Why Does Everyone Hate on Jennifer Hudson?



  • Natihilator
    Natihilator Posts: 1,778 Member
    OH & BTW..... Jennifer does not look all that stunning. Photoshop does wonders. She looks old, and more skinny fat than anything.

    And so it begins.
  • shaybuggie
    shaybuggie Posts: 160 Member
    I think British people are probably less likely to have heard of her? I know who she is, but I'm not aware of anyone criticising her. Whenever I've seen an article about her, it's been positive about how good she looks and how much weight she's lost. I'm English though.

    I think so too (the British part of the comment). I think she looks great as well.
  • shaybuggie
    shaybuggie Posts: 160 Member
    OH & BTW..... Jennifer does not look all that stunning. Photoshop does wonders. She looks old, and more skinny fat than anything.

    And so it begins.

  • Tiggerrick
    Tiggerrick Posts: 1,078 Member

    Although Adele was outwardly gracious, friends say she was seething on the inside. She huffed about Jennifer, “The nerve of that woman!” Adele has made it known she’s happy just the way she is – at 165 pounds – and doesn’t intend to diet."
    Why do fat people get upset when you tell them they're fat??? Is it because they did not ask if they were fat or not?
  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member
    Who in the heck is Jennifer Hudson?
    My thoughts exactly.
  • shaybuggie
    shaybuggie Posts: 160 Member
    Well, if the Enquirer is to be believed, this might have something to do with it -

    "The first thing Jennifer Hudson did when she ran into Adele backstage at the Grammys was congratulate her on her impressive haul. The second thing she did was offer weight-loss tips, which annoyed Adele. Hudson, a Weight Watchers spokesperson, pulled Adele aside at the Grammys and offered to be her fat-fighting mentor!

    A source told the Enquirer, “Jennifer congratulated Adele on her six trophies but then added, ‘I used to be heavy just like you and gosh, Weight Watchers saved my life! I can hook you up.’”

    Although Adele was outwardly gracious, friends say she was seething on the inside. She huffed about Jennifer, “The nerve of that woman!” Adele has made it known she’s happy just the way she is – at 165 pounds – and doesn’t intend to diet."

    I think Adele is adorable. I'd be mad if someone congratulated me for one thing, and then in the very next breath tried to solicit my face in a weight loss/money making endevor (if I made any sense just then). I think I'd not like Jenn if she'd done that to me. But I'm not famous enough for her to do any such thing to me.
  • SweetNSassee
    Who in the heck is Jennifer Hudson?

    pretty much speaks for it's self lol no being mean but there aren't many people who care what size she is because she's not a megastar
  • shaybuggie
    shaybuggie Posts: 160 Member
    For the same reason everyone hates on anyone else wanting to improve on themselves. Jealousy?

    I mean, I don't get it. It's usually either

    'Omg, she's so fat! omg unattractive! she should lose weight'

    And then when she loses weight, it's

    "omg, she sold out! she lost weight just because everyone else told her to! omg, so shallow/vain"

    I think people just need to learn when to shut up.

    Lol and that's usually how it happens. *shrugs*
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member

    Although Adele was outwardly gracious, friends say she was seething on the inside. She huffed about Jennifer, “The nerve of that woman!” Adele has made it known she’s happy just the way she is – at 165 pounds – and doesn’t intend to diet."
    Why do fat people get upset when you tell them they're fat??? Is it because they did not ask if they were fat or not?

    I don't think that's it at all. I'd never go up to another overweight person (whether I know them or not) and start throwing stuff about weight loss at them...especially after they just received an achievement award. That's just poor taste. If someone wants to lose weight and are curious about your methods, they'll usually ask.
  • Natihilator
    Natihilator Posts: 1,778 Member

    Although Adele was outwardly gracious, friends say she was seething on the inside. She huffed about Jennifer, “The nerve of that woman!” Adele has made it known she’s happy just the way she is – at 165 pounds – and doesn’t intend to diet."
    Why do fat people get upset when you tell them they're fat??? Is it because they did not ask if they were fat or not?

