female body; let's take a reality check please



  • Graceious1
    Graceious1 Posts: 716 Member
    Very interesting post Teresa.
  • and don't even get me started on how this pic below is no different (okay. the fake boobs make a small difference) compared to the pictures above of the models. Anorexia is anorexia.
    you can be a fit anorexic person too.
    LOL I never heard of a fit 'anorexic' person.. First of all do you know what anorexic means? Who are you to judge these people as anorexics when in fact you don't have an idea about their nutrition? FYI, bodybuilders and fitness competitors aren't anorexic although they may be very strict on their nutrition during pre-contest and on the show itself BUT off-season they eat normally. Being a PT doesn't qualify you to judge other people.

    Obviously this woman isn't anorexic, not even close.
  • Zangpakto
    Zangpakto Posts: 336 Member
    and don't even get me started on how this pic below is no different (okay. the fake boobs make a small difference) compared to the pictures above of the models. Anorexia is anorexia.
    you can be a fit anorexic person too.
    LOL I never heard of a fit 'anorexic' person.. First of all do you know what anorexic means? Who are you to judge these people as anorexics when in fact you don't have an idea about their nutrition? FYI, bodybuilders and fitness competitors aren't anorexic although they may be very strict on their nutrition during pre-contest and on the show itself BUT off-season they eat normally. Being a PT doesn't qualify you to judge other people.

    Obviously this woman isn't anorexic, not even close.

    Oh snap! I understand now!

    OP isn't trolling, OP just WISHES she looked like this pic here :o She just so sexy isn't she? :D

    *Starts singing gangnum style - HEY SEXY LADY!*
  • Also, Anorexia, or being anorexic doesn't have a " look "
    So yes anyone could have an eating disorder and or anorexia and you wouldn't know because it comes in all shapes and sizes.
    I beg to disagree, being a former EDNOS victim. If you are eating 300 calories a day, working out 7 days a week but still on your ideal weight range then you aren't anorexic. Your condition is instead called EDNOS. My condition was also leaning towards anorexia but because I didn't became skin & bones so I was classified under EDNOS and not anorexia.
  • MsDover
    MsDover Posts: 395 Member
    and yes, as a personal trainer, the only way to get a thigh gap is to become an anorexic, cardioholic, mess which will destroy you

    the only way?

    I have a thigh gap. I did at 130 pounds (I'm 5'1"). It's just the way I'm built. Skinny legs and all!
  • coolraul07
    coolraul07 Posts: 1,606 Member


    According to my husband he would take the one on the far right and would ideally like me to look like that (and interestingly enough I probably will look like that).
    He's not alone. Based strictly on aesthetics, I'd much prefer the one on the right. The one in the middle got it going on too, but the left one does nothing for me. I guess 'paleo-me' wants somebody that know where there's plenty of good twigs and berries! :tongue:
  • Velum_cado
    Velum_cado Posts: 1,608 Member
    **** off.
  • and yes, as a personal trainer, the only way to get a thigh gap is to become an anorexic, cardioholic, mess which will destroy you

    OP are you really sure you're a qualified PT? Coz with the way you describe things, it looks like you lack proper knowledge on many things. You just made us doubt you and question your qualifications.

    I have a thigh gap at 124 lbs. & I'm 5'2 and my workout is concentrated on heavy weight lifting so obviously I'm not a cardioholic. I eat 1700-2300 calories so obviously I'm not anorexic.
  • busywaterbending
    busywaterbending Posts: 844 Member
    if you are a fitness enthusiast and look like this


    then you are not anorexic.

    inbox messaging me hate mail does convey a serious mental instability though.

    Women have curves. No curves is not normal.

    if you are reading into anything else about my OP then you need to take a step back and ask yourself, "why"?

    I am sorry if my english is offensive to you all. spanish is my first language.
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member

    Just further proof that they will give ANYBODY a personal training certificate, regardless of actual knowledge level.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    if you are a fitness enthusiast and look like this


    then you are not anorexic.

    inbox messaging me hate mail does convey a serious mental instability though.

    Women have curves. No curves is not normal.

    if you are reading into anything else about my OP then you need to take a step back and ask yourself, "why"?

    I am sorry if my english is offensive to you all. spanish is my first language.

    Your posts being offensive have nothing to do with English not being your first language. You have expressed yourself very clearly. And those curves in those pics - it's muscle that they have worked very hard at getting i.e. it did not come naturally. Also, how is the lean fit person in you OP anorexic but you are saying the above women are ok? They probably have similar BF percentages.

    I say again, get over yourself and I would suggest you seek help.
  • quirkytizzy
    quirkytizzy Posts: 4,052 Member

    Just further proof that they will give ANYBODY a personal training certificate, regardless of actual knowledge level.

