how much is your Christmas weight gain



  • ChaseAlder
    ChaseAlder Posts: 804 Member
    October: 151lbs
    Current: 157lbs.

    I injured my knee on October 10th and have been sidelined from running ever since. I managed to maintain my weight for several weeks but after Thanksgiving, it just went downhill. I recently started cross-training with the goal of maintaining my cardiovascular strength and muscular endurance until I can get back on the road. Hopefully, with holiday food in my past, clean food in my fridge, and Crossfit on my schedule, I can lose about 7lbs in the next month or so and get back into my uniform pants. Haha.
  • KristyHumphrey
    KristyHumphrey Posts: 248 Member
    Not sure! Haven't weighted myself yet-I'm afraid too. Been overeating and drinking my share for sure. yesterday I at least started back with exercising and logging again but I still went over my cals. Will try to at least break even today!
  • mem50
    mem50 Posts: 1,384 Member
    So far......3.5 lbs. Off work for a week and not getting my normal exercise.

    Really hoping it is just water gain and will go away quickly but don't think I am that lucky. Sigh.
  • onyxgirl17
    onyxgirl17 Posts: 1,721 Member
    not sure if christmas weight gain or TOM weight gain but like 1 pound. I definitely didn't eat that much though I'm sure it's just water weight.
  • dnscal123
    dnscal123 Posts: 46 Member
    3 lbs I'm back on the plan but worried about new years
  • nokittyno
    nokittyno Posts: 293 Member
    Well it was about 4 pounds, down 2, so 2 i'd say, 4 in total.
  • skm4jc
    skm4jc Posts: 62 Member
    I plead the 5th :-X
  • FitBeto
    FitBeto Posts: 2,121 Member
    I no gain wait plaze halp
  • QuietRain
    Lost 1.4lbs.
    Combination of a cold (not much in the way of exercise) and sticking to my portions on Christmas (though I went over on a few macros).
  • bpjones2000
    bpjones2000 Posts: 10 Member
    On 12/26/12 I was up 5lbs. 12/27/12 I was down 2lbs. 12/28/12 I was down 1lb. So in total- up 2lbs. I feel like I lost a weeks worth of progress.
  • dizy17
    dizy17 Posts: 236 Member
    i gained 2 lbs but i hit the gym hard yesterday and plan to make up for it.
  • sapf
    sapf Posts: 146 Member
    I've gained 4lb after eating what I wanted and not exercising for the past week.! Really annoyed at myself, but it's my own fault for dragging out the christmas excuse. Back on the wagon today though!

    Thank goodness it's not just me. Having read a few of the posts on this thread I was beginning to feel dreadfully weak and feeble. I put on about 4lb and will be working to drop it again over the next couple of weeks.
    Still got New Year and some yummy food in the house to get through though!

    Same here -- about 4 lbs =( Pretty sucky but I knew that I was eating way too much!
  • ser0630
    ser0630 Posts: 223
    I gained 6 pounds, but this is over the past month.

    I started going back to the gym Wednesday.
  • gauchogirl
    gauchogirl Posts: 467 Member
    As of this morning I'm sitting at only 0.4 lbs up from Dec. 1. I did have food poisoning for about 24 hours on Christmas day though, for what it's worth. I am one of those people who always fluctuates up or down 4-8 lbs over the course of a week, but I'm in the same ballpark as the beginning of the month. No loss, but no real gain. I take that as a win for this time of year.
  • nillapup
    nillapup Posts: 204 Member
    I gained 3 pounds.... not sweating it... yet!
  • onyxgirl17
    onyxgirl17 Posts: 1,721 Member
    since the beginning of the month I'm down a few pounds though.
  • wonderstruck91
    wonderstruck91 Posts: 107 Member
    Gained 5lbs in 2 days, lost them in 2 days. I think it was water weight(:
  • LockStockNSam
    LockStockNSam Posts: 30 Member
    I actually lost a pound, took care to log everything every day and stayed under my calorie goals, remained accountable, worked out/exercised where possible...but most of all, I didn't sweat it either way :) I still indulged in treats, that's for sure (mm, cake)! But I did limit all of my portions. I also don't eat pork or beef and I don't drink, and my home Xmas party was completely vegetarian. As well, every party I went to I brought fruit for 'everyone' (read: me) and filled up on that instead. Don't worry, everyone! We all know it's not permanent and we are going to work hard :)
  • nexangelus
    nexangelus Posts: 2,080 Member
    Zero gain, lost 2 lbs....
  • bgelliott
    bgelliott Posts: 610 Member
    No gain or loss :-)