  • shaybuggie
    shaybuggie Posts: 160 Member

    Although Adele was outwardly gracious, friends say she was seething on the inside. She huffed about Jennifer, “The nerve of that woman!” Adele has made it known she’s happy just the way she is – at 165 pounds – and doesn’t intend to diet."
    Why do fat people get upset when you tell them they're fat??? Is it because they did not ask if they were fat or not?


  • stacibuk
    stacibuk Posts: 276 Member

    I am actually surprised too. Her face is indeed everywhere. These people MUST be blind.



    I live in the UK and I do not watch a lot of mainstream media, sorry, but I am no blind person, just have other interests I guess...I have no idea who she is even after looking at the pic someone posted...I bet I must be a dumbass now for not knowing, eh?!

    I too live in the UK & I know who she is. Also, when I was recently in Africa, people came up to me all the time & told me I was fat. You soon start to develop thick skin and stop being so sensitive.
  • misskellylynne
    Yes yes, she lost all that weight through a program that tells you there are 0 calorie foods out there & you can eat as much of them as you want...... all while keeping her boobs the same size as they were when she was fat.

    Don't hate on her at all, I don't know her nor want to..... but I call bull**** when I see it.

    OH & BTW..... Jennifer does not look all that stunning. Photoshop does wonders. She looks old, and more skinny fat than anything.

    I believe in everyone having their own opinions. However, this comment is completely out of line. On a program that there are zero calorie foods? You obviously, do not know much about the program? It is zero point foods because it is based on a point system NOT a calorie system. The program as well as it's members know there are calories in foods. They make fruits and veggies zero points so you incorporate them in their diet. A cup of broccoli is about 35 calories, and a cup of broccoli isn't a reason anyone became over weight. You should do your research before you knock another program with an untrue comment.

    And I lost 60lbs and my breasts are exactly the same size, just for reference.

    Photoshop does do wonders, but being on national live television shows exactly what you look like, and she looks fantastic. Shame on you for calling someone "skinny fat". She has worked extremely hard, like many others out there. I don't think you would take it to lightly if someone made these comments about you.
  • DawnieB1977
    DawnieB1977 Posts: 4,248 Member

    Although Adele was outwardly gracious, friends say she was seething on the inside. She huffed about Jennifer, “The nerve of that woman!” Adele has made it known she’s happy just the way she is – at 165 pounds – and doesn’t intend to diet."
    Why do fat people get upset when you tell them they're fat??? Is it because they did not ask if they were fat or not?

    I don't think that's it at all. I'd never go up to another overweight person (whether I know them or not) and start throwing stuff about weight loss at them...especially after they just received an achievement award. That's just poor taste. If someone wants to lose weight and are curious about your methods, they'll usually ask.

    Perhaps she's just so happy to have lost weight she assumes everyone else overweight wants to as well? Although really she should've found out first!

    Adele is gorgeous anyway, and she's just had a baby so I imagine she's pretty content and doesn't care what people think of her! 164lbs though? That's what I weigh at the moment and I'm a lot smaller than Adele.
  • YoungDoc2B
    YoungDoc2B Posts: 1,593 Member
    Yes yes, she lost all that weight through a program that tells you there are 0 calorie foods out there & you can eat as much of them as you want...... all while keeping her boobs the same size as they were when she was fat.

    Don't hate on her at all, I don't know her nor want to..... but I call bull**** when I see it.

    OH & BTW..... Jennifer does not look all that stunning. Photoshop does wonders. She looks old, and more skinny fat than anything.

    Is this one of the haters you were talking about,OP?
  • misskellylynne
    Yes yes, she lost all that weight through a program that tells you there are 0 calorie foods out there & you can eat as much of them as you want...... all while keeping her boobs the same size as they were when she was fat.

    Don't hate on her at all, I don't know her nor want to..... but I call bull**** when I see it.

    OH & BTW..... Jennifer does not look all that stunning. Photoshop does wonders. She looks old, and more skinny fat than anything.

    Is this one of the haters you were talking about,OP?

