

  • suebdew
    suebdew Posts: 1,330 Member
    Ohiomomof2 =NSV for eating healthy at KFC!
    Kate – awwwww. We missed you and are sending you a virtual rainbow cloak.
    Joy – What a laugh I got thinking of the 1000 g (that sounds really big) box of chocolates outside your door. Enjoy Rome, one of my favorite places.
    Lori – great visual to remind us what we shouldn’t and should eat.

    M – just heard of tahini on Dr. Oz the other day. Didn’t see it in the grocery store.
    Meg – if postage wasn’t so expensive I’d send you some. Talked to some people who are coming to shake the trees. Wish they had done that a month ago.

    Mary – welcome once you post you’re subscribed! Come back often and chat with us.
    Cheryl, so sorry to hear about the young man’s death. It is depressing to have a young life taken too soon. I had a nephew who committed suicide and the hurt is still there.
    Took a long walk this afternoon and got really hot. Guess I wore too many clothes. It's late so I'll just say, Thanks to all of you for all the great posts. Love my Vit F.

    Sue in TX
  • ohiomomof2
    ohiomomof2 Posts: 78 Member
    Good evening, all! I hope you all had a good and productive Tuesday-goodnews day (love that!).

    wessecg - my heart goes out to you and your entire community. The death of a young person is always so heartbreaking and made worse when it seems so unavoidable. Like you, I have memories of many situations I and my friends were lucky to survive in our teen and early adult years and I also worry that my young adult DDs may find themselves in similar spots. We can only talk to our kids, honestly and often, about the choices they make and then pray a LOT!

    suebdew - II see that you are in Texas? What part of the state are you in? I grew up in South Texas and then my whole family migrated to Central Texas plus my 19yo DD is in school in the north end of the state. I get back a couple of times a year but still miss it.

    Katla - one Olive Garden suggestion.... I ate there last weekend and also scoured their online menu beforehand. I ended up ordering the Linguini alla Marinara and added grilled shrimp. Super yummy and not too heavy on the calories or the fat grams.

    Centra Ohio where it is COLD!
  • mwheatcraft54
    mwheatcraft54 Posts: 235 Member
    Oh, Cheryl - I'm so sorry to hear this. It breaks my heart. Peace and blessings and healing to your family and his.
  • mwheatcraft54
    mwheatcraft54 Posts: 235 Member
    Meg, I took the cake recipe from here: http://foodiewife-kitchen.blogspot.com/2010/01/guilt-free-german-chocolate-cake-that.html

    My recommendation: make the cake exactly as directed BUT be sure to use a scant amount of flour, cake flour if you have it, use Greek yogurt instead of the lite sour cream, and if the batter seems very thick use a little more water/yogurt (tablespoon of each at a time) until cake-batter consistency. Make the frosting exactly as directed but maybe make a little extra as you'll be licking the pan :smile:. I forget if it said an 8" or 9" pan - I used 9" and it was very thin, will probably use 8" next time. It cooks super fast, so watch it.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,980 Member
    :flowerforyou: Jake is feeling better so he was able to go to the bank with me today to deal with a problem (problem solved)...later he walked the dogs and then again after supper so I didn't get as many steps but he got some evidence that health is returning.

    :flowerforyou: I read all your posts, thank you for being in my life :heart: now I'm headed for bed because tomorrow is my full day of dog walking in the morning followed by line dance class followed by teaching line dance probably followed by more dog walking and a ride on the stationery recumbent bike.:bigsmile:

    :heart: Barbie from NW Washington where even in the fog we can see that the days are getting longer:bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    Cheryl, so sorry:cry: that is very sad for a young life. Bad enough at any age, but so young is heartbreaking.

    :heart: :heart:
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,391 Member
    mouth - that was just wonderful! And so very true. I just never thought of the letter standing for something, but it works. Thanks for posting this

    Lila - does your cat also like to watch the mouse move on the screen? Ours finds it very interesting

    Did 50 minutes of Denise Austin's Boot camp DVD today, then went to WalMart and got a DVD of Jillian Michaels Killer Buns and Thighs, I'll probably try that next week. Tomorrow I'll go do yoga and then take the deep water class. I also need to pay for my CPR recertification. The guy was telling me that they have a class for the lifeguards, I honestly don't need that much info. But he said that I could take the test online and then do the compressions, etc with him.