    That picture is so cute. Made my day!
  • newmooon56
    newmooon56 Posts: 347 Member
    I find some of these reactions funny. If you are coming on here to defend not having boobs- or being over weight- Im going on the theory you are defending it because its what you are and you are proud of it? But lets be real- being flat chested has bothered you some time(s) in your life. Being over weight isnt fun either. You're bashing op for pointing out your flaws. She called no one by name but in 2 pages 10 ppl are saying "thanks for saying Im not normal".. wa wa wa... Um- she didnt call YOU out- YOU did.

    Did you actually read the drivel in her post?

    I am completely 'normal' according to the OP. I am not super lean, I have an *kitten*, I have boobs. So it has absolutely nothing to do with what you are accusing people of who are offended and everything to do with body shaming. Your psychoanalysis = fail. And how the eff is being flat chested a flaw - now you are body shaming which is rude and ignorant.

    Haha- I was pointing out what I saw in the reactions- not what I really think of flat chested or over weight ppl. When a person projects their thoughts on to others' words its because THEY are the one with the image (or whatever subject) problem. I said "it must have bothered you" --NOT-- "it bothers me to look at " or some other version of shaming women. So nah- I was just pointing out that not only are some of you feeding the troll- you are feeding it with your own insecurities.
  • Jessica Simpson is a perfect example of this to me. I've never been attracted to her at all till she gained weight from being pregnant. Now she's gorgeous!
  • pkarim
    pkarim Posts: 171
    I almost threw up looking at the picture of that one model ugh
  • if you are a fitness enthusiast and look like this


    then you are not anorexic.

    inbox messaging me hate mail does convey a serious mental instability though.

    Women have curves. No curves is not normal.

    if you are reading into anything else about my OP then you need to take a step back and ask yourself, "why"?

    I am sorry if my english is offensive to you all. spanish is my first language.
    Yo tampoco, pero no es una buena razon para hablar asi. Obviously its your lack of proper knowledge. I was a former EDNOS victim that leaned towards anorexia and let me tell you that anorexia, bulimia or EDNOS has nothing to do with food intake but everything to do with mental and psychological status. And being a former victim, I know the struggles in overcoming this condition. And just by calling out these people as anorexics is just plain wrong.
  • Aleph13
    Aleph13 Posts: 83 Member
    It wasn't offensive to me, I can see what you were saying and I think you did it with the best of intentions. You were encouraging women to be healthy women rather than starve or eat themselves into something unhealthy and 'abnormal'...I totally get it

    I think there are alot of hyper sensitive people in here who aren't quite happy with themselves and you've obviously touched a nerve with them.

    The fact that people are actually sending you hate mail I find ridiculous and slightly disturbing and in my opinion, it says alot more about them than it does about you. You didn't say anything that warranted such a stupid and hateful response
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    I almost threw up looking at the picture of that one model ugh

    Enough of the dramatic posturing. It is uncomfortable to look at and sad to see - but making you want to throw up? Give me a break.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    I find some of these reactions funny. If you are coming on here to defend not having boobs- or being over weight- Im going on the theory you are defending it because its what you are and you are proud of it? But lets be real- being flat chested has bothered you some time(s) in your life. Being over weight isnt fun either. You're bashing op for pointing out your flaws. She called no one by name but in 2 pages 10 ppl are saying "thanks for saying Im not normal".. wa wa wa... Um- she didnt call YOU out- YOU did.

    Did you actually read the drivel in her post?

    I am completely 'normal' according to the OP. I am not super lean, I have an *kitten*, I have boobs. So it has absolutely nothing to do with what you are accusing people of who are offended and everything to do with body shaming. Your psychoanalysis = fail. And how the eff is being flat chested a flaw - now you are body shaming which is rude and ignorant.

    Haha- I was pointing out what I saw in the reactions- not what I really think of flat chested or over weight ppl. When a person projects their thoughts on to others' words its because THEY are the one with the image (or whatever subject) problem. I said "it must have bothered you" --NOT-- "it bothers me to look at " or some other version of shaming women. So nah- I was just pointing out that not only are some of you feeding the troll- you are feeding it with your own insecurities.

    I totally disagree with your gross over generalization - you can empathize with others.....well, some of us can anyway.
  • saschka7
    saschka7 Posts: 577 Member

    Women have curves. No curves is not normal.

    Ummm....no, that is not always the case. Women have differing degrees of curves--some are a lot more curvaceous than others and it's due to genetic makeup, diet and level of exercise.

    This sounds as if you are saying that those of us who are not curvy are not 'real women', and that's why so many people are objecting to your post..it's seriously offensive to those of us who don't have a lot of curves and are perfectly healthy.
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