ang3h
    ang3h Posts: 185 Member
    I don't bench because my form sucks. My shoulder joints end up hurting afterward and I don't think it's worth the potential injury, especially when I get what I need fitness-wise from the various machines at the gyms.. and chin-ups/dips. I know people diss the machines but I forgo free weights in general and I am happy with my results :)

    Also, I go to the gym at night.. partly because I work evenings and it works out better with my schedule and also because I'm not a social person and thus don't want to ask a stranger to spot me.
  • RECowgill
    RECowgill Posts: 881 Member
    I prefer the dumbbell bench press because of the increased difficulty and coordination it requires. It's also safer, easier to drop the weight if something goes wrong. I agree that the barbell has risks, always good to have someone spot you just in case.
  • ilovedeadlifts
    ilovedeadlifts Posts: 2,923 Member
    BTW I don't bench atm due to a AC tear due to SQUATTING. Work that one out LOL

    I get ya. My shoulders are not happy holding the bar in the squat position.

    move your hands out.
    work on resting the bar on your back.
    try a higher bar position.

    I had similar problems with my elbows, I worked on properly setting up my squats, and it got better.