    Julie - that's great for a start. You can only go upwards from here. Don't feel badly about doing your pushups on your knees. I've been exercising for quite a few years and I STILL do them on my knees. Mainly because I'm so afraid that if I do them on my toes (do quite a few, one or two I'm OK with) that I'll start to use improper form

    Sunshine - is there someplace you can go where you can get a hot shower? Maybe the Y? That's where I went when we didn't have water and I really wanted a shower and to wash my hair.

    Cheryl - FIL was from Doe Run, MO. He remembered when the town got electricity!

    Laurie - whenever someone asks me if I want to join the choir at church, I just tell them that if they need to get everyone out of the church in record time, alls they need to do is have me sing.....lol

    Rebel - yea for you doing those jackets up! WTG Girl

    Glenda - I just don't know if I'd like being out in the cold. But then again, I used to not mind it at all, so maybe I wouldn't. I would like to try the acquatic version of zumba, if it was at a decent time.

    Left the house early today to go to the health food store. Looked for wheat bran, they have it and, honestly, I was surprised how inexpensive it was. Only 99cents a pound for organic. Then played mahjongg, didn't maj even once, then went and bought Vince his two doughnuts. He'll be sad that I won't be going to mahjongg Friday since that is the day of the Newcomer board meeting. I have a feeling that this one gal who usually reserves the room wasn't there last month and by the time she could reserve it, it was already taken. So I've email her asking if she'd like, if she's not there and I am, would she like for me to reserve the room?

    M - yes, please share that recipe for the cake!

    sunshine - I find that I need to plan out my exercise at least for the following week otherwise the "oh, why bother" mentality sets in. But if I know what I'm going to do, I usually can get ready for it the night before.

    Mary - you couldn't have found a more supportive bunch of ladies if you'd tried. Welcome!

    Hope everyone has a great evening.

    Michele in NC
  • ohiomomof2
    ohiomomof2 Posts: 78 Member
    I feel so stupid saying this but I am really struggling getting to 1200 calories every day. I've spent the last couple of weeks transitioning from pretty unhealthy eating habits towards a diet (and I use that word in a good way) that is much more centered around veggies and fruit. I'm still eating meat but less than before, still eating dairy but trying to make good choices, etc.

    I'm still a work in progress but I have really tried to eliminate empty calories from my daily life. As a result, I find myself at the end of the day having eaten my fill but only having consumed around 1,000 calories or even a little less. And that's after I've had a couple of pieces of extra fruit. I've lost about 5 pounds since I made these changes but I really am afraid that my body will just adjust and I'll stop losing.

    I'm exercising more so that should help some. I'm just trying to decide if I need to be pushing myself to get to 1200?
  • texasgal22
    texasgal22 Posts: 407 Member
    bump :bigsmile:
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Bump. ;-)
  • sunshine61250
    sunshine61250 Posts: 68 Member
    Today is a cleaning day for me. Since the landlord will be in and out of the house while we are gone I've decided to really clean out my walk-in closets. They are full of clothes of all sizes that I've ever been so I'm cleaning them out. Anything that is too big is going to the Salvation Army (did you know they have these in Norway?) then I'm going to organize the rest of it by size. Not that I really think my landlords will go through my closets but you just never know. :grumble:

    jodymaryk - welcome! I just stared here too. This is such a great bunch of ladies and I'm learning so much for them. Nice to meet you!

    Katla49 - what is NSV? There is an apricot chicken on the light meal at Olive Garden that I LOVE. Enjoy!