    @youngdoc LOL Amen! :)
  • YoungDoc2B
    YoungDoc2B Posts: 1,593 Member
    Well, if the Enquirer is to be believed, this might have something to do with it -

    "The first thing Jennifer Hudson did when she ran into Adele backstage at the Grammys was congratulate her on her impressive haul. The second thing she did was offer weight-loss tips, which annoyed Adele. Hudson, a Weight Watchers spokesperson, pulled Adele aside at the Grammys and offered to be her fat-fighting mentor!

    A source told the Enquirer, “Jennifer congratulated Adele on her six trophies but then added, ‘I used to be heavy just like you and gosh, Weight Watchers saved my life! I can hook you up.’”

    Although Adele was outwardly gracious, friends say she was seething on the inside. She huffed about Jennifer, “The nerve of that woman!” Adele has made it known she’s happy just the way she is – at 165 pounds – and doesn’t intend to diet."

    1) What Neanderthal would believe anything the National Enquirer has to say?
    2) Adele is no where near 165 lbs
  • AntWrig
    AntWrig Posts: 2,273 Member
    Well, if the Enquirer is to be believed, this might have something to do with it -

    "The first thing Jennifer Hudson did when she ran into Adele backstage at the Grammys was congratulate her on her impressive haul. The second thing she did was offer weight-loss tips, which annoyed Adele. Hudson, a Weight Watchers spokesperson, pulled Adele aside at the Grammys and offered to be her fat-fighting mentor!

    A source told the Enquirer, “Jennifer congratulated Adele on her six trophies but then added, ‘I used to be heavy just like you and gosh, Weight Watchers saved my life! I can hook you up.’”

    Although Adele was outwardly gracious, friends say she was seething on the inside. She huffed about Jennifer, “The nerve of that woman!” Adele has made it known she’s happy just the way she is – at 165 pounds – and doesn’t intend to diet."

    1) What Neanderthal would believe anything the National Enquirer has to say?
    2) Adele is no where near 165 lbs
    I was thinking the same thing. Mind you they also have stories on "Bat Boy" meeting President Obama.
  • Mr_Bad_Example
    Mr_Bad_Example Posts: 2,403 Member
    Well, if the Enquirer is to be believed, this might have something to do with it -

    "The first thing Jennifer Hudson did when she ran into Adele backstage at the Grammys was congratulate her on her impressive haul. The second thing she did was offer weight-loss tips, which annoyed Adele. Hudson, a Weight Watchers spokesperson, pulled Adele aside at the Grammys and offered to be her fat-fighting mentor!

    A source told the Enquirer, “Jennifer congratulated Adele on her six trophies but then added, ‘I used to be heavy just like you and gosh, Weight Watchers saved my life! I can hook you up.’”

    Although Adele was outwardly gracious, friends say she was seething on the inside. She huffed about Jennifer, “The nerve of that woman!” Adele has made it known she’s happy just the way she is – at 165 pounds – and doesn’t intend to diet."

    1) What Neanderthal would believe anything the National Enquirer has to say?
    2) Adele is no where near 165 lbs

    Based on the topic of this post, it seems like the Enquirer would fit right in.
  • shaybuggie
    shaybuggie Posts: 160 Member
    Yes yes, she lost all that weight through a program that tells you there are 0 calorie foods out there & you can eat as much of them as you want...... all while keeping her boobs the same size as they were when she was fat.

    Don't hate on her at all, I don't know her nor want to..... but I call bull**** when I see it.

    OH & BTW..... Jennifer does not look all that stunning. Photoshop does wonders. She looks old, and more skinny fat than anything.

    I believe in everyone having their own opinions. However, this comment is completely out of line. On a program that there are zero calorie foods? You obviously, do not know much about the program? It is zero point foods because it is based on a point system NOT a calorie system. The program as well as it's members know there are calories in foods. They make fruits and veggies zero points so you incorporate them in their diet. A cup of broccoli is about 35 calories, and a cup of broccoli isn't a reason anyone became over weight. You should do your research before you knock another program with an untrue comment.

    And I lost 60lbs and my breasts are exactly the same size, just for reference.

    Photoshop does do wonders, but being on national live television shows exactly what you look like, and she looks fantastic. Shame on you for calling someone "skinny fat". She has worked extremely hard, like many others out there. I don't think you would take it to lightly if someone made these comments about you.

    BOOM! Well said!