    DeeDee2211 - Hubby said the guys did not eat it all last night but I don't see it in the house. I sure hope he left it there. I'm really blessed to be able to travel with my husband so much. His work pays for the his flight, hotels, meals and a per diem that more than covers my flight and meals (we eat cheap). I really need it right now, it's been so dark here in Norway, I'm ready for some all day sun!

    wessecg - {{{{{{{{{{{{{HUGS}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}} I'm so sorry. I hope things get better for you.

    suebdew - not sure if I can show links on here but if so, check this one out: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10200225204703877&set=pcb.10200225205183889&type=1&theater I had posted that I thought my son was in cahoots with my landlady and showed the picture on my facebook page. He came back saying he was glad it arrived and was wondering if my gallon of Cherry Garcia had shown up too. LOL 1000 grams is a LOT of chocolate.

    exermom - we don't have Y's here in Norway. Our neighbors are letting us use their showers though. Thanks for thinking about me.

    ohiomom2 - I'm sure these loving ladies have ideas for getting more calories but I thought I would give you what works for me. I put in all of the food I'm planning on having in the morning so I know how much more calories I need to have. If I show I'm going to be way down I'll add olive oil to my meat that I'm cooking instead of Pam or the other day we were having steamed asparagus and baby tomatoes - I need extra calories so I melted some feta cheese on top right at the end. Hubby LOVED it. And wine at the end of the night helps out too. :)
  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Good morning ladies from a much less snowy London (thank goodness!)

    I haven't had chance to post much the last few days, just been on to log etc.

    Our Australian friend has now left us to go home for some warmth. We did think that his flight might have been cancelled due to the snow at Heathrow, but it was only delayed for 15 minutes. We miss him already. I hate goodbyes. My eyes are tearing up even now.

    The good thing is, DH and I now have our house back to ourselves and I can start getting some more exercise in my gym. My back and knee are still painful and it has been scary walking in the snow, but one must persevere.

    I should also finish my mega antibiotics this weekend and will be able to start eating normally again. Following a low fibre diet has been diabolical for me! As a vegetarian, I have really missed my veggies and pulses. My stomach still feels bloated too. Yucky.

    I apologise that I haven't been able to reply individually to people - but I must get some work done (I'm doing an eleven day week - not off until next Wednesday).

    Love and hugs to you all.
    Amanda x
  • lizmil79
    lizmil79 Posts: 566 Member
    Yuk its 3:36 am should be a sleep right now the alarm will be going off at 5 but I have been awake since 2:40.
    Not good: makes for a very long day.:angry:

    @sunshine -- I ama weird but I like cleaning day going through the closets plus general cleaning. I get to plan my attack go I .splurge put things back in order. Than step back and enjoy the fruits of my hard work. -- I like the way you handle making sure you have enough calories too. :smile:

    @ wessecg -- so sorry to hear about that so hard to loose anyone but specially someone young.

    Hang in there Hugs! :flowerforyou:

    @Michele. - I have been finding I need to plan out my workouts in advance it really helps me to stay on track too.

    @M. Please share the cake recipe.

    @Dee you sure sound busy hope things settle down for you. Whenever I go out to a new restaurant I try to
    To go on line to check the menu out and plan accordingly.

    @Meg -- thanks DH is feeling better today.

    Well that it a little sleepy now so going to try to grab a hour nap.

    Wishing you all a wonderful day.

    Liz Caldwell, Idaho
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good morning beautiful ladies:flowerforyou:

    Today they come to dig up my yard and find the water leak, the high for today is only supposed to be around 38 degrees:noway: ! It`s 21 degrees right now....brrrr! I may just have to break down and walk on the dreadmill today:sad: , I much prefer to be outside! I`m sure Noel will not want to stay out very long in this cold either!
    Someone asked about NSV, means non scale victory...like your pants are fitting better, or your jackets zip up, anything that doesn`t have anything to do with the numbers on the scale!

    Liz:smile: Oh my, you are up early:grumble: ! Hope you got to go back to bed and got a little more sleep!

    Joy:smile: I really need to go through my closets too:frown: , they are such a mess right now. I`ve got all kind of sizes all thrown together and here lately I`ve had a hard time finding anything I want to wear, I would love to go shopping but I have no room to put anything else until I clean it out! Just have to find the time to do it! Glad you have nice neighbors, cold showers:noway: , brrrr!!!

    Barbie:smile: Hope you had a nice restful evening before your busy day today! Glad Jake is on the mend!!!

    Amanda:smile: I bet you`re glad the antibiotics are almost over! I just started on some, I have a sinus infection. They always make my stomach feel icky! I know you`re glad to have your house back to normal:bigsmile: , but miss your friend too:sad: ! Be careful with your back and knee!

    Got to run and get a walk in, then get a shower before they turn my water off!

    Have a great day ladies!!! Drink your water:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: and log your food!

    DeeDee In cold but sunny NC (I keep forgetting to post where I`m from:tongue: )
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Susnhine61250: An NSV is a non-scale victory. Example, smaller clothes size, compliment from someone who doesn’t know you’re dieting, etc. My best NSV is that my knees are getting better. The right one is now pain free. The left one is stronger and less painful. My whole journey here started because knee pain was keeping me from being active and doing things I wanted to do. Now that I'm retired I want to have fun. I was researching online and kept hitting comments like-common problem in overweight women. I had an aha, and realized I was too heavy for my own knees. I decided I had to lose weight and wondered if there was an app for that. The rest is history, as they say.:bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    Amanda x: What is a pulse? I feel like I should know that term, but I can't think of anything other than a heartbeat or burst of energy. A person doesn't eat either of those. I'd look it up in the dictionary, but I have hopes that you'll tell something about your favorites and how they're prepared.:wink:

    Liz-Caldwell,ID: My DH is from Nyssa, and his sister still lives there so we visit from time to time. My cousins have adult kids who live in Caldwell with their two little girls. We pass through the general area on our way to see our daughter in CO a couple of times a year. It seems like it would be a good place to live.:smile:

    I appreciate all of the good Olive Garden tips. :smile: I've been studying the menu and may take my calories sheets with me.

    Thanks for all the great Vitamin F!:heart::heart:

    Katla in NW Oregon
  • tammytylerjones
    tammytylerjones Posts: 109 Member
    Good Morning everyone! I am so surprised how much I love reading this board and getting to know everyone from such a distance... It's cold again here, but so refreshing. I took the little dog for a walk and it was brisk and pleasant... the key is that there is no wind! After 3 years in Chicago... we know cold... Love these southern states.

    DeeDee... I am sure you're brisk as well. We had a water leak a few years ago and it was a mess. Hope your detection and repair team do a better job than ours!

    Jody .... Welcome! I am sure you will become addicted to this page as well! I love feeling like I'm held accountable here... plus it really is harder to lose weight/be healthier after 50 no doubt.

    Cheryl... How very sad for your community to lose to young souls. Prayers for you all.

    Sunshine... I have done the 1st day twice and really like it. It's short but intense. She does use some hand weights, but you could certainly do the weight part without using weights. Good luck! and have a great trip to Rome... I love Rome....

    Have a great day everyone!
  • emtjab
    emtjab Posts: 26 Member
    Well, another cold day here in the frozen upper midwest! but getting warmer. Wish we got Chinook winds here! lol

    Someone mentioned that it's hard for her to keep her calories under 1200/day. While I sympathize with that...I don't have that problem. I have trouble keeping my carbs down (my mom is diabetic and I'm so incredibly like her that I figure I better watch them now)....so it's lean meats and vegetables for me....and no chocolate or pancakes (love both).

    But even with keeping the calories under 1200 and eating everything right...lots of water....and doing some mild strengthening exercises and using the treadmill 3 x a week, i still GAINED a pound...what the heck???!!!

    I feel better....i think the gluten and me do NOT agree. so there is a lot less heartburn, etc. and my energy level is good. just no progress in the past 2 weeks. this is not acceptable! and I'm just starting. it's not like i plateau'd....I haven't lost to begin with!!! just 3 stinking pounds so far is all....and I have over 40 to go!

    Argggghhh! anyone else have this happen? (sorry whining here today!).....

    (((Hugs Wess))))......i know how hard it hits you when someone young loses their life because of a few moments of stupidity or in experience in life. it's just sad that sometimes the young person lives through it and the next one does not. I've worked on an ambulance for 27 years.....i've seen my fair share of young lives lost....and I remember all of them...and then you think of your own kids and worry about them....heck, i still worry about my kids when i see stuff like that...and they're in their 30s'... I guess it's what makes us human. Hugs....

  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    :flowerforyou: It's Wednesday Lovely Ladies:flowerforyou:

    Cheryl- so sorry for the loss of that young man. It's always harder when they are young:cry:

    I only had time to skim the posts since yesterday as I have a list of things that must get done, the boss even left a post it on my computer of what he needs first thing...just wondering when I get to jump off of the I'm too busy treadmill:huh:

    Today's weigh in and I'm down another .6 for which I'm thankful. Taking a year to lose the #6 is okay if you have patience which I don't think I do, I'd rather get to my goal and work on maintenance again. Playing with the calories and my workouts to get the right balance is where I want to be:bigsmile: and I'm sure it's just right around the corner.

    I had best get moving. Everyone have a GREAT day logging it all.....that exercise, the water you drink and the food you eat:drinker:

    Laura 80111 in Colorado:smile:
  • jodymaryk
    jodymaryk Posts: 10 Member
    Good Morning! Thank you to everyone for your friendly greetings and welcoming me with open arms! I am going to try to keep up with this and get to know everyone! I love how supportive you all are to each other! How do you manage to keep up with everyone and respond? Take notes as you read? One other question, what does the 'bump' do? I have just been reading the posts then going to the last post to post my response? Is there a better way to navigate it? Sorry if I sound a bit technically challenged but I can be at times!

    To Cheryl (wess?), I am so, so sorry about the young man and woman in your neighborhood. That is so sad. It breaks my heart when young people don't feel they have anything to live for. My thoughts and prayers go out to your whole neighborhood.

    I had a really hard day yesterday, tired, lethargic, hungry and cold. I think part of it might be due to the fog that has been hanging around the Seattle areas for day!! I need to see the sky! I have never thought I suffered from SAD but now that I am 50, maybe I do. It was a battle all day not to dive into something sweet and comforting but I managed to control myself and was rewarded with a drop on the scale this morning! I worked late, almost 8pm, got home, had some leftovers and went to bed. I put the heating pad down by my feet and it was lovely! Why didn't I think of that before!

    I am off this morning to meet the owner of my Zumba studio, Lori and some other women for Lori's New Year/New You 8 week challenge toning class. She is tough! Going to be lots of lunges, squats, leg lifts and crunches! Got get it in! :)

    I also just started a huge crockpot full of pinto beans to have and freeze. My hubby and I usually travel to Mexico at least once and sometimes twice a year and I LOVE Mexican food but make most of it myself to keep it healthier. I would be happy eating beans and rice everday! Lol!

    Anyway, looking forward to getting to know a lot of you and I will try and keep up here! Thank you again for your support! I hope you all have a wonderful day!

    Mary, Renton, WA
  • mouth5667
    For those of you who were interested in my hummus/vegi wrap, it is really quite simple! I discovered several weeks ago a tortilla from LaTortilla Factory called Smart & Delicious. It is a high fiber (7 g), low carb (10 g) whole wheat tortilla and it only has 50 calories per tortilla. I take 1 of those, spread about 2 tablespoons of hummus (I especially like Sabra brand's Greek Olive) on it, add cucumber, bell pepper, onion, lettuce, and tomato. Roll it up and you have lunch. I can have 2 and still be under 300 calories. And, at least for me, it sticks with me! I have also included mushrooms, olives, and broccoli at times.

    Also, I taught my first "class" last night at my church. It was a cook once, eat 5 times type class. It took about 2 hours for everyone to put their meals and 1 side dish together but they all left with 5 meals for their freezers and a side of twice baked potatoes. If anyone has ever done anything like this and has some freezer meals they would like to share I would be very interested because all the ladies said they would like to do it again! I have 2 more "classes" this week. (Same menu just different people) People really look at you funny when you have 150 cans of soup in your shopping cart, not to mention all the tomato sauce and V-8 juice! :laugh:

    I too was sorry to hear of the young man that died. Death is never easy, even when we are "prepared" for it, but young and sudden, that's the worst!

    I guess I better get off of here, I have an appointment for a massage in about an hour and a half and DO NOT want to miss it!! It is a treat that I don't often do and I am so ready!

    Enjoy your day and in keeping with the running theme: DRINK THAT WATER!

    Lori H.

    PS WESSECG: I know where Gravois Mills is!